
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

µTorrent v1.6.1 Build 490 - multi x10

µTorrent v1.6.1 Build 490 - multi x10

This modded µTorrent comes with upload multiplicator (currently x10).
If you had downloaded 300 MB and uploaded 50 MB hacked uTorrent
will report to tracker that you had downloaded 300 MB and uploaded 500MB.
There's usually NO chance to be detected as cheater.
The safest way is to limit upload to 1/10 of your download speed.

This Build is not from the same coder as in µTorrent Leecher Packs.

µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - multi x10.rar (184.61 KB) - (Mirror)

eMulev0.47c - MorphXTv9.3 D10Tmain09T5

eMule v0.47c-MorphXT v9.3-D10Tmain 09T5

ADD: Always show as trayicon option.
ADD: Http links in ed2k links like linkcreator (MoNKi)
ADD: Friendnote. Noting area for adding notes about friendlist. (CB mod)
-Will be automatically saved and reloaded at each start-up.
ADD: Static IP Filter (Stulle)
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
ADD: run as NT service v1. [leuk_he]
-No need to login into XP.
-keeps running after logging out/ switching users
-new command line options:
"emule install" --> install as as ervice
"emule uninstall" --> uninsntall as a service.
-make sure all settings are correct before installing as a service.
-links as passed to webservice.
-See Preferences->Webserver->NTservice tab
remark: Not meant to save cpu/memory.
ADD: Context menu on chat context. (wizard codesnippet)
ADD: Lost preferences. Most official preferences that got an prefereces.ini setting but no gui are
Added in preferences->extented->Advanced preferneces.
CHANGED:USC: better slotfocus.
CHANGED:More upload speed for webcache requester. (no 100ms delay)
CHANGED:And also DBR reviewed for high bandwidth transfer.
CHANGED:Flush thread, improved.
CHANGED:Better requested block queuing
CHANGED:Sr-13 import, Also use AICH hash when required.
FIX: Upnp: using same port for tcp & udp now possible.
CHANGED:uPnP moved most logging to verbose level.
FIX: sr-13 import: Chrash on cancel during running import.
FIX: Chrash on low diskspace resume.
ADDED: Official fix arround CreatePackedPackets (missed overhead filerequest value for file >4GB)
24 instead of 28


Changelog for eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.4
CHANGED:DBR: tuned for finishing downloads faster.
CHANGED:Advanced preferences. Fix wrong values during reading.
CHANGED:Advanced preferences. Add UseUserSortedServerList preference.
CHANGED:Run As service, startup service detection.
CHANDED:Vista/X64/win2003 detection to lower number of half open connenctions.
CHANGED:Upload: smooth socket buffer when remote client is fast.
CHANGED:Avoid GUI glitches due to Static Tray Icon
UPDATE :Simplified chinese tranlation [pennyliu123]

eMulev0.47c - MorphXTv9.3

eMule 0.47c - Tyranus v1.00



based on official client

Add: No Ratio
Add: Splash screen
Add: Upload kick 1.5MB
and that it's all for now

eMule 0.47c - Tyranus v1.00.rar - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)

emule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.5

Changelog DeathAngel 1.5
modified by dlarge

changelog 1.5:
- merged to Xtreme 5.3
- removed Community
- modified Uploadmanagment
- add Zero Upload (Share Off)
- add Webcache
- add Upload4Upload
- add max QueueRank in Download
-add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)
- add Auto Hard Limit(Stulle)
- add Emulate Others
- add new Prefpagedesign with Treecontrol
- fixed Bug in Save Queue Wait Time
- fixed Bug in Queuelist
- fixed Bug in save Prefs
- add modified antileech.dll 21.0.0
- put all removed Features from Xtreme inside

changelog 1.4:

- merged to 0.47c

- add Neo Encryption/ISP Transveral (Xanatos)
- add CPU/Ram Infos in Transferwindow (Sicks)
- add Adjust Compress Level (Stulle)
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add ChunkDots (Slugfiller)
- add ConfirmedDownload (xrmb)
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- internal code optimations
- removed unused Codes
- removed Webcache - not worked (this is a Problem in 0.47c)

changelog 1.3 Update:

- fixed Bug for close Emule with Error
- changed Code for Enhanced Client Recognization
- Internal Code Cleaning

changelog 1.3:

- compiled now with VS2003 SP1
- merged to Xtreme Mod 5.2.2
- add DLP banned Xtreme Mods
- add SupportBoard Button in Transferwindow
- small code optimations
- add modified antileech.dll

changelog 1.2

- add Community
- add No FakeRank for Community and Friends
- add Uploadkick to QR
- add no Uploadkick for Community and Friends
- changed Ratio to 1:10
- add no waitingtime for Commembers in Queue(thanks Spe64)
- changed Quickstart
- add Quickstart works only with Kad
- add Switches for all Leecher Tweaks
- add Fix crash at shutdown
- add the new modified antileech.dll
- modified Upmanagment
- changed Icons

- removed "Share Off" because Community
- removed Scheduler
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC

changelog 1.1

- add Share Features
- add Uploadslotlimit to min 0.1
- add Webcache
- add Virus Scanner
- add coloured Download Status
- add Quickstart
- add more Creditsystems
- add MassRename
- add Copy feedback feature
- add Source Graph
- add more Drop Settings
- add Show Client Percentage
- add Sivka File Settings
- add Save Upload Queue Waiting Time
- add Active Connection Control
- add Mod Icons
- changed Funny Nick Feature to FN Feature from Stulle
- changed Icons
- optimized many Settings
- updated Webcache
- removed Whois

changelog 1.0

- add undected FakeRank
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add Upprotection
- No Ratio
- No ban Friends
- Friend Boost
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add Anti FakeRank + DiffQr Rank
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add unlimited Searchresults
- Sourcefinding optimized
- add Whois
- add Friends in bold
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Enhanced Client Recognization
- add Invisible Mode (HotKey: Alt+Z)
- add more Message Filters
- add Display Userhash
- add Link to Download a New Server.met in NetInfoDialog
- add complete source fix
- changed min Uploadslot to 1
- changed Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- changed min Up to 1
- changed Queuesize to 0 - 100000
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- removed Switch for 1:3 Session Ratio
- removed Failed download ban
- removed Global DeadSourceList
- changed Ban time to 4 h

emule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.5.rar (3.04 MB) - (Mirror)

Monday, February 26, 2007

eMule Eclipse

eMule 0.47a Eclipse v2
Based on Viper 5.0


- Show download in bold [Morph]
- Show download in red [Morph]
- Fake Rank
- Max QR in DL
- Manual Kick [SNC]
- Manual Ban [SNC]
- Upload Kick variable [Donky]
- Boost Friend variable [Donky]
- Splashscreen [Anakine]
- Sidebanner [Anakine]
- countryflag32.dll, countryflag.dll and ip-to-country.csv in archive for Showflag option
- Download Kick
- Show download in bold [Morph]
- Show download in red [Morph]
- Splashscreen [Anakine]
- Sidebanner
- countryflag32.dll, countryflag.dll and ip-to-country.csv in archive for Showflag option
- Download Kick
- Manual Kick [SNC]
- Fake Rank
- Manual Ban [SNC]
- Upload Kick variable [Donky]
- Boost Friend variable [Donky]

Big Thanxx : Anakine and Lico for Beta testing and Stenoco for his help;)
Changelog V2:

# based on Viper 5.0
- Add: Show download in bold [Morph]
- Add: Show download in red [Morph]
- Add: Fake Rank
- Add: Max QR in DL
- Add: Manual Kick [SNC]
- Add: Manual Ban [SNC]
- Add: Upload Kick variable [Donky]
- Add: Boost Friend variable [Donky]
- Add: Splashscreen [Anakine]
- Add: Sidebanner [Anakine]
- Add: Download Kick [Donky]

Changelog V1:

# based on Viper v4.3
- Add: Anti Fake Rank [kts]
- Add: download in Red [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: download in bold [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: slot control [on/off] in upload window [spe64]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd [$ick$]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [$ick$]
- Add: optimitisation CPU [Netfinity]
- Add: Hay Mensaje [spanish-man/Ikabot/kts]
- Add: Anti HideOS "test" [Netfinity]
- Re-add: Webserveur/interface
- Re-add: Tools
- Re-add: Notifications
- Re-add: Proxy
- Fix: Multi Feedback [kts]
+ Color Upload
+ Faster Endgame
+ Ban4Ban
+ Manual Kick and Ban
+ UploadKick modifié

Changelog V1a:

Basée sur la Viper 4.3 (merci à Telperion pour ce mod )

- Add: Anti Fake Rank [kts]
- Add: download in Red [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: download in bold [on/off] [MorphXT]
- Add: slot control [on/off] in upload window [spe64]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in transferwnd [$ick$]
- Add: display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [$ick$]
- Add: optimitisation CPU [Netfinity]
- Add: Hay Mensaje [spanish-man/Ikabot/kts]
- Add: Anti HideOS "test" [Netfinity]
- Re-add: Webserveur/interface
- Re-add: Tools
- Re-add: Notifications
- Re-add: Proxy
- Fix: Multi Feedback [kts]
+ Color Upload
+ Faster Endgame
+ Ban4Ban
+ Manual Kick and Ban
+ UploadKick modifié

Added: Upload Kick Variable
Added: Boostfriend Variable
Added: Pourcentage Client
Added: Max QR dans DL

Removed : 1:4 Ratio

eMule 0.46c - Eclipse v1.rar (1.39 MB)
eMule 0.46c Eclipse V1a.rar (1.39 MB) - (DDL)
eMule 0.47a - Eclipse v2.rar (2.03 MB) - (Mirror)

eMule v0.47c [VipeR V6.1]

Changelog eMule 0.47c VipeR V6.2
Fixed: Removed Bad Function (Really sorry)

Changelog eMule 0.47c VipeR V6.1
Based on eMule 0.47c


+ Diff QR
+ ShowFakeRank
+ Super Release
+ download in bold
+ download in red
+ Upload Color [ON/OFF]
+ Slot Limiting (tries to reduce the number of upload slots)
+ Slot Control [On/Off] + in upload window
+ Quick start
+ Drop système
+ show flag
+ show LowIDs in yellow
+ show uncomplete files in blue
+ show powershare files in green
+ Show connected server in bluebold
+ Powerelease
+ Dynamic HideOS
+ Side Banner
+ Display CPU/MEM usage in Statistic [
+ Grey out dead servers
+ Feeback Color


eMule 0.47c VipeR v6.1.rar (2.13 MB)

eMule-0.47c-VipeR-v6.1-src.rar (5.79 MB)

eMule 0.47c VipeR v6.2.rar (2.13 MB) (reduced Version) more builds are here

Saturday, February 24, 2007

eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2.1

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2.1:
- fixed bug loading Applejuice Credits
- save Applejuice Credits of other Clients in "credits_index.dat" file
- some minor improvements on Community Topfile List
Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2:
based on Xtreme v5.4.1

- Search Community Topfiles in Search Window
- better finding Community Contacts
- fixed bug loading Applejuice Credits
- at least 10 Community Contacts needed to Save Applejuice or load Community Topfiles
- reduced size of credits.met file (old credits.met files will be replaced)
- own Upload Level for Files on Upload priority PowerRelease
- decreased PowerRelease Upload priority back to xtreme setting
- stop automatic started Creditdownloads at a certain amount of Applejuice Credits
- set default non-Community Slot Setting to 0

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2 Beta5:
- fixed bug saving Applejuice Credits
- show indexed Community Topfiles in network info dialog
- save indexed Community Topfiles in "topfiles_index.dat" file
- auto clean old entries from Community Topfile List
- other improvements on Community Topfile List
- show real Community Modstrings for new/new2 Clients (Razorback3 v3.0/Titandonkey v3.0)
- Razorback3 and Titandonkey Community Client icons

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2 Beta4:
- fixed save/load Applejuice answer was not recognized correctly
- fixed displaying save/load Applejuice messages
- Community Topfile List (beta! not available in public version yet)

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2 Beta3:
- continued work on Community Kad Network
- always connect to Kademlia Network
- new method to save and load Applejuice Credits via Community Kad Network (beta!)
- increased save Applejuice Credits maximal time to 24 hours
- set min Applejuice Credits to enable Creditdownload to 30 L
- improved Community Source Exchange for Files with many Community Clients to save Overhead
- send automatic Community Messages only to Applejuice Mods
- minor improvements on Community Upload system
- removed send Applejuice File Comment
- Links to Esel Power Board
- Link to Applejuice Homepage in Applejuice Preferences window
- Link to Futuremods Forum on toolbar Help button

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2 Beta2:
- started work on Community Kad Network
- fixed bug disabling Applejuice Creditdownload
- some minor changes

Changelog eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2 Beta1:
Applejuice Creditsystem:
- send Creditfaker Message only once to every Client who faked his Applejuice Credits
- faster remove Clients from Upload if they stop Creditdownload
- fixed some minor bugs


- set lowest allowed Remote Queuerank for Upload Management to < style="font-weight: bold;">

eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2.1 - (Mirror) (5.3 MB)
eMule v0.47c Applejuice v1.2

more info:

Friday, February 23, 2007

eMule 0.47c - FutureMule Sigma Public Beta 1.0

Zur Feier des Tages haben wir heute nen neuen Esel für Euch. Basis ist der offizielle 0.47c, somit sind nun auch Files >4GB saugbar. Die Community ist nicht kompatibel zur alten aus dem Nemesis (weniger aus Sicherheitsgründen sondern eher, weil wir nun eine gemeinsame Comm mit einem Mod oder vllt sogar mehreren Mods haben - näheres wird die Zukunft zeigen, ich gehe aber von einer deutlich besseren Verteilung der Comm-Mitgleider aus, sobald unser Esel und auch der/die andere(n) sich "am Markt" etabliert haben.

Neben einer neuen GUI ist auch die Verwendung eines Keyfiles neu, das ab sofort für den Betrieb des Esels nötig ist. Klingt spektakulär, hat aber nur die Konsequenz, dass es im config-Ordner des Esels sein muss - sobald es fehlt oder verändert wird schmiert der Esel ab. Sollte sich aber keiner dran stören, das Keyfile ist im Lieferumfang enthalten und wird bei nem Cleaninstall (empfohlen!) automatisch mit installiert. Alle andern müssens einfach ins config-Verzeichnis kopieren.

eMule 0.47c - FutureMule Sigma Public Beta 1.0.rar (1.62 MB)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

eMule 0.47c - Blackbeard v1.8

eMule 0.47c - Blackbeard v1.8


- New management of the sources
- Addition of missing codes
- New management of consumption memory
- Cleaning (started from code useless)
- New quickstart (gatchy Wink )
- Chunk Chooser from Xman's Xtreme (zz or Maella chunk system)
- New drop system (pP)
- More fake communities
- Lots of little fixes

eMule 0.47c - Blackbeard v1.8.rar (1.61 MB) - (Mirror)

eMule v0.47c Titan Donkey 3.10

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.51

eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.51

30 Novembre 2006

-Special NickThief [gatchymule]
-Spammer-Ban v1.1 [gatchymule]
-Fix Reask Sources after ID Change [gatchymule]
-Option "No Up" in shared file list
-Update Emulate
-Add "Auto" in boost KAD & Sources Exchange
-Friends and Community in bold & color
-Drop are now automatic (inspiré et conseillé par Gatchy)
-Log Fake Community (in emulate)
-Reduction time of server Rotation: 11mn
-Update of all my settings
-Small modif in "About" ;)

-AntiNickThief & AntiModThief // Pourquoi ? demandez à gatchymule lol

Fix emule-project:
-Wrong Port Shown
-Crashfix At Mmsocket
-Chattab Context Fix:
-Fix in Enhanced Client Recognization // merci traxori pour le rappel ;)
-Cmulelistctrl Fixes


eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.4

11 Novembre 2006

-Fix bug du Serveur Rotation
-Fix Communauté (Depuis la 1.3, les mods ne se reconnaissaient plus entre eux) //merci fap pour le test en urgence lol
-Augmentation du reask client (ne diminue pas les performances, mais provoque moins de freeze et évite les ranks (+)) //merci Gatch pour le conseil

eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.3

09 Novembre 2006

-Control slots (dans l'option "Upload management")
-Affichage dans MSN
-Ajout de "Ban User" et "UnBan User" dans la liste des clients connus
-Ajout de "Ban User" dans la liste des clients en attentes de transfert

-Modification du Boost Score QR [pris sur TheKillerBean SE (=> shadow2004)]
-Dont Remove Static Servers
-Source cache
-ModThief (TEST)
-QuickStart Auto

* en regle generale:
si vous avez beaucoup de sources, preferez “LOW”
si votre processeur travaille trop, preferez “LOW” ou "OFF"

eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.1

20 Octobre 2006

-Fix bug dans l'affichage des Reask manuel
-Retrait du Max File Buffer Size: 3.5 Mo

-Ajouté "Ask Server for New Sources" dans les Reask manuel
-Ajouté "Ask Kad For New Sources" dans les Reask manuel
-Kick & Ban user dans l'upload

-*TEST* Optimisation KAD --> Drop auto doivent etre actif
-*TEST* Optimisation Source Exchange --> Drop auto doivent etre actif

eMule 0.47c - Off+ 1.0

14 Octobre 2006

-Communauté eMul€€cheR // -> [gatchymule]
-Random Modstring // -> [gatchymule]
-Systeme de crédit inversé
-Ammélioration des recherches
-Ammélioration des reasks
-Debridage de KAD
-AntiFakeRank + DiffQR
-Reask source (NNS et Full Queue) & client manuel
-Spammer-Ban v1.0
-Reglage IRC for: /join #eMul€€cheR
-Change Max File Buffer Size: 3.5 Mo
-Drop system auto & manual
-Save Load Source
-Boost Score QR x in upload (on/off et réglable) *
-Serveur Rotation
-Affichage du ModString client dans l'upload et download list
-Copy Statistiques personnalisées
-Remove ratio
-Change minimum queuesize 100
-Change color in download (red)
-NO-UP // - [Dazzle]
-No share files completed // - [Dazzle]
-Kick upload after 2.11Mo
-Dynamic bloc request + reglages perso
-Fake-Rank for Position in Queue > 80
-Pas de fake-rank pour la Communautée et les amis
-Boost friends (prioritaire sur le Boost score QR)
-Boost le score de la communautée (prioritaire sur le Boost score QR)
-No ban friend
-Affichage QR dans l'upload list

* Boost Score QR x in upload
Le probleme de l'upload management traditionel est qu'il agit comme un "no share files completed", et on ne peut rien up d'autre.
Avec un "Boost Score QR" on peut continuer à up, mais le up des fichiers en QR x reste la principal prioritée.

emule 0.47c off+ 1.51.rar (1.62 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)
eMule 0.47c - Off+ (2.21 MB)

Re-posted on Developer request. Description and Build fixed to the original source coder.

eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0 - modified by dlarge

eMule 0.47c MorphXT v9.0 modified by dlarge


- No Ratio
- only Upload to eMule
- removed ZZ Ratio
- add Kick User from Queuelist
- add Push in Upload from Queuelist
- add Kick from Upload
- add Ban from Upload
- add Kick from Upload and put to IpFilter
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add No Answer after Ban
- Filebufer to 20MB
- Queuesize to 0
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations


eMule 0.47c - Morph XT v9.0 by dlarge.rar

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

eMule v0.47c - LicoKine Edition 2 By NicoXxy

Based on Viper 6.2

Add: No upload on/off (Miles)
Add: No share file list in share window (Miles)
Add: No share file list to server (Miles)
Add: Fake Rank
Add: Server Rotation 1h on/off (NicoXxy,Acidburn)
Add: Force Upload Slot
Add: No ratio
If upload activated, upload kick –> 1.2Mb
Fixed: Some bugs

eMule v0.47c - LicoKine Edition 2 By NicoXxy.rar (1.54 MB) - (Mirror)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Leecher Pack (repack eDiTion)

- no installer password required
- no Website Ads and Links
- Original µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 added
- xp-AntiSpy tcp.sys limitation patch added
- Language File added
and much more...

based on seba's installer pack

µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Mult10 Leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Mult10 Leecher emu15.exe
- emulates µTorrent 1.5.
- upload report to tracker with multiplicator 10.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Mult10 Seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10.
- download not reported to tracker.
- you shown as seeder.
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry).
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Mult10 Seeder Emu15.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10.
- download not reported to tracker.
- you shown as seeder.
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation.
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry).
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 Noreport.exe
- upload and download not reported to tracker.
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry).
- you shown as seeder.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Noreport Emu15.exe
- upload and download not reported to tracker.
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry).
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Report.exe
- only upload reported to tracker.
- you shown as seeder.
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry).
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Fakeup1x Leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Fakeup1x Seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload.
- download not reported to tracker.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Fakeup1x Leecher Emu15.exe
- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload.
- µTorrent 1.5 emulation.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Fakeup1x Seeder Emu15.exe
- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload.
- download not reported to tracker.
µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Stealth.exe
- you are not shown on tracker during filetransfer (no peerlist entry).
- attention works not on all tracker.
XP-AntiSpy light
- Menu Special > Connection limit
The connection limit wasn't established by Microsoft without a reason. It should prevent rapid spreading of viruses and worms if a computer gets infected. That's why they limited it to 10 connections at a time... Some applications, like, for example, filesharing tools, can't unfold their capacity when the maximum connection limit is too low. Patch tcp.sys to unlimited connections Max. Connections: 16777214

µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 Whats new:
2007-02-13: Version 1.6.1 (build 490)
- Feature: Select upload/download speed for a torrent through the rightclick menu
- Feature: Added encryption box to speed guide
- Change: Don't check as many pieces at the same time.
- Change: Misc WebUI changes.
- Change: Switch to JSON for webinterface
- Fix: Problem with category list in the gui when updated from the webui
- Fix: WebUI not clearing state between requests.
- Fix: Redirect also index.html to guest.html
- Fix: Added On Now shows the time it's added, not loaded.
- Fix: JSON uses " instead of '
- Fix: (a) Upnp fix
- Fix: Show pause icon when checking is paused.
- Fix: Fixed problems with XML parser
- Fix: Don't allow two message boxes to be shown in the RSS window
- Fix: Changed some window titles
- Fix: Fix malformed .torrent exploit
- Fix: Boss key field is now larger
- Fix: PECompact bug causing crashes

µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Leecher Pack install.exe (3.91 MB)
(Mirror1) - (Mirror2) - (Mirror3) - (Mirror4) - (DDL)

Caution: Some heuristic anti virus scanner can recognize it as a backdoor or similar, please disable AV in this case and unzip it's content. Its to 80% false positive but if you are unsure please scan each mod online by The mods are not made by us. Some compilers, protectors are recognized as back door virus which is wrong. A unpacking test shows the true.

FIX: malicious Thermida packed Multi x10 Leecher Mod removed!
Backdoor Virus alert gone!
Repacked w/o x10 Leecher mod
(3.66 MB)
: µTorrent 1.6.1 Build 490 - Leecher Pack

Sunday, February 18, 2007

eMule 0.47c TS Next Lite v1.0

compile under Win Vista!!!

eMule 0.47c TS Next Lite v1.0
modded by dlarge
based on Tombstone 1.55

light and fast =)
This Mod have complete 0 Upload!!!

- Zero Upload
- undetected FakeRank
- add No Ratio
- add Emulate Others
- add Drop Sourcen
- add QuickStart
- add newest AutoHardLimit (Wizard)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Server Message Filter (Wizard)
- add Enhanced Client Recognization (Spike2)
- add File Buffer TimeLimit
- add Mod Icons in Down/Up/Queuelist
- add Diff Queue/Anti FakeRank
- add more Message Filters
- better Sourcefinding
- changed Filebuffer to 20MB
- many others Optimations
- removed Sharedfiles Window
- removed Uploadsettings
- removed Wizard
- removed IRC
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed MobilMule
- removed Webserveur/interface
- removed Tools
- removed Scheduler
- removed Notifications
- removed Proxy
- removed Versionscheck

eMule 0.47c - Tombstone Next lite 1.0.rar (1.53 MB) - (Mirror)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

NRPG RatioMaster 0.34


Now you can add upload and download traffic to your torrent account easy.
Key features:
- Supports multiple RatioMasters running in one instance.
- Automatically loads torrent info from torrent file.
- Great browser included in program.
- Support for tabs sessions (save current session and load it later)
- Very strong protection against anti-cheat scripts.
- Very good GUI. Drag&drop support for files.
- Parses all data from all running uTorrent, Azureus, BitComet and ABC instances.
- Can select how much upload and download in seconds to upload and download.
- Can select random values for upload and download speeds at tracker update.
- Can select tracker response interval (program automatically gets this value from tracker).
- Lots of bittorrent client simulations available - latest and a lot of old versions of uTorrent, BitComet, Azureus, BitLord, ABC, BTuga, BitTornado, Burst and BitTyrant.
- Shows uploaded, downloaded, tracker update intervals, and more info all in real-time!
- Support for custom announce and client simulation parameters.
- Good error protection.
- Supports many different types of proxies. (HTTP, SOCKS...)
- Program keeps a log if any errors occur.
- Program will inform you of new versions.
- Works in almost all bittorrent trackers.
- And many other great features!

---=== 0.34 (17-02-2007) ===---
- Tracker connection problems fixed
- Tracker response bugs fixed
- Some memory optimizations
- Fixed security bug in BitComet (0.80+) emulations
- Default client is now "uTorrent 1.6.1"
- Added new client emulation: "uTorrent 1.6.1"
- Added new client emulation: "BitComet 0.84"
---=== 0.33 (01-02-2007) ===---
- "Finished % bug" is now fixed!
- Some security bugs fixed
- Fixed some bugs when parsing number of peers from the clients
- Now every client have default value for number of peers
- You can select to load torrent file in a new tab or in the current tab when drag&drop
- Added new client emulation: "Azureus"
- Added new type of clients: "BitTyrant"
- Added new client emulation: "BitTyrant 1.1"
---=== 0.32 (20-01-2007) ===---
- You can parse values from all running Azureus instances
- Added drag&drop support for torrent files (you can drag&drop one or more files)
- Added drag&drop support for session files (you can drag&drop one or more files)
- Added new stop condition: "When leechers/seeders"
- When start torrent, program scrape data (not only when update)
- Fixed bugs with "numwant" values
- Fixed bug with finished percent
- Client version rearranged (newer versions are at the top of combo box)
- Added new client emulation: "Azureus"
- Added new client emulation: "BitComet 0.82"
---=== 0.321 & 0.322 ===---
- tried to fix the "Finished %" bug!

Full Change Log


Download 0.30

Download 0.31 (Mirror)

Download 0.321 Unofficial Version

Download 0.322 (Mirror) Unofficial Version

pass: seba14

Download 0.33 (Mirror1) - (Mirror2) Official Version

Download 0.34 (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)

All credits to by Nikolay Kostov (NRPG)

Friday, February 16, 2007

µtorrent 1.6.1 (490) Final - Leecher Pack


- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10

- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- you shown as seeder

- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)

- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload

- upload reported to tracker with a 1 added before real upload
- download not reported to tracker

- you are not shown on tracker during filetransfer (no peerlist entry)
- Caution: works not on all tracker !!!

from each mod exists a version with utorrent 1.5 emulation!

by seba14
Installer Password: seba14

utorrent 490 leecher pack.rar (3.66 MB)
(Mirror1) - (Mirror2 DDL)

Installer without password:
Download new

All credits to

µTrator 1.1

µLeech, µRatio, µStealth and µTorrent:

µLeech: Normal download and upload multiplied by 10
µRatio: Newest version of ratio master
µStealth: No download or upload and not shown on tracker
µTorrent: Normal

How to use:

µLeech - ALT + F9
µRatio - ALT + F10
µStealth - ALT + F11
µTorrent - ALT + F12

After installation:
1. Open µTorrent, press CTRL+P and press the "Associate with .torrent files" button.
2. Open the ports 61120-61123 on your router to become connectable.
3. Restart your computer in order for the hotkeys to work.

To remove the hotkeys:
Right click on the shortcuts in your "start-menu/programs/utrator" folder, click properties and remove the hotkeys by clicking on the hotkey field and pressing your backspace button.

µTrator v1.1.rar (60.95 KB) - (Mirror)

eMule 0.47c Hyperdrive 1.1

eMule 0.47c Hyperdrive 1.1 modded by dlarge based on MorphXT 9.1

changelog 1.1:
- merged to MorphXT 9.1
- small Code cleaning
- small optimations in Codetags

changelog 1.0:
- add No Ratio
- add Friend Boost
- add Share Features
- add Server Hopping [Gatchymule]
- add undected FakeRank
- add Send No Files to Server [Dazlle]
- add max QueueRank in Download
- add Set max RemoteQueueRank for Upmanagment
- add Show File as No Complete(Hide Parts)!!!
- add Upload4Upload
- add Upmanagment
- add dynamic Uploadkick to QR
- add Uploading only to eMule Sourcen
- add No ban Friends
- add Kick&Ban in Uploadlist
- add Push&Kick in Queuelist
- add Reask Source in Downloadlist
- add Kick Source in Downloadlist
- add unlimited Searchresults
- add Source Graph [Stulle]
- add Emulate Others
- add Hyperdrive Stat + Coloured Stat [Shandra/Spe64]
- add Automatic shared files updater
- add Quickstart
- add No Answer after Ban
- add Spam Ban
- add Ban4Ban
- add reqBlocksClipping
- add Filebuffersize to 20 MB
- add Queuesize to 100 - 100000
- add No FakeRank for Friends
- add no Uploadkick for Friends
- changed the Link to Versionscheck
- changed all Links to Supportboard
- small sourcefinding Optimations
- add many Fixes and Optimations

- removed Wizard
- removed Help
- removed Minimule
- removed Versionscheck
- removed Notifier
- removed Mobil Mule

eMule 0.47c - Hyperdrive 1.1.rar (2.21 MB) - (Mirror1) - (Mirror2)

eMule - Evil Angel 2.0 with 0.47c emu (by rappi)


- emulate(fakes) emule 47c
- send auto modstrings
- no ratio
- fakerank
- my upload protection
- friendsboost x20
- comboost
- kick/ban manual upload and queue
- show user ip
- special ban for some mods
- ban donkey , lphant etc.
- direct upload

some more special features are in extended options!!!

eMule 0.47c - evilangel 2.0.rar (1.85 MB) - (Mirror)

eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2 (by dlarge)

eMule 0.47c Appledr34m v1.2 based on eMule 0.47c modded by dlarge

changelog v1.2:

- add undetectet FakeRank
- add FakeRank not for Community/Friends
- add Send no Filelist to Server
- add Only upload to eMule Clients
- add Disable XS (Source Exchange)
- add Disable XS by Client (Source Exchange)
- add set your own Community (Mighty Knife/dlarge)
- add Boost *7 for own Community
- add Boost Friends *5
- add Switch for RB3 Com Ban
- add new Toolbar (shadow2004/JVA)
- add new Toolbar Grafics (big thanks to backpacker)
- add new Logo and Banner (big thanks to backpacker)
- add Show "Appldr34m" User in Bold (dlarge)
- add Slide Bar (eMule+/Xanatos)
- add UPnPNAT Feature (Monki)
- add Save/Load Sources (enkeyDEV)
- add Auto Hard Limit (WIZARD)
- add Spam Ban (Gatchymule)
- add Power Release (Xman)
- add more Credit Systems
- add Save Queue Wait Time (Moonlight)
- add virus Scanner (TK4)
- add Rare File Push (Telp)
- add Part File Push (Telp)
- add Small File Push
- add Queue Part File Push
- add Nice Hash
- add Invisible Mode (eF)
- add see Session Download (Xanatos)
- add Release Bonus (Sivka/Stulle)
- add Window Colours (Spe64)
- add Active Downloads in Bold
- add Show paused Files in Grey
- add Active Downloads Colour
- add Show Funny Nicks
- add switchable Uploadcolour
- add Automatic Sharedfiles Updater (Monki)
- add Download Sort Glitchfix (WIZARD)
- add Drop Stalled Sources (netfinity)
- add Delayed NNP (netfinity)
- add Reask Partstatus on NNP (netfinity)
- add Context Fix for ChatSexmanlector (WIZARD)
- add MM CrashFiX (Xman)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add Show Low Ids Clients in all Cases (Xman)
- add Download Chunk Display (MorphXT)
- add Code for multiSort remove (SLUGFILLER)
- add marked as Cancelled in Searchlist (Xman)
- add Show Chunk Dots (Slugfiller)
- add Confirmed download (xrmb)
- add Complete Source Fix (WIZARD)
- add XS Fix (Xanatos)
- add KadEncode (Avi3k)
- add Switches for Display settings
- removed Multi Sort in all Lists
- fixed Code for better show Full ModVersion in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see more Infos in all Cases
- fixed Bug for see the right Client Icons in all Cases
- fixed Bug for Sorting in Waitingqueue
- changed more Message Filters
- changed Some Preferences defaults Settings
- changed Code for Ip2country - You see only the Flags in Username
- changed Code for Client Percentage
- changed & optimized Code for manuell Downkick

changelog v1.1:

- add Steahlts community Ban for Titandonkey/RB3/PimpRevolution Mods (WIZARD)
- add Reask NNS/FullQr Sourcen in Download (LSD)
- add Reask Server/Kad for Sourcen in download (LSD)
- add more Infos in Uploadlist for UL/DL,IpNumber,Size,Slot Nr.
- add Stop Single Client in Downloadcases (Xman)
- add choosing Compression (Xman)
- add show Full Mod version in all Cases
- add Exit Smoothly (TK
- add Reask on ID Change Feature
- add P2P WormDetection (netfinity)
- add AutoBackup Feature (TBH)
- fixed Bug in iP2Country in Download Clientslist
- fixed Bug in Appledr34m Stat and gives more Infos
- fixed Bug in manuell Ban in UL
- fixed displaying wrong Community Client Icon in some cases
- fixed Full Queue Community Sources in Download List (Ekliptor)
- fixed Bug with save Prefs

changelog v1.0:

Bad features:

- add Applejuice Steahlts Community (big thanks to Ekliptor)
- increased USS min Upload to 9KB/s
- changed Argos: never ban Community Clients
- ignore Full Queue for Community Clients (they can always entry the Queue)
- ignore File Hard Limit for Community Clients
- better sending of Queuerank to Community Clients on first connect
- send Average Uploadrate to Community Clients
- Community Source Exchange
- Upload Levels
- add manuell Reask Source (DL)
- add manuell Kick Source (DL)
- add Push in Download from UL Queue
- add manuell Ban Source (UL)
- add manuell kick Source (UL)
- add manuell Kick Source and put in IpFilter.dat
- add unlimited FriendSlots
- add unlimited Searchresults

Normal features:

- add Argos System (NEO)
- add Updatepage with Ipfilter/Fakes.dat/IP2country (KTS/dlarge)
- add eMule High Prozeß Priority (MorphXT)
- add Quickstart (works only with Kad) (NEO)
- add Dropping Feature (NEO)
- add Mass Rename (Acronic)
- add NAFC Feature (WIZARD)
- add Appledr34m Stats (Shandra/Lama)
- add SysInfo in StatusBar (Jva)
- add Feedback Feature (Werewolf/dlarge)
- add Slot Focus (KTS)
- add Slot Control (KTS/dlarge)
- add Emulate others (Spike2)
- add File Buffer Flush Time (Spike2)
- add Winsocket 2 (eWombat)
- add Anti FakeRank (Cyrex2001)
- add Diff Qr (KTS)
- add Source Graph (Stulle)
- add Sidebanner (MorphXT)
- add Friend Handling in DL/Up/Qr List (Xman)
- add client Percentage
- add XS-workaround for older clients (WIZARD)
- add Fix Connection Collision (Sirob)
- add SpreadReask (Spike2)
- add Ip2Country
- add Mod ID in Statistics (Slugfiller)
- add Credits Reset Exploit Prevention (netfinity)
- add Secure SUI (netfinity)
- add Force deletion (Xman)
- add Never ban Friends (KTS)
- add Add passive source after we evaluated (netfinity)
- add Static server handling (Mighty Knife)
- add CATCH EXCEPTIONS Fix (Mealla)
- add faster Updating of Queuelist (Xman)
- add coloured Downloadstatus (dlarge)
- add coloured Uplist to Queuerank (dlarge)
- add show Low Id`s in Downloadlist (dlarge)
- add Better Passive Source Finding (XMAN)
- add Enhanced ClientRecognization (Spike2)
- add Variable Compression (MorphXT)
- add Requested blocks are now clipped to chunk limits and max. allowed block size (Slugfiller)
- add Auto Kad Firewall Recheck (WIZARD)
- add Find best Sources (Xman)
- add see Own Credits (VQ
- add DoubleLucas Fix (Slugfiller)
- add Relax On StartUp (WIZARD)
- add Proper KadClientList-Client deletion (WIZARD)
- add Faster Re-Ask on MLdonkeys (WIZARD)
- add DL Part completion speed-up code (BlueSonicBoy)
- add LoopImprovement Code Fix (NeoMule/WIZARD)
- add Server Message Filter (WIZARD)
- add Dont Overwrite BakFiles (Xman)
- add Anti-Shape (netfinity)

...many other Fixes and Optimations
applejuice + angeldr34m = Appledr34m

eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.2.rar (2.47 MB)

older Version:
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.1 modded by dlarge.rar (2.17 MB) - Mirror

links checked 06.01.08

ScarAngel l33ch3r v1.3

ScarAngel l33ch3r based on ScarAngel 1.8

-added fakerank (dlarge and gatcymule)
-added simple mod boost(dlarge)
-added dlarge uploadmanagement

-added max querank by download
-added donkey ban
-modified Upmanagment
-added Upload4Upload
-fakerank modified

- remove the ratio and add manual kick and ban

- fakerank
- kick and ban in uploadlist
- max Queuerank im DL
- Upload4Upload
- added only 1 slot upload
- added simple fakeserver filter

Basic scarangel 1.8:
- 04.01.2007 -
based on eMule 0.47c Xtreme 5.4 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: XP-Style menus [Xanatos/ staff] - Stulle
Added: Design Settings [eWombat/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Static IP Filter [Stulle] - Stulle
remark: save "ipfilter_static.dat" in config dir
Added: Limit PS by amount of data uploaded [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enhanced Client Recognition [Spike]
Added: Compat Client Stats [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Enforce Ratio [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Tabs in ScarAngel preferences dialog can be translated [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Reset Spread Bars command [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: second categories column in DownloadList removed [Stulle] - Stulle
Removed: always one release slot [Xman] - Stulle
+ use PowerShare instead
Design Settings:
+ Only enabled styles will be applied
+ Styles sorted by importance in triggering (default excluded)
+ Combining two styles is impossible
Enforce Ratio:
+ Download will be limited when 80% of the max ratio is reached
+ Example: Ratio = 1:1 --> Limit when 1:0.8 to download = upload*1
+ Display details on ratio activation

eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel l33cher v1.3 NEW
eMule v0.47c - Testversion [ScarAngel v1.8] l33cher v1.2 (1.97 MB)
eMule v0.47c - ScarAngel l33ch3r.rar (1.97 MB)

Hacked Shu Mod (

Hacked Shu Mod


Build 190
bugfix : incorrect left value when torrent just complete itself

Build 189
bugfix: empty event flag isn’t sent anymore while using download reduction or other option while the torrent is completed

Build 188
re added Portuguese language
Major bugfix : It now correctly sends what’s remaining (%done)
Config caps increased :
-upload multiplier from 20 to 50
-ratio limit from 5 to 50
-speed limit from 2500 to 10000
Code cleanup in the Shu config area

Download latest:

Hacked Shu Mod ( (8.06 MB) - (Mirror1)

Azureus Shu + DDJ Hack

old Versions:

Azureus DDJ Shu Hack

Thursday, February 15, 2007

RatioMaster 1.7.5


* Bug fix : Improved handling of connection and response timeouts
* Bug fix : Fixed problem with sockets not being closed
* Update : Updated build in uTorrent emulation to uTorrent 1.6.1 (build 490)
* Feature : added AI based on neural networks
* Feature : added voice recognition

Homepage and Info:

Download: 158.66 KB

all credits to the developer in Romania

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

BitTornado 0.3.18 mod - BT EQ v5.0

- upload multiplier
- upload kick
and more...

Based on BitTornado 0.3.18

Change Log (from EQ v4.2)
- Based on latest 0.3.18 mod.
- Display tracker in use on the front panel.
- No time to do any new fancy tricks, sorry.

Notes on use:
- take care in the rate of uload multiplier or upload kick when there are less than two other partially completed peers. Its easy to see the difference in up vs down volume/rate on most tracker stats.
- Setting the session ratio to 1 (or 2) stops your upload ratio going over the top on small torrents
- This isn't a zero upload client, always try and upload as much as you can anyway (say 80% of upload capacity)
- New trackers now log more stats and will detect a client that uploads heaps and leaves in a short period of time. Consistent upload is the key to not being detected so don't use upload kick too much.
- Upload kick (IMPORTANT) This client updates its tracker stats (announce) every 30 minutes from the start, some trackers calculate your effective upload rate per announce and will auto ban you if its over a certain value. Don't kick too much up per 30 minutes and remember a manual announce immediately after an upload kick is not a good idea!

BitTornado Equaliser Mod v5.0.rar (2.84 MB)
- (Mirror1)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ MoD F-25

Changelog F-25
Basiert auf NextEvolution 4.4b von KTS

+ Spooky Mode
+ Credits gibts erst ab 9MB
+ Sivka CreditSystem
+ Ultimativ-Board RSS Feed im Release Fenster
+ Don't Drop Friends
+ manuelles bannen in der Warteschleife und im Upload
+ Don't Drop if Sources <> Session [$ick$]
+ CPU Bezeichnung bei Speicher & CPU Statistik
+ RAM Größe bei Speicher & CPU Statistik
+ MoD Name selbst wählen
+ Save CPU [WiZaRd] (bin nicht sicher ob es wirklich was bringt)
+ MultiSort von SlugFiller im Download Fenster
+ STRG+Klick Sortiert im DL Fenster nur die Quellen
+ viele, viele wunderbare Tweaks und Optimierungen
+ Minor Display Fix For Upload "obtained Parts" [SiRoB]
+ holländisches Sprachfile
C jede Menge anderer Änderungen
C die Option "Selective Chunk Sharing" wird jetzt in den MoD Settings > Upload Options angezeigt
C alles komplett überarbeitet
F aktueller und durchschnittlicher Speichervrerbrauch werden aktualisiert
F DLSortFix [SlugFiller]
F FIX dont send Data without Handshake [eklmn]
F crash bei rechtsklick in leere Freundesliste
- Erkennung anderer Ultis entfernt (funktioniert wegen des einstellbaren Mod Namen nicht mehr)
- AntiModThief (funktioniert wegen des einstellbaren Mod Namen nicht mehr)
- AntiNickThief (dafür gibts ja Anti Comm)
- andere CreditSystems
- nicht benutzter Code

+ hinzugefügt
C geändert
- entfernt

Changelog F-25c
+ maximale Länge des Benutzernamen auf 70 erhöht
+ Feste Warteschlangengröße wird eingehalten (sollte einiges an CPU Last sparen wenn die WS voll ist)
+ Freunde, Community Mitglieder und Dateien die auf Powershare oder Release stehen kommen immer in die WS
+ Optionen>MoD Settings>Anzeige>Fett-Schrift einschalten gilt für Downloads, Freunde und PowerSlot
+ Bann Zeit 6 Stunden
+ "Push to Upload" bei Download Quellen
+ Fix connection collision [SiRoB]
+ Erlaubnis > "Community" nur Community Member die das entsprechende File wollen kommen in die Warteschlange
F Webcache Statistikanzeige
F "A4AF Quellen automatisch zu dieser Datei" wird nicht mehr automatisch gesetzt
F "A4AF Quellen automatisch zu dieser Datei" kann nur noch für eine Datei gesetzt werden
F Minor Display Fix For Downloadclient Progressbar [SiRoB]
F Minor Display Fix For Upload "obtained Parts" [SiRoB]

Changelog F-25d
+ Memleak Deletion In Lastcommonroutefinder [WiZaRd]
+ Erstellungsdatum im Wasserstand
C upload clients bekommen 9,3 MB, nicht mehr 9,8 MB
C Wartende Slots werden nicht mehr geschlossen (erst wenn sie 9,3MB haben)
C Wassterstand überarbeitet
+ ein paar andere kleine Fixes und Optimierungen
+ Wasted Ratings Fix [WiZaRd]
+ Fix für: eMule "vergißt" Dateien zu veröffentlichen (Fehler im original eMule) [Xman]
C "Fix connection collision" komplett überarbeitet
F Fix in onClose by SPE64

Die Features des NextEvolution:
eMule 0.47a Next Evolution 4.4b
- [fix] Missing code for hideos
- [fix] Blocked and hiden parts
- [add] Some SNAFU tag
- [add] Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
- [change] move LSD button to the left
- [change] resize emule-wizard picture
- [add] Check for limiting upload session to 9.8mb
- [add] little tweak in uploadqueue for open more slot if needed
- [fix] antimodthief according to new version
- [fix] crash in ChatWnd with Ip2Country
- [add] Reduced CPU usage in Kad [netfinity]
- [add] Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
- [fix] from Xman / Wizard / D.Xanatos
- [add] Grey ipfiltered and failled server [BlueSonicBoy]
- [Remove] unused code

eMule 0.47a Next Evolution 4.4a
- [change] merge to 0.47a
- [change] new ZZ system ZZUL 20060106-1740
- [change] download windows [eNoS]
- [add] sources Graph [Stulle/Miles]
- [add] fakemanager
- [fix] away state (now working on all chat tab)
- [fix] SLS initialisation
- [fix] GetCloseTo [Unknown1]
- [fix] Spreadbar [D.Xanatos]
- [fix] manual reask server cause too old version message
- [fix] MCS GetFirst annulation

eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ MoD F-25.rar (2.81 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ MoD F-25c.rar (2.68 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ-MoD F-25d.rar (2.62 MB)

๑۞۩۞>* eMule Mods Pack Collection .:. eMule v0.21 - eMule v0.47c *<۞۩۞๑

Emule Pack 1 - Links checked and updated on December, 22, 2007:

eMule 0.21b - Herbert v1.rar (550.77 KB)
eMule 0.28b - LSD-v8e-Beta.rar (1.02 MB)
eMule 0.28b - LSD-v8e-Beta-3.rar (1005.79 KB)
eMule 0.28b - LSD-v8f.rar (999.8 KB)
eMule 0.29a - LSD-v9a.rar (1.07 MB)
eMule 0.29a - LSD-v9b.rar (1.06 MB)
eMule 0.29a - LSD-v9c.rar (1.03 MB)
eMule 0.29a - LSD-Cryptum Plus v1e.rar (1020.91 KB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10a.rar (1.19 MB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10b.rar (1.21 MB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10c.rar (1.23 MB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10e.rar (1.47 MB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10e-Patch1.rar (911.62 KB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10e-Patch2.rar (865.23 KB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v10f.rar (1.49 MB)
eMule 0.29c - LSD-v11a.rar (1.5 MB)
eMule 0.30a - Freezamule v8b.rar (920.65 KB)
eMule 0.30a - LSD-v12a.rar (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.30a - LSD-v12b.rar (1.55 MB)
eMule 0.30a - LSD-v12c.rar (1.58 MB)
eMule 0.30a - X-MuLe LSD.12.rar (947.91 KB)
eMule 0.30c - Myhst² v1.3.0.rar (1.67 MB)
eMule 0.30c - Rykigam v2.9.rar (1.14 MB)
eMule 0.30c - Spider² v2.0.rar (1.91 MB)
eMule 0.30d - Serengeti v2.0b.rar (991.83 KB)
eMule 0.30e - Bowlfish v7f.rar (1.05 MB)
eMule 0.30e - Coololli's v9.rar (1.45 MB)
eMule 0.30e - Elfen-sivka Power.rar (1.05 MB)
eMule 0.30e - Give'N'Get Lite v1.5.rar (973.7 KB)
eMule 0.40f - Imperator v2.0.rar (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.40f - Tycoon².rar (1.62 MB)
eMule 0.41b - Aldo-K v2.0b.rar (3.67 MB)
eMule 0.41b - Wizars Magic v2.rar (1.09 MB)
eMule 0.42d - DaRkMaGiC v1.0 Alpha.rar (1.2 MB)
eMule 0.42d - UpTempo v10a.rar (1.11 MB)
eMule 0.42e - Alibabas Final Edition.rar (1.13 MB)
eMule 0.42e - Cy4n1d3 v1.6.rar (1.16 MB)
eMule 0.42f - Relikt v4.11c.rar (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.42g - Acat v7.rar (1.81 MB)
eMule 0.42g - Coololli's Pawcio Kad v11.rar (1.22 MB)
eMule 0.42g - FireFox 5.20c.rar (1.75 MB)
eMule 0.42g - rappismule 6.1b.rar (1.52 MB)
eMule 0.42g - United v1d.rar (1.13 MB)
eMule 0.42g - X-Treme v3.rar (1.25 MB)
eMule 0.43b - GamersEdition b19c.rar (3.08 MB)
eMule 0.43b [ v 2.0] - by R.@.P.P.I (2.21 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Another Edition v9.rar (2.6 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Candy-Mule (Special eDiTion v1.1).rar (1.32 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Devils eu Death v1-1.rar (7.23 MB)
eMule 0.44b - IMPmule v1.01.rar (1.11 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Kahlgrund Mod.rar (1.17 MB)
eMule v0.44b LSD18d Epsilon6 v18.1031.rar (1.36 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Silberesel New Generation.rar (1.34 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Tr0nYx v2 Alpha.rar (2.68 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Vodooo v1.0.rar (1.32 MB)
eMule 0.44b - Wollywood SC v1.0.rar (1.34 MB)
eMule 0.44b - ZamBoR 2.exe -
ZamBoR 2 Install.rar
eMule 0.44d - Anis v1.rar (1.59 MB)
eMule 0.44d - Dreamcatcher v1.1.rar (1.79 MB)
eMule 0.44d - LSD.19b.1061-Lambda.1.rar (2.14 MB)
eMule 0.44d - LSD.19b.1062-Lambda.2.rar (3.8 MB)
eMule 0.44d - O² v1.0.rar (1.79 MB)
eMule 0.44d - Oh! Zone 2.rar (1.24 MB)
eMule 0.44d - SpeedMule v1.0.rar (1.3 MB)
eMule 0.44d - XTC v0.1.rar (1.3 MB)
eMule 0.45b - Blood-Rayne v2.2.rar
eMule 0.45b - eRabbit OTM v3.rar (1.38 MB)
eMule 0.45b - eWans v2.rar (1.43 MB)
eMule 0.45b - G3n3sis.rar (1.53 MB)
eMule 0.45b - IbericaXT 45b1e tagcount-fix (1.79 MB)
eMule 0.45b - Iberica (1.66 MB)
eMule 0.45b - ZamBoR 2.rar (4.07 MB)
eMule 0.44b - LSD.18b v18.1010.rar (1.28 MB)
eMule 0.46a - Darkmule X2.rar (2.09 MB)
eMule 0.46a - Ketamin v10 RC2.rar
eMule 0.46a - Morphine v5.0.rar (6.81 MB)
eMule 0.46a - MorphXT v7.0 Darksky Tribu2 Morphine v5.0.rar (5.89 MB)
eMule 0.46a - T-Mule v5.3.rar (3.14 MB)
eMule 0.46b - LSD 22b Pi b1298 SSE1.rar (2.17 MB)
eMule 0.46b - MorphXT v6.4 TURBO Velocizza.rar (4.99 MB)
eMule 0.46c - Aenarion-Mod v3.1
eMule 0.46c - aNotHer-eDitiOn v11 r.tWo.v2.rar (2.35 MB)
eMule 0.46c - DevilMule v3 BloodyNight Edition.rar (1.03 MB)
eMule 0.46c - DyingAngel v1.0.rar
eMule 0.46c - Eclipse V1a.rar
eMule 0.46c - FlowerPower v1.1.rar
eMule 0.46c - FlowerPower v1.2.rar
eMule 0.46c - FlowerPower v1.3.rar
eMule 0.46c - FlowerPower v1.4.rar
eMule 0.46c - FlowerPower v1.5+.rar
eMule 0.46c - Flux C.HD v2.0.rar
eMule 0.46c - FX the BEST eMule.rar (4.39 MB)
eMule 0.46c - eNOS Rock v40 beta
eMule 0.46c - Flux C.HD v2.0.rar
eMule 0.46c - FutureMule Nemesis v1.3.rar (3.37 MB)
eMule 0.46c - LSD 22c.rar (4.57 MB)
eMule 0.46c - MaGicPoWeR Mod v1.2 by cube77.rar (2.19 MB)
eMule 0.46c - MAX Mod v2.1.rar (4.09 MB) (Mirror)
eMule 0.46c - NetSniffer WebCache 2.0a beta1.rar
eMule 0.46c - pimp my emule v1.9 sr2 smasher + loader.rar (9.39 MB)
eMule 0.46c - pP.r7d.rar
eMule 0.46c - Raid Rush Mule v1.0.rar
eMule 0.46c - RAM Booster v1.0.rar (2.31 MB)
eMule 0.46c - SNAKE v1.8 Final (Mod pass incl.) (2.4 MB)
eMule 0.46c - Speedmule v1.2.rar
eMule 0.46c - SpeedX Final.rar (2.15 MB)
eMule 0.46c - StulleMule v2.0 bin By LeOn.rar (2.92 MB)
eMule 0.46c - Sword v1.2.rar (3.62 MB)
eMule 0.46c - Th€ eViL TwiN v0.1.rar
eMule 0.46c - Tritant.v0.17.2.src.rar
eMule 0.46c - VeryCD1123VNNTest.exe (2.34 MB)
eMule 0.46c - X-Mas Angel v2.1.rar
eMule 0.47a - ACiDmule v1.0.rar (1.64 MB)
eMule 0.47a - AcKroNiC 4.3 No Ratio (5.98 MB)
eMule 0.47a - darksky intelligence (1.73 MB)
eMule 0.47a - DaZZle.Mod v1.03 by xpMule BIN.rar (2.02 MB)
eMule 0.47a - DaZZle Mod v1.03 flo-test (1.99 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Eclipse v2.rar (2.03 MB)
eMule 0.47a - eMulix 4.0 Bin.rar (1.63 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Exorzist 6.0 leecher mod by rappi.rar (2.96 MB)
eMule 0.47a Exorzist 6.0.rar (2.81 MB)
eMule 0.47a - For Dummies v2.1 Binary.rar (5.71 MB)
eMule 0.47a - From Hell 1.0.rar (1.65 MB)
emule 0.47a - haldol en vrac beta.rar (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Hardstyle finale private build 6 beta 1 (6.16 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Hardstyle private build 3 bin.rar (6.06 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Hardstyle Finale RC1 Bin.rar (5.48 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Hardstyle Finale RC5a fix bin.rar (5.96 MB)
eMule 0.47a - H5N1 v1.rar (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.47a - mEg@L0 NewG L5
eMule 0.46a - nextemf v0.85_bin.7z (1.62 MB)
eMule 0.47a - NxxZ.rar (1.63 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Iberica 21a.rar (1.65 MB)
eMule 0.47a - RatioRemover.rar (14.58 KB)
eMule 0.47a - ScarAngel No Ratio v1.2.rar (1.9 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Sion v0.9 BIN.rar (2.87 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Sion v1.0 BIN.rar (2.8 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Sion v1.3 BIN.rar (2.86 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Snake v2.5 RC2.rar (2.35 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Speedmule Beta1.rar
eMule 0.47a - th€ €nD v2b.rar (2.83 MB)
eMule 0.47a - TLN eMule MOD v6.1
eMule 0.47a - Trance-Temple.rar
eMule 0.47a - TR-P2P-MoD v1.1.rar (2.19 MB)
eMule 0.47a - TS Reloaded 2.6.rar (1.64 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ MoD F-25.rar
eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ MoD F-25c.rar (2.68 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Ultimativ-MoD F-25d.rar (2.62 MB)
eMule 0.47a - Wellas Bowlfish v0.1.rar (1.66 MB)
eMule 0.47a - X-Treme v1.rar (2.89 MB)
LCMule v0.47b - eViL-AngeL v1.0.rar (1.84 MB)
eMule 0.47c - eMule Acceleration Patch (4.51 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Angel Dr34m 2.4.rar (3.54 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Argos Edition bin.rar (2.1 MB)
eMule 0.46c - DevTest03 Argos Special.rar (1.97 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.1 (2.13 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.1 modded by dlarge
eMule 0.47c - Appledr34m v1.2.rar
eMule 0.47c - Applejuice v0.9.2.rar (4.17 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Applejuice v1.1.1.bin (5.26 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Applejuice v1.2 bin
eMule 0.47c - Applejuice v1.2.2 bin (5.32 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella`s Third Generation v7.12.rar (3.03 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella Third Generation 7.29 22.12.2006 (3.25 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella Third Generation 8.0 02.01.2007 (3.29 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella Third Generation 8.04.rar (3.31 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella Third Generation 8.06 09.02.2007 (3.32 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Arabella Third Generation 8.06 Hot Fix.rar (3.31 MB) NEW
eMule 0.47c - beba 1.1.7z (1.42 MB)
eMule 0.47c - beba v1.1a
eMule 0.47c - beba 1.2 bin
eMule 0.47c - Blackbeard v1.7.rar (5.37 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Blackbeard v1.8.rar (1.61 MB)
eMule 0.47c - cerebro (1.59 MB)
eMule 0.47c - cerebro rc1.rar (1.15 MB)
eMule 0.47c - C.E.R.E.B.R.O RC2.rar (1.15 MB)
eMule 0.47c - CN-5 Build.188 Beta2.rar (4.99 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Crying Blood v2.3.rar (1.5 MB)
eMule 0.47c - CubaMule Latina 3.rar (1.55 MB)
eMule 0.47c - CubaMule Latina 3.5
eMule 0.47c - darkSky ediTion rc 1.74d2.rar (2.15 MB)
eMule 0.47c - darkSky ediTion rC 1.91a2.rar (2.13 MB)
eMule 0.47c - darkSky ediTion - rC 3.24
eMule 0.47c - DarkSky v3.54b4.rar (2.09 MB)
eMule 0.47c - DarkSky ediTion rC 4.01c³
eMule 0.47c - DaZZle Mod v1.05.rar (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.47c - D.H.T Edition AlphA.rar (1.65 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.4.rar (3.6 MB) - (Mirror)
emule 0.47c - Death Angel 1.5.rar (3.04 MB)
eMule 0.47c - DeMule2007.exe (5.8 MB)
eMule 0.47c - DreaMule v2.12a.rar (5.01 MB)
eMule 0.47c - DreaMule 2.14.rar (6.41 MB) (Mirror)
eMule 0.47c - eMuleFuture.v0.1-Binary.7z (2.37 MB)
eMule 0.47c - eMuleFuture.v0.2-Binary.7z (2.43 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Emulix Par Peuzstyle Source 0.48 (1.64 MB)
LCMule v0.47c - eViL-AngeL v2.0.rar (1.84 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Final Fight v1.0.rar (4.65 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Final Fight 3.0.rar (1.93 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Final Fight (2.48 MB) (Mirror)
eMule 0.47c - Fincan v6.0
eMule 0.47c - Fincan v6.1.rar
eMule 0.47c - FloMod v1.01.rar (1.66 MB)
eMule 0.47c - FlowerPower.v1.7.FiNAL.rar
eMule 0.47c - Flux 06.06 fix
eMule 0.47c - Flux CHD 0706.rar (4.82 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Friendshare v0.9.rar (1.56 MB)
eMule 0.47c - FutureMule Sigma Public Beta 1.0.rar
eMule 0.47c - H1ghT1m3 v0.2 Final.rar (6.2 MB)
eMule 0.47c - HighTime v1.2 bin AJ
eMule 0.47c - HighTime v1.4.rar (2.13 MB)
eMule 0.47c - HighTime v1.4.1.rar (2.49 MB)
eMule 0.47c - HighTime v1.5 AJ.rar
eMule 0.47c - Hardstyle v7.0 beta 5.rar (5.66 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Hardstyle v7.0 Beta 6.rar (5.55 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Hyperdrive v1.1.rar (2.22 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Heb Muli אימיול פרוץ.rar (1.6 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Hebmule-Onyx v1.2 13.10.06 (Mirror) - (Homepage)
eMule 0.47c - IMPmule v3-Beta1.rar (2.03 MB)
eMule 0.47c - jdv 2.0.rar (1.48 MB)
eMule 0.47c - loCMuLe Xtreme3.0
eMule 0.47c - 66 DEBUG kestanEmule
eMule 0.47c - KAO v1.2.2 based on Stulle by Taz.rar
eMule 0.47c - KiNg Of ThE CaStLe v1.0.rar
eMule 0.47c - K.O.T v3.rar (1.36 MB)
eMule 0.47c - K.O.T. 3 light.rar (1.35 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Leecher-Mod v0.1 Alpha 8.rar (1.67 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Leecher Mod beta1.rar (1.89 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Leecher Mod beta2.rar (1.89 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Leecher Mod Beta2.rar (3.81 MB)
emule 0.47c - Alpha 6.rar (1.66 MB)
eMule 0.47c - LicoKine Edition 2.rar (2.25 MB)
eMule 0.47c - MagicAngel v2.0 bin.rar (2.65 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Magic Angel v2.1 bin.rar (2.65 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Merza SmaLL v4.rar (1.32 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Morph XT v9.0 by dlarge.rar (2.69 MB)
eMule 0.47c - MorphXT+ v9.2.rar (6.81 MB)
eMule 0.47c - MorphXT v9.2 Most Wanted 1.0.8.rar (4.54 MB)
eMule 0.47c - MorphXTv9.3 D10Tmain09T5 (4.42 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Morphxt 9.5 Ultimativ Edit - Bin
eMule 0.47c - MorphXT v9.6-bin
eMule 0.47c - Neo Mule v4.25 (4.02 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Neo Mule Expert by torni (4.17 MB)
eMule 0.47c - NeoMule v4.25 HighTime Edition bin.rar
eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGiC v1.01.rar (1.55 MB)
eMule 0.47c - nEw LoGic 1.1 Beta 1a
eMule 0.47c - NFO Fire eMule 7.1 (7.74 MB) (Mirror) (
eMule 0.47c - Off+ v1.1.rar (1.64 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Off+ (2.21 MB)
emule 0.47c - Off+ 1.51.rar (1.61 MB)
emule 0.47c - Off+ 2.0 original
eMule 0.47c - Pimp Revolution 2.01c.rar (1.56 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.02a.rar (3.68 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.12 (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.13 (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.14 (1.59 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PimP ReVoluTioN 2.15.rar (1.58 MB) (Mirror)
emule 0.47c - PirateMule 5.0.rar (1.49 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PirateMule v5.0+.rar (2.11 MB)
eMule 0.47c - PirateMule v5.01.rar
eMule 0.47c - pP.r9e incl.Key.rar (1.73 MB)
eMule 0.47c - pP.r9f.rar (2.06 MB)
eMule 0.47c - pP r10.rar (3.29 MB)
eMule 0.47c - pP.r10b.rar
eMule 0.47c - PP EdiTion v0.1b NoRatio (1.81 MB)
eMule_0.47c -NiTrO PP-EdiTion v0.1b
eMule 0.47c - Purgatory-BeTa v1.2.rar (1.6 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Purgatory BeTa 1.3.rar (1.67 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Razorback 3 Com NextGen 3.0 (2.57 MB) (Mirror)
eMule 0.47c - Rapcom v6.0.rar (4 MB)
eMule 0.47c - rapcom v.8.01.rar (4.35 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ReQuesT Mod.rar (1.63 MB)
eMule 0.47c - P.ScarAngel v4.0.rar
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel v1.6-bin.rar (5.59 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel v1.8-bin.rar (5.8 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Shadowmule-Mod v1 Public Beta.rar (1.33 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TheKillerBean v15.rar
eMule 0.47c - Titandonkey 310-Bin.rar
eMule 0.47c - Testversion [ScarAngel v1.8] l33cher v1.2 (1.97 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Tyranus v1.00.rar (1.52 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel v1.5 by Snomed.rar (3.79 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel v1.5 leecher.rar (5.82 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Scarangel v1.7 [maul edition].rar (2 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel-v1.8-bin.rar
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel 1.8 l33cher v1.3.rar (5.98 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ScarAngel by Peacemaker v4.0 (3.22 MB)
eMule 0.47c - SNAKE v2.5 RC3.rar (2.33 MB) - Mirror
eMule 0.47c - Spike2 (5.33 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Spike2 0.9 (2.15 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Stenoco-Zone v2.2.rar (2.05 MB) (Mirror)
eMule 0.47c - StulleMule v4.3.rar (2.73 MB)
eMule 0.47c - StulleMule_v4.4
eMule 0.47c - StulleMule v4.5 (2.69 MB) KAO
eMule 0.47c - StulleMule v4.5-KAO.rar (6.47 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TazZ 1a.rar (1.57 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TazZ 1b.rar (1.67 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TCMatic v3d.rar (5.39 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TCMatic 3½.rar (1.74 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TheKillerBean 14 (2.33 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Titan Donkey v1.2.rar (1.69 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Titandonkey 3.0
eMule 0.47c - TK4 Mod 2.0b.rar (2.69 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TK4Mod 2.0e
eMule 0.47c - Tombstone Next lite 1.0.rar (1.54 MB)
emule 0.47c - Tombstone Next 2.1.rar (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Torni's NeoMule v4.25.rar (5.41 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TR-P2P.MoD v2.0.rar (2.96 MB)
eMule 0.47c - TurkMule v2.0.rar (6.21 MB)
eMule 0.47c - µMule 1.4 (1.47 MB)
eMule 0.47c - uMule 1.5.1 (1.25 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Uni-A-Team v2.3.rar (8.15 MB)
eMule 0.47c - vagaa_vod_2.6.4.3_070111
eMule-0.47c - VeryCD1215-Setup
eMule-0.47c - VeryCD070206Beta (3.41 MB) - (Mirror)
eMule-0.47c - VeryCD070210Beta-Setup.exe (3.41 MB)
eMule-0.47c - VeryCD070210-Update.exe (2.09 MB)
eMule 0.47c - VipeR v6.1 bin
eMule 0.47c - Viper v6.1 no ratio.rar (2.24 MB)
eMule 0.47c - VipeR-v6.2-bin.rar (2.26 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Viper Booster Beta.rar
eMule v0.48a VipeR v7.0
eMule 0.47c - MB) - Mirror
eMule 0.47c - waZZa Mule v0.5 (1.58 MB)
eMule 0.47c - waZZa+ v0.6.5 (1.65 MB)
eMule 0.47c - waZZa v0.7.7
eMule 0.47c - waZZa l33cher Edition v0.8 fix2.rar (1.59 MB)
eMule 0.47c - xpMule F2.rar (3 MB)
eMule 0.47c - XpMule X4.rar (1.6 MB)
eMule 0.47c - X-Ray.v0.3.rar (4.35 MB) - Mirror
eMule 0.47c - X-Treme V1 by Bauner Bugfix.rar (1.47 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Xtreme 5.3.1 NoRatio.rar (4.14 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Xtreme 5.4-SE.rar (1.99 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Xtreme (2.72 MB)
eMule 0.47c - Xtreme 5.4.1 leecher (2.93 MB) - Mirror
eMule 0.47c- Xtreme
eMule 0.47c - ZZUL 20061022-1609 03.11.06 (2.07 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3 (1.54 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ-1.0.5-bin.7z (1.49 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZUltimativ (1.56 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ 1.1.0 bin.7z (1.76 MB)
eMule 0.47c - ZZULtimativ testversion 1.1.1b.7z (1.62 MB)
eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ R v1.2
Xion++ X26.rar (4.67 MB)
eMulePlus - 1.2b-bin
eMulePlus - 1e No Speed Limits
antileech.dll - latest
Skin Packs

... All eMule LSD Binaries and Source codes: visit

...more eMule Mods are here and here or here. Older 0.46c - 0.47a Builds are here be continue

IP Filter for Filesharing:
Take only this original IP Filter! More Info by Bluetack.-(
Antileecher IP block lists: and Lord Anubis List

Links updated and checked 22. December 2007
xp-AntiSpy V3.98 compatibile to Windows Vista (nfo: )
Windows Vista tcpip.sys Connection Limit Patch for Event ID 4226:
Download patched tcpip.sys: 64-bit tcpip.sys or 32-bit tcpip.sys. Alternative download link for 32-bit and 64-bit. Latest Version: 1.3 Download Link - Download Mirror

More info here

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