
Thursday, November 8, 2007

lphant 3.50 final with Kademlia support

Lphant 3.50 final with Kademlia support released.


These are the main changes:
- KAD network support
- Bittorrent Peer Exchange (PEX) support
- Added Portuguese language , thanks to André
- Fixed some reported errors
- Fixed torrents compatibility with Azureus
- Autoclose closing banner time reduced
- Improved sources handling when there are a very high number of sources
- Improved control over connections to avoid the saturation of the internet connection
- Improved lists, now they are much faster and use less CPU
- Improved, files now complete faster
- Added comment filter
- Web help integrated

lphant is an eDonkey client written in c# using the .NET framework. The Kernel will be a separate .NET object (dll), thus Interface and Kernel separate code will allow remote controlling, running as a service, custom interfaces, and will allow other developers to make easily new eDonkey clients using any programming language supported by .NET without having to implement the eDonkey protocol, simply by using the lPhant .NET Kernel object. A Complete interface will be developed and a simpler one written in visual basic to use by other developers as a sample.



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