
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

utorrent 1.7 BLUE 2248 x10 multi Leecher Pack


- Upload Multiplicator 10, shown as leecher

- Upload Multiplicator 10, shown as seeder

- Emulate/show uTorrent 1.6.1
- Upload Multiplicator 10, shown as leecher

- Emulate/show uTorrent 1.6.1
- Upload Multiplicator 10, shown as seeder

BitTorrent Search engine report by search request Version 1.6.0
Toolbar Search anonymouse default ( redirect removed)

utorrent (836 KB) - Mirror - Mirror

uTorrent 1.7 Build 2248 BLUE-161emu.exe (only spoof/stealth to uTorrent 1.6.1 UA, redirect search proper anonymized, update url removed, anonymized the rest of... BLUE EdiTion by Lady Ridk)

Emulation Builds are for Tracker who do not allow uTorrent Betas for example:, ... or ALTS


Anonymous said...

Who makes these? I was hoping for a stealth mod too, but thanks!

Anonymous said...

I woud love to have explanations of exactly what they do, as no information about them is can someone add the information on what they do to the posts?! Also, please remove 1.7b 2407, that version is not current -- it's an old version -- as it got put up on the update server by mistake; the current version is 1.7b 2488!

Karl S@ publish. DE said...

Verehrter Besucher Bei dem Hosting von den Builds, solte ein Download nicht verfuegbar sein, benutzen sie bitte eine Suchmaschine. Sie finden in jedem Land zahlreiche Direct Download Hosts zu jedem Build. Verwenden Sie gedruckte Beschreibung lediglich hier als Anhaltspunkt. Sollte eine Beschreibung inkorrekt sein so koennen wir den verweisenden Inhaltsangeber nennen um sich vom Inhalt zu distanzieren. Das Content ist indexed wie eine Suchmaschiene und stammt von anderen Quellen, Seiten.
Sollten wuensche offen stehen oder die update url probleme machen ist es eventuell moeglich diese zu deaktivieren oder im code zu entfernen.

Karl Schmidt
c/o Press and Media Ressources

Torsten said...

Doesn't work on FreeBSD Linux base if don't have emulation for Windows OS. Can not test it. My Macintosh Laptop don't work with it too. Anyone have test it?

Anonymous said...

Just have read builds looks like same functions. Have more info there.

WebZA said...

Sorry they can't see under the week the visitor infos. The build 2407 I let replace asap if it makes trouble on your update server. Hope from this small page comes not much traffic over.
I can't test it by self we are on Unix.
The x10 should to Tracker use the old known bug to init upload with multiplicator 10 simulary as these ratio faking programs all around in the net which emulate up to every torrent client.
Thanks for your feedback.

ZA Tel

"I woud love to have explanations of exactly what they do, as no information about them is can someone add the information on what they do to the posts?! Also, please remove 1.7b 2407, that version is not current -- it's an old version -- as it got put up on the update server by mistake; the current version is 1.7b 2488!"

Anonymous said...

uTorrent mods works very well and do not disturb p2p. Listen up you stupid Azureus 2.5.x Shu mod user, if you set the settings in Shu's config to NO UPLOAD I hope you get no downloads anymore very soon or more and more ban Azureus versions 2.x Exclude v3

Anonymous said...

"there are a few trackers that detect the client is spoofed"

Yes she forgot one single point. Next Version will be fixed, promise!

Anonymous said...

Please can you go to novas web bbs on Kevin's host

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