Tuxman's eMule beba
v2.01 [the brightest edition]:
Another small maintenance update, mainly to try to cut the run on my AnalyZZUL mod...
Thanks to pesti for testing Slot Focus under heavier conditions...
By the way, to the guys @ leechermods.blogspot.com: I'm not TitsMan. *lol*
sorry Tuxman sorry ...wrote error...
I really apologize for that mistake!
* May 21, 2008
* Happy 3rd birthday, beba!
- improved: added .flv to video file types [Tuxman]
- improved: Slot Focus probability [BlueSonicBoy]
- fix (b): fixed the Analyzer's spam recognition [WiZaRd, taken from eMuleFuture-CVS]
- fix (b): the Client Details' window was undersized :-) [Tuxman]
- changed: moved mod version string to Version.h [Tuxman]
Homepage: http://ddos.isleoftortuga.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=10156
On the Direct Links to Download on differnet locations:
Bin: eMule0.49a_beba_v2.01_21.05.08_bin.7z?download @Server France @Server Moskow @Server Amsterdam @Server California @Server TW
@Server USA2 @Server UK
Src: eMule0.49a_beba_v2.01_src.7z?download @Server France @Server TW @Server Amsterdam @Server Moskow
Beba Mod detect Bad Filefaker and many more...
Ip2country is missing so you can ot know if this mode works on far distances.
Can with the Mod download the Mods I found:
I can not found the type error. Did a search to the whole blog...
A "typo", eh?
However, thanks for the gratulations...
typos >>>> Ein "Tippfehler", written.
Der Fehler wurde geschrieben.
I know that. But I srsly doubt it was a typo.
'twas kinda cynical, sorry.
Excellent mod
Feature request:
- Filter Server URLs
Razorback 3.2 (
server version 17.15 (lugdunum)
www.razorback3.com with own eMule-Version: http://eMule.razorback3.com
our service for you (worldwide):
http://movie.razorback3.com - get 3 Movies for free!
http://mp3.razorback3.com - get 750 free MP3!
http://game.razorback3.com - get games for free!
http://XXX.razorback3.com - do you like some p*rn for free?
also visit:
www.astalavista.ms for Cracks & www.zoozle.org for eMule, Torrent ...
- Make use of ip2country.cvs
- show ip's
- Make left click show details in download window "clents" selectable with mouse to mark to copy past in clipboard the user info fields.
- reask time to 15 - ...
- First feature request denied for now... I think Kad should be enough for everyone... ;)
- IP2Country: Useless bells & whistles.
- Show IPs: Useless bells & whistles.
- Make left click show details in download window ...: What's that meant to improve?
- reask time to ...: Forbidden behavior, due to the rules...
(Feel free to add any comments to beba's support forums, I hardly can handle them here...)
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