
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Net Transport 2.86 Build 464 Multilanguage full

"Net Transport" (also called NetTransport or NetXfer) is a faster, exciting and the most powerful downloading manager that you ever saw, now supports the most top Internet protocols, including:

* FTP / over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / over SSH (Secure Shell)
* MMS (Microsoft Media Services)
* RTSP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol)
* BitTorrent
* eMule
* RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol)

Changes in Net Transport 2.86 (15. August 2009):

- Improved the transmission performance for SFTP significantly.
- Fixed a bug that program would clear task list. When loading task database file, program probably regarded MMS tasks as Real ones under certain condition.
- Fixed a bug that DHT and KAD opened the same port.
- Improved RTMP protocol according to Adobe official specification.
- Fixed a bug that "URL-Sniffer" got incomplete URL when parsing RTMP protocol.
- Fixed that program would not record MP4 from certain servers via RTMP.
- Enhanced FTP to accept non-standard reply code from certain servers.
- eMule user name, client id set to default
- Ads removed: ,
- Filter removed

more info:
Free for P2P Filesharers
Multilang with English Help: NXSetup_multi_full.exe 2.37 MB
No setup without browser integration: NetXfer 2.86.464.7z 1.83 MB
With Chinese Help NXSetup_multi_full.exe 3.64 MB

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