
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

eMule 0.50a ZZ-R v3.8

ZZ-R 3.8 - 22.12.2010

+ Update to ZZUL-TRA 1.9 codebase
+ Fixed anti nick thief
+ Additional AntiLeech list (anti-mod/nick) [idea from iONiX/WiZaRd]
+ Some minor fixes
+ Colors defeatable in preferences.ini
- Removed old anti mod


DownloadeMule0.50a.ZZ-R_3.8_Bin.rar 3.61 MB

Direct Download | Mirror

Monday, December 6, 2010

eMule UltiMatix 5.0 based on SaintAngel

eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Based on [SaintAngel]

Engo3K changes for eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Build: Dec 4 2010
+Updated to MorphXT v12.5
+PowerShare for WebInterface
+High resulution speedmeter on toolbar
+Limit PS by amount of data uploaded (% of file size)
+Server.met url (ServerWind.)
-Server ads
+Automatic shared files updater
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-Start (adjustable) for Part&Finished Files
+Bold for Friend & Unlimitedslot
+CommColor orange
+Newest MediaInfo.dll from [MorphCA]
+eMule Skin from "Cloudas" (Skin profile eMule) to bin package from [MorphCA]
+HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 40 MB with steps of 500 KB
+HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins)
+Save Last Request - SharedFilesWindow
+Share Permission -Hide/Comm/Friend/All
+Many icons
+Push Part Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Push Finished Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Average Queue Ranking
+Show Session Download
+Fixed Release Boost + for partfiles (not Release Bonus [X-Ray])
+Color red for PowerShare Files up/queuelist
+FileReaskTime for NNS & Unknown Src. to [20-58] mins
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360] mins
+Multi chunk transfer
+Remove block ratio [BR:] clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+AntiQRFull [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiCommunity [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiMod [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+Punish for Non SUI Clients [0 Score/*0.1/*0.2/off] - Argos
+Friend Boost [2-500]
+Community Boost [2-500]
+Custom Prioritys
+Client-BAN All List
+Client Ban-Time [0-24h]
+Color for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
+Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+MSS Settings [=MTU-40]
+Slot Limiter [2-255]
+Kick All Upload Slots
+Kick single Upload Slot
+Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+Upload nur an eMule Clients
+Adjustable Modname
+Client Details copyable for better add to anticomm/mod
+UBT for client Datarate
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to 0KB/s = Unlimited)
-Remove some Release Nick/Mods (AntiLeech+MagicAntileech.dll)
Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.2.1/1.1]
Based on MorphXT
Add: Show KAD flags&IP [X-Ray]
Added: Shared file extension filter(don't share them)[dolphinx/changed by angvil]
Added: Show runtime&nick on title [MorphCA]
Added: Some mod icons
Changed: change user-agent to 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8'
Removed:Some codes
Added: Release Bonus [X-Ray]
Added: Show CPU&RAM useage [StulleMule/Katana]
Added: Show User IP
Changed: Some small changed




Friday, October 29, 2010

eMule DaZZle Mod 0.50a

DaZZle Leecher (based on eMule 0.50a)



Add: Server rotation
Add: Show part count in shared parts bar if show more controls enabled
Add: Show spread part count in spreadbar if show more controls enabled
Add: Make part count sortable
Fix: Missing code in Average Queue Ranking
Add: Show MinQR in download speed column if show more controls enabled
Fix: Some minor bugs
Add: IntelliFlush (always enabled) [WiZaRd]
Change: File Buffer Size increased a bit to 7,5 MB max. because of IntelliFlush [Spike2]
Add: Spreadbar [Slugfiller]
Add: Double click uncomplete files in SharedFile window display FileDetail [SiRoB]
Add: Client percentage (morph/Xman)
Add: Emulate other [???/WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2]
Remove: Country name column in lists (you can see name in client details)
Add: A4AF counter, ahead of user nickname [sivka]
Add: Overlay icon for share visibility
Change: Icon ClientCompatible to ClientDefault (now "green cross" is only show for ClientCompatible)
Add: Winsock2 Support [eWombat/eMulefuture]
Add: ReAsk Sources after IP Change [Maella/Stulle]
Add: ReqFiles [itsonlyme/David Xanatos]
Add: Enhanced Client Recognization [Spike2/TK4]



Thursday, October 28, 2010

FlashGet Mini 1.4 Download custom edition

Download: FlashGetMini-v1.4.0.1052-custom-dark.exe 2.46 MB


- remove stats send to urls (,, stat*...clientaction) see
- remove ShareURL Service (* /fg4/sul,...)
- remove invalid url's (,...)
- Trackers & BT related left as is in btcoreu.dll they are:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- use Google for file search (type %20 instead of space between words - space breaks into 2 browser windows open bug)
- remove unused res in flashget program exe (skins are used)
- compact gfx (bmp rle, png's)
- reduce program size
- rebuild exe and setup without 3th party toolbar install
- several setup types with without tcpip patch, upnp tool, bho click catcher
- add Firefox 4 working extension link
- add DM-Bridge oGet for Google Chrome extension link
- changed Skin
- reduce uninstaller file size

Official Changelog:

Version: FlashGetMini v1.4.0.1052

Review: new kernel
Review: new Blue ui
Review: interface details of the changes (bt user list)

Version: FlashGetMini v1.4.0.1048

Review: Security Center, optimizing the search interface to respond to anti-virus software.
Review: Copy URL to Clipboard, to ensure that only a new dialog box.
Modified: BT task of being uploaded, exit program before will suspend the task.

eMule DaZZle Leecher

Latest DaZZle Leecher Mod based on eMule 0.50a

DaZZle Leecher


some fixes around the 0.50a upgrade
dual server connect

have fun... morph4u



Saturday, July 10, 2010

eMule 0.50a Xtreme v8.0 LPE (07.07.10)

eMule0.50a Xtreme 8.0 -LPE-


+ Some minor fixes around the update to newest codebase


Sunday, May 16, 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphCA 1.1

MorphCA v1.1

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphCA v1.1


to have a crash free build...

Fix: Crash at cancel downloading file (my fault) [morph4u]
Add: ModelesDialogs [Xanatos]
Add: SpeedGraphWnd [dolphinx]
Add: GDI Plus UI [dolphinx]
Add: Additional Localize in preferencesdlg [dolphinx]
Add: Open Log Folder at Tools Button [morph4u]
Add: FileStatusIcons (disable in prefernces.ini ShowFileStatusIcon) [X-Ray]
Add: See all sources [Xman]
Remove: List icons
Remove: Massrename
Change: Colors for powershared/friends/friendslot/lowid/sharevisibly [morph4u]

todo: cleaning emule.rc/recource.h about all removed strings a. icons

DownloadeMulev0.50a.-MorphCAv1.1-bin.rar 4.15 MB | Mirrors





eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.0

eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.0 BETA

Main Features:

- Maella Bandwidthcontrol, calculates the real Overhead
- NAFC (network adapter feedback control)
- advanced Uploadbandwidththrottler with adjustable slotspeed
- Xtreme Downloadmanager for a clever source-handling
- improved Xtreme-Creditsystem
- Powerrelease with dynamic Hide OS
- IP to country - show country-flags
- Dynamic Leecher Protection (DLP)
- Multi-threaded disc access with threading-queue
- hundreds of code improvements

supported languages:
german, english, spanish, french, italian, chinese, turkish, czech

based on emule 0.50a
compiled with:
libpng 1.4.1
zlib 1.2.3
Cryptopp 5.5.2
CxImage version 6.00
** this version is compiled using MS Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and Windows 7 SDK **

Xtreme 8.0 BETA
May 15, 2010:

- updated to 0.50a codebase (thanks Stulle)
- add: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation (MoDsⓌ)
- add: Fincan community hash detection (WiZard)
- add: retrieve MTU from system (netfinity)
- add: dual upnp lib support (in code only)(zz_fly)
- add: AICHHashset write buffer, reduce diskio while hashing (zz_fly)
- add: let unshared hashsets in a single file, reduce the size of Known2_64.met (zz_fly)
- improved: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128 (netfinity)
- improved: better clients.met file backup and recovery (Enig123)
- improved: remove useless sort process in downloadqueue (Enig123)
- improved: optimized in download queue balance (Enig123)
- improved: Don't reset Connection Settings for Webserver/CML/MM (Stulle)
- fixed: skip big archive in auto archive preview (zz_fly)
- fixed: minimize to systray issue (Enig123)
- fixed: a splash-screen UI problem in Vista (WiZaRd)
- fixed: don't transmit for nested/overlapping data requests (emuleplus)
- fixed: a possible crash when username contain %s (DolphinX)
- fixed: don't reload sharedfiles when we don't need (DolphinX)

updated languages: Italian(, Chinese(zz_fly), Turkish(erdem444)


Remark1: Xtreme does an exact overhead-calculation. This means, Xtreme shows more overhead than other eMule-Mods.
Remark2: For the access problem, original website will not update. You can find new information of Xtreme from
Remark3: It is better to use CLEAN INSTALL (Delete prefercence.ini in your CONFIG directory).
Remark4: If your upload speed greater than 500kb/s, and you found the upload speed is not stable enough. You can enable 24k send buffer via prefercence.ini by "sendbuffersize=24000". This option can let Xtreme work better.
Remark5: Correct eMule.tmpl located in CONFIG directory. Use correct template can prevent some error in webinterface.
Remark6: This version requires Windows XP SP2 or above with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.


Xtreme 8.0 BETA


- codebase 更新至 0.50a (感谢 Stulle)
- 为VS2008添加ATL Server代码 (MoDŝ̌̂ⓦ)
- 添加Fincan社区用户检测 (WiZard)
- 从系统中获取MTU (netfinity)
- 添加双UPNP库支持(只在代码中) (zz_fly)
- 添加AICHHashset缓存算法, 减少Hashing文件时的磁盘读写 (zz_fly)
- 将未共享文件的Hashset单独存放到其他文件中, 减少Known2_64.met的大小 (zz_fly)
- 改进: 优化了CUInt128的部分算法 (netfinity)
- 改进: clients.met文件的备份和自动恢复 (Enig123)
- 改进: 去除下载队列中不必要的排序过程 (Enig123)
- 改进: 优化下载队列平衡 (Enig123)
- 改进: 不要在Webserver/CML/MM中重置连接设置 (Stulle)
- 修正: 自动压缩包预览现在会跳过过大的压缩包 (zz_fly)
- 修正: 最小化到系统栏后可能出现的问题 (Enig123)
- 修正: 在Vista下欢迎界面的UI问题 (WiZaRd)
- 修正: 不要发送重叠的数据请求 (emuleplus)
- 修正: 用户名包含"%s"可能会导致崩溃的问题 (DolphinX)
- 修正: 不必要的共享文件刷新 (DolphinX)

更新翻译: Italian(, Chinese(zz_fly), Turkish(erdem444)




all files:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

eMule 0.49a BlackMule V0.1+

An older eMule Mod in a nice black design

eMule v0.49a [BlackMule V.0.1+]

Rilasciata la versione 0.1 Di BlackMule
Dopo Grandissime richieste ci siamo riusciti a darvi una versione di emule in `Black Style`

BlackMule è una nuova mod di emule basata su sorgenti MorphXT realizzata per le numerose richieste di poter avere un emule completamente (o quasi) nero.

Per qualsiasi necessità o richiesta potete cliccare su "IRC" nel menu di BlackMule e sarete a diretto contatto con un nostro operatore.

Released version 0.1 of BlackMule
After enormous demands we were able to give a version of emule in `Black` Style

BlackMule is a new mod of emule-based sources for MorphXT made numerous requests to have an eMule Mod (almost) in black.

For any need or request please click on "IRC" menu BlackMule and be in direct contact with an operator.

ImageBanana - blackmulescreenshot.png

meanwhile in dlp banned: -

Homepage: -

Bin: eMule 0.49a Blackmule 0.1.rar 2.62 MB


SRC Diff:

Monday, May 3, 2010

eMule v0.50a SaintAngel v1.0 - Magic Angel MoD

This is MagicAngel enhanced and updated into latest MorphXT 12.0 based on eMule 0.50a. eMule SaintAngel is an excellent official eMule Mod!

ImageBanana - screensh.png

eMule v0.50a SaintAngel v1.0

Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.0]
Based on Magic Angel v3.7
Update to eMule 0.50a
Fixed: localization bug in shared files window [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS/angvil]
Fixed: official bugs in indexed.cpp [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS/angvil]
Removed: AJ Userhash Detection [angvil]
Added: Quick Upload [gomez82/angvil]

Changelog for eMule v0.49c [SaintAngel v0.2]
FIXED:Some BUGs [angvil]

Changelog for eMule v0.49c [SaintAngel v0.1]
Based on Magic Angel v3.8
IMPROVED :Optimations [angvil/eyerb]
CHANGED:Add some argos options [angvil]
REMOVED:speedBarShader [angvil]
ADDED: Userhash Detection [angvil]
FIXED:Some BUGs [angvil]

忘記說了,從morphxt12.0開始就必須安裝VC2008 Runtime Library才能運行emule,完全不需要安裝完整的.net
提供一個32位元的連接 下 載
提供一個我提取的64位元的打包 下 載


Sourceforge Page:



ed2k://|file||5356871|46BB537EE3314CBA266E4AA840B08D06|/ Stats


older MA Mod:

DLP and other Versions:

Sunday, May 2, 2010

eMule v0.50a ZZ-R V3.4 RC2 by morph4u

ZZ-R V3.4 RC2
eMule ZZ-R Mod

A fast update to RC2 because a possible display bug at some user ;-)

Removed preferences_zzr.ini (now all settings in preferences.ini)

Removed Design Settings

--- Please make a CLEANINSTALL to have no trouble with old settings! ---

+ Fixed lost icon in filestatistics
+ Fixed possible display bug in downloadlist
+ Added overlay icon for ViewSharedFilesSupport
+ Added colors for friend/friendslot/powershare/pbf/lowid
+ Added show active downloads bold
+ Added show active downloads colored
+ Added show ViewSharedFilesSupport colored
- Removed "Update server list when connecting to a server"
- Removed "Update server list when a client connects"

--- Please make a CLEANINSTALL to have no trouble with old settings! ---

DownloadeMule.v0.50a.ZZ-R.v3.4.RC2.rar 3.69 MB


eMule 0.50a MorphXT 12.0 Private by Engo3k

eMule v0.50a - [MorphXT v12.0] Private Edition [Engo3k]
Changelog - 01.05.10
ADDED: remove block ratio (BR:) clients
ADDED: Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
ADDED: Aktive Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend=remove clients from Upload & Waiting queue after Permission change
ADDED: Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Clear Banlist
ADDED: Don't Ban Friends
ADDED: 0 Score for QR-Full Clients
ADDED: Client-BAN All List
ADDED: Coloring for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
ADDED: Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
CHANGE: PBF for partfiles
CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
REMOVE: Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited)
ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog)
ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
ADDED: Kick single Upload Slot
ADDED: Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
ADDED: Friend Boost*200
ADDED: Community Boost*200
ADDED: Antileech v41 Bad USERNAME Ban
REMOVED: My Mod's Ban
ADDED: Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
getestet auf Win7 x64 Enterprise
wer Fehler in hinzugefügten Features findet darf sie behalten ;-)

Screenshot: splash

Download Engo3K «MorphXT 12.0»eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private.rar 7.11 MB

eMulev0.50a.-MorphXT-v12.0-Private.rar Stats

Thursday, April 29, 2010

eMule 0.50a ZZ-R V3.4 RC1 by morph4u

ZZ-R V3.4 RC1

ZZ-R V3.4 Mod RC1


+ Added Tray Password Protection (Options-Extended or Tools/Speedgraph) [NEO/Xanatos]
+ Changed Optionspages [MorphXT]
+ Readded Queue ProgressBar [MorphXT]
+ Readded Downloaded Hiostory [MorphXT]
+ Changed Global Source Limit [MorphXT]
+ Readded ASFU v3.5 (auto shared files updater) [beba/fixed WiZaRd]
+ Changed reduced CPU usage of some UInt128 functions [NetFinity]
+ Memleak fix in ArchiveRecovery.cpp [beba/gureedo]
+ Memleak fixes [beba/WiZaRd]
+ Fixed broken Pro-Leecher-System

A CLEANINSTALL is very important !

ZZ-R is developed by morph4u Support and Info:


DDL: eMule.v0.50a.ZZ-R.v3.4.RC1.7z

ed2k://|file|eMule.v0.50a.ZZ-R.v3.4.RC1.rar|3933486|9D80ED0B225678106BDCAC9E60604531|h=EK77HLII4AN72W3GQCZ4P3U4OJRRGPTT|/ File Stats

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Firefox Namoroka 3.6.5pre - Ayakawa build


Namoroka 3.6.5pre/VC9 SP1 (2010/04/28)

* profiling with getting source from changeset 34136:86ec082e2e1b (Tue Apr 27 14:19:10 2010 -0700)
* make with VC++9 SP1
* add compatibility for windows 7 on manifest. see MSDN-Application Manifest. But, if you use some plugins (e.g. Flash), Fx run under VISTA compatibility mode.
* IJG's JPEG library with x86 SIMD extension & Namoroka Patches
* bug 509956

VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build ver.
size 8,340,499 byte
SHA256 2f92e04082c819a12d1012668542678781ab2a1a442f5c71fe0f059c49f90493
VS 2008 Pro SP1/SSE2+PGU build installer ver.
size 8,417,610 byte
SHA256 2d315ebc0efe6f71054917a648584782b10a62481f39e02932c74b63d711ef50

Downloadnamoroka-ce-3.6.5pre-ayakawa-100428-PGU.7z 7.95 MB

eMule 0.50a Tombstone Xtended v1.0

eMule Version 0.50a Tombstone Xtended v1.0

+ 1:3 Sessionratio
+ Scam warning
+ PowerShare
+ SlotFocus

DownloadeMule.v0.50a-Tombstone.Xtended.v1.0.7z 1.91 MB

ed2k://|file|eMule.v0.50a-Tombstone.Xtended.v1.0.7z|2002080|AD5D8F40EED53B41A60FCAF306100AD3|h=BWIOCUUQ2UFNUVKPBFD4BS3Y3FDA7O7I|/ File Stats


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

eMule 0.50a beba 2.60 final by Tuxman

eMule v0.50a beba v2.60

eMule v0.50a beba v2.60 [the better edition]
** released April 27 2010

- merged: eMule 0.50a
* including some lib updates

- improved: add and remove sources only from downloading list if they are visible [dolphinX]
- improved: added even more file types [Tuxman]
- improved: analyzed mod thieves are not added to Mod Stats anymore [Tuxman]
- improved: applied some smaller code changes and improvements [Tuxman, WiZaRd, Xman, Spike2, JvA]
- improved: clients on upload queue are also informed of an ID change now [Spike2/Stulle, modified by Tuxman]
- improved: don't create a beta test file (for ASFU) [Stulle]
- improved: increased width of the Queue number display label (may fix the truncation on some systems) [Tuxman]
- improved: layout of the Files options dialog (has been out of alignment since the .49c codebase update) [Tuxman]
- improved: readded the "don't draw hidden rect" improvement in several places [SiRoB]
- improved: reduced CPU usage of some UInt128 functions [NetFinity]
- improved: skip not needed requeuing on NNS [SLUGFILLER/WiZaRd]

- fix (o): disappearing tray icon fix [dolphinX]
- fix (o): friend detection fix [WiZaRd]
- fix (b): IntelliFlush was (partially) broken [Tuxman]
- fix (o): memleak fix in ArchiveRecovery.cpp [gureedo]
- fix (b): several memleaks in modeless dialogs [WiZaRd]
- fix (o): SortProc issue in SharedFilesCtrl [moloko+]
- fix (b): toolbar skins work now ;-) [thanks to jerryBG]

- changed: beba's classical FutureMule icon is back :-) [Tuxman]

- updated: Automatic Shared Files Updater [Stulle]
* includes a crash fix by WiZaRd
- updated: Client Analyzer v1.5 [WiZaRd/zz_fly]
* includes Anti-Corruption and stats fixes
- updated: Enhanced Client Recognition v2 [Spike2]
* includes CompatClientStats [Stulle]
* also added easyMule 2 detection [Sundawner]


Binary DDL: beba 2.60 bin.7z
Source DDL: beba 2.60 src.7z | Mirror

ed2k://|file|beba%202.60%20bin.7z|1977586|DF6467661B2116C160817C4A7602C1F8|h=CNK5O7OFPFVXEZ2S54HNZF52REEK5XOU|/ File Stats
eMule beba Userbar


I want to thank Tuxman for the Mod and say sorry for the early beba 2.60 beta introduction.

Monday, April 26, 2010

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0

eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0

Merged to 0.50a [Stulle]
CHANGE: update libping to 1.41 [Stulle]
ADD: Visual Studio 2008 project files and solution [Stulle]
ADD: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation [Stulle]
ADD: Settings removed from official eMule to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
ADD: Some more Tooltips for the preferences [Stulle]
ADD: Icon for "Pause when preview possible" menu entry [Stulle]
ADD: Find menu and OnLvnGetDispInfo to History list [zz_fly]
ADD: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: Option to restrict user from downloading files via multiuser webserver [Stulle]
ADD: Option to set level of optimization for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Some more optimizations for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Localization for NTService logging [Stulle]
ADD: Adjustable NT Service Strings [Stulle]
ADD: Fakealyzer [netfinity]
ADD: Display progress percentage for chunk details and sort chunk details by them [Stulle]
+ Note: This might cause weird results if client switches requested chunks or
does not download blocks sequentially.
ADD: Chunk details column in DownloadClientsListCtrl [SiRoB/JvA (idea)/Stulle]
ADD: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle]
ADD: New preferences.ini-only settings to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
CHANGE: Disable FollowTheMajority if file is renamed in Shared Files Dialog [Stulle]
CHANGE: General settings dialog has been revised to achieve original layout [Stulle]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToHexString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToBinaryString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Improved filetype sorting in History list [zz_fly]
CHANGE: Improved reading of Webserver template [Stulle]
CHANGE: User priviliges for multiuser Webserver [Stulle]
+ Guest: Viewing information from webinterface
+ Operator: Adding/Removing downloads and according to other settings
+ Admin: Like Operator plus privilege to close eMule
+ Hi-Admin: Like Admin plus privilege to shutdown/reboot windows
CHANGE: Improved Failed Login Screen and Login Screen of Webserver [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved UPnP info display [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved setting of the preferences window title for tabbed Webserver panel [Stulle]
CHANGE: Sort client progressbars by percentage finished [Stulle]
CHANGE: Stretch chunk always to column width for chunk details [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved upload state sorting for additional information [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved sorting for Download State in ClientListCtrl [TAHO]
CHANGE: Allow searching for client name via key strokes in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
+ started searching at A4AF info until now
CHANGE: Set read-only instead of system attribute for custom incoming/temp dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle]
CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly Asian leechers) [zz_fly]
FIX: Properly localize some Advanced Preferences (official) [Stulle]
FIX: (Official) Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Don't publish incomplete small files [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Possibly crash fix on ShowComment [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
FIX: Display all time requests in History list [zz_fly]
FIX: Some bugs in the Webserver templates [Stulle]
FIX: Bad login handling for Webserver [Stulle]
FIX: multiSort in Search List [Xman]
FIX: Localization of tabs in Webserver panel [Stulle]
FIX: Don't reset Connection Settings without reason [Stulle]
FIX: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
FIX: Wrong custom folder icon was displayed [Stulle]
FIX: CRC32 recalculate commando in SharedFilesWnd did not work properly [Stulle]
FIX: Setting HideOS for files was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle]
FIX: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle]
FIX: Min Upload setting triggered nagging popup when Upload Capacity set to 1 kB/s [Stulle]
FIX: Setting appropriate settings for NTservice did not work properly [Stulle]
REMOVED: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build (redundant) [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official changes for high upload speed in favor for more advanced MorphXT code [Stulle]
REMOVED: New official Ask-On-Exit Dialog in favor of Morph's one (NTService) [Stulle]
REMOVED: "MorphXT 9.7" workaround [Stulle]
REMOVED: Unusued ressource strings [Stulle]
REMOVED: AppleJuice detection [Xman/Anonymous Anti-Leecher]
REMOVED: ZZUL addition that sometimes caused crashes on receiving OP_FILESTATUS [Stulle]
REMOVED: Dupe USS settings in Extended settings panel [Stulle]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Heaven]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Idro182/Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Dutch [leuk_he]; Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [guijarrelson/Rajil]


Bin: 0.50a MorphXT 12.0/

SRC: 0.50a MorphXT 12.0/


Sunday, April 25, 2010

RDesc 2.30 — with 2shared and egoshare

RDesc v2.30
Here comes a new version of RDesc added two more servers in this version — egoshare and 2shared.

New in RDesc Version 2.30: (23/04/2010)
- Added new hosts: 2shared and Egoshare
- Added new language: Bulgarian
- Added new account free: zshare.
- Now you can add easy-share link types of: and
- Fixed problems in the information box
- Fixed crash by high ip requests to verify many links to megaupload
- Fixed problem with
- Fixed error when using proxy servers with captcha
- Fixed bug that caused the creation of log.txt file in another directory
- Fixed errors in Hotfile


Version 2.30
Instalar_RDesc_2.30.exe Instalable 942 KB — Portable 1.06 MB —

Friday, April 23, 2010

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 private build (PGO) by Tete


* Windows 2000 and later recommended.
* No installer.
* Recommend changing the value of "general.useragent.extra.firefox" from "Namoroka/…" and other strings to "Firefox/…", and some sites and add-ons will work properly.
* If you execute 'Module binder for Private Build' and finish modules binding, Firefox may be started faster.
* An incompatible nssckbi.dll installed in a different directory can impede the startup of a new build. If so, please rename the old nssckbi.dll temporarily before trying to run the new build.
* Applied Miyasaka's "IJG's JPEG software with x86 SIMD extension V.1.02".
* Added patches into a Source folder.

Last updated: April 23, 2010

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 [2010042219 en-US win32 tete009 sse2 pgo] (8.1MB)

* MD5: c3e1e77b2287c2137b59381f136ace8e
* SHA1: 1b02f6a420c99164809e89245efecb15850403ed

Firefox 3.6.4 build1 [2010042300 en-US win32 tete009 sse pgo] (7.9MB)

* MD5: 385310143d56f378c4f858f505f15535
* SHA1: 5611575bc36327bb5cdc0014cd168a5c3d5ca99d


* Made libpixman and libtheora into DLL to make it easier to test.


Opera Theme for Firefox: