
Saturday, January 31, 2009

eMule 0.49b -XdP- EdiTioN v4.0 FINAL

eMule v0.49b -XdP- EdiTioN v4.0 FINAL
eMule v0.49b | -XdP- v4.0
-- developed by umeK --


ADD : Colored Upload (umeK)
FIXED : a Problem on IPFilterupdate (umeK)
FIXED : a Bug on Kadsearch (umeK)
FIXED : a Bug on Checkfortimeover (umeK)
FIXED : ConChecker (taz)
FIXED : Reask sources after IPChange (umeK)
FIXED : a Bug on IP2Country (umeK)
CHANGED : few things on -XdP- PPG's (umeK)
CHANGED : don't search new generated clients in lists (Xman/WiZaRd)
CHANGED : few stuff from BadGuy Detection (umeK)
CHANGED : Random Modstring (umeK)
CHANGED/OPTIMIZED : some things from Community (umeK)
OPTIMIZED : some things on expanded Credits (umeK)
CLEANED : the Source and removed some old buggy/unused stuff... (umeK)

This ORIGINAL from (no seba copy, he don't have it now - There is no Auth to hack)

Download: eMule v0.49b -XdP- EdiTioN v4.0 FINAL.rar 2.75 MB

ed2k (source Germany):
eMule 0.49b -XdP- EdiTioN v4.0 FINAL.rar

Latest ECB Mod Beta by TrOnYx:
ecb mod 0.7 beta.rar
(IT source may be a file faker, check 4 DE src in ed2k net)

Friday, January 30, 2009

LimeWire 5.0.11 PRO Retail Windows - MAC OSX - Linux

The Fastest File Sharing Program on Earth

5.0.11 (1.29.09)
* Fix a memory leak by removing a listener for a friend's library.
* Fix an exception when holding down the Shift key while left clicking on a column header.
* General auto complete fixes.

Pro Version:
+ all Pro Features (Turbo charge, no search result filter (custom filter), search program files enable selectable,...)

This is the original Lime Wire Pro Version 5.0.11 Final from LimeWire PRO Download Page!


Windows (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista): LimeWireWin.exe 18.63 MB

Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard): LimeWireOSX.dmg 8.20 MB

Linux (Ubuntu, Debian): LimeWireLinux.deb 22.83 MB

Other Systems (OS/2, Solaris, Linux): 23.00 MB

All Builds are Multilanguage
System Requirements: 256 MB RAM and a live connection to the internet

file nfo windows exe:
leaked by:

File Version:
Product Name: LimeWire PRO 5.0.11
Digital Signature: Friday, 30. January 2009 01:33:39
Size: 18,6 MB (19.532.176 bytes)
File: LimeWireWin.exe
CRC-32: 529df192
MD4: 99e9469af4166c9e5a7c23e06d790ccd
MD5: 46a8e90356f3dd4c0dd9bf2300ca021d
SHA-1: 4cc29bec00c1069369f0421bfc2666502149c95c

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

eMule 0.49b Magic Analyzer v1.0 Beta

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Analyzer v1.0]

[REMOVED] Angel Argos and Morph AntiLeech
[ADDED] ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]

compiled with VS2005 SP1
Based on eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.7]

older changes:

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.7]

CHANGED: AntiModThief to old code
CHANGED: Removed some entries from MagicAntiLeech (entries are in DLP too)
FIXED: Latest Morph Default File, failed update[D10Tmain]
FIXED: Vagaa Detection - forgotten to change some code during merging was commented out in source
FIXED: Leecher Icon in downloading Clients Lists

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.6]
compiled with VS2005 SP1

CHANGED: some Lines of Versionchecks for VS2005[gomez82]
CHANGED: AntiModThief in Argos now uses WiZaRds AntiModthiefCode from ClientAnalyzer
FIXED: ClearMessageField[TuxMan]
FIXED: ReAskSourcesAfterIpChange: if we receive a LowID we do a recheck[XMan]
ADDED: open a default website when nodesurl is invalid[ZZ00fly]
ADDED: More Creditsystems(SIVKA/XTREME/SWAT/TK4/ZZUL) and some Code changes in Clientcredits[Stulle]

Changelog for eMule v.49b [Magic Angel v3.5]

MERGED: to MorphXT v11.1 [gomez82]
UPDATE: DLP from Xtreme7 [XMan/Stulle/ZZ00fly]


Bin: eMulev0.49b.-MagicAnalyzer-v1.0-beta-bin 2.17 MB
Src: eMulev0.49b.-MagicAnalyzer-v1.0-beta-src 6.18 MB

eMule sivka v19b1 Mod based on eMule 0.49b *FIXED and enhanced* [SE edition alpha]

Changes 29.01.2008 today comp. builds #7 & #8

Bugfix: by ilmira updownclient UserHash
Bugfix: by Xman - Fix Filtered Block Request
HotFix: to avoid crash at shutdown by SiRoB
Bugfixes: related to emule 0.49b + mods from Xman
removed: make source action thread safe (Enig123) ---> see verbose logs

File Info:

File: eMule normal.exe
CRC-32: 076074ce
MD4: e3224390b3b830607b76efb6859bc545
MD5: a542597580bea528c7d8fc69aef34b29
SHA-1: d68fa836a9035ee1878c2888caf896d0c3d3e189

File: eMule sse2.exe
CRC-32: 1354dea7
MD4: 9ed1328178f4986136f62f10e4c999ab
MD5: 029e0d829a59cee59ed896ae76dde85c
SHA-1: d2caab45d2f60def7fe3ec0e45d228cc2b3608fa

Changes from 29. Januar 2009

Fixed: removed hover tracking [SLUGFILLER] transferwindow
Fixed: official bug around userhash initialization (Enig123)
improved: make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
Fixed: avoid userhash collision (DreaMule)
Fixed: minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change (X-Ray)
add: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection (X-Ray)

File info:

File: eMule-cpu-sse2.exe
CRC-32: 1c1f79c5
MD4: 2a3a376348195a7126d4eb444f580a90
MD5: 2a73b2c06a39cff5b2f7facd0087ffdd
SHA-1: a0aebfe3b7ff1742ad5ca4e6abf81902567d728d

File: eMule-all-cpu.exe
CRC-32: 11b66e71
MD4: c40e463ad29c3af4c9269f7ac54b7fc9
MD5: 3dd1c998da5e4d2af01103995095afd0
SHA-1: df5b605a179b2fcd3ac2eb6eefbbe582b7cc695b


SRC: [sorting compiler unessesary [obsolete] files, rar compress and uploading...]

About credits!
You moders and coders tag with different names one and the same code changes in your official mods and you just change in the public official changelogs the description to one and the same changes!!!

unless prove who really wrote the codesnip (not who merged it in his official mods), no credits!

fix : mess on transfer window splitter (moloko+)
in beba its taged as TuxMan and in changelog too
Fix: repaint splitter [moloko+] svrlist
true is moloko+ author of this codesnip (all others just merged)

another sample Downloadqueue.cpp which I have just yesterday edited shown up in another mod under 2 different coder names as changes/improvements in 4 known different official emule mods:

 // in beba mod: Tux: Improvement: Ban check [start]  // in X-Rax Mod  X-Ray :: Optimizations = one and the same thing 2 different names say they did it as coders!!!
if (theApp.clientlist->IsBannedClient(ED2Kip))
if (thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs() && thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients())
AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Banned source IP=%s (%s) received from Kademlia"), ipstr(ED2Kip), theApp.ipfilter->GetLastHit());
// Tux: Improvement: Ban check [end] X-Ray :: Optimizations

Tux call its his improvment, X-Ray call its his optimization, some are tagged as wizzard


eMule sivka v19b1 based on eMule 0.49b codename  Duisburg

Changes from 28. Jan. 2009 today compiled build #8 & #9

2 compiled binaries with changes/fixes from today:

Normal [all cpu's]
SSE2 [enhanced instruction set sse2, modern cpu's] Build Time 2:14

compiled with VS 2008 SP1
File info:

File: eMule-sse2.exe
Size: 4,82 MB (5.060.608 bytes)
CRC-32: 18b2f08f
MD4: 450cedec55efdcc284891840d5d1d599
MD5: fcc8342d5a83261f827073ef6e99e07b
SHA-1: 83393caedd8587a09ef1c9cd9dbb10fcab528239

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,82 MB (5.058.560 bytes)
CRC-32: a5548280
MD4: b8d21cf4ab448af57b7b8fb30173c267
MD5: 491eef6c870f33c3d834516859f634d5
SHA-1: f3bbeede89b225295a3ea28eb388382ca831e388

This builds: without the missing ini.write in advanced prefs (not fully sorted) // preferences.cpp [hidden prefs by Tuxman] main by morphxt team


Quick Fix: advanced hidden prefs from official emule missing ini.write 'flash systray icon by new chat message' in preferences.ini an entry :

File: eMule.exe
CRC-32: 398fd01f
MD4: b7a92366305162201fb807692a286780
MD5: 08bd357caee11f36576d802cdcead705
SHA-1: de42a5b013746d4682292ddc5c1bc8eb40982c7f

Download most up to date build: eMule.exe 4.82 MB

based on sivka emule 0.48 plain merge to emule 0.49b by stulle

Updated: miniUPnP to version miniUPnP 1.3 from date 2008/10/11 [Thomas Bernard]

Improvement: DownloadList file/client menu better localized 'source control' + added some icons [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: added some sub icons in searchlist and searchresults window [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Preview music files [IceCream]
Improvement: removed max server search results count [DaZZle]
Improvement: Save some overhead [Tuxman]
Improvement: improved MediaInfo.dll support [Tuxman]
Improvement: added even more file types [Tuxman]
Improvement: Ban check downloadqueue, partfile [Tuxman][X-Rax] whoever

Fix: Stop Rehashing Of Files With Foreign-Language Name. We always use Unicode [Borschtsch]
Fix: inverse sorting [moloko+] Queuelist
Fix: Use a pointer list when setting priority [moloko+] svrlist
Fix: repaint splitter [moloko+] svrlist
Fix: Collection double extension [moloko+]
Fix: check if the file is known [Avi3k]
Fix: titlemenu by Avi3k
Fix: Null pointer exception [fox88] svrlist
Fix: Total Completed Size stats [fox88] partfile
Fix: "Completed" display precision [fox88/taz] downloadlist
Fix: "Sort by speed" [WiZaRd] downloadlist
Fix: Disappearing number in server list [WiZaRd]
Fix: memleak in websvr [WiZaRd]
Fix: Check diskspace left tempdir before downloading [SLUGFILLER] downloadqueue
Fix: uint64 fix [Tuxman] partfile
Fix: context menu downloadlist, downloadclients, clientlist, queuelist, uploadlist [CB] (It may happen that the client is removed from the queue when a selection has been done)

older changes: emule-049b27-sivka-mod-v19b1 - emule-version-049b-sivka-v19b1.html
Added: Hidden enhanced ini.tweaks // main from MorphXT Team, particle based on Tuxman + some localizations and missing ini.write
Fixes: Enhanced Prefs some missing ini.Write //eg.: ini.WriteBool(L"IconflashOnNewMessage",m_bIconflashOnNewMessage);,...
Added: Show IP in Client list
Added: Show Full eMule and Mod Version in all Lists //Xman ??
Added: Show RQR/Speed column in uploadlist //iOniX Mod
Added: Show total up/down in upload/queue list //LSD later in iOniX Mod and Xtreme Mod Xman

Added: missing icons in Download Window File menu [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Added: Show nickname on title [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Allow to send FunnyNick [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Sivka MaxQueue Range Drop: from 2000 to 1000 [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: File buffer size up to 15 MB / HDD PRotection Skynetman., MorphXT+ by FrankyFive, MagicAngel Mod,...
Improvement: Min Queue from 1000 to 100 [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: WHOIS from everylist +GeoIP info extended [KTS]
Added: Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection (to prevent connect to Fake-servers) MORPH
Improvement: remove server Ads and too many \n new line brakes in svr window // ;
Removed: session ratio //saves a lot of code pP
added: default server.met update url //[I never tag/comment in src myself]
added: default nodes.dat //[I never tag/comment in src myself]
added: manual unban to manual ban
added: a default ip filter update url//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement others: some compiler changes and others around comp SDK to reduce output file size weight//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Enabled and propper integr.: defeat 0-filled part sender [anti-corrupt] and HashThief Protection //Sivka
Improvement: Make Client Info Dialog Fields selectable to copy to clipboard // BCNL
Improvement: Show a Welcome Message with emule - mod version and Nickname in svr window and About//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Fixed: CPU Info GetExtendedProcessorName // Optimizer [shadow2004], Camel - CPU Identifying Tool
Fixed: eMule search Icon sorting/missing icon in emule.rc for emule version 0.49b code base//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Fixed: added missing icon for 'List requested Files'//[I never tag/comment in src myself]

open bug: Fix Obfuscation svrlist (if we REQUIRE a crypted connection but a selected server does not support obfuscation then we won't be able to connect!) iCanConnect // [WiZaRd]
open bug: propper client icon sorting ClientCompatible , ClientDefault > eMule Compat // Xman's fix from Xtreme mod will fix it
open feature: add Enhanced Client Recognition SO_OLD_MLDONKEY // [Tuxman] / [spike2]
open feature: add Friendslot + remove friendslots and friend feature from friendlist menu to all client dialog menus //KTS
open feature: add CA Client Analyzer or customizable Argos AntiLeech

Download svn nightly builds from 28. Jan. 2009:

for alpha enhanced sivka build src please visit our svn/cvs host which is should be online after Fri, 30. January 09 or in a hurry request here

older beta src as rar file from 27. January 2009 eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1-src-vs2008-c++9.rar

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

All dlarge eMule Mods {old collection original mods}


( splashscreen exe crypted fakes are sorting out)


Search dlarge mods


eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2 based on eMule 0.47c modded by dlarge

changelog v1.2:

- add undetectet FakeRank
- add FakeRank not for Community/Friends
- add Send no Filelist to Server
- add Only upload to eMule Clients
- add Disable XS (Source Exchange)
- add Disable XS by Client (Source Exchange)
- add set your own Community (Mighty Knife/dlarge)
- add Boost *7 for own Community
- add Boost Friends *5
- add Switch for RB3 Com Ban
- add new Toolbar (shadow2004/JVA)
- add new Toolbar Grafics (big thanks to backpacker)
- add new Logo and Banner (big thanks to backpacker)
- add Show "Appldr34m" User in Bold (dlarge)
- add Slide Bar (eMule+/Xanatos)
- add UPnPNAT Feature (Monki)
- add Save/Load Sources (enkeyDEV)
- add Auto Hard Limit (WIZARD)
- add Spam Ban (Gatchymule)
- add Power Release (Xman)
- add more Credit Systems
- add Save Queue Wait Time (Moonlight)
- add virus Scanner (TK4)
- add Rare File Push (Telp)
- add Part File Push (Telp)
- add Small File Push
- add Queue Part File Push
- add Nice Hash
- add Invisible Mode (eF)
- add see Session Download (Xanatos)
- add Release Bonus (Sivka/Stulle)
- add Window Colours (Spe64)
- add Active Downloads in Bold
- add Show paused Files in Grey
- add Active Downloads Colour
- add Show Funny Nicks
- add switchable Uploadcolour
- add Automatic Sharedfiles Updater (Monki)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix (WIZARD)
- add Drop Stalled Sources (netfinity)
- add Delayed NNP (netfinity)
- add Reask Partstatus on NNP (netfinity)
- add Context Fix for ChatSexmanlector (WIZARD)
- add MM CrashFiX (Xman)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add Show Low Ids Clients in all Cases (Xman)
- add Download Chunk Display (MorphXT)
- add Code for multiSort remove (SLUGFILLER)
- add marked as Cancelled in Searchlist (Xman)
- add Show Chunk Dots (Slugfiller)
- add Confirmed download (xrmb)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add XS Fix (Xanatos)
- add KadEncode (Avi3k)
- add Switches for Display settings
- removed Multi Sort in all Lists
- fixed Code for better show Full ModVersion in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see more Infos in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see the right Client Icons in all Cases
- fixed Bug for Sorting in Waitingqueue
- changed more Message Filters
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings
- changed Code for Ip2country - You see only the Flags in Username
- changed Code for Client Percentage
- changed & optimized Code for manuell Downkick

changelog v1.1:

- add Steahlts community Ban for Titandonkey/RB3/PimpRevolution Mods (WIZARD)
- add Reask NNS/FullQr Sourcen in Download (LSD)
- add Reask Server/Kad for Sourcen in download (LSD)
- add more Infos in Uploadlist for UL/DL,IpNumber,Size,Slot Nr.
- add Stop Single Client in Downloadcases (Xman)
- add choosing Compression (Xman)
- add show Full Mod version in all Cases
- add Exit Smoothly (TK
- add Reask on ID Change Feature
- add P2P WormDetection (netfinity)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- fixed Bug in iP2Country in Download Clientslist
- fixed Bug in Appledr34m Stat and gives more Infos
- fixed Bug in manuell Ban in UL
- fixed displaying wrong Community Client Icon in some cases
- fixed Full Queue Community Sources in Download List (Ekliptor)
- fixed Bug with save Prefs

changelog v1.0:

Bad features:

- add Applejuice Steahlts Community (big thanks to Ekliptor)
- increased USS min Upload to 9KB/s
- changed Argos: never ban Community Clients
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- send Average Uploadrate to Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange
- Upload Levels
- add manuell Reask Source (DL)
- add manuell Kick Source (DL)
- add Push in Download from UL Queue
- add manuell Ban Source (UL)
- add manuell kick Source (UL)
- add manuell Kick Source and put in IpFilter.dat
- add unlimited FriendSlots
- add unlimited Searchresults

Normal features:

- add Argos System (NEO)
- add Updatepage with Ipfilter/Fakes.dat/IP2country (KTS/dlarge)
- add eMule High Prozeß Priority (MorphXT)
- add Quickstart (works only with Kad) (NEO)
- add Dropping Feature (NEO)
- add Mass Rename (Acronic)
- add NAFC Feature (WIZARD)
- add Appledr34m Stats (Shandra/Lama)
- add SysInfo in StatusBar (Jva)
- add Feedback Feature (Werewolf/dlarge)
- add Slot Focus (KTS)
- add Slot Control (KTS/dlarge)
- add Emulate others (Spike2)
- add File Buffer Flush Time (Spike2)
- add Winsocket 2 (eWombat)
- add Anti FakeRank (Cyrex2001)
- add Diff Qr (KTS)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Sidebanner (MorphXT)
- add Friend Handling in DL/Up/Qr List (Xman)
- add client Percentage
- add XS-workaround for older clients (WIZARD)
- add Fix Connection Collision (Sirob)
- add SpreadReask (Spike2)
- add Ip2Country
- add Mod ID in Statistics (Slugfiller)
- add Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity)
- add Secure SUI (netfinity)
- add Force deletion (Xman)
- add Never ban Friends (KTS)
- add Add passive source after we evaluated (netfinity)
- add Static server handling (Mighty Knife)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- add coloured Downloadstatus (dlarge)
- add coloured Uplist to Queuerank (dlarge)
- add show Low Id`s in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- add Better Passive Source Finding (XMAN)
- add Enhanced ClientRecognization (Spike2)
- add Variable Compression (MorphXT)
- add Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size (Slugfiller)
- add Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (WIZARD)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add see Own Credits (VQ
- add DoubleLucas Fix (Slugfiller)
- add Relax On StartUp (WIZARD)
- add Proper KadClientList-Client deletion (WIZARD)
- add Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys (WIZARD)
- add DL Part completion speed-up code (BlueSonicBoy)
- add LoopImprovement Code Fix (NeoMule/WIZARD)
- add Server Message Filter (WIZARD)
- add Dont Overwrite BakFiles (Xman)
- add Anti-Shape (netfinity)

...many other Fixes and Optimations
applejuice + angeldr34m = Appledr34m


based on Tombstone 1.51 merged to Silversurfer Mod
modded by dlarge

changelog v2.6
- add Up only to eMule
- add NAFC
- add Source Graph - Stulle/Miles
- add File Push Setings
- add Display User Hash
- add Defeat 0 Part Senders
- add One Queue per File
- add Server Bluebold
- add Filtered server in gray
- add don’t show splash on old windows (Crashfix)
- add crash dump improvement
- add Tooltipfix



based on ScarAngel 1.8

-added fakerank (dlarge and gatcymule)
-added simple mod boost(dlarge)
-added dlarge uploadmanagement

-added max querank by download
-added donkey ban
-modified Upmanagment
-added Upload4Upload
-fakerank modified

- remove the ratio and add manual kick and ban

- fakerank
- kick and ban in uploadlist
- max Queuerank im DL
- Upload4Upload
- added only 1 slot upload
- added simple fakeserver filter

Basic scarangel 1.8:
- 04.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: XP-Style menus [Xanatos/ staff] - Stulle
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle] - Stulle
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enforce Ratio [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Tabs in ScarAngel preferences dialog can be translated [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Reset Spread Bars command [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: second categories column in DownloadList removed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: always one release slot [Xman] - Stulle
+ use PowerShare instead
Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible
Enforce Ratio:
+ Download will be limited when 80% of the max ratio is reached
+ Example: Ratio = 1:1 --> Limit when 1:0.8 to download = upload*1
+ Display details on ratio activation


eMule 0.47a Tombstone Reloaded v2.6
based on Tombstone 1.51
merged to Silversurfer Mod

changelog v2.6:
- add Up only to eMule
- add AutoHardLimit
- add NAFC
- add Source Graph - Stulle/Miles
- add File Push Setings
- Small File
- Part File
- Rare File
- add Display User Hash
- add Defeat 0 Part Senders
- add One Queue per File
- add Switch for Fakerank
- add Server Bluebold
- add Filtered server in gray
- add don't show splash on old windows (Crashfix)
- add crash dump improvement
- add Tooltipfix

changelog v2.5:

- add Automatic FriendSlot
- add Payback first
- add Button for Boost Friends
- add no complite Files in Red
- add Log Friendlist Activities
- add 80% score for non SUI clients
- add fogotten code for Power Release
- add Code Optimization requpfile
- add modified SUQWT
- add Fixes and Codeimprofements

changelog v2.4:

- add Source Saver (SLS)
- add Switch for Client Percentage %
- add New Nice Hash
- more Sourcefindingresults
- changed all Quickstart Settings
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- add new AntiLeech.dll v.18

changelog v2.3:

- Send no Modstring
- fixed Queusize Bug
- fixed Crash on Startup
- changed Codeimprofements

changelog v2.2:

- Removed Ratio
- add FakeRank
- add Uploadmanagment
- add Uploadprotection to Queuerank
- add manuell Kick & Ban from Upload
- add Kick und Push from Upload Queue
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Ban friends
- add Friendhandling in DL,UL and Queue
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Links to Supportboard
- add Spam Ban
- add unlimited Search Results at EDk2 Search
- add unlimited Friendslots
- add FileBuffer up to 20,5 MB
- add Queue 0 up to 10000. 0 Up
- add Slot Control with Slot Focus
- add Queue Part File Push
- add more Creditsystems
- add Nice Hash Feature
- add Special Stats
- add Xman Code Improvement for choosing to use compression
- add better passive source finding (Xman)
- add Better Chunk Selection (Xman)
- add Filebuffer-time limit (max 30min)
- add Friends in Bold
- add drop slowest source (Dazzle)
- add Extended clean-up II (MAELLA)
- add Don't draw hidden Rect (Morph)
- add Don't draw hidden columns (Morph)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add Banned Aggressiv Clients
- add eMule Process Prio Settings
- add Relax on Start-Up (Wizard)
- add P2P WormDetection (Netfinity)
- add Variable compression (Netfinity)
- add ModID (Slugfiller)
- add doubleLucas (Slugfiller)
- add Load IpFilter when SplashScreen is ON (LSD)
- add Show Extra Infos in Client Detail Dialog (Spe64)
- add Exit Smoothly (TKB)
- add Toolbar [shadow2004]
Toolbarstyle, Sidebar and Logo by Devion - big thanks
- add IP Filter/Fakes.dat Update
- add Fake Check Manager
- add Settings for Upload Prio in Transferwindow
- add askfordownload priority (Xman)
- add complete source fix (Spanish)
- add Reask Sources Features
- add Enchanced Client Recognization
- add Emulate Others
- add AntiFake Rank
- add Diff Queuerank
- add Quickstartfeature
- add Droppingfeature
- add Friendboost
- add Find best Sources
- add See own credits
- add show PartFile as 'red' if never seen complete (TK4)
- add Server.met Link in ServerWindow
- add Show own Userhash in ServerWindow
- add Sidebanner
- add Up/Down Status in Uploadlist
- add Queuerank in Uploadlist
- add coloured Uploadlist to Queuerank
- add "Whois" Source
- add Show LowIDs
- add Spread Reask
- add Dont Kill Sources
- add DynamicBlockRequests (Netfinity)
- add Small File Push
- add Startup crash dump improvement(Wizard)
- add Codefix Crash on Shutdown (Morph)
- add Code Fix - DestroySocket (Maella)
- add reqBlocksClipping (Slugfiller)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- optimized Queuefinding
- coloured DL Status
- changed Client Ban Time to 4h

- removed Client Analyzer
- removed IRC
- removed Wizard
- removed Help

Download: eMule 0.47a - TS Reloaded 2.6.rar 1.64 MB


eMule 0.47c TS Next Lite v1.0

modded by dlarge
based on Tombstone 1.55

- No Upload
- undetected FakeRank
- add No Ratio
- add Emulate Others
- add Drop Sourcen
- add QuickStart
- add newest AutoHardLimit (Wizard)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Server Message Filter (Wizard)
- add Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
- add File Buffer TimeLimit
- add Mod Icons in Down/Up/Queuelist
- add Diff Queue/Anti FakeRank
- add more Message Filters
- changed Filebuffer to 20MB
- many others Optimations

- removed Sharedfiles Window
- removed Uploadsettings
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed MobilMule
- removed Webserveur/interface
- removed Tools
- removed Scheduler
- removed Notifications
- removed Proxy
- removed Versionscheck

Download: eMule 0.47c - Tombstone Next lite 1.0.rar 1.54 MB


Changelog DeathAngel 1.4
based on Xtreme 5.2.2
modified by dlarge

Changelog 1.4:
- merged to 0.47c
- add Neo Encryption/ISP Transveral (Xanatos)
- add CPU/Ram Infos in Transferwindow (Sicks)
- add Adjust Compress Level (Stulle)
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add ChunkDots (Slugfiller)
- add ConfirmedDownload (xrmb)
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- internal code optimations
- removed unused Codes
- removed Webcache - not worked (this is a Problem in 0.47c)

changelog 1.3 Update:

- fixed Bug for close Emule with Error
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- Internal Code Cleaning

changelog 1.3:

- compiled now with VS2003 SP1
- merged to Xtreme Mod 5.2.2
- add DLP banned Xtreme Mods
- add SupportBoard Button in Transferwindow
- small code optimations
- add modified antileech.dll

changelog 1.2

- add Community
- add No FakeRank for Community and Friends
- add Uploadkick to QR
- add no Uploadkick for Community and Friends
- changed Ratio to 1:10
- add no waitingtime for Commembers in Queue(thanks Spe64)
- changed Quickstart
- add Quickstart works only with Kad
- add Switches for all Leecher Tweaks
- add Fix crash at shutdown
- add the new modified antileech.dll
- modified Upmanagment
- changed Icons

- removed "Share Off" because Community
- removed Scheduler
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC

changelog 1.1

- add Share Features
- add Uploadslotlimit to min 0.1
- add Webcache
- add Virus Scanner
- add coloured Download Status
- add Quickstart
- add more Creditsystems
- add MassRename
- add Copy feedback feature
- add Source Graph
- add more Drop Settings
- add Show Client Percentage
- add Sivka File Settings
- add Save Upload Queue Waiting Time
- add Active Connection Control
- add Mod Icons
- changed Funny Nick Feature to FN Feature from Stulle
- changed Icons
- optimized many Settings
- updated Webcache
- removed Whois

changelog 1.0

- add undected FakeRank
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add Upprotection
- No Ratio
- No ban Friends
- Friend Boost
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add Anti FakeRank + DiffQr Rank
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add unlimited Searchresults
- Sourcefinding optimized
- add Whois
- add Friends in bold
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Enhanced Client Recognization
- add Invisible Mode (HotKey: Alt+Z)
- add more Message Filters
- add Display Userhash
- add Link to Download a New Server.met in NetInfoDialog
- add complete source fix
- changed min Uploadslot to 1
- changed Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- changed min Up to 1
- changed Queuesize to 0 - 100000
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- removed Switch for 1:3 Session Ratio
- removed Failed download ban
- removed Global DeadSourceList
- changed Ban time to 4 h

Download: 2 different splashscreen editions: (fake splash or original?) - (was possible his own site or fake?)

Splashscreen one: eMule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.4-2.rar 3.79 MB
Splashscreen two: eMule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.4.rar 3.60 MB

DeathAngel 1.5
modified by dlarge

changelog 1.5:
- merged to Xtreme 5.3
- removed Community
- modified Uploadmanagment
- add Zero Upload (Share Off)
- add Webcache
- add Upload4Upload
- add max QueueRank in Download
-add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)
- add Auto Hard Limit(Stulle)
- add Emulate Others
- add new Prefpagedesign with Treecontrol
- fixed Bug in Save Queue Wait Time
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in save Prefs
- add modified antileech.dll 21.0.0
- put all removed Features from Xtreme inside


eMule 0.47c Hyperdrive 1.1
modded by dlarge
based on MorphXT 9.0

changelog 1.0:

- merged to MorphXT 9.1
- small Code cleaning
- small optimations in Codetags

changelog 1.0:

- add No Ratio
- add Friend Boost
- add Share Features
- add Server Hopping [Gatchymule]
- add undected FakeRank
- add Send No Files to Server [Dazlle]
- add max QueueRank in Download
- add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)!!!
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add dynamic Uploadkick to QR
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add No ban Friends
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add unlimited Searchresults
- add Source Graph [Stulle]
- add Emulate Others
- add Hyperdrive Stat + Coloured Stat [Shandra/Spe64]
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add Quickstart
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- add Queuesize to 100 - 100000
- add No FakeRank for Friends
- add no Uploadkick for Friends
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations
- add many Fixes and Optimations

- removed Wizard
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed Versionscheck
- removed Notifier
- removed Mobil Mule

Download: eMule 0.47c - Hyperdrive 1.1.rar 2.21 MB


eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0
modified by dlarge


- No Ratio
- only Upload to eMule
- removed ZZ Ratio
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add Push in Upload from Queuelist
- add Kick from Upload
- add Ban from Upload
- add Kick from Upload and put to IpFilter
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Answer after Ban
- Filebufer to 20MB
- Queuesize to 0
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations

Download: eMule 0.47c - Morph XT v9.0 by dlarge.rar 2.69 MB
eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2
based on eMule 0.47c
modded by dlarge

changelog v1.2:

- add undetectet FakeRank
- add FakeRank not for Community/Friends
- add Send no Filelist to Server
- add Only upload to eMule Clients
- add Disable XS (Source Exchange)
- add Disable XS by Client (Source Exchange)
- add set your own Community (Mighty Knife/dlarge)
- add Boost *7 for own Community
- add Boost Friends *5
- add Switch for RB3 Com Ban

- add new Toolbar (shadow2004/JVA)
- add new Toolbar Grafics (big thanks to backpacker)
- add new Logo and Banner (big thanks to backpacker)
- add Show "Appldr34m" User in Bold (dlarge)
- add Slide Bar (eMule+/Xanatos)
- add UPnPNAT Feature (Monki)
- add Save/Load Sources (enkeyDEV)
- add Auto Hard Limit (WIZARD)
- add Spam Ban (Gatchymule)
- add Power Release (Xman)
- add more Credit Systems
- add Save Queue Wait Time (Moonlight)
- add virus Scanner (TK4)
- add Rare File Push (Telp)
- add Part File Push (Telp)
- add Small File Push
- add Queue Part File Push
- add Nice Hash
- add Invisible Mode (eF)
- add see Session Download (Xanatos)
- add Release Bonus (Sivka/Stulle)
- add Window Colours (Spe64)
- add Active Downloads in Bold
- add Show paused Files in Grey
- add Active Downloads Colour
- add Show Funny Nicks
- add switchable Uploadcolour
- add Automatic Sharedfiles Updater (Monki)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix (WIZARD)
- add Drop Stalled Sources (netfinity)
- add Delayed NNP (netfinity)
- add Reask Partstatus on NNP (netfinity)
- add Context Fix for ChatSexmanlector (WIZARD)
- add MM CrashFiX (Xman)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add Show Low Ids Clients in all Cases (Xman)
- add Download Chunk Display (MorphXT)
- add Code for multiSort remove (SLUGFILLER)
- add marked as Cancelled in Searchlist (Xman)
- add Show Chunk Dots (Slugfiller)
- add Confirmed download (xrmb)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add XS Fix (Xanatos)
- add KadEncode (Avi3k)
- add Switches for Display settings
- removed Multi Sort in all Lists

- fixed Code for better show Full ModVersion in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see more Infos in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see the right Client Icons in all Cases
- fixed Bug for Sorting in Waitingqueue

- changed more Message Filters
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings
- changed Code for Ip2country - You see only the Flags in Username
- changed Code for Client Percentage
- changed & optimized Code for manuell Downkick

changelog v1.1:

- add Steahlts community Ban for Titandonkey/RB3/PimpRevolution Mods (WIZARD)
- add Reask NNS/FullQr Sourcen in Download
- add Reask Server/Kad for Sourcen in download
- add more Infos in Uploadlist for UL/DL,IpNumber,Size,Slot Nr.
- add Stop Single Client in Downloadcases (Xman)
- add choosing Compression (Xman)
- add show Full Mod version in all Cases
- add Exit Smoothly (TKB)
- add Reask on ID Change Feature
- add P2P WormDetection (netfinity)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- fixed Bug in Appledr34m Stat and gives more Infos
- fixed Bug in manuell Ban in UL
- fixed displaying wrong Community Client Icon in some cases
- fixed Full Queue Community Sources in Download List (Ekliptor)
- fixed Bug with save Prefs

changelog v1.0:

Bad features:

- add Applejuice Steahlts Community (big thanks to Ekliptor)
- increased USS min Upload to 9KB/s
- changed Argos: never ban Community Clients
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- send Average Uploadrate to Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange
- Upload Levels
- add manuell Reask Source (DL)
- add manuell Kick Source (DL)
- add Push in Download from UL Queue
- add manuell Ban Source (UL)
- add manuell kick Source (UL)
- add manuell Kick Source and put in IpFilter.dat
- add unlimited FriendSlots
- add unlimited Searchresults

Normal features:

- add Argos System (NEO)
- add Updatepage with Ipfilter/Fakes.dat/IP2country (KTS/dlarge)
- add eMule High Prozeß Priority (MorphXT)
- add Quickstart (works only with Kad) (NEO)
- add Dropping Feature (NEO)
- add Mass Rename (Acronic)
- add NAFC Feature (WIZARD)
- add Appledr34m Stats (Shandra/Lama)
- add SysInfo in StatusBar (Jva)
- add Feedback Feature (Werewolf/dlarge)
- add Slot Focus (KTS)
- add Slot Control (KTS/dlarge)
- add Emulate others (Spike2)
- add File Buffer Flush Time (Spike2)
- add Winsocket 2 (eWombat)
- add Anti FakeRank (Cyrex2001)
- add Diff Qr (KTS)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Sidebanner (MorphXT)
- add Friend Handling in DL/Up/Qr List (Xman)
- add client Percentage
- add XS-workaround for older clients (WIZARD)
- add Fix Connection Collision (Sirob)
- add SpreadReask (Spike2)
- add Ip2Country
- add Mod ID in Statistics (Slugfiller)
- add Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity)
- add Secure SUI (netfinity)
- add Force deletion (Xman)
- add Never ban Friends (KTS)
- add Add passive source after we evaluated (netfinity)
- add Static server handling (Mighty Knife)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- add coloured Downloadstatus (dlarge)
- add coloured Uplist to Queuerank (dlarge)
- add show Low Id`s in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- add Better Passive Source Finding (XMAN)
- add Enhanced ClientRecognization (Spike2)
- add Variable Compression (MorphXT)
- add Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size (Slugfiller)
- add Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (WIZARD)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add see Own Credits (VQB)
- add DoubleLucas Fix (Slugfiller)
- add Relax On StartUp (WIZARD)
- add Proper KadClientList-Client deletion (WIZARD)
- add Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys (WIZARD)
- add DL Part completion speed-up code (BlueSonicBoy)
- add LoopImprovement Code Fix (NeoMule/WIZARD)
- add Server Message Filter (WIZARD)
- add Dont Overwrite BakFiles (Xman)
- add Anti-Shape (netfinity)

...many other Fixes and Optimations

Have Fun!!!

eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.2.rar 2.47 MB
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.1 modded by dlarge.rar 2.17 MB


Angel Dr34m v 2.4
modded by dlarge
based on eMule 0.47c

changelog v2.4:

- add Super Release
- add Power Release with Hide OS
- add Slide Bar (NEO)
- add Update Page
- add Dynamic IP Filter
- add Fakecheck Manager
- add Argos leecher.sig Updater
- add Auto Updater for IPFilter/Fakecheck
- add Ban from Upload and add him to IpFilter
- add Show Downloadfiles in blue in Sharedfiles Window
- add Show Low Id User in Up and Queue List
- add show paused Files in grey
- add Copy Feedback in SharedFiles Window
- fixed better Sourcefinding
- fixed Bug in "MSS Settings"
- fixed Bug in "Disable Uploadcolour"

- removed all Netfinity Features // Remember this by compiling!!!

changelog v2.3:

- add max Queue Rank in Download
- add ARGOS Anti Leecher System
- updated Argos System
- add MSS Settings
- add Emulate Settings
- add Backup Feature
- add NAFC Feature
- add Secure SUI
- add Anti Shaping (netfinity)
- add Known Client Bonus (netfinity)
- add ReadBlockFromFileThread (Sirob)
- regonized Lphant Mods
- changed Nice Hash Code
- optimized Codeparts
- removed Credit Systems

changelog v2.2:

- merged to eMule 0.47c innoficiell
- fixed Problem in Queuesize
- fixed Bug in save Preference for Dropping
- fixed Bug for Updating the language.dll
- deleted not needed Codeparts

changelog v2.1:

- add more Infos in Queuelist with Software/Modversion/IP/Size/QR
- fixed Switch in Prefpage "General"
- fixed Bug Infos in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in Upmanagment
- fixed Bug with save Settings for Source Graph
- fixed Bug with close eMule with Error in Statistics Prefpage

changelog v2.0:

- No Ratio
- add undetected FakeRank
- add No FakeRank for Friends
- schaltbare Shareoptionen:
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add Anonym Mod
- add Uploadkick to QR
- add no Uploadkick for Friends
- add Uploadmanagment to Queuerank
- add Switches for all Leecher Tweaks
- add coloured Uploadlist to Queueplace
- add No Searchresults(XS) send to Server
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add more Creditsystems
- changed Client Ban Time to 6h
- add Ban4Ban
- add unlimited Searchresults
- add more Messagefilter
- add Server.met Link in ServerWindow "My Info"
- add Show own Userhash in ServerWindow "My Info"
- add new Icons
- add Reask Source
- add Remove Source from DL
- add Anti FakeRank + DiffQr Rank
- add Special Stat+ Coloured for Board(Spe64)
- add Friend Boost
- add Virus Scanner
- add No ban Friends
- add QPF Push
- add Spread Reask
- add Power Release
- add Friendhandling
- add Queue 100 up to 10000
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- changed Filepuffer to 20,5 MB
- CPU/Ram Anzeige at Transferwindow
- only Up to Emule Clients
- Ask For Download Priority
- Better passive source finding
- Recheck Firewalled
- Recognize newer Shaeraza
- Find Best Sources
- Low ID retry
- Upload optimized
- add complete source fix
- Double Lucas Fix
- many Codeoptimations
- Internal Code Cleaning
- compiled now with VS2003 SP1
- removed Wizard

Download: eMule 0.47c - Angel Dr34m 2.4.rar 3.54 MB
Source codes lost, if someone have please submit!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Process Hacker by wj32

Process Hacker is a tool for viewing and manipulating processes and their threads, modules, memory and handles, and viewing and editing services. It can also search through process memory:

for a sequence of bytes,
using regular expressions,
for strings, or
for heap blocks
It can run programs as another user or as SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE or NETWORK SERVICE if you have administator privileges. This is achieved using a helper program which is installed as a system service (similar to PsExec).

It loads symbols from various libraries automatically and uses them when displaying the call stacks of threads (just like Process Explorer). It also has a disassembler derived from OllyDbg's which can be accessed when viewing PE files' exports.

System Requirements
.NET Framework 2.0
Microsoft Windows XP or above
1GB or more of total RAM if you plan on searching or editing memory
2 CPUs (physical or multi-core), if you plan on searching memory


Download Bin:

svn and other versions/builds:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

eMule 0.49b NeoMule v4.55a D39mod v0.7e Beta3 and Alpha Version

Neo Mule+ 0.7:
!Auto Download Priority now never sets low priority to prevent no rating harvesting
!Fixed bug with wait time in upload queue
+Russain translation
incomplete part status now disabled by default
highlighting sources with View Shared Files Support in green

Neo Mule+ 0.6:
!bring back 15 min bunus for first 15 minuts in queue...
!some changes in calculation how many chunks client can take and give
!fixed bug in push needed files :)
+Add showing in Client Details dialogue, how many chunks client can give to us, or take from us
+Add showing in Client Details dialogue remote DL/UP modifier
+Add UploadPriority menu command in Downloads

Neo Mule+ 0.5:
!Neo now accept ed2k links from google chrome :)
+Hashing file progress in statusbar
+Add new implementation of chunk selection (by D39), based on float point priority calculations, called smart chunk selection (user still can select ICS or official chunk selection instead)
+Add back speed bonus, if client uploading something to us at this moment
!Push needed files feature now works only with useful clients (clients, who have needed chunks) very useful clients gets full push value, not very just half
+Add showing requested chunk index in Client Details dialogue
+Add small bonus in upload queue( *0.8) for insecure ident
+DL/UP modifier now can be from 0.1 to 10 (only for official credit system) this works only when client downloaded 3 or more chunks from us
Changed some default values in preferences, to enable some features by default, like ip2country
Max src on chunk now 4 (was 3)

Neo Mule+ 0.4:
!Changes in ICS (intelligent chunk section) wanted chunks now have highest priority. and many other changes in CPartFile::GetNextRequestedBlockICS...
=Minimal boost for small files (which fit into specified size) now x2 and then smaller file, then more boost

Neo Mule+ 0.3:
!Fixed showing time in upload queue
!Fixed bugs with counting completed sources for chunks for known files
=Changed complete sources counting in share files list - now there is true value: 1 for know files and true value of complete sources for incomplete files (in brackets old values based on guess), also in source code, in CKnownFile and CPartFile, renamed vars m_nCompleteSourcesCount* to m_nCompleteGuessCount*
+Agros comment in client details dialogue

Neo Mule+ 0.2:
!Fixed long loading on startup (fileinfo.ini now permanently loaded to memory)
!Push needed files feature now not work with LOW Download priority files
+Add Showing rare ratio multiplier for files in upload queue in Client Details dialogue
+15min bonus works until client gets first part

Neo Mule+ 0.1:
+Add Push Needed Files feature
+Add Copy command in Stored IP Table in Client Details dialogue
Improved showing pinging status in statusbar

Download ed2k:

http: eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.7e-beta1.rar 6.93 MB

Direct Link Download Moskva: eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.7e-beta1.rar

alpha versions:



HTTP Fileshare:
latest: eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.7e-beta3-bin.rar

bin eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.4-b 2.34 MB
bin eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.1-b 2.26 MB
bin eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.7e-bin.rar
src eMule-0.49b-NeoMule-v4.55a-D39mod_v0.7e-src.rar

< no leecher mod >


Izvenite za glypie kommentarii gde napisano chto stot mod fal'shiviy. Ochevidno ludi kotorie tak pishyt neznaiut kak skachivat' s emul seti. Etot mod ochen daje original'niy i natural'niy, kotoriy chasto ispol'zyetsya na oficial'nom saite. Spasibo sozdatelyam etogo moda.


eMule 0.49b Apace V1.0 Beta 3

Apace V1.0 Beta 3

+ Fixed Random Modstring (was detected with antileech.dll)
+ Fixed some things at upload
+ Kick all

Download Ed2K:

or: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.3.rar ???

Download HTTP:
fileshare mirror: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.3.rar 2.66 MB
DDL: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.3.rar

Saturday, January 24, 2009

eMule v0.49b sivka v19b1 *FIX*

BY STULLE all Credits

eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1 Small glitches fixed in Stulle source code, nobody is perfect -:)

Forgotten eMule 0.49b Automatic search ico res implementation in emule.rc
KADSERVER ICON "res\\KadServer.ico"
// search show wrong icon sorting range (1st KadServer.ico where missing) while filedonkey ico is out of range

improved: filedonkey search direct from redirect url request // search result window
query = _T("");

sivka HashThiefProtection Enabled and extended
Defeat 0-filled part ssender (anti-corrupt) EnableZeroFilledTestDefault Enabled

added: set a default ipfilter update url to security prefs //ppgsecurity.cpp taken from zz_fly open a default website idee for nodesurl, changed/improved to direct download the nodes.dat, server.met, ipfilter url's better as open a site in browser and download from websites.

changed: show full client software with MOD-String in downloadclients //[Maella: show MOD-String] client->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer();

changed/added: set a welcome message to server info dialog with modname and username (nick name), keep default emule version update in toolbar, options dialog and traybar

added: manual unban menu entry in clientlist

Other fixes read here: emule-version-049b-sivka-v19b1.html

sivka's modstr is:
#define MOD_VERSION _T("sivka v19b1")
#define MOD_VERSION_FULL _T("eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1") //also used as default nick name
#define DEFAULT_NICK MOD_VERSION_FULL //default username (nick)

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,81 MB (5.047.808 bytes)
CRC-32: a699fd96
MD4: 122445708e2c207beff0f9acfd75b69b
MD5: 492806216351a1be31471ef395a2c102
SHA-1: dfcde55d7e2c88884468eb7ca7670e9fa9367b36

Download: 2.46 MB


This compiled build with:

Whois Client Info + GeoIP googlemaps
To manual unban added manual ban cause no antileech protection in the mod (rather than ban on mass, user can only single suspiciouse clients ban manually)
Some icons added FILEREQUESTED/STOP Downloading in DL cl list
Clear Queue List, Clear Upload list
Client detail dialog fields selectable

In Extended options: Show downloads in bolds on/of will be good,...

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,79 MB (5.029.888 bytes)
CRC-32: 6ff833a1
MD4: d60350c1df7d76e6023f852f979a0ca1
MD5: 3c5d63735ed3c4e859e55d03bc2e5f90
SHA-1: c53a49ba461c98cab38deba883ad5ff18445150c

Download: 2.46 MB - DDL Server Kiev

thanx for submit the src to CCrIS

GPL/GNU requirements are filled if provide propper source to compiled bin if its final release version

source code: eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1-src-vs2008-c++9.rar
fileshare host:


Stulle doesn't like if someone find errors in his work and fix it, nobody is perfect my dear, we are all human no superman!
Moders need to avoid arrogance

eMule Version 0.49b sivka v19b1 ****CPU Optimizer Info fix****

compiled using Stulles source

vs 2008 sp1 + latest hotfixes strict code compatible changes / new veriosins of afxctl + others \Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\atlmfc updates after sp1 from 2008 05.09 - 29.07

27. Jan. 2009 5th build (svn)
Changed name extension of this mod to SE for Second Edition
internal Alpha of enhanced edition
Feature: // Credits
Mainmerge + cpu mem optimization //Stulle
vs 2008 compatible // MorphXT Team

Added: Hidden enhanced ini.tweaks // Tuxman
Added: Show IP in Client list
Added: Show Full eMule and Mod Version in all Lists //Xman ??
Added: Show RQR/Speed column in uploadlist //iOniX Mod
Added: Show total up/down in upload/queue list //LSD later in iOniX Mod and Xtreme Mod Xman

Added: missing icons in Download Window File menu
Added: Show nickname on title
Allow to send FunnyNick
Changed: Sivka MaxQueue Range Drop: from 2000 to 1000
Changed: File buffer size from up to 15 MB / HDD PRotection Skynetman., MorphXT+ by FrankyFive, MagicAngel Mod,...
Changed: Min Queue from 1000 to 100
WHOIS from everylist is from KTS
Added: Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection (to prevent connect to Fake-servers) MORPH
some compiler templ. changes and others around comp SDK to reduce output file size weight
Enabled and propper integr.: defeat 0-filled part sender [anti-corrupt] and HashThief Protection //Sivka

>> emule.exe 4,82 MB (5.059.584 bytes) <<

Remaining bug: propper client icon sorting ClientCompatible , ClientDefault // Xman's fix from Xtreme mod will fix it

...more forgot...
Daily internal test build 27.01.2009 only for Nova Crew

Download in BBS are more updated. localized 'source handling' ,...


src... coming as soon cvs hosting is online (can't every x hour by changes the rev. do the diffs in a zip/rar by 1000+ src files + sorting out compiler obsolete temp files)



one of the first builds just fix the gui bugs in cpu optimizer, no improvments or other changes:

fixed: // == > Optimizer [shadow2004]
^-^ GetExtendedProcessorName
missing (CString) in emule.cpp


Download just eMule.exe 5.21 MB

[ No other changes - no leecher features added ]

Message from compiler src:

Credits to Stulle, he don't like if someone find Gui or other errors and fix it -:)
Can not help, I read all src codes, if found bug or somthing that can be fixed I just do it.


Changed to full integration CPU info of Shadows CPU optimizer // Camel - CPU Identifying Tool

sample in log window:
25.01.2009 02:18:12: ********Optimizer********
25.01.2009 02:18:12: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor LE-1640
25.01.2009 02:18:12: AMD optimizations active
25.01.2009 02:18:12: L1->128.00 KB L2->1.00 MB
25.01.2009 02:18:12: MMX MMX+ SSE SSE2 3DNOW 3DNOW+
25.01.2009 02:18:12: ********Optimizer********

Fixed Kad: eMulekad.exe 5.21 MB


Removed: server Ads //another line less stay ;
Removed: session ratio //saves a lot of code
added: default server.met update url //doesn't need to put server.met in zip package
added: default nodes.dat //doesn't need to put nodes.dat in zip package

Download: 2.24 MB - DDL -

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,95 MB (5.200.384 bytes)
CRC-32: d3e1596d
MD4: c32bc2a057096081e8e914ea322a8dac
MD5: 1fa5a383f5b8119aea421b2df432e984
SHA-1: c156c800f22457352add62dbda8c8ec966611fd6

Compiled with:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 3.5 SP1

Installed Edition: Professional

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

AnkhSVN - Subversion Support for Visual Studio 2.0.6024.365
* Ankh.Package 2.0.6024.365
* Subversion 1.5.5 via SharpSvn 1.5005.1016.35273

AnkhSVN is linked to: Apr 1.3.3, Apr-util 1.3.4, Neon 0.28.3, OpenSSL 0.9.8j 07 Jan 2009, serf 0.3.0, Subversion 1.5.5-SharpSvn-tag-1.5.5@35273, ZLib 1.2.3
AnkhSVN is dynamically linked to: Cyrus Sasl 2.1.22
AnkhSVN is optionally linked to: Berkeley DB 4.4.20, SharpPlink 1.5005.1016.35273

Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB944899) KB944899
This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
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For more information, visit

Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB945282) KB945282
This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946040) KB946040
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946308) KB946308
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946344) KB946344
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB946581) KB946581
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947171) KB947171
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947173) KB947173
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947180) KB947180
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947540) KB947540
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB947789) KB947789
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB948127) KB948127
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB952241) KB952241
This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
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Hotfix for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU (KB953256) KB953256
This hotfix is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
If you later install a more recent service pack, this hotfix will be uninstalled automatically.
For more information, visit

Microsoft StyleCop 4.3
Provides source code style and consistency tools.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB945140) KB945140
This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically.
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB947888) KB947888
This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB948560) KB948560
This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition - ENU.
If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically.
For more information, visit

PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008 1.0
A set of power commands for Visual Studio 2008

CleanRecentsListAddin - Add-in for cleaning MRU Projects List
For more information about, see Add-in's home page
at the following Code Gallery address:

changed source code to stulles source
in emule.cpp :

if (!emuledlg)
switch (get_cpu_type())
case 1:
AddLogLine(false,_T("FPU optimizations active"));
case 2:
AddLogLine(false,_T("MMX optimizations active"));
case 3:
AddLogLine(false,_T("AMD optimizations active"));
case 4:
case 5:
AddLogLine(false,_T("SSE optimizations active"));
AddLogLine(false,_T("Optimizations disabled"));
CString strCPU; //Cpu Extensions
CString strLXcache; //Lx-Cache Size
if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(MMX_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("MMX ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(MMX_PLUS_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("MMX+ ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(SSE_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("SSE ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(SSE2_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("SSE2 ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(AMD_3DNOW_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("3DNOW ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(AMD_3DNOW_PLUS_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("3DNOW+ ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(IA64_FEATURE))
strCPU += _T("IA64 ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(MP_CAPABLE))
strCPU += _T("MP_CAPABLE ");

if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(L1CACHE_FEATURE)) {
strLXcache+=CastItoXBytes ( (uint32) cpu.GetProcessorCacheXSize (L1CACHE_FEATURE)*1024);
if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(L2CACHE_FEATURE)) {
strLXcache+=_T(" L2->");
strLXcache+=CastItoXBytes ( (uint32) cpu.GetProcessorCacheXSize (L2CACHE_FEATURE)*1024);
if (cpu.DoesCPUSupportFeature(L3CACHE_FEATURE)) {
strLXcache+=_T(" L3->");
strLXcache+=CastItoXBytes ( (uint32) cpu.GetProcessorCacheXSize (L3CACHE_FEATURE)*1024);

AddLogLine(false, strLXcache);
AddLogLine(false, strCPU);


partview link

Friday, January 23, 2009

eMule 0.49b Apace V1.0 Beta 2 by morph4u


Apace V1.0 Beta 2

+ Implant ZZUL Upload
+ Added ZZUL Powershare
+ Changed Slot Control
+ Force Upload Slot
+ Upload Prio Column in Uploadlist
+ Fixed Infinite Queue checkbox work now with apply
+ Fixed Cached Sources Column
+ Removed Upload Start Sense (because kick trickle slots)

eMule 0.49b

Apace V1.0 Beta 1 (Based on X-Ray v1.6)

+ Setable Modstring
+ New undetectable Random Modstring
+ Community
+ Active Permission
+ Emulate Others
+ Non eMule clients
+ MinQR
+ Single Client reask
+ Max. Uploadslot Control
+ Friend Settings in all Lists
+ Friendboost
+ Remove all Friendslots
+ Automatic Friendslot
+ Mark Friends Green
+ Log Friends
+ Mark LowID Yellow
+ Mark Friendslot Blue
+ Download in Red
+ Download in Bold
+ Upload Start Sense
+ Kick/Ban in Lists
+ Push to Upload
+ Drop Single Client
+ Select all Files
+ Copy eD2K Links
+ Server rotation
+ Shutdown after Download
+ En/Disable Community from Toolsmenu
+ MiniMule Auto Close
+ MiniMule Transparency
+ Dont publish
+ Upload Country Filter
+ Community Nick Addon Faker
+ Queuesize Tweaks
+ Unlimited Slot
+ Spamming server column at searchresults
+ Search colors
+ No Ratio
+ Unlimited search results
+ Argos made editable
+ Little Fixes
- Help
- MobileMule
- SendMail
- VerrsionsCheck
- TextToSpeech
- Splashscreen
- Removed many faetures from x-ray

antileech.dll without:

- FlowerPower
- NextEvolution
- TR-P2P-MoD
- Ulti
- TCMatic 3

Apace is developed by morph4u

Apace Mod have everything what a real eMuler wish to have in a mod. It is a pleasure to use it as Releaser mod but also an advanced file sharer find all features needed for operate eMule with a maximum of functions.

Thanks a lot.


ed2k: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.2.rar

DDL: France - Germany - Czech Republic - Ukraine - USA

FileSharehoster: eMule.0.49b.Apace.V1.0.Beta.2.rar 2.65 MB

eMule 0.48a UniATeam v2.6 - its the reduced public version

.0 07 _ _
M aM | | | |
iM MMS | |_| |
@MM MMM2 \___/
M@MM .MMBM: _ _
ZM08BM, MM080MS _
2M00BMM 7MW08WM (_)
2M MB00WM: MM08BM8 BM@S. | |
7MM0 MM080M@ 8M088@M: ZMMMMM; |_|
;MMM0MM8 @B8MM MM8W@:rMMW0BMMMr /_/ \_\
.MMMWBM@200@M MWWMa8MB0WMMWa _____
XBM@W:0B MWaMMMM2. | |
.aMMMMW:iSaBMa8,M MZr rrS8r: |_|
@MMMMMM MWB88i .0aW8Z87Xi,. . \___\
.X iW MMM.MMMMM0 ( _` |
;Z WM7 BMMMMM \__,_|
Mi MM aMMMM: _ __
M .r :MMr | ' \
.M S, |_|_|_|

eMule v0.48a UniATeam Mod based on Xtreme Mod

Public Feature List/Changelogs:
- Added multiple kick and ban from upload queue (highly requested)
- Added single client upload start from queue list
- Added option to disable upload to webcache
- Changed splash behaviour, now it's not topmost so less invasive
- Changed splash and sidebanner
- Changed some default options
- Fixed bug in log reset button
- Updated to emule 0.48a
- Updated to Xtreme 6.0

- Added option for starting in invisible mode
- Added new version of Design settings [Stulle]
- Added new column in uploadlist for remote queue status
- Added new column in uploadlist for displayng current uploading chunk [morphxt]
- Rewritten UniATeam toolbar code to look better with design settings
- Rewritten serverwnd additional buttons code for design settings
- Changed: minor optimizations around invisible mode
- Changed: Spooky mode button is displayed in serverwnd only if it's enabled in options
- Fixed columns with wrong background in DlClients and QueueList
- Fixed bug in connection checker state
- Updated small part around some emulations
- Updated small part around enhanced client recognization
- Updated Webcache [morphxt]
Updated to Xtreme 5.4.2

- Added Advanced Server Filter [emule+]
- Added Spooky Mode (slightly modified)
- Added Connection Checker
- Added option to disable deadsourceslist
- Added Control download priority [tommy_gun]
- Added Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle]
- Added Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle]
- Added logging for emulations
- Fixed gui bug in options order
- Fixed bug in powershare column in shared files list
- Fixed bug in multi-friendslots when added from upload list
- Small changes around chunk detail display
- Removed uni active ratio
- Minor fixes and changes
Updated to Xtreme 5.4.1

- Added new titlebar display, totally personalizable
- Added new Minimule [neo]
- Added toolbar speedmeter [neo adapted]
- Added preferences slidebar [emule+]
- Added Downloading Chunk Detail Display [modified from morphxt]
- Added some release settings:
* Recoded Powershare
* Release Bonus [sivka]
- Changed some colors in search list
- Recoded Dynamic Block Request
- Fixed WebCache working with obfuscation [morphxt]
- Removed additional protocol tag from extended comments
- Updated Emulations
Updated to Xtreme 5.3.1

- Added new Save/Load Sources
- Added Save comments [neo]
- Added PowerShare [zz]
- Added backup part for new comments file
- Added Pause on file complete [neo]
- Improved txtsrc file loading (better handling)
- Fixed bug in backup: now backup files are deleted correctly in all cases
- Fixed critical bug that caused low-id on some routers
- Removed Random Ports
Updated to Xtreme 5.3

- Added Webcache [morphxt, slightly modified]
- Added Backup/Restore file [based on Neo implementation]
- Added File Extension Comparison [idea from bluesonicboy]
(see filename page in file detail dialog)
- Added own implementation of Auto Hard Limit!!
- Added Auto Hard Limit (four ways: max, sivka, wizard, uni a-team)
- Added Auto Soft Lock [neo]
- Added Obelix Connection Control
- Added Mass Message (allow to send the same message to all file sources)
- Added tooltip info in Uni A-Tweaks [morphxt]
- Added Recheck Kad Firewalled [idea from wizard]
- Added manual reask file to client
- Added Ip to Country on Kad window
- Added Random Ports [monki]
- Added preview for music files
- Added multiple instances
- Added easy access for filename in downloadlist
- Added Show client percentage
- Added Invisible Mode [tpt, morphxt]
- Added ChunkDots & ChunkLines also in uploadlist [cb]
- Added new toolbar [from Neo, but simplified]
- Added XP contextual menu [tpt, neo way]
- Enhanced Auto Drop System: now dropped sources can be blocked for a certain time
- Changed display of UAR tooltip in statusbar
- Changed Quickstart:
- added setting for max half connection
- removed settings for return back value, these can be setted in base emule options
- Updated small code part in dynamic block request
- Fixed old bug in uni a-tweaks
- Fixed small code part around client recognization
- Fixed small bug in quickstart after ip change
- Minor changes around FDC
Thanx to C3R34£_K|££4 for new icons and images

- Added editable reask time for srv, kad, xs
- Added client ip & tcp/udp ports in client detail dialog
- Added modified Filename Disparity Check [idea from tk4]
- Added ChunkDots & ChunkLines [sf - cb]
- Added Tray Password Protection [neo]
- Added more displayed advises in transferwnd when uni active ratio is on
- Changed: now quickstart starts also if the server is not connected but Kad is connected
- Changed some displayed strings
- Removed funnynick and upnp cause were added in new Xtreme
Updated to Xtreme 5.2.1

- Added Uni Active Ratio
(if upspeed<11Kb/s and dl:ul session ratio > 6, max download speed is set to 6 times upload speed)
- Added Push File System
- Added Funny Nick [xrmb]
- Added Upnp [morphxt]
- Added Files Password Protection [NEO: PP]
- Added Relax on Startup [wizard]
- Added Remember Friend Slots
- Added Multi Friend Slots
- Added option to enable/disable partial file push (see push file system)
- Changed: moved ul/dl rate at the beginning of titlebar
- Changed other minor things
- Fixed: quickstart button now works properly
- Fixed: recognization of emuleplus client version
Updated to Xtreme 5.1.2

Note: This new version is much simpler than the older ones, now it's based on Xtreme and
has less unuseful functions. Only useful and dl-speed increasing functions have been added from
the old Uni A-Team Mod
- Added UniA-Team Credit system
- Added Emulations
- Added Quickstart
- Added Dynamic Block Request [netfinity]
- Added enhanced client recognization
- Added automatic drop system
- Added banner in preferences
- Added Titlebar personalization
- Added Status Color in downloadlistctrl
- Added Play Startup sound in general options
- Added small push for partial file in upload priority
- Added Uni A-Team Toolbar in trasfer window
- Added reset button in options->security to set pawcio url for ipfilter
- Added button in XtremeII for antileech.dll update
- Added Uni A-Tweaks preferences page
- Changed: now active downloads are shown in blue
- Changed: now are shown always editable comments
- Changed and added some icons, splash
- Changed: now in options->security is shown pawcio url for ipfilter by default
- Changed global hardlimit, now it's editable and ul speed indipendent
- Changed some strings
- Changed some default settings
- Removed search results limit
- Removed X-Treme Update but not antileech.dll update
- Removed first time wizard
- Fixed: Readded "about" image (was removed in xtreme)

- Added protocol encryption against P2P filters [Neo]
Multi Port communication
XOR packet encrpytion on session key base
SUI PK encrpytion for key exchange
Diffie-Hellman key agreement for session key agreement on new first connection
- Added Stability Fix for username changed in CString [Neo]
- Added option to manually remove client from download list
- Added less cpu-load with faster uploadspeed [netf]
- Added Recheck Firewalled for 30 minutes [WiZaRd]
- Added Reduced CPU usage (in UInt128.cpp) [netf]
- Added Support for AntiVir version 7 personal edition [TK4]
- Probable MemLeak fix in UrlClient.cpp [WiZaRd]
- Changed modeless dialog system from SF to Neo, less buggy
- Changed funny nick to CString due to stability fix
- Changed a bit DBR part
- Changed code part for displaying time in titlebar
- Changed XS button now do 3 consecutive reasks
- Changed ZZRatio: now it's 1:6 instead of 1:3
- Removed some unuseful options
- Removed Extended Clean-up II (crash due to conflict with safehash)
- Removed unused variables
- Fixed IP display in titlebar
- Fixed little bug in auto refresh shared files
- Fixed bug in lancast code
- Fixed some glitch in lists
- Fixed other minor bugs
Merged to Morphxt 8.9 (except global hardlimit, cause of autohardlimit that's preferable)

- Added Lancast
- Added Dynamic Block Request [netfinity]
- Added Modeless Dialogs [Sf-iom]
- Added enhanched view shared files [iom]
- Added Server names in bluebold
- Added ipfilter control & filtering of serverlist and block connection to filtered servers
- Added enhanched client recognization [Spike2]
- Added: Support of Avast! Pro and Home anti-virus [TK4]
- Readded ZZRatio
- Readded "Richiedi file" option
- Removed first time wizard but still in
- Removed upload slot speed in Connessioni (due to stulle upload slot limiter)
- Removed original ratio
- Rework in drop system
- Fixed: path bug for eTrust EZ anti-virus [TK4]
- Fixed: improved/fixed anti-virus selection code [TK4]
- Fixed old bug due to winsock2
- Fixed bug due to autohardlimit (caused several crashes)
- Fixed bug in statisticsdlg (caused crashes on some SP1 users)
- Fixed critical bug in spooky mode
- Fixed download bandwidth throttler
- Various fixes
- Updated help file
Updated and fixed Argos System:
ARGOS: dlp is now a core internal part of the detector engine, and has a bigger flexibility
ARGOS: by default I'll provide a dlp.dll that can handle the antileech.dll of the xtreme, no need to keep 2 lists up to date so I’ll save some time
ARGOS: Add hash to detector to lechers.dat, not used currently but in case may be useful
ARGOS: Removed Argos own anti spam method, now using the official one instead, the official list is user editable so it's more flexible
ARGOS: Added missing tests to processmuleinfopacket
ARGOS: emcrypt clients are now detected as faked client
ARGOS: Readded anti xs fastask/exploid, should take care of all official bugs and don’t cause false positivs
ARGOS: Added anti file faker idea by wizard, but own more secure implementation working for tcp and udp
ARGOS: Added anti udp aggression idea by sivka, own simplified implementation
ARGOS: added a reset button to the message filter
Merged to morphxt 8.5

v.1.1 Final
- Updated uni a-team help
- Removed MorphXT update

v.1.1 RC1
- Fixes in Kademlia contact list
- Fixed old bug in transfer window additional toolbar
- Fixed in strhellopacket

v.1.1 Beta
Merged to emule 0.47a MorphXT8.1
- Added PlusSpeedMeter
- Added Client Ip in client detail dialog
- Changed Preferences dialog with slidebar
- Readded Crash Dumper
- Minor changes and fixes

v1.0 Final
- Fix in preferences.cpp

v1.0 RC2
- Added Uni A-Team Mod Help
- Added Shareaza download import (experimental)
- Added max uploadrate x slot
- Little bug fixed in Argos system
- Fix in autoupdate shared files
- Fix in optimized code
- Fix in anti mod-thief
- Fix in Password Protection
- Fix in MuleListctrl.cpp
- Fix in Kademlia flags
- Fix in SafeHash
- Fix: Code Optimization FillSolidRect [Xman]
- Changes in allow multiple instances
- Changes in slot focus
- Changed clear banlist button: now clear also argos banlist

v1.0 RC1
- Added Argos Anti-Leecher System [NEO: NA]
- Added Auto RunTime Update
- Removed MorphXt Anti-Leecher System
- Removed internal spam filter + ban

v1.0 Beta

- Added some Credit Systems: Uni A-Team, Official, BillyGates, WiZard
- Added [Uni A-Team] friend ratio
- Added No answer after ban
- Added Ip to Country on Kademlia wnd
- Added Files Password Protection [NEO: PP]
- Added AntiVirus Scanner
- Added Sourcecache [Xman]
- Added Extended Clean-Up II [Maella]
- Added Uni A-Team Log in Server window
- Added integrated and updated spam filter + ban option
- Added Reconnect Kad on ip change [Xman]
- Added personalizations for titlebar
- Added Active Connection Control [Obelix]
- Added SourceFrom
- Added SearchCatch [SlugFiller]
- Added SlotFocus
- Added tons of optimizations
- Added Spooky Mode
- Added Con Checker (spooky mode addon)
- Added Download Priority Control
- Added See all sources [Xman]
- Added Refresh automatically sharedfileslist
- Added P2P Worms Detection
- Added Background and Text Color Handling
- Added AutoHardLimit [Wizard]
- Added WinSock v2.2
- Added Faster Endgame [Dazzle]
- Added "add a comment" in downloadlist
- Added Slots management
- Added Uni A-Team preferences dialogs
- Added SpreadReask
- Added new Emulations
- Added CPU/Ram bars in transfer window [iOnix]
- Added Clear Ban List Button (but not Argos banned)
- Added new system of Load & Save Sources
- Added Quickstart v3
- Added Quickstart on Ip change
- Added Reask Sources on Ip change
- Added "Reask for download" in client context menu
- Added dropping system (FULLQ, NNS, TM, QR) both manual (context menu and transfer wnd buttons) and automatic (timer)
- Removed ZZ-Ratio
- Removed old credit systems
- Removed Limit in Search Results Window
- Removed MorphXT update
- Changes in base credit system for uppers real reward

Differences betwen leecher and public version are:

↓ - The Leecher version is better and have ↓
↓↓↓ All great futures in 0.48 eMule version allready ↓↓↓:

> Info see binary , browse PE <
This mod have 2 different modus: run normal, run as full L33CH3R Edition

▲- Nice mod, will apriciate if can get the Leecher version -▲

Download public build: eMule0.48a_UniATeam_v2.6-bin.rar 9.36 MB - DDL

Bowlfish settings have been found in preferences.ini to control:

I have pleased the coder cause rests remain in public build which can not made functionary to share the full featured build.

see PE exe file content
The more features will be:
»▪ Disable share
»▪ No queuelist
»▪ Queuelist only for friends
»▪ Queuelist only for complete files
»▪ No upload
»▪ No upload to non-Emule clients
»▪ Upload protection
»▪ FakeRank
»▪ NickThief
»▪ HashThief
»▪ Ban4Ban
»▪ Fake Community
»▪ Change Server connect every ... minutes

Yet Im not a freak of Mephisto Mod.

Coder don't want to share the mod as full leecher edition. Have only Mephisto PrE mod which is Thermidiated(Thermida Prot executable) process