x-ray-mule X-Ray v1.7RC1 file released: eMule v0.49c X-Ray v1.7RC1 (Release Candidate 1)
eMule X-Ray by jvax is an official eMule mod with good speed!
eMule X-Ray connects good features and easy handling. It improves the Official client and take it to an higher level!

SRC: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-ray-mule/files/x-ray-mule/eMule_v0.49c_X-Ray_v1.7RC1-src.rar
all builds: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-ray-mule/files/
X-Ray Mod use up to date libs + upnp. Argos antileech system, next to X-Mod one of the best Official eMule Mods today.
< NOT a Leecher Mod ! >
X-Ray MOD 1.7
Type | Idea | Source/Edit | Description | Used Tag
Merge | | | Merged to 49c Codebase
Update | Xman | zz_fly | Minor Update of Antileech.dll - Version 6
Update | | | Updated Crypto++ code to v5.6.0 (15/03/2009) | // X-Ray :: NewCrypto++
Update | | | Updated MiniUPnP code to v1.3 (17/04/2009)
Update | xrmb | JvA | Reworked Shared-Parts feature due to shareable file class | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Feature | xrmb | Xtreme/Stulle | FunnyNick | // X-Ray :: FunnyNick
Add | eMule+/JvA | JvA | Added Part Status Bar to Shared Parts Feature | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Add | JvA/WiZaRd | WiZaRd/JvA | Added Fincan Hash detection to Argos (enabled by default) | // X-Ray :: Argos
Add | Official | Stulle | Added RAR support for IPFilter Update | // X-Ray :: IPFilterUpdate
Change | JvA | JvA | Minor adjustments of the owing upload data amount calculation | // X-Ray :: FullChunk
Change | JvA | JvA | HTTP-Download Progressbar style is now the same as in the Shared Files Window | // X-Ray :: NewHTTPProgressbar
Change | JvA | JvA | Several enhancements and changes around Transfer Window (disable list etc.) | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Change | WiZaRd | JvA | Altered IntelliFlush to use official FileBufferTimeLimit prefences.ini option | // X-Ray :: IntelliFlush
Change | jerryBG | jerryBG | Minor changes around vertical Countryflag Alignment | // X-Ray :: IP2Country
Change | JvA | JvA | Now the known clients count in Transfer-Wnd counts instead of beeing static | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Change | Aw3/eMule+ | eMule+ | Minor changes around value saving to preferences.ini (faster method) | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Fix | gomez82 | gomez82 | Fixed major argos bug that caused that all X-Ray clients were modthiefs | // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed minor crash bug around SharedParts feature | // X-Ray :: SharedParts
Fix | Tuxman | JvA | Fixed minor draw bug around ClientDetailDialog | // X-Ray :: RedesignedClientDetailDlg
Fix | Tuxman | JvA | Fixed minor draw bug around Sourcecache Column in DownloadListCtrl | // X-Ray :: Sourcecache
Fix | JvA | JVA | Fixed minor cosmetic bug on saving SLS clients | // X-Ray :: SLS
Fix | morph4u | morph4u | Fixed minor bug on saving Argos preferences (Plain AntiNickThief wasn't saved)| // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix | Rapid_Mule | Rapid_Mule | Fixed minor bug around Argos Nickchanger detection | // X-Ray :: Argos
Fix | morph4u/WiZaRd| JvA | Fixed minor crash bug around SearchResult DetailDialog | // X-Ray :: NewFileDetailDialog
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed possible crashes around Credit-pointer | // X-Ray :: SuperiorClientHandling
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed minor PBF display bug around Uploadlist | // X-Ray :: SuperiorClientHandling
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed minor bug around MassRename that could result in an endless loop | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix | Stulle | MorphXT | Fixed minor bug around SharedFilesCtrl that could result in an endless loop
Fix | moloko+ | MorphXT | Fixed minor sorting bug in SharedFilesCtrl
Fix | morph4u | morph4u | Fixed minor bug around FileFeedback (forgot one codeline...stupid me) | // X-Ray :: Filefeedback
Fix | morph4u | JvA | Fixed major bug around Simple Cleanup -> Simple Cleanup was not working | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix | Stulle | Stulle | Fixed minor bug around Downloading via Webserver
Fix | WiZaRd | WiZaRd | Fixed memleak around RollupCtrl | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Fix | WiZaRd | WiZaRd | Fixed major crash around SysInfo on Vista | // X-Ray :: Statusbar
Fix | JvA | JvA | Fixed memleak around Global Hardlimit | // X-Ray :: Global Hardlimit
Fix | JvA | WiZaRd | Fixed memleak around SimpleCleanup | // X-Ray :: MassRename
Fix | Tuxman/WiZaRd | JvA | Fixed minor unicode bug around Categries if non-unicode Logfont was selected
Fix | Tuxman | JvA | Fixed bug around Friends - Friends were not correctly recognized in some cases
Fix | Crimson | Stulle | Fixed minor bug on IP-Filter update | // X-Ray :: IPFilterUpdate
FiX | WiZaRd | WiZaRd | Fixed minor ID3lib buffer overflow
Remove | Tuxman | JvA | Removed some more redundant official code around Transfer Window Style | // X-Ray :: RollUpCtrl
Remove | SiRoB | MorphXT | Removed redundant Optimization around List Controls due to 49c merge | // X-Ray :: Optimizations
Remove | JvA | WiZaRd | Removed redundant buggy fix for filtertext update on language change | // X-Ray :: FiXeS
I got the annonce some days ago via rss newsfeed from official-emule-project-net forum Mod section RSS Feed but them script seems to b broken, all mods on rss open empty websites: http://forum.emule-project.net/index.php?showtopic=145887
Here is a working newsfeed to bookmark: http://sourceforge.net/export/rss2_keepsake.php?group_id=166998
Use sourceforge page + bbs: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-ray-mule/
or http://x-ray-mule.sourceforge.net/
share page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/x-ray-mule/
Following problems are known by migrate http://js-kit.com/ Comment system to this 2000 + unique visitor/day small blog.
1. JS-Kit Comments widget says div class 'post' is missing
// working on it. The viv class is present
2. Comments box may open twice see screenshot
3. under firefox the wysiwyg Tiny mce editor cause of iframe toolbar doesnt work. // temporary disabled
4. Tweet This dont show up if New comments back-end version + Allow TrackBack/PingBack
5. Comments count on main page and by navigation don't count, you see 0 comments on counter under post title.
6. Facebook login sometimes dont redirect back to the site
Tested for errors on latest Safari, Opera 9.x and 10, Firefox (all builds), IE 7/8 on 2 different machines using different isp's. Support have been informed
Bugs will be fixed as soon.
Can you see this comment?
It seams like it works now (the second widget did show in html template different content as in bloggers page elements widget content, there was the comment script comments.js' instead of the top.js script embedded). I removed it in html layout and created this widged new.
One last problem, my Dashboard don't show my page anymore. No sites you manage, Add site! is written there..!!!??? =-O
Everything other looks fine now Happy)
Hello, My Site is not more under 'manage' by
<ul id="auth-yes" style="display: block;">
<li id="auth-db">Dashboard</li>
<li>in the JS-Kit Account</li>
<li>I can not administrate/moderate or change settings. After I click Add site! to restore, I get an eMail to confirm, after click on confirmation link a message show up that im not logged in/registered. As logged in user under my account is no site anymore. All other issues on page I could fix. JS-kit comments.js was in the template twice, instead of the 2nd widget 'navigator' content top.js was in this widget by template html layout comments.</li>
<li>It will work fine now if the login problem to manage my site will not show that I have no site.</li>
Did new sign up
Now it works. Im very satisfied with JS-Kit and recommend it for all Bloggers (Wordpress/Blogspot/etc...).
The best enhancement for Blogspot!
If I can add a small suggestion, a translate link next to the comment link will be great.
Post a Comment