A free tool for you to customize your Win2000/XP system
Let you experience Glass Forms with blur effect on Windows XP
*Works without any other tools , such as WindowBlinds , StyleXP ...
*It is portable. You don't need to install any thing or uninstall anything.
*Visit : FastAero.wordpress.com for any new updates.
Build 0751:
*The blur effect can be enabled now on every machine.
*If the length of the titlebar caption is too long , it will be replace with "...".
*Improved the lighting effect performance.
*Fixed some small bugs.
*The blur is turned off in the default setting. (You can run FastAeroConfig.exe to turn on it)
Build 0750:
*Use new fast blur algorithm. (Use software emulation , but use low cpu resource)
*Support 32-bit PNG images.
*Fixed button glow problems.
*Fixed some problems in the window message filter.
+ It may fixed the access violation problem.
*Fixed some problems with Opera browser ,...etc.
*Fixed min/max/close buttons error.
*Add titlebar text glow
*Add edge transparency without blur. (Use hardware acceleration , depend on displaycard)
+ Just like WindowBlinds 5
*Add Dynamic lighting effect.
*Use high quality glass skin.
Build 0700:
*Some performance&stability improvement
*Fixed some access violation problems.
*Fixed the window edge error problem.
*Add TrayIcon. Now you can minimized FastAero into the system tray.
Discussion: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=14079
Info: http://www.windowsxlive.net/?page_id=1190
Download: FastAero Build 0751
Mirrors: FastAero Build 0751 Mirror
Old Version
Universal UXTheme Patcher 2.1
The Universal UXTheme Patcher patches the uxtheme.dll file, which will allow you to use 3rd party (non-Microsoft created) visual styles in Windows.
This utility supports all Windows XP+ based Operating Systems. This includes Media Center Edition, Tablet PC Edition, Server 2003 (all variations), XP Home and Pro and has full 64-bit (x64) support. The tool is only 66.5kb, takes about 1 second to patch the system, avoids Windows File Protection and only requires a restart for the patched file to go into effect.
Patched uxtheme.dll's: http://www.anti-tgtsoft.com/repository/
WinFlip 0.421 Debug

Homepage: http://winflip.stylekings.de/
Do you have problems with Paint.NET or Outlook 2007 while using WinFlip 0.42?
Then please go ahead and download: WinFlip0421Debug.zip - Mirror
Replace your WinFlip.exe with the one included in the zip file.
This should solve your problems for now and the bug will be fixed in the next release.
TrueTransparency v9 Latest Build from Nov 15. 2007

TrueTransparency is freeware that changes the windows border and add png support true transparency
Homepage: http://www.joejoe.org/forum/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=67#
Download (299.39 KB): truetransparency.zip
old Version: truetransparency-crystalxp.net-en-5139
Vista Welcome Center for XP
A Vista styled welcome center, for xp.
Download (1.74 MB): Vista_welcome_Center.zip
Visual Tooltip
Visual Tooltip makes it possible to post a miniature of the windows by putting the cursor of the mouse on the buttons of the bar of the tasks:
The miniatures can be to move anywhere on the desk:
It is possible to make ravel the contents of the window with the caster of the mouse
And also to type directly with the keyboard, on the miniature.
Homepage: http://chsalmon.club.fr/index.php?en
Download Version 1.22 (391.28 KB): visualtooltip22.zip
VSE Vista Start menu Emulator for WinXP v3.1.1.2
Download (308.92 KB): VSE3112.zip
Vista Drive Status for XP
A well-known application in the customization scene, that will change your status drive. The "Vista Drive Status for XP" has been added to many customization packs, as it brings you closer to the real Windows Vista look.
Download (437.14 KB): Drive_Status.rar
Glass Toasts 1.1

GlassToasts replaces the "ugly" WindowsXP/Vista style balloon notifications with the Beta 1 style glassy toasts.
Launch the application and use Start to start its functionality and Stop to stop its functionality. You can use Hide to hide the dialog.
The application knows a couple of commandline switches:
"-auto" will start the glass toasts directly without showing a dialog.
"-show" will show the dialog of a previously started GlassToast.exe
"-stop" will stop a previously started GlassToast.exe procedure. The application remains active
"-kill" will stop all previously started GlassToast.exe and unload them from memory.
Read More
Download (349.84 KB): glasstoast.zip
QT TabBar
1) Extract zip file and execute 'QTTabBar.exe'.
* Required to have more than Power User authority to install.
* You can do the same even if you have an older version installed.
* When you failed to install...
On XP, make sure Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 or 3.0 is properly installed on your machine.
You can get Microsoft .NET framework 3.0 from Windows Update or download from here( www.microsoft.com ) and install.
2) After relogon to Windows, open folder, and right click on toolbar. Check 'QT TabBar'. 'QT Tab Standard Buttons' if you like.
* Uncheck 'Lock The Toolbars' in the right-click menu on the toolbar of explorer, to move QTTabBar.
* First time you'll see an empty tab. Close explorer window once, and from next time QTTabBar will work properly.
* On Vista...
Click 'Organize' - 'Layout' - check 'Menu bar' to show menu bar of explorer.
After enabled QT TabBar, you can show or hide the menu bar by pressing Alt + M.
3) To use 'QT Tab Desktop Tool'
Right click on Task bar, check 'QT Tab Desktop Tool' in 'Toolbar' menu.
Launcher menu will be shown when double-clicked on Desktop and Taskbar.
and offers some functions ( 'Subfolder tip', 'Thumbnail tip' ) on the Desktop.
System Requirements
-Windows XP, Vista
-Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Website with further details
Download (647.79 KB): QTTabBar_1.1.0.1.zip
VISTA Blue Taskmanager for Windows XP
To Replace TaskManager you will need to Take Ownership of the file, and give
yourself full permissions of it.
It is Located here:
Root Drive:\Windows\System32
To do so Right Click on the file (taskmgr) and go to "Properties", then once in the properties window
Go to the "Security" Tab. At the Bottom you will see "Advanced" click that and a new window
will open. In it Go to the "Owner" tab, Once in that window click "Edit" at the Bottom.
A new window will open, Select YOUR NAME OR USER in the Bottom Area titled "Change Owner To"
Hit Ok and Ok to get out of those Windows.
You should now be back in the "Properties" window, in the "security" tab. Towards the top
you will see "To change Permissions, click Edit" Click on that, Select YOUR NAME OR USER
and at the bottom check "Full Control". Then click Ok and Ok again to close the "Properties"
window. You now are the "Owner" with Full "Permissions" of that file.
Right Click the file again and choose "Rename", Rename it to whatever you like. I always use
For example "Taskmgr.old.exe" And then copy the new Blue taskmanger file right into that
folder. You may keep or delete the old one, I have included a original incase you do delete
it and decide you do want it back.
Homepage: AeroXP
Download (1.14 MB): images.rar
Vista Start 1.3
This little tool makes your start-button look like the in Vista. The screenshot is self-explanatory.
Download (394.36 KB): VistaStart1.3.zip
...more: http://www.crystalxp.net/bricopack/
http://www.h2-world.net/files/pack-vista-inspirat-2-1.0.zip - Mirror
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