Saturday, March 31, 2007
eMule 0.47c ZZULtimativ 1.2.02
ZZULtimativ 1.2.0X
+ Neue Grafiken in den Optionen THX Son Riab
+ Winsock2[eWombat]
+ Mehr BadMods hinzugefügt und von einigen Boosts ausgeschlossen
+ Andere Creditsysteme hinzugefügt(Lovelace,Official,Pawcio,Eastshare)[KTS]
+ ed2k-Link Forum[Hawkstar]
+ Clientbantime einstellbar[Spike2]
+ Analyzer schaltbar[Spike2]
+ geändert IP2Country[wizard/shadow/eastshare]
+ AddOn Directory hinzugefügt[wizard/shadow]
+ Push & Kick in mehr listen
ZZULtimativ 1.2.0
+ Readblockfromfilethread[sirob]
+ dynamic hideOS[xMan]
+ hideOS without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ add more illegal mods
+ remove BigBang from ServerFilter
+ manual Ban
+ some Code Optimations & Memleak fixes[XMan/Wizard]
ZZUltimativ 1.1.X
+ mehr Illegale Mods hinzugefügt
+ ModThief-Detection funktioniert jetzt mit dem Einstellbaren modname
ZZULtimativ 1.1
* manche Sachen erstmal wieder entfernt (HOS/ICS/SON)
ZZULtimativ 1.0.9
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.8
+ Remove Unused AICH Hashes[XMan]
+ CClientUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CPartFile::DrawStatusBar() Optimize[WiZaRd]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.7
+ Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [lovelace]
+ Reduced CPU Usage in Uint128.cpp[netfinity/xman]
+ Optimized Spreadbarshader[netfinity]
+ several Memleak-Fixes[Wizard]
+ WhoIs[KTS]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnight]
+ Manual Reask Server & XS[LSD]
+ Drop Single Source[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.6
+ Reask Source after ip Change
+ Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
+ Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
+ fakemanager[KTS]
+ FakeCheck[KTS]
+ LSD Buttons
+ Emulate Other[Spike2]
+ Ip2Country[EastShare]
+ SLS[enkeyDEV]
+ Drop Sources[LSD]
+ Update Ip-Filter,FakeCheck,Ip2Country.csv
+ MSS-Setting[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.5
* bugfix in options
+ ShowSharePermission[xmule-mod]
+ FunnyNick[KTS]
+ Decrease Source Exchange Speed[Spanish-Man]
+ permissions modifiziert
--> bei permission friends only kommen nur comm und friends in die queue
--> bei permission none niemand
ZZUltimativ 1.0.4
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Sirob]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ SpreadReask[slugfiller]
+ No Spread Reask for Xtreme[Spike2]
+ SafeDeleteMacros[eWombat]
+ Push Rare Files[KTS]
+ Push Part Files[KTS]
+ einstellbare Comm/AntiComm/Friend/Partfile boosts
+ Splash[SonRiab]
+ Exit Smoothly[TKB]
+ gesendeten Modstring selbst eingeben[Spe64]
+ Deutsche übersetzung des WS[engo3k]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.3
+ Use HideOs without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ HideOS[Slugfiller]
+ Extented Splashscreen[KTS]
+ UPNP-Support[XMan]
+ see OnUploadqueue[XMan]
+ Show UploadQueue in Feedback
+ Changed Modname to ZZULt1m4t1v (because XMan`s UltiBan)
hatte noch was vergessen im Changelog
+ Optimizer[Xlillo]
+ SystemInfo in Transferwindow & Statistic[sicks]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.2
+ Clientanalyzer[Wizard]
+ QueueSize Fix[Wizard]
und noch nen Bug gefixt wenn Slotfocus deaktiviert war wurden die Clients nicht nach einen Chunk aus dem Upload gekickt
ZZUltimativ 1.0.1
Slotfocus abstellbar[kts]
Max Slots einstellbar[kts]
zusätzliche Pref Page
Up/Down Spalte in Uploadliste[kts]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.0
+ Mod Name geändert
+ Community/Friend Boost funktioniert jetzt
* Upload Only 2 eMule geändert
+ Copy feedback[Miles]
+ Community Visualization [Mighty Knife]
+ Community Boost (10x)
+ AntiCommunity Punish(100x)
+ Friend Boost(10x)
+ Friend & Community Boost (20x)
+ Anonym Mod[sicks]
+ Push & Kick[Telp]
+ Remove & add 2 ip-Filter[sicks]
+ CPU Optimization & Memleak Fixes[Wizard]
+ Optimizations[SpanishMan]
+ UpLoad only 2 eMule[sicks] -> changed that upload to Amule,too
+ AutoUnBan Friend[KTS]
+ Enhanced Client Recognation[Spike2]
+ Faster Reask for Ml-Donkey[Wizard/Spike2]
based on
ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3
Download: eMule 0.47c ZZUltimativ 1.2.02.rar (1.95 MB) - (Mirror)
Download: eMule 0.47c ZZUltimativ 1.2.02 BLUE EdiTion.rar (2.21 MB) - (Mirror)
Friday, March 30, 2007
µTraitor v1.31
µGreed - µTorrent upload multiplier
µGreed (µHit) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µGreed (Start) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µLeech (1BU) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech (9BU) - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/9 - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/10 - (D/Upload Multiplication)
µHit, µRun and µStealth
µHit - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µRun - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µStealth - µTorrent which is not shown - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µSeed (1BU) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/Number in front of U)
µSeed (9BU) - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/9 - (D Multiplication/Number in front of U)
µSeed - µTorrent which shows as seeder - 0/10 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µTorrent - µTorrent which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)
Do this after the installation:
1. Open µTorrent, press CTRL+P and press the "Associate with .torrent files" button
2. Open the ports 3456 (if using µGreed) and 17861-17865 on your router to become connectable
* The µTorrent clients look best with 1280x1024 as resolution
* Changing the ports is recommended for improved safety
* You can add or remove installed components after the install by running the installer again and selecting modify
Can I use more than one µTorrent at once?
-Yes, but do not use any clients with the same icon (color) at the same time.
Why would I need more than one µTorrent at once?
-For example if you want to download a torrent with µRun and a torrent with µLeech at the same time!
Why does every µTorrent have their own configuration?
-Because you can't use more than one µTorrent at once if they have the same configuration (the icons would also have to be the same color then).
How does the associate torrents with µTorrent thing work?
-The last µTorrent you had on top and are still running will be associated with torrent files, and if you have no one running then µTorrent will open the torrents.
How does the 1BU and 9BU versions work?
-1 Before Upload (1BU) and 9 Before Upload (1BU) versions ads the number 1 or 9 in front of your upload speed. So if you upload at 230kbps then the upload speed will be reported as 1230kbps or 9230kbps..
Which clients share the same settings?
-Those with the same µTorrent tray, taskbar and shortcut icon color.
What do I need start-versions for and how do I use them?
-Start-versions are for the clients which are always shown as seeder. If always shown as seeder, your unable to find seeders. A. Download a torrent with the start-version. B. When the avalibility bar on µTorrent turns blue, close the start version. C. Open the non-start version and the torrent will resume.
How do I open the ports on my router?
-Go to for help
How do I use µGreed?
-Select the upload or download multiplication you want with µGreed (Tool) and have it running while using µGreed (Start)
-Version 1.31
Update: Information
Fix: Various bugfixes
-Version 1.3
Feature: Select what you want to install
Feature: Modify the installation after installation
Removal: RatioMaster and NRPG RatioMaster removed
Feature: µGreed (GreedyTorrent with it's own uTorrent clients)
Feature: Installation is now .exe (with green icon) and compressed better
Change: Improved settings and various changes
New Version 1.3.1
µTraitor v1.31.rar (3.59 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
old Versions 1.3.0:
µTraitor v1.30.rar - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
Hacked Shu Mod Beta (
build 194
fix: always enable update button
fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done
build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly
build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added : show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log ^^
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report
build 191
probably bugfix : fixed the real received value
by seba
Hacked Shu Mod ( (8.07 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
uTorrent 1.6.1 Clientspoof.rar (38.03 KB) - (Mirror)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
eMule v0.47c Wikinger-Mod v1.0
eMule Wikinger-Mod Main Features:
- Slot Control: chose how many upload slots you want to open
- Release-Features like Powershare and Share Only the Need
- Applejuice Community Modes: select normal, reduced (50% Upload) or disabled Community Mode
- manual add to Upload and remove from Upload in every List on Transfer Window
- Applejuice Community with many Community Clients advanced Community Features
- Applejuice Creditsystem: you can "buy" download Slots from other Community Clients with Applejuice you get for your Upload
- Community Topfile List: Search and Find the Files with most Community Clients
Changelog eMule v0.47c Wikinger-Mod v1.0:
Mar, 27. 2007
- Powershare for complete and incomplete files (only for non-Community Clients)
- auto disable Powershare for files depending on complete sources count, transferred data or transferred percentage of filesize
- Share Only The Need for Powershare-Files (for complete and incomplete files, but only for non-Community Clients)
- improved amount based max Upload to Community
- allow to remove Applejuice Creditdownload Clients and Friend Slot Clients from Upload in some special cases
---> because of amount based max Upload to Community
- reset data needed for 'max Upload to Community'-calculation in some cases
- fixed bug replacing normal Community Clients with Applejuice Creditdownload Clients
Applejuice Community:
- Applejuice Kademlia Network
- always connect to Kademlia Network if Applejuice Community is enabled
- save and load Applejuice Credits
- Community Topfile List
- reduced overhead a bit if Applejuice Community is disabled
- manual set filebuffer flush time
- increased max filebuffer limit to 20MB
- Intelligent filebuffer flushing [WiZaRd]
- select sending Modstring
--- send Wikinger-Mod Modstring
--- send random Modstring
--- send other Modstring (manual entry Modstring)
--- send no Modstring (Anonymous/Ghost Mod)
- manual swap Sources (all Sources of a file or a single source) [Xman]
- better passive source finding [Xman]
Transfer Window:
- Community List
- Mod Clientdetail Window (only enabled if advanced Mod Features is enabled)
- fixed sotring in Download Status column on Uploadlist and Queuelist
- fixed one message on enabling Applejuice Creditdownload
- show Powershare Priority in Sharedfiles list and Queue list at priority column
- always save Applejuice Credits on exit (if disabled you get a popup on exit)
- Log eMule Mod actions
- improved Wikinger-Mod icon [backpacker]
- use Wikinger-Mod icon as application icon
- German translation [tigraboy/Ekliptor]
- some minor changes
Share Only The Need for Powershare-Files:
This feature forces every Client to download rare spreaded chunks by hiding all other chunks.
So this feature helps spreading files uniform.
If enabled, we will only show to every Client all Chunks with fewest sources and he not already has.
If this meant we show only one Chunk to the Client, we will also show him one Chunk with second
fewest sources and he not already has.
We will also show him all Chunks he already has.
Of course files will always be complete available in the ed2k netwrok because all chunks
which are only shared by us are always chunks with fewest (0) sources.
Applejuice Community Clients will always see all Chunks.
Download: (2.63 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
Archiv old Version:
eMule 0.47c Fincan v6.2
- 25. Mart, 2007 -
Fix: FincanMod arkadaslar-protokolü düzeltildi ! (kapanmalara yol acan hata)
Fix: Kolleksiyon kullanimda kapanmalar düzeltildi
Fix: Kullanici Ayrintilari, inridim süresi düzeltildi
Fix: Bir sonraki kullaniciyi göster
Fix: Gönderimde Sira durumu düzeltildi
Fincan v6.1 (0.47c)
- 03. Mart, 2007 -
Fix: Dosyalara bakis izni - genel ve özel ayarlar düzeltildi
Add: open slot if need - gönderimi tam kapasite kullanmak icin yeni slot ac/kapat
Add: ReAsk Sources - kaynak sayisi az olan dosyalarda beklemeden yeni kaynak ara
Add: lowIdRetry - düsük id baglantida yüksek id alana kadar sunucu degistir
Add: ReAsk SRCs after IP Change - ip degisirse bütün baglantilari yenile
Add: Quick start - ilk acilista kisa zaman icin hizli baglantilar kur
Add: Backup Config Files - kapanista bütün degerli dosyalari korumak icin kopyala
Add: source filter - drop failed downloads, drop non emule clients, drop High QR
Mod: upload ratio 1:3 den 1:4 sabitlendi, aynen v5.2 gibi
Add: enable/disable tooltips - yardimci balon bilgileri ac/kapat
Fix: upload slpitting / releaser group & powershare - sira isleminde hatalar düzeltildi
Add: Show next client on queue - sirada bekleyen bir sonraki kullaniciyi göster
Add: FriendList SortProc - arkadaslari listede cesitli ayara göre sirala
Add: Completed Files Directory - tamamlanmis dosyalari ayirabilmek icin yeni klasör
Add: Import Parts [SR13] - bozuk part/met dosyalarin tamir islemi
Add: Remove dead servers - gecersiz ve statik olmayan sunuculari temizle
Rem: Client History (Clients2.Met) - cesitli sorunlar yüzünden kaldirildi
Add: Test webcache configuration on startup
Add: Web arabiribi - Slot ayarlari eklendi
Add: XP-Menu Background
Add: CPU usage on statusbar
Fincan v6.0 (0.47c)
- 03. Subart, 2007 -
Bu sürüm komple yeniden yazilmistir
Simdiye kadar sunulan FincanMod'lar da bulunan özelliklerin coguna sahiptir
yeni eklentiler:
Add: Modless Diyalog
Add: iri parcalari (chunks) ayri gösterim
Add: Powershare sunumda slot ayarlama imkani
Add: Tüm ayarlarda yardimci tooltip
Add: XP Style Menus
Add: Filenote, dosyalarda özel not defteri
Add: Antileech güncelleme (otomatik)
Add: Forum News
Add: 2 adet slot4ver
Add: Multiple client selection
Add: Emulate non emule clients
Add: Fakelist
Add: import/export emfriend.met
Mod: Browser'a Stop tusu eklendi
Add: Arkadaslar icin privat Nick
Add: Msn statistik gösterim
ve daha neler neler, arastiran bulur :-)
Fincan v5.2 (0.46a)
- 19. Eylül, 2005 -
Add: Browser tekrar eklendi :-)
Add: "open slot if need" upload kapasite tamamiyla kullanmak icin otomatik yeni slot acar/kapatir
Add: Mod thief, Mod protection
Add: Webcache configuration test on startup, baslangicta WC ayarlari kontrol eder
Fix: meetingfile A4AF, diger dosyaya 10 dak icinde gecer
Fix: "show additional toolbar"
Fix: ul/dl ratio(1:4) wizard
Fix: gizli emule
Fix: indirim ayarlari "gereksiz parcalari cikar"
Fix: Kullanici ayrintilarinda crash
Fix: indirim listesinden banlamak
Fix: "Sonraki Kullanici"
Fix: Arkadas listesinde crash; Birden fazla client kullanici, arkadas listesinde yasaklanabilir
ve daha bircok ufak tefek ise yarayan eklentiler..
Fincan v5.1 (0.46a)
- 2. Agustos, 2005 -
Rem: Browser kaldirildi, ben denemedim ama belki linux sistemde sorun cikarmaz
Add: Nickthief (leecher protection)
Mod: antileech güncelendi (ef-mod'dan aktarma)
Add: Kullanici ayrintilarinda yasakli veya leecher hakkinda kisa bilgi
Add: ind/gön dosya ayrintilarina paylasimla ilgili ayrintili bilgiler (Paylasim/Sharing)
Add: ind/gön dosya ayrintilari tüm listelere eklendi
Fix: indirim bittikten sonra dosya yorumlarini tekrar takip etmek
Add: tüm listelerden direk yasaklama (2 saat / 20 saat)
Add: arkadas listesine eklemeden sinirsiz direk slot acilabilir, online olmasi bile sart degil
sadece lowid slotlar en gec yarim saat sonra acilir
Fix: istenen dosyalar listesi fixlendi
Mod: listelerde yeni siralama özelligi (Dosya Adi, Kullanici Adi ve mod yazilimi basta siralama)
Fix: Paylasilanlar listesinde birkac takim hatalar giderildi
ve tabii geriye yönelik tüm fincanmodlarin alistigimiz özellikleri
Fincan-KAD v5.0 0.44d
- 19. Nisan, 2005 -
Fix: LowID retry - '0' giris opsiyonu kapatir
Fix: Auto Hardlimit
Fix: Browser - [Sunulan] bazi durumlarda baglantilar kopabilirdi, fixlendi
Rem: indirim listesinde kalin harfli yazilim kaldirildi
Mod: Kullanici ülkeleri güncelendi
Mod: Antileech gönderme güncelendi
Mod: Siradaki Arkadaslar penceresinde birkac takim yenilikler
Add: Kullanici ayrintilarini kapatmadan diger kullaniciya gecilebilir
Add: (Edonkey,MLdonkey und Hybrid) emulator eklendi
Add: Kullanilan takma adi yasakli listede olup olmadigi kontrol edilebilir
Add: Reask sources after IP change - IP degisirse kaynaklari tekrar arastir
Add: Modlog - Mod ile alakali günlük rapor
Add: indirim yoksa tüm bandgenisligini kullan opsiyonu eklendi
Add: Quickstart - Baslangicta ve/veya IP degisirse kaynaklari daha cabuk bulabilbek icin asiri baglanti ayarlari
Add: Powershare - Yayima göre yüksek tabanda öncelik skoru (Kaynak sayisi cok az olan dosyalara yüksek tabanda öncelik)
Add: Hide Over Share - parcalari dagitima göre gizleme (Sadece yayim icin kullanilir)
Add: Dosyalara bakis izini dosya basi ayriyetten ayarlanabilir
Add: Dosya ayrintilarinda yayim icin genis tabanda önemli bilgiler (Sharing)
Add: Paylasilanlar listesinde birkac takim yenilikler
Add: Paylasilanlar - Foruma uyumsal (feedback) geri bildirim raporu (UL, yayim, ed2k link)
Add: Paylasimdan cikarilan dosyalarda biriktilen yurumlar (Bilinen dosyalar)
Add: Paylasilanlar - Bilinen dosyalari listeden silme imkani
Add: WCrelease - kullanista etkin olup olmadigini gösterir
Add: Ufak boyut dosyalar icin öncelik ( <>Client->swap source to other file überarbeitet
Fix: Meetingfile wurde manchmal doppelt angezeigt
Fix: Backup Ordner - clients.met known.met und known2.met vor backup auf fehler überprüfen
Mod: Statistics->MOD strings erweitert um neue Modstrings
Mod: Quickinfo->Runtime - Zeigt nun unabhängig von Verbindung die tatsächliche Laufzeit
Mod: Server Warning->delete uncompleted meetingfile umleiten auf DebugLog (nur bei Releaser Group)
Add: Hidden mule wurde erweitert, mit passwort und/oder Hotkey
Add: Antileech upload->exclude if sources needed - bei Quellenmangel wird nicht gebannt
Add: Downloadlist->Sources Handling - Alle Quellen zu dieser und zu anderer Datei hinzugefügt
Add: Downloadlist->Drop Sources - "No needed Parts" und "Queue full" entfernen
Add: Preferences->Connection->Auto Hardlimit - Quellenlimit automatisch einstellen je nach Dateianzahl
Add: Show file details - auch aus upload- queue- und known liste Dateidetails abrufen
Add: Shared Files - Datei Kommentare auch aus Sharedfiles liste anzeigen
Add: Shared Files - Bei Dateifertigstellung Kommentare speichern
Add: Shared Files - Dateien welche eigene Kommentare beinhalten markieren
Add: Shared Files - Liste wechseln zwischen "allfiles - downloads - completed - sharing - knownfiles"
Add: Comments list und Shared fileslist - Auch eigene Kommentare sehen
Add: Hinweis auf bereits heruntergeladene Dateien wenn diese wieder herunterladen wird
Add: Webcache Release - auch möglich wenn Dateien heruntergeladen werden (es darf kein andeder Datei auf Release stehen)
Add: Auf Release oder WC-Release gestellte Dateien hervorheben (Priority Anzeige Rot)
Add: Friendlist->Info - Um "last seen" und "location"erweitert
Add: Requested Files - Detailierte Anzeige und weitere Informationen
Add: Statistics->Cumultative Download Sessions - Webcache hinzugefügt
Add: Quickinfo - Webcache received hinzugefügt
Add: Quickinfo - Auto hardlimit hinzugefügt
Add: Slotvergabe an mehrere Freunde möglich (gilt jeweils nur für eine session)
Add: Friendlist - ed2k friendlinks hinzugefügt
Add: Anticommunity
Add: Anonymous Mod
Fincan-KAD v4.4 0.44d
- 1. Dezember, 2004 -
Add: Webcache 1.2f
Add: Browser->Released by e-sipa
Add: Hidden mule
Add: Notifications->away msg
Add: Notifications->soundtest
Mod: ul/dl ratio 1:3 -> 1:4
Mod: remove dead servers can be disabled
Fix: Security->update ip-filter on startup
Fix: Upload LowID patch /uploadslot +1
Fix: antileech feature
Add: LowID server retry
Add: Friends on queue list
Add: Queuelist->green clients are on downloadlist
Add: Downloadlist->green clients are on queuelist
Fix: Client-details window
Fix: Waittime on downloadlist
Fix: RTmod - Coutry Flag
Add: Statistics-> MOD & Coutry
Add: Filedetails->Webcache received
Add: QuickInfo->ul/dl progress
Mod: New Releaser-Group slot control
Big thanx to sivka, RT, Morph and emule project developers!
Fincan-KAD v4.0c 0.43b
- 21. Juli, 2004 -
Fix: Crash bei chat&search->ClientDetailsDlg
Fix: send ExtentedInfo
Fix: Identifizierte Freunde können nicht gebannen
Fincan-KAD v4.0b 0.43b
- 17. Juli, 2004 -
Add: Alle bekannten FincanMod-Features übernommen!
Rem: Autohardlimit entfernt
Rem: Hide emule entfernt, (kommt vielleicht später wieder)
Add: Server und Clienten-Flaganzeige hinzugefügt
Mod: Neue emfriends.met Format
Add: IP-Filter beim start laden
Mod: Erweiterte Webservices (FakeChek)
Add: Erweiterte Informationsaustausch zwischen Releaser-Group(Friendsharing) Benutzer
Mod: Warteschlangeüberlauf seltene Dateien immer zulassen
Fix: Upload Slots 2 Benutzer bis 1Kb/s pro Benutzer einstellbar
Mod: Tools->QuickInfo und Einstellungen in die Zwischenablage kopieren
Und viele kleine nützliche Features..
Fincan v3.4b 0.30e
- 24. April, 2004 -
Mod: Freunde in Warteschleife anzeigen
Fix: Friend-Slot4Ever bug entfernt
Fix: Uploadslots 2 - 100 einstellbar
Fix: TEC Server-adresse korrigiert
Fix: AutoHardLimit
Fincan v3.4 0.30e
- 04. April, 2004 -
Rem: Forcedsharing entfernt
Fix: Korrektur berechnung Client-Warteposition
Add: Downloadlist: PopUp menue "Quelle wechseln zu anderer Datei"
Add: Up&Queuelist: PopUp menue "Angefordete Dateien ansehen...." by Sivka
Add: Vorlost: Bann users trying to fake there port
Add: HashThief Protection by Sivka
Fix: AntiLeech ModStrings aktuallisiert
Fix: Hidden emule Passworteingabe
Add: Dateianfragen anzeigen, by sivka
Add: ModString leecher vorbeugen
Fix: TEC Server-adresse korrigiert
Add: Downloadlist: Filetyp icon
Add: Friendsharing: remove not registered friends automatically
Add: Downloadlist: Select Sources (All/FincanMod/Friends/SeeFiles)
Add: Antileechupload erweitert um Hashthiefklau
Fix: Meetingfile handling überarbeitet
Fix: Freunde sofort in die Uploadliste bei Fullchunkupload
Add: Dynamic QR-drop out
Add: IP-Filter update alle 12 Std
Add: Erweiterte Clientdetails
Add: Aus dem Chattfenster Freunde hinzufügen, Details und Dateien ansehen
Add: Markierung neu hinzugefügte Freunde
Mod: Uploadslots 2 - 100 einstellbar
Fix: Friend-Slot4Ever gilt nun über gesammte Sitzung
Fincan v3.3 0.30e
- 03. Januar, 2004 -
Add: AntiCommunity: mehrfache eingaben möglich
Add: FriendList: Neue Sortierfunktionen hinzugefügt
Add: FriendList: Entfernen nicht registrierte Freunde
Fix: FriendList: Erkennung registrierte Freunde
Fix: Default friendslot
Add: Mod-Sharing: Pushfaktor x3 ab version 3.3
Fix: PFF entfert: Dafür ForcedUpload eingefügt!
Fix: Community Sharing: Fehler bei Textänderung beseitigt
Add: FincanMod Icon
Add: Hide emule: Passwort eingabe wenn emule im hintergrund läuft
Fix: Diverse kleine fehler..
Fincan v3.2 0.30c
- 05. Dezember, 2003 -
Mod: Community-Boosterfaktor einstellbar x2 - x6
Mod: Community-benutzer icon hizugefügt
Add: FriendList: Ansicht Anzahl Freunde und verbundene Freunde
Add: Friendsharing: ET_FRIENDSHARING IsFriend flag hinzugegügt
Freunde können nun zuverlässig erkennen ob Sie gegenseitig auf der Friendliste stehen
Add: Friendsharing: Friendlist autoupdate alle 12 Std.
Add: Friendsharing: Meetingfile(fake/leiche) hinzugefügt
Alle Freunde die online sind, können sich hier treffen um ggf. Friendliste zu aktuallisieren,
Dateien austauschen, chatten usw..
Fix: Friendsharing: Sendet nun tatsächliche QR der Freunde auf Warteschlange
Fix: Friendliste update: Selbst hinzugefügte und Freunde neueren Datums nicht löschen
Doppelte Einträge selben Namens und älteren Datums löschen
Add: Friendsharing: Online aktualisierte Freunde sind an '®' Vorzeichen zu erkennen
Add: UploadList-Anzeige erweitert um 'Total-upload/download' und 'Queue-Status'
Add: QuickInfo: Friendsharing upload-controlle hinzugefügt
Add: Webservices ein paar Links hinzugefügt
Add: Warteschleife Klient bannen hinzugefügt
Add: Details-Anzeige nächste Klient auf Warteschlange
Add: Hinzugekommen PFF! Allerdings mit ein paar Einschränkungen für seltene Dateien, Freunde,
Community, FincanMod Benutzer und Klienten mit Kredit
Fincan v3.1 0.30b
- 30. Oktober, 2003 -
Add: >>Neue FriendSharing system eingefügt<<>
Fix: Fincan-Einstellungen Zeiteingaben nicht mehr nötig
Fix: Fehler in der Quellenaustausch für seltene files behoben
Fix: MOD_VERSION senden
Rem: AMUC entfernt
Fincan v1.1 0.29b
- 23. Juli, 2003 -
Fix: AMUC Upload Begrenzung
Fix: Uploadslot Eingabe
Add: Zeigt nun eMule-Mods auf Downloadliste (List->Sources)
Mod: Swap To Another Rare File
Fix: Nickname und Userhash Anzeige ausschalbar
Fix: UploadPriorität für Rare Tempfiles
Fix: Dropping Downloadliste
Fix: Korrekte Waittime-Anzeige für UploadClient und DownloadClient
Fix: Auto HL überarbeitet
Fix: Korrektur AutoUpPriority wenn Download beendet
Fix: QuickInfo Ein/Aus-schalten
Website: Forum Homepage - FincanMOD
Download: eMule 0.47c - Fincan v6.2.rar (3.87 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2) - Direct: DOWNLOAD FincanMod 6.2
old Versions History:
eMule 0.47c - Fincan v6.1.rar - eMule 0.47c - Fincan v6.0.rar (3.8 MB) - (Mirror) - eMule 0.46a - Fincan v5.2.rar (2.49 MB) - eMule 0.46a -Fincan v5.1 (2.48 MB) - (Mirror)
ALL DC++ 32in1 - Pack1 + Pack2 2007
LDC++ 1.00v2a-bin
DC++ -k 0.251
DCDM++ 0.049
Goofy++ 008
McDC++ 0.36
McDC++ 0.38
PhantomDC++ 0306-1.19
R2++ o.401[025][CDM]
R2++ 029L
RMDC++ 0.403D[1]
slsk++ 139
Download: ALL DC++ AIO.rar (78.28 MB) - (Mirror)
Dc++ clients - Pack2 2007
strongdc 2.03
strongdc rc10
Zion++ Blue 2.05
Zion++ Blue 2.06
Zion++ Green 2.17
Zion++ Yellow 1.01
Download: Dc++ (63.85 MB)
via Torrent: Dc++ Clients.torrent (25.16 KB) Torrent Info
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
eMule v0.47c ZZUltimativ 1.2.0 [ZZUlt1m4t1v 1.2.0]
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]
ZZUltimativ 1.2.0
+ Readblockfromfilethread[sirob]
+ dynamic hideOS[xMan]
+ hideOS without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ add more illegal mods
+ remove BigBang from ServerFilter
+ manual Ban
+ some Code Optimations & Memleak fixes[XMan/Wizard]
ZZULtimativ 1.1
* manche Sachen erstmal wieder entfernt/ some things removed (HOS/ICS/SON)
ZZULtimativ 1.0.9
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.8
+ Remove Unused AICH Hashes[XMan]
+ CClientUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CPartFile::DrawStatusBar() Optimize[WiZaRd]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.7
+ Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [lovelace]
+ Reduced CPU Usage in Uint128.cpp[netfinity/xman]
+ Optimized Spreadbarshader[netfinity]
+ several Memleak-Fixes[Wizard]
+ WhoIs[KTS]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnight]
+ Manual Reask Server & XS[LSD]
+ Drop Single Source[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.6
+ Reask Source after ip Change
+ Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
+ Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
+ fakemanager[KTS]
+ FakeCheck[KTS]
+ LSD Buttons
+ Emulate Other[Spike2]
+ Ip2Country[EastShare]
+ SLS[enkeyDEV]
+ Drop Sources[LSD]
+ Update Ip-Filter,FakeCheck,Ip2Country.csv
+ MSS-Setting[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.5
* bugfix in options
+ ShowSharePermission[xmule-mod]
+ FunnyNick[KTS]
+ Decrease Source Exchange Speed[Spanish-Man]
+ permissions modifiziert
--> bei permission friends only kommen nur comm und friends in die queue
--> bei permission none niemand
ZZUltimativ 1.0.4
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Sirob]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ SpreadReask[slugfiller]
+ No Spread Reask for Xtreme[Spike2]
+ SafeDeleteMacros[eWombat]
+ Push Rare Files[KTS]
+ Push Part Files[KTS]
+ einstellbare Comm/AntiComm/Friend/Partfile boosts
+ Splash[SonRiab]
+ Exit Smoothly[TKB]
+ gesendeten Modstring selbst eingeben[Spe64]
+ Deutsche übersetzung des WS[engo3k]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.3
+ Use HideOs without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ HideOS[Slugfiller]
+ Extented Splashscreen[KTS]
+ UPNP-Support[XMan]
+ see OnUploadqueue[XMan]
+ Show UploadQueue in Feedback
+ Changed Modname to ZZULt1m4t1v (because XMan`s UltiBan)
hatte noch was vergessen im Changelog
+ Optimizer[Xlillo]
+ SystemInfo in Transferwindow & Statistic[sicks]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.2
+ Clientanalyzer[Wizard]
+ QueueSize Fix[Wizard]
und noch nen Bug gefixt wenn Slotfocus deaktiviert war wurden die Clients nicht nach einen Chunk aus dem Upload gekickt
ZZUltimativ 1.0.1
Slotfocus abstellbar[kts]
Max Slots einstellbar[kts]
zusätzliche Pref Page
Up/Down Spalte in Uploadliste[kts]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.0
+ Mod Name geändert
+ Community/Friend Boost funktioniert jetzt
* Upload Only 2 eMule geändert
+ Copy feedback[Miles]
+ Community Visualization [Mighty Knife]
+ Community Boost (10x)
+ AntiCommunity Punish(100x)
+ Friend Boost(10x)
+ Friend & Community Boost (20x)
+ Anonym Mod[sicks]
+ Push & Kick[Telp]
+ Remove & add 2 ip-Filter[sicks]
+ CPU Optimization & Memleak Fixes[Wizard]
+ Optimizations[SpanishMan]
+ UpLoad only 2 eMule[sicks] -> changed that upload to Amule,too
+ AutoUnBan Friend[KTS]
+ Enhanced Client Recognation[Spike2]
+ Faster Reask for Ml-Donkey[Wizard/Spike2]
ed2k download
Purple-BLUE EdiTion: ZZULtimativ BLUE EdiTion v1.2.0 - (Mirror)
ZZULtimativ BLUE EdiTion v1.2.0.rar (2.02 MB) - (Mirror)
ZZULtimativ_1.2.0_exe_only.7z (1.61 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
Download SRC: ZZUltimativ-src.7z - (Mirror)
old Versions:
eMule 0.47c - ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3 (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ-1.0.5-bin.7z (1.49 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZUltimativ (1.56 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ 1.1.0 bin.7z (1.76 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ testversion 1.1.1b.7z (1.62 MB)
Remark: one of these all knowing "little forum secrets". Seems to be in nature of some young Allemans pirate treasures. Create a good mod and hide it "TOP SECRETS".
eMule 0.47c Leecher-Mod Gamma 5
-Remove OldRb3
-Client Percentage [Downloadlist]
-Optimez Reask Timez
-Swap Client.
-Send fake Filehash ^^
-Community Finding over Kad
-Send better XS to Community
Download: eMule 0.47c Gamma5.rar (1.7 MB) - DDL: Gamma5.rar
older Versions: eMule 0.47c - Leecher-Mod Gamma4.rar (2.27 MB) - DDL: Gamma4.rar
µtraitor 1.3 (based on µT 1.6.1) by sviney5k
µGreed (µHit) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D /U Multiplication)
µGreed (Start) - µT which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µGreed (Tool) - µT upload multiplier
µLeech (1BU) - µT which shows as normal - 1/1x - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech (9BU) - µT which shows as normal - 1/9x - (D/Number in front of U)
µLeech - µT which shows as normal - 1/10 - (D/Upload Multiplication)
µHit, µRun and µStealth:
µHit - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1 - (D Multiplication/U)
µRun - µT which shows as seeder - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µStealth - µT which is not shown - 0/0 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µSeed (1BU) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/1x - (D /Number in front of U)
µSeed (9BU) - µT which shows as seeder - 0/9x - (D /Number in front of U)
µSeed - µT which shows as seeder - 0/10 - (D-/U Multiplication)
µTorrent - µT which shows as normal - 1/1 - (D-/U Multiplication)
Download: µTraitor v1.3.rar (3.6 MB) (Mirror)
Help µtraitor and don't post it in public software sites or freeware and betawebsites. Support µtraitor on international (not language localized) Diskussion Sites. µtraitor should be for insider available global not limited to German, Brasilian or other localized Forums.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tracker Pro 1.0
- Download some torrent files to your local drive.
- Start TrackerPro.
- Add torrent files to TrackerPro.
- Torrent Pro will start to increase your Upload data without really uploading or downloading something.
Developer Homepage:
trackerpro.exe (735.43 KB)
Keywords related to this page:
tracker torrent, tracker torrents, torrent tracking, torrent trackers, anime torrent tracker, best torrent tracker, best torrent trackers, bit tracker, bittorent tracker, bittorent trackers, mac torrent trackers, make a torrent tracker
Torrent Ratio 1.0
Example: 12345 can become 99999. Same do with &uploaded if <>0 and &downloaded=0, it change to lower possible number without change length of number.
Example: 12345 -> 10000 Second way when both values are <>0 it cut numbers from &.downloaded and add to &uploaded.
Example: &downloaded=12345&uploaded=12345 -> &downloaded=1234&uploaded=123455
How to use:
- Enable TorrentRatio from Program->TorrentRatio shortcut
- Start your BitTorrent client.
- Download torrents.
- To watch logs you can use DebugView .
TorrentRatio not contains any spyware and adware.
Developer Homepage:
TorrentRatioInst.exe (336.76 KB)
Keywords related to this page:
bit lord, bit rate, bit comet, torrent search, bit defender, torrent downloads, movie torrents, torrent spy, bit torrents, torrent site, torrent, torrent tracker, bit torent, torrent software, movie torrent, torrents, music torrent, torrent files
Monday, March 26, 2007
eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE ProjeKt v2.0 by Te@m-Project
Te@m-Project eMule 0.47c Builds
(interface de couleur jaune)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Yellow-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
(interface de couleur jaune)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Yellow-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) - Mirror:
eMule [Grand’Purple-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface de couleur violette)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Purple-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand’Purple-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface de couleur violette)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Purple-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) Mirror:
eMule [Grand-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface ordinaire)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.57 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface ordinaire)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.57 MB) - Mirror:
eMule [Grand’Green-LinE~ProjeKt] v2.0
(interface de couleur verte)
base : 0.47c
+Display more mod version…
+Emulate shareaza, donkey…
+fix diffQR
+Fix language
+Drop NNS, FullQueue plus fin
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Green-LinE~ProjeKt V2.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule [Grand’Green-LinE~ProjeKt] v1.0
(interface de couleur verte)
base : 0.47c
-Display QR, mod version…
-Reask Management:
—>Kad (dynamic)
—> server
—> Sources XS
-Drop NNS, FullQueue
-FasterEnd Game
-No ratio
-Display % client
-Display download in bold
-Display mod version and opthers
-Ban des spammer v1.3
-Remove server info
-Flush Thread
-Safe Hash
-Diff QR
-Reask Source Random
-Add anti-fakehash
Download: eMule 0.47c Grand'Green-LinE~ProjeKt.rar (1.53 MB) - Mirror:
Red projekt 2 ~ [te@m projekt]
Based on eMule_0.47c_ZZUL_20061022-1609
-Quickstart after IP change
-Reask after IP change
-Dont Remove Static Servers
-Kick User
-Show client percentage
-drop NNS, FullQ, HighQR (Gestion Automatique)
-SLS (Save Load Source)
-Source cache
-No Ratio
-Anti NickThief
-Anti ModThief
-Meilleur gestion des sources Kad
-Fake Rank
-Friends in color Blue
-Emulate other
Download: eMule 0.47c Red-Projekt 2 by te@m projekt.rar (1.5 MB) - Mirror:
eMule 0.47c ScarAngel 1.9
eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.9:
- 25.03.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4.2 compiled with vs2003 SP1
Added: More icons in context menus [various] - Stulle
Added: Improved ICS-Firewall support [MoNKi] - Max
Added: Invisible Mode [TPT/MoNKi/SiRoB] - Stulle
Added: UPnP support [MoNKi/leuk_he] - leuk_he
Added: Random Ports [MoNKi] - Stulle
Added: Select window background color [MaxUpload] - Max
Added: Simple cleanup [MorphXT] - Stulle
remark: This is not in the Xtremes implementation, stick to older versions
Added: Support page in preferences [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Default value for background colors [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Design settings save version number (now v2) [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Superior clients inserted at first position in UL [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Various things around XP-Style menus [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Reworked "give waiting time back"-code for SUQWT [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Rewrote Design settings (one enum per master item) [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: List backgrounds unrelated to items in list (instant change) [Stulle] - Stulle
Updated: Webcache [MorphXT] - Stulle
Fixed: Columns with wrong background in DlClients and QueueList [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Webcache information drawn in wrong column [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Sometimes client's credits are not updated though they should [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: ScarAngel horizontally truncated in Splash [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: Unnecessary log line on Design settings changed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: UPnP support [Xtreme] - Stulle
Removed: Unused code of TBH: MiniMule implementation [Stulle] - Stulle
eMule v0.47c ScarAngel v1.8:
- 04.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1
Added: XP-Style menus [Xanatos/ staff] - Stulle
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle] - Stulle
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enforce Ratio [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Tabs in ScarAngel preferences dialog can be translated [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Reset Spread Bars command [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: second categories column in DownloadList removed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: always one release slot [Xman] - Stulle
+ use PowerShare instead
Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible
+ Download will be limited when 80% of the max ratio is reached
+ Example: Ratio = 1:1 --> Limit when 1:0.8 to download = upload*1
+ Display details on ratio activation
Latest binaries (v 1.9): eMule0.47c-ScarAngel_v1.9-bin.rar (6.01 MB)
HTTP (SourceForge) : eMule0.47c-ScarAngel_v1.9-bin.rar
eD2k : eMule0.47c-ScarAngel_v1.9-bin.rar
Latest sources (v 1.9):
HTTP (SourceForge) : eMule0.47c-ScarAngel_v1.9-src.rar
eD2k : eMule0.47c-ScarAngel_v1.9-src.rar
Language packages:
totranslate.txt (includes all strings differing from Xtreme)
Available so far:
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Yahoo Messenger Mega Skin Pack
- A Lil Bit Girly
- Alien
- All American
- Apollo
- Aqua
- Aqua-Blue
- Atlanta Falcons
- Baby Blue
- Baby Doll
- BabyBluePink
- BaseBlue
- Basefaces 6.0
- Battleship Gray
- Bio Hazard
- Black
- Black and White
- Black Widow
- Black Widow 2
- Blue
- Blue Jeans
- BlueSky
- Bronze
- Budweiser
- Care Bears
- Celadon
- Christmas Wreath
- Classic Christmas
- coral-blue
- Corona
- Crimson Night
- D-Devil
- December
- Dutch Treat
- ENHigh-Techv2
- Gel LED (Green)
- Gel_LED(blue)
- Google Talk
- Graphite
- Gray&Orange
- Green Bay Packers
- Half Life 2
- Halloween 2004
- Halloweenish
- Halo 2
- Hannelore's Skin
- Heaven
- Hunter Green
- Indigo
- iTunes
- iYahoo!
- Jack Daniels
- Longhorns
- M&M's
- MacOS X Tiger
- Mango Italiano
- Maverick Blue
- Mechanized
- Metallic Black
- Old Skool
- OliveXP
- Orange Insanity
- Pepsi
- Pink
- Pink Lilac
- Pipeline
- Pretty in Pink
- Purple Haze
- Purple Passion
- Queeeenz Blue
- Queeeenz Dusty Rose
- Queeeenz Forest
- Queeeenz Purple
- Teck
- The Victorian
- Toe Bee's Dolphins
- Toe Bee's Skins
- Valentine
- Vortex Pink
- Vortex Red
- windows_media_10
- XBOX 360
- Xminimum
- XtremeXP (Blue)
- Y! Vista
To install: Extract the .zip file to C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\skins
Select Change Skin from the Messenger menu preference, Appearance -> Change Skin.
5,41 MB!Messenger/198
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Zion++ Blue 2.06 - Zion++ Green 2.17
Zion++ Blue is a P2P-client application targeted for operators on the Direct Connect community. Zion++ is based on a StrongDC++ and it's fully Direct connect compatible.
The original Direct Connect is an unique file sharing tool, based on chatroom-like sharing communities called hubs. In the hubs users can chat, browse each others files and share them.
Zion++ has three different editions to choose from:
Zion++ Blue: a client targeted at operators (lots of specific functions)
Zion++ Green: a client for normal users (not operators)
Zion++ Yellow: a client for chat only (no filesharing) purposes
* Add : Clone Ip feature in favorites hubs
* Add : Action for Clone Ip detected
* Add : Action for Nick spoofing detected
* Add : Show Ratio in description
* Add : MultiCopy in DirectoryListingFrame
* Add : Raw for file not available
* Add : Feature for change User Icon List
* Add : Show shell menu in finished transfers (ApexDC++)
* Add : Command /findip
* Add : Raw for Low Upload
* Add : Hide Share
* Add : Command /log webserver
* Add : Feature for disable search fake
* Add : Cheating Fake slot count in TAG (Ticoed)
* Add : Action for Fake slot count in TAG
* Add : Feature show Client Commands as status messages (Ticoed)
* Add : Feature for remove empty directories from share
* Add : Menu Copy Comment and Menu Copy Nick + *
* Add : Menu Whois Ip
* Add : Feature to prevent the upload on client who does not fully support TTH
* Add : Copy for multiUsers
* Add : HubWindowAttention() function lua
* Bug : 52686 connection time out
* Bug : "Remote client does not fully support TTH - cannot download" in test check key
* Bug : ip and country in chat or pm
* Bug : icon Zion++ in the settings
* Bug : Save Spam
* Bug : OPMenu (Rightclick)
* Bug : UpdateIp 10 min
* Bug : Search Alternate disable after multiselect in directory listing frames
* Bug : Move Raw down in RawPage
* Bug : Import/Export Themes
* Bug : Copy IP
* Bug : Remove Offline User in list Queue for testSur and Check list
* Bug : Icons checking in TransfertView
* Bug : Some Shared fixes and shared negative in shared page
* Bug : remove file in queue frames
* Changed : Buffer for Away Message (in favoriteHubFrames) set to 1024 (front 256)
* Changed : Update to english the command /help
* Changed : Sort Check last in transfertView
* Changed : Possible ignore the bot
* Changed : hublist by default
Websites: - -
Zion++ Stuff -more DC++ Clients - - P2P Forum Italia
Zion++ Blue (1.79 MB) - (Mirror) - (DLL)
Zion++ Green 2.17.rar (1.29 MB) - (Mirror) - (DLL)
more DC++ Clients here and here - Torrent Download here
older Versions
eMule 0.47c KAO v1.5 by Taz
1.5 :
Clean install or verify credit system (credit systems order changed)
Add : new credit system (Predict - by me)
Fix : Reverse (Dazzle) credit system 2 kick @ >= 1.65 (random)
Known feature (bug) : ed2k links are not captured.
1.2.1 :
Clean install needed (credit systems order changed)
Added Justice credit system (10'x Sonoro) - Options->Eastshare
KAOMATIC almost done
Remove Fix by Dazzle (from FRTK 5.5)
Remove Fix by Wizard (from Beba v1.2) : Queue size fix
Known feature (bug) : ed2k links are not captured.
1.1 :
Fix : Minor programming glitch (auto min2tray)
Cleaner Options screens
More automatic for KAOMATIC
KAO Options (currently only Fake Rank - will include more) under Options->StulleMule
1.0 :
Fix by NiTrO-TeAm (from PP-Edition_v0.1b) : BetterPassiveSourceFinding
KAOMATIC - less options for Novice users
KAO/emule - same choices as v0.8 (TBH can be replaced by "normal" MiniMule)
KAOPRO - Almost any option can be changed ...
2 switch between "profiles" (KAOMATIC / KAO / KAOPRO) just rename executable to wanted one (upper or lower case).
0.8 :
Change : FR a bit more aggressive (very unlikely to be detected)
Fixed by Wizard (from Beba v1.2)
: obfuscation fix for servers which don't support them [WiZaRd]
-------> I've changed it to support server forced obfuscation as well
: changed: mlDonkey reask time [Spike2/WiZaRd]
: XS Workaround
: Stats - needed client is not counted as bad guy
: Kad remove - missing buddy check
: Remove source from download list
: Add source - memory exception
: Queue size fix
Fixed by Dazzle (from FRTK v5.5)
: it's possible that a client is added to queue, later is dropped because of queue-full.
then is readded through search or passive, but within the reask time.
In this time the source will be on DS_NONE, but still in the download queue.
If this function is runned before it is reasktime,
it will be deleted here and then when the partfile tries to reference the source, crash.
added a check if we requested a file from this source to fix it
0.71 :
Add : Options->StulleMule->Misc. Settings->Kao Fake Rank
Fix : Do not kick 4 no QR if downloaded from
0.63 :
Change : Unified Ban Control (Ban or Reduce credit for identified as "bad" / leecher etc.).
Fix : If reduce score (i.e. not ban) Reverse credit now (fix for non existent feature) reduces score for identified as "bad" / leecher.
Fix : Transfer window real upload queue size show
Add : Auto emulate
Add : Remove search results limit
0.5 :
Fix : Better control of uploaders (regardless of upload queue).
Fix : Tighter reverse credit implementation.
0.4 :
Fix : Upload only a/e/xmule & Upload4QR
Fix : ZZratio won't kick in
Add : a sort of inverse credit (based on xpmule X4)
Add : Kick @ kickval (inverse credit compute or 1.6 for all other credits)
Add : Push & Kick
Add : automation (not optional) of :
Only TBH (no MiniMule) that shows completed, gets updated and trigerred on minimize.
Show Client PCT
Show Additional Toolbar @ transfer window
Saving & loading of sources
Show Country Flag
Reask sources after IP change
0.3 :
Stulle v4.5 + ALL changes on v4.4
Always show Download PCT
0.21 :
Some Wizard defaults changed.
Always Min2Tray
0.2 :
Icons / logos & stuff...
No more Dynamic Updates (upon connection 2 server / client) of server list
Upload4QR - if DropQR enabled by QR value otherwise by 7500
0.1 :
Stulle v4.4
No-Ratio above 4KByte upload
Mod Priority -> can be set to above-normal (was high)
Upload only to emule/amule
Not sharing Incoming Dir
Latest ipfilter.dat & updated server.met included.
No banning (only reduced score) or vice versa is possible !!!
4 low upload bandwidth : @ Options->Morph->Max client datarate can be safely set @ 1 (better rotation and lower overall upload overhead).
No need for clean install when switching between original & KAO.
Latest ipfilter.dat included.
4 low upload bandwidth : @ Options->Morph->Max client datarate can be safely set @ 1 (better rotation and lower overall upload overhead).
No need for clean install when switching between original & KAO.
Download: eMule 0.47c StulleMule v4.5 KAO v1.5 bin.rar (8.47 MB) - (Mirror1)
eMule 0.47c Spike2 0.9
Spike2 0.9
ADDED : IntelliFlush (by WiZaRd, from the emf-Mod) --> can be turned on/off in the Tweaks-PrefPage
ADDED : ModIconMapper (by WiZaRd, from the emf-Mod) with many new ModIcons & ModStrings (added by Spike2)
ADDED : Powershare (WiZaRd's Implementation from Tombstone-Mod)
-->NOTE: Powershare on partfiles isn't possible. (disabled by Spike2)
ADDED : Prevent USS-Spam (by WiZaRd)
ADDED : QRETA (by Slugfiller, taken from emf-Mod)
ADDED : Save Friendupload-Slot (by WiZaRd, from Tombstone-Mod)
ADDED : Security-Patch in ListenSocket.cpp (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : Server-Message-Filter (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : SharedView Ed2kType (by Avi3k and WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
ADDED : ShowQDifference (by itsonlyme from SF-IOM, taken from emf-Mod)
ADDED : SpreadReask deactivated for Xtreme-Mods (Spike2)
BUGFIX : AntiCorruption - fixed by WiZaRd (could cause files to "hang" at 99,9 %)
BUGFIX : Context-Fix in ChatSelector (by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : Crash-Bug in MMSocket - Fix by XMan
BUGFIX : Enhanced Client Recognization: Fix in recognizing eMulePlus-Version
BUGFIX : Protocol-Obfuscation: Small fixes (i.e. Connect, show port // by WiZaRd)
BUGFIX : SafeHash - Memleak-Fix by WiZaRd
BUGFIX : Several small fixes and optimizations from WiZaRd's Tombstone-Mod and from the emf-Mod
BUGFIX : XS-Workaround / Fix (by WiZaRd & Xanatos)
CHANGED: Colours in file-status (by Xman from Xtreme; Feature request from Blomy)
CHANGED: Dynamic Block Requests: Small changes by WiZaRd (taken from Tombstone-Mod)
CHANGED: First Start maximized (by WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
CHANGED: Friendslot-behaviour when VQB-FullChunk is selected (now more than one chunk is transferred, Spike2)
CHANGED: SLS: LowID-sources are saved, too - except we are a LowID-client ourself ! (Spike2)
CHANGED: Show active downloads in bold (setting applies immediately and doesn't need a restart any longer - changes
by Shadow2004 and WiZaRd, taken from the emf-Mod)
CHANGED: Small redesign of the "Security-Options"-page to make it easier for the user
REMOVED: AntiCreditHack (useless, because CreditHacks are already handled by official code // Spike2)
REMOVED: Don't show Splashscreen on old Windows to avoid crash (from Xtreme Mod) --> not needed with Standard-Splash
REMOVED: MSS-Setting (not used in Spike2-Mod, if it will ever be used by official codebase, your chosen MTU-value minus 40
will be used as MSS-Setting (Spike2)
UPDATED: Reconnect Kad on IP-Change by XMan (from Xtreme)
UPDATED: Some parts of the ClientAnalyzer (by WiZaRd) - XS-Spammers are now correctly punished
eMule v0.47c Spike v2 0.9 - Binary - eMule 0.47c Spike2 0.9.rar (2.07 MB) - (Mirror)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Azureus DDJ Shu Hack (
Build 191 Beta
bugfix: negatively values by using download reduction
Build 190 Lastest Final
bugfix : incorrect left value when torrent just complete itself
Build 189
bugfix: empty event flag isn’t sent anymore while using download reduction or other option while the torrent is completed
Build 188
re added Portuguese language
Major bugfix : It now correctly sends what’s remaining (%done)
Config caps increased :
-upload multiplier from 20 to 50
-ratio limit from 5 to 50
-speed limit from 2500 to 10000
Code cleanup in the Shu config area
Installation of the Shu Mod (READ THIS):
- INSTALL Azureus
- DELETE the plugins folder from the Azureus directory
- COPY the plugins folder, Azureus2.jar and to X:\Program Files\Azureus
- RUN Azureus.exe
- This will install the Shu Mod with no Authentication
- The Update News & Version button will report to the Shu site by grabbing the news and version information
- This also includes the latest plugins and recommended plugins
- 3D View
- Advanced Statistics
- Sudoku
- AutoCategory
- Peer Injector
- Chat
- Ratings
- Client Spoof
- Country Locator
- Monitoring Plugin
- Multi-Port
- Progress Bar
- RSS Feed
- Seeding Columns
- Speed Scheduler
Download (incl. Plugins and clientspoof):
Azureus_DDJ_Shu_Hack_2.5.0.4_2.2.7.191.rar - Mirror1 - Mirror2 - Mirror3
Azureus DDJ Shu Hack (11.25 MB)
uTorrent 1.6.1 Clientspoof.rar (38.03 KB) - (Mirror)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
eMule 0.42 DarkDragon Hotfix
Based on eMule Version 0.42g-LSD16g v16.922
nns wurde gefix
sls funzt nun
neue icons
ne kleien änereung für mehr quellen *fg*
credits fairer verteilt *fg*
hi @ all
Also der neue mod Basiert auf der Ultra 2
also in den prefs klick 1 mal auf Darkpower und dannneustarten somit sollte alles eingestellt sein *fg*
Kad ist es rat sam nach 15 min zu trennen is nur gut für quellen suche
in den prefs den hacken raus nehmen aus Old Comunity nicht nutzen *fg*
und ratio ist auf 10 zustellen für dsl 768 & 1000 !!!
Den Mod schon verbreiten damit er in umlauf kommt wegen Community is besser für alle
have some fun
Mfg Darky
Download + Mirror: emule 0.42g DarkDragon Mod.rar (1.44 MB) - Mirror
Newer Version:
eMule 0.46a - Darkmule X2.rar
Latest Java 1.7 (7) and 1.6 Update 1 (6u1) for Windows
Latest Sun Java 7.0 - Build 10 - March 21, 2007:
Windows Platform
Windows Offline Installation, Multi-language JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b10-windows-i586-20_mar_2007.exe, 53.01 MB
Windows AMD64 Platform
Windows AMD64 self-extracting JDK file
jdk-7-ea-bin-b10-windows-amd64-20_mar_2007.exe, 38.44 MB
Summary of changes in JDK 7 build b10-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uninstall any old version first, delete Java catch (Temp) folder! Close Webbrowser during setup!
After install the jdk, go to add/remove programs, uninstall Java 7 SE Development Kit and let only Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment 7!
Version 1.6 Update 1 SE (Java 6u1) (2nd week December 2006 and latest Final)
Type in address bar: about:plugins
The entries you are found are:
Java Plug-in 1.7.0 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper)
- Filenames are: npoji610.dll, npjava32.dll, npjpi170.dll, npjava12.dll, npjava13.dll, npjava14.dll, npjava11.dll
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
GreedyTorrent v1.01 Beta 170
GreedyTorrent can help you survive on trackers that enforce a minimum 1:1 trading ratio, and can keep you from getting banned for not uploading. So how does it work? In simple words, it modifies the conversation between your bittorrent client and the tracker, suppressing the actual upload amount. Instead, GreedyTorrent puts you in control of your own upload ratio -- you can define how much upload you want to submit to the tracker.
GreedyTorrent has the following features:
- GreedyTorrent is set-once-and-forget type software. No need of configuring it each time you queue a torrent file to download.
- No complicated options to configure. The default installation of GreedyTorrent is configured to provide you five times actual upload, enough for the survival of a normal ADSL user. There is no need to manually find the hash values or to set tracker URLs, it takes care of them automatically. GreedyTorrent was developed with the beginner user in mind, with an easy to use interface.
- GreedyTorrent generates no additional traffic. It does not run or emulate an "extra torrent client", and thus does not waste your precious bandwidth.
- You can continue to use your favorite BitTorrent client, no need to switch to another BitTorrent client to use GreedyTorrent.
- and much more...
Developer: GreedyTorrent, written by Alex N J, India
Freeware Download:
greedytorrent-v101b170-setup.exe (1.15 MB) (Mirror) - direct link