
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

eMule 0.47c The Killer Bean v14

-=The Killer Bean v14=-

Based on : Netf Warp 0.2b (partial)

Added : Optimizer [TPT]
Added : askfordownload priority [Xman]
Added : QRETA [Xman]
Added : Reduced CPU usage [Xman/netfinity]
Added : L2HAC [enkeyDEV]
Added : IP to Country [AndCycle/Xman]
Added : UpdateItemThread [Morph]
Added : Fix Connection Collision [Morph/SiRoB]
Added : Optimization requpfile [Morph/SiRoB]
Added : QRdiff [Avi3k]
Added : QueueListInfo [CB]
Added : QuickStart [?]
Added : Extended clean-up II [Maella]
Added : always call setLinke_client [Morph]
Added : Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [Morph from Lovelace]
Added : Disable Source Exchange Between Clients [STORMIT]
Added : Emulate other [WiZaRd/Torni/Spike2]
Added : Don't kill client/Don't kill source.... [Morph/SiRoB]
Added : holds the failed connection attempts [Xman]
Added : find best sources [Xman]
Added : PayBack First [TKB]
Added : don't overwrite bak files [Xman]
Added : LoopImprovement [Xanatos]
Added : BetterClientAttaching [Xanatos]
Added : reask after ID change [?]
Added : friendhandling [Xman]
Added : seeTheNeed [xrmb]
Added : ChunkDots optimization [CB]
Added : Chunk Visual Separation [CB]
Added : Source cache [Xman/Stulle]
Added : decreasing source exchange speed [spanish_man]
Added : chunk chooser [Xman]
Added : Estimated Wait Time [Dazzle]
Added : Import Parts [SR13]
Added : count requested blocks on this file [pP]
Added : enable to see a client allow to view shared files [flo]
Added : FakeCheck [kts/Loulach]
Added : color user names based on their current status [Gaijin]
Added : searchCatch [Slugfiller]
Added : saveSources [Slugfiller]
Added : A4aF [?]
Added : SPECIAL STATS Menu [Spe64/Lama]
Added : slotRelease [Slugfiller]
Added : Sourcesdrops [pP]
Added : ed2k-Link Forum [Hawkstar]
Added : Stop Single Client [Xman]
Added : copy feedback feature [Morph/SiRoB]
Added : Fake Manager [kts]
Added : Manual Reasks [LSD]
Added : CPU & RAM info [sicks]
Added : SafeHash [Slugfiller]
Added : prevent duplicate downloads [srmb/Gaijin]
Added : priority control [pP]
Added : optional DeadSourceList [pP]
Added : StandAlone [Xanatos]
Added : AutoHardlimit [pP]
Added : dynamic IP-Filters [Xman]
Added : WINSOCK2 [TPT]
Added : upnp [Xman]
Added : ReadBlockFromFileThread [SiRoB]
Added : Flush Thread [SiRoB]
Added : Anti-Leecher-Log [Xman]
Added : Automatic Friend Slot [Telp]
Added : mergeKnown [Slugfiller]
Added : powerrelease change [Spe64]
Added : see on uploadqueue [Xman]
Added : Report hashing files [Mighty Knife]
Added : Nice Hash [Xman]
Added : hideOS [Slugfiller/Xman]
Added : Push Rare Files [TKB]
Added : Init-Hashtable optimization [Xman]
Added : Close Backdoor v2 [Maella/Xman]
Added : IntelliFlush [WiZaRd]
Added : better chunk selection [Xman]
Added : MTU-Settings [Spike2]
Added : Use double sendsize [Xman]
Added : remove unused AICH-hashes [Xman]
Added : push part file [TKB]
Added : QueueListInfo [CB]
Added : PowerRelease [Xman]
Added : Share Ratio [CB]
Added : Copy UL-feedback [IcEcRacKer]
Added : slotfocus [pP]
Added : boostfriend [EastShare]
Added : better passive source finding [Xman]
Added : Push Smal Files [VQB]
Added : Queue Per File push [Slugfiller]
Added : IP Filter & Fake Check AutoUpdate [Many]
Added : Banner [TPT]

Fixes & Code Improvement : WiZaRd, Xman, Sirob, TK4, CiccioBastardo, Xanatos, Tuxman.

eMule 0.47c TheKillerBean 14.BIN.rar (2.33 MB)
Download - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition

Changelog 1.0:
· Basiert auf µTorrent v. 1.61 Installsetup / Deinstall
· Eintrag ins Startmenü
· Liesmich
· µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition IpFilter Updater
· Länderflaggen
· Geänderte Oberfläche + Icon´s
· Autoupdate ausgeschaltet
· Diverse andere Einstellungen voreingestellt

Changelog 2.0:

· Bug bei der Emulation der Clienten (µTorrent) behoben
· Keine Popupscreens mehr --> haben wir nicht nötig, was andere Coder machen ist mir egal
· In der Suche Bitreactor, ToRRentBase und hinzugefügt
· Desktop Icons entfernt, das kann ja jeder selber machen
· Release Mod hinzugefügt
· Es sollten jetzt alle Mods auch auf Windows2000 funktionieren
· In den Vergangenen Versionen wurden die Mods fälschlicherweise als Virus erkannt --> Problem behoben
· Verschieden Einstellungen geändert --> Vorbeugung zwecks Routerproblemen
· Bei dem uTorrent Extreme LE (Release) werden jetzt alle Torrents so gespeichert das sie in den anderen Mods nicht mehr zu sehen sind. Wenn du einen Torrent im uTorrent Extreme LE (Release) einfügst wird der nun in den anderen uTorrent Extreme LE Mods nicht mehr aufgeführt.
· uTorrent Extreme LE (Noreport Tracker v1.11) entfernt --> ging auf diversen Trackern nicht mehr
· NoComplete Feature hinzugefügt --> es wird zum Tracker kein Status mehr gesendet wenn das File vollständig geladen wurde
· Azureus Emulation hinzugefügt
· Azureus TS Emulation hinzugefügt --> sollten auf dem TS-Tracker funktionieren bzw. auf Trackern wo die Clienten falsch angezeigt werden
· NoReport V2 hinzugefügt --> sollte auf den Trackern funktionieren wo bisher Fehlermeldungen in dem µTorrentClient angezeigt wurden
· Länderflaggen Update
· Linklisten hinzugefügt
· Kleine Einstellungen am 1 KB Leecher geändert.

µTorrent Extreme Leecher Edition v2.0 (Public).rar (3.63 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

µTorrent 1.6.1 beta build 478 & webui 0.300 big leecher pack

new webui included !!

- no changes

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation

- upload and download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder

- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder

- emulates µTorrent 1.5
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10


Download (only Stealth Mod)

pass: seba14

NEW: all-in-one Download
German Help Website

Monday, January 29, 2007

eMule v0.47c [LicoKine Edition 2 By NicoXxy]


Based on Viper 6.2

Add: No upload on/off (Miles)
Add: No share file list in share window (Miles)
Add: No share file list to server (Miles)
Add: Fake Rank
Add: Server Rotation 1h on/off (NicoXxy,Acidburn)
Add: Force Upload Slot
Add: No ratio
If upload activated, upload kick –> 1.2Mb
Fixed: Some bugs

eMule 0.47c - LicoKine Edition 2.rar (2.25 MB)

Download - (Mirror) - DDL


Azureus is a java bittorrent provides a bittorrent protocol implementation using java language.

Azureus implements the BitTorrent protocol using java language and comes bundled with many invaluable features for both beginners and advanced users:

• Multiple torrent downloads
• Upload and download speed limiting, both globally and per torrent
• Advanced seeding rules
• Adjustable disk cache
• Only uses one port for all the torrents
• UPnP sets the forward on your router
• Can use a proxy, for both tracker and peer communications
• Fast resume
• Can set a default download dir and move completed files
• Can import torrents automatically from a set dir
• Highly customizable interface
• IRC plugin included for quick help
• Embedded tracker, host your own torrents, automate your shares (periodic scanning of a dir)...
• Distributed Hash Table: host on it a completely decentralised torrent and/or benefit from it when the tracker is offline.
Release Files
Download: Azureus_2.5.0.4_Win32.setup.exe
Java 1.6 Update 1 (jre-6u1-windows-i586.exe), (12908 KB)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

µtorrent Toolbox 1.5

µtorrent Toolbox 1.5

The µTorrent Toolboox is a collection of µtorrent Clientes and Tools about Filesharing.
It contents under others:

Leech(er) Clientes:
+ Leech FakeUp 1x
+ Leech FakeUp 2x
+ Leech FakeUp 3x
+ Leech Multi 10x
+ Leech Multi 10x (without Snatchlist Entry)
+ and many more...

Seed(er) Clientes:
+ Seed FakeUp 1x
+ Seed FakeUp 2x
+ Seed FakeUp 3x
+ Seed Multi 10x
+ Seed Multi 10x EMU: µTorrent 1.5
+ and many more...

µTorrent Toolbox 1.5.rar (4.6 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)

BitSpirit Leecher Pack


- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as leecher
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

REPORT Version
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- no changes

Download (Mirror) New !!

Download (Mirror)


pass: seba14

Monday, January 22, 2007

BitComet 0.82 Leecher Pack


- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as leecher
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

REPORT Version
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

NOREPORT Version + Emu
- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as leecher
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- emulates Bitcomet 0.57

REPORT Version + Emu
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- emulates Bitcomet 0.57

- no changes

Download 0.79 (Mirror)

Download 0.80 (Mirror)

Download 0.81 (Mirror)

Download 0.82 (Mirror) NEW !!

pass: seba14

Changelog included, now with bitcomet 0.57 emulation

µtorrent 1.4 Leecher Mod by Spitt3r

µtorrent Version 1.4 Leecher Mod by Spitt3r

No info available

utorrent 1.4 Leecher Mod by Spitt3r.rar (137.28 KB)

Azureus Shu Mod + DDJ Hack

This is a hacked version of Shu Mod

Changelog :
Build 185
Cleanup in the code
Fixed an issue with a per torrent feature that prevented fake upload in some cases (the one that stop fake)

Build 184
Updated to Azureus core

Bug fixed :
-Password back to **** in Shu General tab
-Shu Mod image on he left of the version number is back

Build 183
Updated to Azureus core

Fixed 3 bugs from build 182 :
- The password field is showing the characters typed instead of asterisks (*) [Reported by ViloN].
- Unable to change language for fake settings. [Reported by fraggy]
- When closing Azureus and then starting it again, all torrents disappear. [Reported by LKPT]

Build 182
Updated to Azureus core

Hack Changelog:
- Removed all checking and version code
- Added an Update News & Version button
- Button asks if you want to update just news or just version
- Includes ORIGINAL Azureus splash screen
- Removed Login boxes from the Shu Config Sections
- Removes access to the Shu Donation Window
- Donation window replaced with a Shu Mod About Box
- Some labels are changed to show 00DE and myself


Stops Shu Mod from accessing the Shu website.
Disabled Authentication check.
Disabled Shu Mod Version check.
Disabled News check.
All Users have “admin” access.
Enabled No Upload and other non-public features.
Added Check News button to check current news and version
Removed Donation windows for Shu


1. INSTALL Azureus
2. DELETE the plugins folder from the Azureus directory
2. COPY the plugins folder, Azureus2_2.2.3.185_Hacked_00DE.jar and to X:\Program Files\Azureus
3. REPLACE ALL files
4. RENAME Azureus2.jar to Azureus2.jar.bak (IMPORTANT)
5. RENAME Azureus2_2.2.3.185_Hacked.jar to Azureus2.jar (IMPORTANT)
6. RUN Azureus.exe

This also includes the latest plugins and recommended plugins

- 3D View
- Advanced Statistics
- Sudoku
- AutoCategory
- Peer Injector
- Chat
- Ratings
- Client Spoof Plus
- Country Locator
- Monitoring Plugin
- Multi-Port
- Progress Bar
- RSS Feed
- Seeding Columns
- Speed Scheduler

Changelog Shu Mod:

Build 180
change : random sleep time between 2sec and 10sec (stop torrent after dl)

Build 179
Removed tracker clientspoof from the implementation bug not the GUI !, so you can tick it but it won’t work !
Change: When you enable stop torrent after dl, it will wait 5seconds before actually stopping it ! So the ‘completed’ update can go through before the torrent is removed (it needs testing)

Build 178
Added : 2 options to the Client spoof (spoof to the tracker and spoof to the peers)

Build 177
Fix: Completed flag was always sent
Fix: other stuff that was forgotten from the -> shu mod update
Fix: portuguese language
Continuation of the dev of client spoof -> now it will tracker spoof and peer spoof -> PER TORRENT !!

Build 176
Added italian language
Added portuguese language
Fixed splashes
Cosmetic change : peer spoof is not in the right place (shu option menu)
Continuation of peer spoof dev

Build 175
Updated to Azureus
Peer spoof is still under dev (beta) and is only available to Adv member ++

Build 174
-added : peer client spoof

Build 172
-Fix: Fake uploading will be possible when connected to 0 leech and having the 2 options to stop fake uploading (when connected to less than x peers and the peer/seed ratio…) to 0
in other words if you put 0 and 0 to those 2 options, the fake uploading wasn’t working, but now it’s fixed

Download “Azureus Shu Mod + DDJ Hack″:
>>>Download - Mirror < <<

Xtorrent Public Beta 2 v22

Xtorrent is an advanced torrent client that aims to bring a friendly interface and powerful features to the world of BitTorrent.

Some of the highlights:
:: ultra-simple torrent search with one-click downloading (an Xtorrent original)
:: a high performance torrent core
:: detailed download information and activity monitoring
:: powerful seeding and ratio controls
:: integration with iTunes
:: folder monitoring and automatic .torrent downloading

Please note, this is beta software. It’s not feature complete, it probably has quirks, and it will expire when the beta period is over. It’s quite solid and very usable, but there’s a lot of cool stuff yet to come.

Download: Xtorrent Public Beta 2 v22 Mac OS X 10.4 Required

Azureus Shu + DDJ Hack

Azureus Shu + DDJ Hack


Changelog / Features:


This is a hacked version of Shu Mod

Changelog :

Build 181

Change: updated auth sys, version check, news check

Note: old version won't be able to auth themself after mid november

Btw you still need !

Please update !

Build 180

change : random sleep time between 2sec and 10sec (stop torrent after dl)

Build 179

Removed tracker clientspoof from the implementation bug not the GUI !, so you can tick it but it won't work !

Change: When you enable stop torrent after dl, it will wait 5seconds before actually stopping it ! So the 'completed' update can go through before the torrent is removed (it needs testing)

Build 178

Added : 2 options to the Client spoof (spoof to the tracker and spoof to the peers)

Build 177

Fix: Completed flag was always sent

Fix: other stuff that was forgotten from the -> shu mod update

Fix: portuguese language

Continuation of the dev of client spoof -> now it will tracker spoof and peer spoof -> PER TORRENT !!

Build 176

Added italian language

Added portuguese language

Fixed splashes

Cosmetic change : peer spoof is not in the right place (shu option menu)

Continuation of peer spoof dev

Build 175

Updated to Azureus

Peer spoof is still under dev (beta) and is only available to Adv member ++

Build 174

-added : peer client spoof

Build 172

-Fix: Fake uploading will be possible when connected to 0 leech and having the 2 options to stop fake uploading (when connected to less than x peers and the peer/seed ratio...) to 0

in other words if you put 0 and 0 to those 2 options, the fake uploading wasn't working, but now it's fixed

Hack Changelog:

- Removed all checking and version code

- Added an Update News & Version button

- Button asks if you want to update just news or just version

- Includes ORIGINAL Azureus splash screen

- Removed Login boxes from the Shu Config Sections

- Removes access to the Shu Donation Window

- Donation window replaced with a Shu Mod About Box


Stops Shu Mod from accessing the Shu website.

Disabled Authentication check.

Disabled Shu Mod Version check.

Disabled News check.

All Users have "admin" access.

Enabled No Upload and other non-public features.

Added Check News button to check current news and version

Removed Donation windows for Shu


1. INSTALL Azureus

2. DELETE the plugins folder from the Azureus directory

2. COPY the plugins folder, Azureus2_2.2.2.181_Hacked.jar and to X:\Program Files\Azureus

3. REPLACE ALL files

4. RENAME Azureus2.jar to Azureus2.jar.bak (IMPORTANT)

5. RENAME Azureus2_2.2.2.181_Hacked.jar to Azureus2.jar (IMPORTANT)

6. RUN Azureus.exe

This also includes the latest plugins and recommended plugins

- 3D View

- Advanced Statistics

- Sudoku

- AutoCategory

- Peer Injector

- Chat

- Ratings

- Client Spoof Plus

- Country Locator

- Monitoring Plugin

- Multi-Port

- Progress Bar

- RSS Feed

- Seeding Columns

- Speed Scheduler


Download - Mirror


Azureus Download - Mirror

Azureus v2 vs. v3 (Zudeo) FAQ

Installation Guide - Windows Users

1) Install JRE from here.

2) Install latest setup.exe from here.

3) Start Azureus.exe.

Starting manually:
  • java -classpath swt.jar;Azureus2.jar org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
If Azureus starts without any exception stack traces, you can replace java by javaw and just use this shortcut/batch for starting Azureus:
  • javaw -classpath swt.jar;Azureus2.jar org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
Batch File:
  • start javaw -classpath swt.jar;Azureus2.jar org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main
If the problem still remains, you should use the batch file, java instead of javaw and an absolute path to java.exe (C:\jre1.4.1\bin\java.exe, for example).
  • C:\jre1.4.1\bin\java.exe -classpath swt.jar;Azureus2.jar org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main

BitTorrent 5.0.5

The open source BitTorrent protocol provides a means for content creators and publishers to manage the distribution of data from a single source to many destinations (peers) in parallel making maximum use of upstream and downstream bandwidth available within a given peering group. A file being distributed as a Torrent is broken into pieces which are subsequently shared between the peers (instead of being sent only from the source to each peer) yielding a potentially massive increase in distribution efficiency for the publisher and generally a better overall experience for any given peer. With BitTorrent, a single upload from the publisher's source server can result in a total distribution of hundreds if not thousands of file copies by peers requesting the file.

The BitTorrent client enables a user to search for files in the .Torrent (pronounced "dot torrent") format and download them. The current client enables a host of features including multiple parallel downloads. The client also intermediates peering between itself, source file servers ("trackers") and other clients, thereby yielding great distribution efficiencies. The client also enables users to create and share torrent files.

Download: BitTorrent 5.0.5


BitSpirit is a powerful and easy-to-use BitTorrent client which provides not only full BitTorrent protocol implementation but also many personalized features.It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, UPNP port-maping, NAT traversal(UDP transport), select downloads from multiple files torrent package, disk cache, chatting with other peers, torrent market,ip-filter, etc. In 3.0 or above versions of BitSpirit, it also supports DHT network which is based on Kademlia protocol and fully compatible with Bittorrent official client.

Main features:
‣ Clean interface
‣ Multiple simultaneous downloads
‣ Disk cache mechanism
‣ Fast job resume
‣ File selecting support
‣ Powerful file manager
‣ UPnP port-mapping
‣ Instant Messaging support
‣ Gzip Data compression
‣ Speed control
‣ Scheduled downloading
Torrent Market
‣ Shutdown computer when job done
‣ HTTP/SOCKS4/5 proxy support
‣ High speed
‣ Very low CPU & Mem usage

Download: BitSpirit

BitComet 0.82

BitComet is a p2p file-sharing freeware fully compatible with Bittorrent, which is one of the most popular p2p protocol designed for high-speed distribution of 100MB or GB sized files. BitComet is a powerful, clean, fast, and easy-to-use bittorrent client. It supports simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, chatting, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy, ip-filter, etc.

Freeware for non-commercial use. No adware/spyware.

Download: BitComet 0.82 | BitComet 2006.09.08 Beta Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003

Azureus Beta 10

Azureus is one of the most popular Internet peer-to-peer platforms, with millions of active users. Our award-winning technology has benefited from years of active open source community involvement and provides an easy and cost-effective way to distribute high-quality media to very large audiences.

Powered by Azureus 3.0, code name Zudeo joins movie and music fans with filmmakers and artists to create a rich, social, and completely new entertainment experience.

Download: Azureus Beta 10 | Azureus Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

NRPG RatioMaster v0.32


- RM: You can parse values from all running Azureus instances
- RM: Added drag&drop support for torrent files (you can drag&drop one or more files)
- RM: Added drag&drop support for session files (you can drag&drop one or more files)
- RM: Added new stop condition: "When leechers/seeders <"
- RM: When start torrent, program scrape data (not only when update)
- RM: Fixed bugs with "numwant" values
- RM: Fixed bug with finished percent
- RM: Client version rearranged (newer versions are at the top of combo box)
- RM: Added new client emulation: "Azureus"
- RM: Added new client emulation: "BitComet 0.82"

Download 0.30

Download 0.31 (Mirror)

Download 0.32 (Mirror) NEW !!

pass: seba14

Hacked Shu Mod (

Hacked Shu mod


Build 185
- Code clean up

Build 184
Bug fixed :
- Password back to **** in Shu General tab
- Shu Mod image on the left of the version number is back

Build 183
Fixed 3 bugs from build 182 :
- The password field is showing the characters typed instead of asterisks (*).
- Unable to change language for fake settings.
- When closing Azureus and then starting it again, all torrents disappear.

Build 182
- Updated to Azureus core

Download (Mirror) (Mirror2)
Download Plugin Pack (Mirror)

pass: seba14

Caution: First install the original azureus (Download)

emule 0.47c - Final Fight 4.0

Final Fight


Add Queue Size read with backward compatibility fixed
Add Max Upload / Download Rate fixed
Add New Icons
Add Fake Rank 3
Add Upload Slots fixed
Add 0 Upload
Add Queue Size fixed
Add Remove Ratio
Add Upload4Upload
Add Manuel Kick & Ban
Add max Queuerank in DL fixed
Add Donkey Ban
Add After 2.0 MB AutoKick fixed
Add Diff QR
Add Show Fake Rank
Add Super Release
Add Download in bold
Add Slot Control
Add Quick Start
Add Drop Systeme
Add Show flag
Add Show LowIDs in yellow
Add Powerelease
Add Grey out dead servers
Remove Scheduler
Remove Proxy
Remove WebInterface
and other things fixed and deleted

Download 4.0 (Mirror)

Download 3.0

pass: seba14

RatioMaster 1.7.3

- Bug fix : Fixed nasty security bug in announce
- Bug fix : Fixed bug when RM wouldnt stop in some situations when tracker returns number of leechers
- Feature : Added visual styles for XP users

Download 1.7

Download 1.7.1

Download 1.7.2 (Mirror)

Download 1.7.3 (Mirror) NEW !!!

pass: seba14

Caution: To work correctly this program you need .NET Framework 2.0

eMule 0.47c [pP.r9f] final

emule pP

Based on official client 0.47c with Webcache 2.0

Added: Addon-Directory [shadow2004/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added: Ip2Country [Eastshare/eMuleFuture 0.2]
Added: Detection/icon for R-Mods (standalone) [pP]
Added: Icons for other Softwares [pP, icons from spike2 mod]
Added: Auto-update for ModIconMapper [shadow2004/eMuleFuture]
Added: ModIconMapper dll [Wizard/eMuleFuture]
Added: ClientAnalyzer v1.5 [Wizard/Tombstone]
Added: Recognition for R-Mods, icon added
Added: Some icons for other ClientSofts [spike2 mod]
Added: ClientPercentages [MorphXT 9.2]
Added: Glitchfix in DownloadClientsCtrl.cpp [wizard]
Added: ISP throtteling fix in HttpDownloadDlg.cpp [leuk_he]
Updated: Packet handling for WebCache [Spike2 mod]
Updated: Authsystem to v3.5
Fixed: Authsystem, internal key handling
Fixed: Uploading bug when UpMan is off with very few sources
Fixed: Delayed coloring/uncoloring of PS files in SharedFileList
Removed: Rescources and Vars of old AntiLeech
Removed: StringBans
Changed: The mod sends a plain (bannable) ModString in locked mode

Authkey included so no upload can activated

Read info.txt before using r9f !!!

Download pP.r9d (Mirror)
Download pP.r9e (Mirror)
Download pP.r9f (Mirror)

pass: seba14

eMule 0.47c Final Blackbeard v1.8

- New management of the sources
- Addition of missing codes
- New management of consumption memory
- Cleaning (started from code useless)
- New quickstart (gatchy Wink )
- Chunk Chooser from Xman's Xtreme (zz or Maella chunk system)
- New drop system (pP)
- More fake communities
- Lots of little fixes



Download 1.6

Download 1.7 (Mirror)

Download 1.8 (Mirror)

Emule OfF+ 1.51

made by noxz

emule off+


-Special NickThief [gatchymule]
-Spammer-Ban v1.1 [gatchymule]
-Fix Reask Sources after ID Change [gatchymule]
-Option "No Up" in shared file list
-Update Emulate
-Add "Auto" in boost KAD & Sources Exchange
-Friends and Community in bold & color
-Drop are now automatic
-Log Fake Community (in emulate)
-Reduction time of server Rotation: 11mn
-Update of all my settings
-Small modif in "About"

Fix emule-project:
-Wrong Port Shown
-Crashfix At Mmsocket
-Chattab Context Fix:
-Fix in Enhanced Client Recognization
-Cmulelistctrl Fixes

Download 1.3

Download 1.51 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

emule TazZ

modded by Gatchymule !

Changelog 1a:

- New antileech system : anti modthief, antinickthief, antimodLeechers...(Ban of upload, and spam clients) // [Gatchymule]
- New spammers known detection sytem v1.2 (Ban of upload) // [Gatchymule]
- Fast detection of clients by ID (more valid sources in same time) // [Gatchymule]
- New management of reask XS and KAD (more good sources found) // [Gatchymule]
- New management of DROP (save the sources dropped (IP, Port, File, Time drop) in memory list, and don't reask during 20min... so after, they are injected in Download queue) // [Gatchymule]
- Fake some Communities by tags, nick and modthief // [Gatchymule]
- System of community eMul€€cheR. // [pP]
- Upload start sense // [Gatchymule]
- all minors codes (no ratio, display of mod, QR...)

Changelog 1b:

- Faster end game. rebridage of the socket thus more enormous peak of connection.
- No upload :-)
- Random modstring// [ gatchymule ] some comm wants me!!!
- posting of the fakés customers (yellow = nick, orange=mod, rose=tag). and of another do-it-yourselfing which does not change of anything operation

Download 1a (Mirror)

Download 1b (Mirror)

pass: seba14

eMule 0.47c K.o.T v3 Light


-Only No UP -> Remove choice
-No Statistics UP/Graph
-No queuesize
-No Updateversion
-Simplification Transfer Window -> No queue/No upload queue/No Client queue/ No known Client....
-No Messages/Help/IRC/Shared Files Windows
-No Link/Scheduler/Wizard in ToolBar
-Only DL in connection window
-No Proxy / Notification / IRC / Scheduler / Web interface / Minimule in Option.
-No USS disabled and useless lol
-No transfert Full Chunk because useless....
-Only DL in Tranfert rate lol
-Only Useful information in Systray mule
-Modification of Copy Stats without upload

Download v1

Download v2

Download v3 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

PirateMule 5.0


- Add new fake rank 2
- Add upload slots geändert
- Add 0 upload
- Add Quesize verändert
- Add new max Queuerank im DL
- Add No Ratio
- Add Upload4Upload
- Add Donkey Ban
- Add Manuel Kick & Ban
- Remove Wizard
and other functions fixed

Download: eMule 0.47c PirateMule v5.01
eMule 0.47c - PirateMule v5.0

pass: seba14

Hacked Shu Mod (

Hacked Shu Mod


Build 181
Change : updated auth sys, version check, news check

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.3.1 NoRatio

emule xtreme

- Manuel kick and ban
- File buffer size 5mb
- Upload only emule
- extended upload managment
- 1.93 mb upload kick
- no ratio

Download (Mirror)

eMule Flux v0.47c HD 07/06 (Hidden and Dangerous 07/06)

eMule Flux v0.47c C:HD 07/06 (Codename:Hidden & Dangerous 07/06)

- added: Refreshing (deleting clients with low rank) waitinglist every 15 minutes if it got stuck due to Flux config (NoUpload on, NoShare off)
- fixed: Update-Button cleans clients from “OnQueue”-List which want to download file we don’t share anymore
- fixed: Update-Button on “On Queue” window updates client count
- fixed: Taking upload datarates of friendshare into account
- fixed: Included missing FakeCheck in search window
- changed: FileBufferSize can be set up to 5MB
- changed: Timelimit of buffer flushings is set up to 3 mins
- changed: Display full client software version
- changed: Flux-Page: Removed unnecessary features from interface. Set them as “always on”


- Mehr Suchergebnisse (more search results)
Liefert bei der Dateisuche mehr Ergebnisse (unlimitiert).

- Unendlich Freundesplätze (infinitely friendslots)
Es können beliebig viele Freundesplätze vergeben werden.

- Ban4Ban
Wer uns bannt, wird daraufhin selber gebannt.

- Keine Ratio (No Ratio)
Bei niedrigem Upload kein niedrigerer Download mehr.

- Optimierte Quellensuche (optimized source search)
Findet schneller Quellen für die Downloads (ed2k und KAD).

- FakeCheck
Zeigt den Fake-Level einiger Files in der Suche und im Tranfserfenster an.
Basierend auf der fakes.dat - Datenbank.

Flux Features :: Traffic

- No Upload
Der Upload kann ausgestellt werden. Uploadslots werden geleert.

- Uploadkick
Beenden des Uploads bei 1,5 MB oder 15 Minuten Uploadzeit.
Falls “Versuche komplette Chunks zu übertragen” aktiviert -> 1,5MB
Falls “Versuche komplette Chunks zu übertragen” deaktiviert -> 15 Minuten

- AutoDrop NNS
Entfernt automatisch alle x Minuten Quellen, die sowohl als NNS (nicht benötigte Parts)
als auch als FullQ (volle Queue) markiert sind.

- QR Hack
Sorgt für einen niedrigen QR, um schneller ans Laden zu kommen.

- Credithack
Zieht den Clients mehr Credits aus der Tasche.

- KAD Boost
Aufgrund einiger Routerprobleme wurde diese Funktion eingebaut, welche die KAD Timings wieder auf den Stand der 03/06 setzt und somit Router entlasten soll. Diese Option benötigt eine manuelle Wiederverbindung zum KAD Netzwerk.

Flux Features :: Security

- Keine Veröffentlichung von geladenen Files (no shared files directories)
Verhindert das Veröffentlichen der Dateiliste an das ed2k und KAD Netzwerk.
Quellenfinden und Quellenaustausch für noch ladende Dateien ist weiterhin möglich.

- Uploade nur Files mit Priorität ‘release’ (only upload for release files)
Diese Funktion sollte selbsterklärend sein. Nur Dateien, die den Status ‘release’ erhalten,
werden hochgeladen.

- Kein Share (no share)
alle Files werden entbunden
Höchste Sicherheitsstufe - hierbei werden alle ladenden und geladenen Dateien aus eMule entbunden,
wobei gerade ladende Files fertiggeladen und anschließend entbunden werden.
Das bedeutet aber auch:
- Kein Upload
- Keine Clients in der Warteschlange (da andere Clients keine freigegebenen Dateien finden)
- weniger Credits
=> kann möglicherweise zu geringerer Downloadgeschwindigkeit führen.

- Friendshare
Filtert “Freunde” aus der Warteschlange und gibt ihnen einen Uploadslot frei. Dies impliziert, dass die Warteschlange nicht ausgeschaltet ist. Restriktionen wie Chunklimit (9,31MB) oder Zeitlimit (1h Uploadzeit / 15mins Uploadzeit) entfallen hierbei.

Flux Features :: Miscellaneous

- Länderflaggen (IP2Country)
Zeigt Länderflaggen und das Herkunftsland in allen aufgelisteten Clients an.
Basierend auf der ip-to-country Liste von

- Verstecke Serverwerbung(hide server advertisement)
Die Serverwerbung im Infofenster wird ausgeblendet (nicht angezeigt).

- zeige aktive DLs fettgedruckt (mark active downloads)
Markiert gerade ladende Dateien (Downloads) als fettgedruckt.
Diese Funktion benötigt einen eMule Neustart.

Flux Features :: Manuelle Kontrollen

- Warteschlange deaktivierbar (no queue)
Veringert den Overhead, erhöht die Sicherheit, aber schlecht für Creditssammler.

- Entferne unnötige Quellen (drop NNS)
Alle Quellen, die keine benötigten Parts für uns haben, werden entfernt.

- Entferne volle Quellen (drop FULLQ)
Quellen, die eine volle Warteschlange haben, werden entfernt.

- Frage Server und KAD nach neuen Quellen (ask after sources)
Frägt den Server und das KAD Netzwerk nach neuen Quellen für die gewählte Datei.

- Kick User
Kickt einen User.

- Banne User
Bannt einen User.


Download 07/06 (Mirror) eMule_0.47c_-_Flux_06.06fix.rar RARPASS: E=M*C²

Download 06/06

Mirrors (no password required!):

eMule 0.47c - Flux CHD 0706.rar (4.82 MB)

eMule 0.46c - Flux C.HD v2.0.rar (2.15 MB)

µTorrent 1.6.1 beta build 483 & webui 0.310 big leecher pack

- no changes

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation

- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- you shown as seeder

- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation

- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- emulates µTorrent 1.5
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

Download (Mirror)

Download (Stealth Version) (Mirror)

pass: seba14

Xion++ X26

Changes in X26:

  • Added: Client column in userlist
  • Added: Ignore ops works now if you are a guest + ignore saves even if closed Xion++
  • Fixed: Hideshare works now as it should
  • Update: Updated yassl from version 0.697

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

DC++ Leecher Pack 1

- DC++ 0.695 cracked
- Xion++ X25f
- StrongDC Stealth Edition v1.2
- DC++ Stealthy R4.1

read the txt for each mod !

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

Death Angel Pack

based on Xtreme 5.3

Changelog 1.5:
- changed to No Ratio
- removed Community
- modified Uploadmanagment
- add Zero Upload (Share Off)
- add Webcache
- add Upload4Upload
- add max QueueRank in Download
- add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)
- add Auto Hard Limit(Stulle)
- add Emulate Others
- add new Prefpagedesign with Treecontrol
- fixed Bug in Save Queue Wait Time
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in save Prefs
- add modified antileech.dll 21.0.0
- put all removed Features from Xtreme inside

Download (1.0 - 1.3)

Download 1.4

Download 1.5 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

TorrentProxy 1.0

by ratiomaster


- multiply your upload with an arbitrary amount
- works with most bittorrent-clients especially utorrent and azureus :-)

Before using read txt and you need .NET Framework 2.0!!!

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

eMule 0.47c Angel Dr34m

modded by dlarge based on eMule 0.47c

changelog v2.4:
- add Super Release
- add Power Release with Hide OS
- add Slide Bar (NEO)
- add Update Page
- add Dynamic IP Filter
- add Fakecheck Manager
- add Argos leecher.sig Updater
- add Auto Updater for IPFilter/Fakecheck
- add Ban from Upload and add him to IpFilter
- add Show Downloadfiles in blue in Sharedfiles Window
- add Show Low Id User in Up and Queue List
- add show paused Files in grey
- add Copy Feedback in SharedFiles Window
- fixed better Sourcefinding
- fixed Bug in “MSS Settings”
- fixed Bug in “Disable Uploadcolour”
- removed all Netfinity Features

Features and complete changelog in txt

Download 2.2

Download 2.3

Download 2.4 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

µTorrent 1.6 no complete with Upload Multiplicator

Emu Version
- emulates µTorrent 1.5
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

Normal Version
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

Hacked Shu Mod (

Build 180
change : random sleep time between 2sec and 10sec (stop torrent after dl)

- you’ll have to readd your torrents !
- Peer spoof is still under dev, tracker per torrent spoof has been deactivated since it’s not working

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14


Azureus Shu Mod - DDJ Hack

This is a hacked version of Shu Mod

Hack Changelog:

- Removed all checking and version code
- Added an Update News & Version button
- Button asks if you want to update just news or just version
- Includes ORIGINAL Azureus splash screen
- Removed Login boxes from the Shu Config Sections
- Removes access to the Shu Donation Window
- Donation window replaced with a Shu Mod About Box
- Some labels are changed to show 00DE and myself


Stops Shu Mod from accessing the Shu website.
Disabled Authentication check.
Disabled Shu Mod Version check.
Disabled News check.
All Users have “admin" access.
Enabled No Upload and other non-public features.
Added Check News button to check current news and version
Removed Donation windows for Shu


1. INSTALL Azureus
2. DELETE the plugins folder from the Azureus directory
2. COPY the plugins folder and to X:Program FilesAzureus
3. REPLACE ALL files
4. RENAME Azureus2.jar to Azureus2.jar.bak (IMPORTANT)
5. COPY Azureus2.jar to X:Program FilesAzureus (IMPORTANT)
6. RUN Azureus.exe

This also includes the latest plugins and recommended plugins

- 3D View
- Advanced Statistics
- Sudoku
- AutoCategory
- Peer Injector
- Chat
- Ratings
- Client Spoof Plus
- Country Locator
- Monitoring Plugin
- Multi-Port
- Progress Bar
- RSS Feed
- Seeding Columns
- Speed Scheduler

Changelog Shu:

Build 180
change : random sleep time between 2sec and 10sec (stop torrent after dl)

Build 179
Removed tracker clientspoof from the implementation bug not the GUI !, so you can tick it but it won't work !
Change: When you enable stop torrent after dl, it will wait 5seconds before actually stopping it ! So the "completed" update can go through before the torrent is removed (it needs testing)

Build 178
Added : 2 options to the Client spoof (spoof to the tracker and spoof to the peers)

Build 177
Fix: Completed flag was always sent
Fix: other stuff that was forgotten from the -> shu mod update
Fix: portuguese language
Continuation of the dev of client spoof -> now it will tracker spoof and peer spoof -> PER TORRENT !!

Build 176
Added italian language
Added portuguese language
Fixed splashes
Cosmetic change : peer spoof is not in the right place (shu option menu)
Continuation of peer spoof dev

Build 175
Updated to Azureus
Peer spoof is still under dev (beta) and is only available to Adv member ++

Build 174
-added : peer client spoof

Build 172
-Fix: Fake uploading will be possible when connected to 0 leech and having the 2 options to stop fake uploading (when connected to less than x peers and the peer/seed ratio) to 0
in other words if you put 0 and 0 to those 2 options, the fake uploading wasn't working, but now it's fixed


Hacked Shu Mod BETA (


Build 179
Removed tracker clientspoof from the implementation bug not the GUI !, so you can tick it but it won’t work !
Change: When you enable stop torrent after dl, it will wait 5seconds before actually stopping it ! So the ‘completed’ update can go through before the torrent is removed (it needs testing)

Build 178
Added : 2 options to the Client spoof (spoof to the tracker and spoof to the peers)

Build 177
Fix: Completed flag was always sent
Fix: other stuff that was forgotten from the -> shu mod update
Fix: portuguese language
Continuation of the dev of client spoof -> now it will tracker spoof and peer spoof -> PER TORRENT !!

Build 176
Added italian language
Added portuguese language
Fixed splashes
Cosmetic change : peer spoof is not in the right place (shu option menu)
Continuation of peer spoof dev

Build 175
Updated to Azureus
Peer spoof is still under dev (beta) and is only available to Adv member ++

Build 174
-added : peer client spoof

Build 172
-Fix: Fake uploading will be possible when connected to 0 leech and having the 2 options to stop fake uploading (when connected to less than x peers and the peer/seed ratio…) to 0
in other words if you put 0 and 0 to those 2 options, the fake uploading wasn’t working, but now it’s fixed


pass: seba14

Rapidshare Premium Pack 2006 v1 - v5

Rapishare Premium Pack 2006 v5

Changelog: read txt

Download v1 (Mirror)
Download v2 (Mirror)
Download v3 (Mirror)
Download v4 (Mirror)
Download v5 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

evil angel 2.0 with 0.47c emu (last rappi mod)


- emulate(fakes) emule 47c
- send auto modstrings
- no ratio
- fakerank
- my upload protection
- friendsboost x20
- comboost
- kick/ban manual upload and queue
- show user ip
- special ban for some mods
- ban donkey , lphant etc.
- direct upload

some more special features are in extended options!!!

Download 1.0

Download 2.0 (Mirror)

pass: seba14

eMule SNAKE + Ratio Remover

Mod Password to enable all features:

Password for eMule 0.46 Snake v1.8:
to use for all features: $NAK3 IT @LL
(preferences -> original settings ->Connection -> MOD password)

Password for eMule 0.47 Snake v2.5 is: Thi$ i$ $n@k3

works for:
eMule v0.47c SNAKE v2.5 RC3.rar - Mirror
eMule v0.47a SNAKE v2.5 RC2
eMule v0.47a SNAKE v2.5 Beta 7.3
eMule 0.46c - SNAKE v1.8 Final
Old Versions here

Download Folder:

Ratio Remover:

Download: eMule_v0.47c_SNAKE_v2.5_RC3_Ratio_Remover.rar (14.38 KB)

Download: eMule.0.47a.Generic.Ratio.Remover.rar (14.74 KB) - Mirror

Tombstone Reloaded v2.6

emule 0.47a Tombstone Reload 2.6

based on Tombstone 1.51 merged to Silversurfer Mod
modded by dlarge

changelog v2.6
- add Up only to eMule
- add NAFC
- add Source Graph - Stulle/Miles
- add File Push Setings
- add Display User Hash
- add Defeat 0 Part Senders
- add One Queue per File
- add Server Bluebold
- add Filtered server in gray
- add don’t show splash on old windows (Crashfix)
- add crash dump improvement
- add Tooltipfix

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

ClientSpoof Plus

A modified ClientSpoof plugin 2.3.2 for Shu-Mod

+ fixed spoofing with utorrent (now dl finally begins), fixed a couple of errors in utorrent_1_6_0_0.class
+ removed some useless code in view.class
+ Azureus spoof is now possible


Clientspoof 2.3.2 plugin for Shu Mod

Changelog :
updated abc / mainline / bittornado
updated utorrent spoof to all peers
changes lots of stuff

Download (fixed version)

BitTornado EQ Mod V4.2


- upload multiplier
- upload kick
and more :-)

Changelog :
- Based on latest 0.3.15 mod
- Minor code fix to upload taper
- Upload kick won’t do more than 50 MB at a time

Caution: Before using read info !

Download (Mirror)

pass: seba14

From Hell 1.0

another great mod from rappi

-add new style (really great :-))
-add upload kick &upload ban
-add ban donkey etc.
-add queue 0 up to 100000
-add clear banlist
-add show user ip
-add no ratio
-add queue ban & kick
-add direct upload
-add special stats
-add file buffer up to 20mb
-add fakerank
-add comfake
-add upload protection
and some more features

-removed: Help
-removed: IRC
-removed: Wizard


pass: seba14

All in One Rapidshare Leecher Pack v3

Rapidshare All in One Tool v3


µTorrent 1.6 with Upload Multiplicator & EMU

Seeder Version
- emulates µTorrent 1.5
- no download report to tracker
- you will be shown as seeder
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

Leecher Version
- emulates µTorrent 1.5
- download report to tracker
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10

Download (Mirror)

Download (Mirror) (NEW! Leecher Version with emu 1.4)

pass: seba14

eMule Exorzist 6.0 leecher mod

this mod is made by rappi and based on emule 0.47a !!!

- no upload
- fakerank
- comfake
- creditfake
- and many more …

even more better than pimp my emule :-)


pass: seba14

µTorrent 1.6 with Upload Multiplicator


Seeder Version
- no download report to tracker
- you will be shown as seeder
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10
(if you limit your upload to 10kbs, you have a maximum fakeupload of 100kbs)

Leecher Version
- download report to tracker
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10
- you are not detectable !!


pass: seba14

new version! now no problems with antivirus programs like kaspersky

BitLord 1.1 Leecher Edition



- no upload and download report to tracker

- you will shown as seeder

- no installation needed


pass: seba14

µTorrent 1.6 build 474 Leecher Pack 2


- seeding (stealth) .exe
you are not shown in peerlist! utorrent asks only the server after new sources, so you can download without waiting time (Caution this version does not work with all tracker!)

- leeching (stealth) .exe
why still one leeching stealth mod? this mod is specially for
English tracker e.g. Torrentbytes, because these send only the seeder IP and not the leecher IP.

- report fakeup 1x/2x/3x
you are shown as seeder and before the real upload a 1, 2 or 3 is attached! if you upload with 20kb the mod will send 120, 220 or 320kb

- leeching report fakeup 1x/2x/3x
the same like the other fakeupload mod, but you are show as leecher and download is send to tracker


pass: seba14

µTorrent 1.6 build 474 Leecher Pack


- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as seeder

REPORT Version
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder


pass: seba14



Build 171
-Fix: SplashScreen by zoplexx (fixed the corners)

Build 170
-BugFix: fake upload ratio mode intelligent mode (now it’s fixed)
-BugFix: fixed a minor bug that could occurs when connected to 0 peers

Build 169
-Fix: fake upload ratio mode + intelligent mode should work correctly

Build 168
-Updated polish language
-Fixed the links in the splash preview window
-Updated turkish language
-Change: safe fake => from integer to float (decimals are allowed)
-BugFix: fake upload ratio mode + intelligent mode should work correctly

FEATURES: no ranking system and no donation screen


Plugin Pack Download

pass: seba14

Last epimp version

here is the lastest epimp version from jerry !


Pimp my emule 1.9 SR 2 *hacked*

Changelog and Features:

00de MOD by Smasher v1.8

Remove Uploadratio
Remove Sessionlimit
Remove Upload Slot-Limit
Change Filepuffersize to max. 6MB
Change Webcache Boost
Change Boost Credits
Change SplashScreen
Change a lot of Icons
Change FileColors in ShareFiles-Window
Add No Upload*
Add undetectable Nickthief*
Add New Fakeranking*
Add HashHack*
Add undetectable ModThief*
Add SP2 firewall opener
Add Ban4Ban*
Add eDonkeyHybrid Ban*
Add Emulation other Clients*
Add Anti-Anti-Leecher-Detection Modul*
Add only upload for Release-Files*
Add only upload for Friends*
Add only upload for QR < XXXX*
Add AutoBackup in ZIP files*
Add custom FileBufferTimer*
Add only Queuelist for Release-File-Clients*
Add only Queuelist for Friends*
Add Anti Ban4Ban
Add Download/Release-Report(s) (Downloadlist>Contextmenu,Sharelist>Contextmenu)
Add Anti-Leecher-Function (no Upload for Leechers)*
Add StartSound
Add no Queuelist*
Add Shareaza Ban*
Add LMDonkey Ban*
Add send custum eMule Version*
Add custom Connection-Timeout*
Add Community*

*Special-Features only works for members of!

Pimp my eMule v1.5 - 00de MOD by Smasher v1.0
Remove Uploadratio
Remove Sessionlimit
Remove Upload Slot-Limit
Change Filepuffersize to max. 6MB
Change Webcache Boost
Change Boost Credits
Change SplashScreen
Change a lot of Icons
Change FileColors in ShareFiles-Window
Add No Upload*
Add New Nickthief*
Add New Fakeranking*
Add eDevil HashHack + Hashfilter*
Add ModThief*
Add SP2 firewall opener
Add Ban4Ban*
Add eDonkeyHybrid Ban*
Add Emulation other Clients*
Add Anti-Anti-Leecher-Detection Modul*
Add only upload for Release-Files*
Add only upload for Friends*
Add only upload for QR <>Contextmenu,Sharelist>Contextmenu)
Add Anti-Leecher-Function (no Upload for Leechers)*
Add StartSound
Add no Queuelist*
Add Shareaza Ban*
Add LMDonkey Ban*
Add send custum eMule Version*
Add custom Connection-Timeout*
Add Community*
*Special-Features only works for members of!


Pimp 0.47c My Emule v2.0 Vip-Mod.rar - Mirror -

eMule 0.46c - pimp my emule v1.9 sr2 smasher + loader.rar - (Mirror)

pimp_my_emule_v1.9_sr2.rar (8.77 MB)

info: loader included.

Old Versions:

Pimp My Emule Mod v1.5 Smasher Patched.rar (6.86 MB) - (Mirror)

Links fixed.


eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.02a

Code Base ZZUL

Added Active Ratio (NetFinity)
Changed Some Icons
Added Community
Fixed some Bugs
Added Dynamic Block Request(Some changes applyed) (Original NetFinity)
Added Some Anti-Leech Stuff ;-)
Added a tweaked Passive Source finding
Added New Overlay Icons
Added Drop Sources (NNS, FQS, HQR) by Time
Added New Prefs-Page -> Source Handling
Added Slot Control
Added SlotFocus (partial, not ready yet, so not available atm)

Fixed The stupid Splashscreen Display, editet the Font weight
Changed Community XS, should work proper now
Changed Some Icons (i hate em all)

Change Slot Control and Focus

Download: eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.02a.rar (1.58 MB)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

MooPolice 1.5.0 Build 62

MooPolice is a Bittorrent Client for Windows (NT4/2K/XP)

  • Selectable downloads (from multi file torrents)
  • Download queue priority
  • Metadata exchange
  • Chat messages
  • Complete UNICODE program to support file names in any language (i.e chinese)
  • Peer ratio support
  • Auto save path (single and by keyword)
  • Color scheme editor
  • UPnP port forwarding
  • Fast resume
  • Editable tracker list
  • UDP tracker support
  • Ip ban list
  • Torrent file download
  • DHT (alternative libtorrent DHT)
  • PEX (using the extension protocol)
  • Database support for several kinds of metadata (see forum for details)
  • Create Torrent files
  • WEB Seeds

  • Downloads:
    Current Version
    MooPolice Bittorrent Client Version 1.5.0 Build 62, 9. November 2006

    Color Schemes
    Dark 21. October 2005 (just an example)
    Paper 8. June 2006
    Paper for simple view 19. June 2006

    Older Versions
  • MooPolice Bittorrent Client Version 1.4.3 Build 59, 23. July 2006
  • MooPolice Bittorrent Client Version 1.3.0 Build 55, 23. February 2006
  • Color Scheme Editor Version 1.0.0 Build 3, 21. October 2005
  • MooPolice Bittorrent Client Version 1.1.1 Build 49, 19. October 2005
  • Thursday, January 11, 2007


    more Screenshots
    RatioMaker & Tor

    RatioMaker is an application that can increase your ratio on private bittorrent trackers. It does this by sending fake HTTP requests to the tracker, informing it that you've uploaded a specified number of MBs. The tracker normally adds these to your "Uploaded" amount, thus increasing your total share ratio (uploaded/downloaded). RatioMaker can also add to the "Downloaded", making it look like you've downloaded something. RatioMaker can emulate 4 very common BitTorrent clients, making it very hard to detect. In accordance with your selection, it sets it's peer_id, user-agent, key and HTTP headers to emulate said client. The clients RatioMaker can emulate are:

    In the past, RatioMaker also emulated BitTornado, but it has been decided to replace it with µTorrent, as it seems to be used more.

    Right now, the only way for a tbsource tracker to detect RatioMaker is with the 'Detect Abnormal Uploads' mod. There were more anti-RatioMaker mods available, but they are now outdated. The one that checked announce time is outdated since RatioMaker 0.5 was released with delayed requesting, and the one that checked for certain HTTP headers is obsolete since RatioMaker, when HTTP header emulation was added.

    You'll need a .torrent file from the tracker you want to cheat on. Open it in TorrentSpy and copy the following fields to RatioMaker:

    • Tracker to Tracker URL
    • SHA Hash to Info hash (SHA1)
    • Total Bytes to Total bytes (as of, you don't need to remove the separators)

    Fill in the amount of MBs you want, then select whether you want to make it like you've uploaded or downloaded them.

    Select a client to emulate, or hit Custom and enter your own peer_id, user-agent and key.

    If you want to use a SOCKS proxy server, select it's type in the SOCKS Proxy group and enter it's address and port (See the RatioMaker with Tor trick).

    Hit 'Connect' and wait. RatioMaker will send a HTTP GET with event=started, notifying the tracker that you've started your session (be it upload or download), then wait for 300 seconds to pass until sending another HTTP GET request (the one that actually specifies the amount to spoof), then a few seconds later, another GET with event=stopped (so your username disappears from the tracker's peer list). You may speed up the process by pressing the 'Increase to 10ticks/second' button, which basically makes the built-in timer count ten times as fast (thus only waiting 30 seconds max between GETs).

    Some time ago, 'phaser' (a RatioMaker user from the forums) made a screenshot guide for operating RatioMaker. You'll find this guide in the Screenshots section, but be aware that it's a bit old.




    Current RatioMaker version:

    RatioMaker binary

    RatioMaker source

    Older RatioMaker versions

    RatioMaker binary

    RatioMaker source

    RatioMaker binary

    RatioMaker source

    Even older versions

    RatioMaker 0.4