With VistaMizer you can use your Windows XP, or MCE Server 2003 in the Vista look. There are about 380 files with new icons, pictures and videos modified. This means that VistaMizer not own files brings with it, but your system changed. This has the advantage that VistaMizer with any language correctly works and your files will not even speak a different language than before. In addition, the installer so that you completely modified determine what is and what is not. Even if you select files, which may not even be on your system or not compatible, it recognizes the application and skips them. This ensures that the system is not wrong by modifying unstable. Will update your system data overwritten, it is a renewal of this possible. The application is reviewed, which files have been replaced and updated just this. So goes an update very quickly and they are always in the current data backup. Should you, however, the result of the installation does not agree, you have the option of the old state of the system by an uninstall again. Updates are already covered by newer files in the system, this will be recognized by the Uninstaller, and only the modified files back.
- Vista look for Windows XP, and MCE Server 2003
Modification of its own system files
- Freedom of choice of modifying files
- Consideration of compatibility of the files during installation
- Backup of the original system files
- Updating of the files to Windows Updates
- Restore the original system files by uninstalling
VistaMizer for Windows XP, Windows MCE and Windows Server 2003 (only 32bit Versionen):
VistaMizer (21597 KB)
MD5 checksum: 30BA1801A2A37BA7E8B35FA59501B584
Changelog, Homepage and Screenshots: http://public.sytes.net/hoefs/windows/vistamizer.php#down
VistaMizer_2.1.0.0.exe (21 MB)
VistaMizer has already been released.
Anyone other have test this with WinXP SP3 RC1 using nlite?
After 4 installations on different systems I came to the result that VistaMizer with nlite using latest sp3 RC to slipstream produce after install application errors for example if install bitdefender german and english version later hh.exe and other windows files shown up that bitdefenders control panel screens are not more visable same by nvidia graphic drivers control panel left bar all letters are invisible. fix all problems by latest SP3 RC's
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