Xunlei Thunder)┊Illustration Thunder chain of dedicated patch V1.1┊Ayu To install advertising-free version
The largest number of tasks to 99
The original address to the largest number of threads 20Right use Thunder can download pop Thunder main window
What's new: (2007.08.30)
* ED2k download protocol support
* Perfecting the LEI information panels function
* Strengthened security download information display
* Download modules support more toxic
* That could lead to a DHT not to return resources BUG
* That could lead to a memory leak BUG
迅雷5.7.2.368 (2007.08.30)
* 支持eD2k协议的下载
* 完善了雷友信息面板的功能
* 强化了下载安全信息的展示
* 支持更多下载查毒模块
* 修正了一个可能导致DHT不返回资源的BUG
* 修正了一个可能导致内存泄漏的BUG
Homepage: http://www.xunlei.com
Download: Thunder.v5.7.2.368.NoAD-Ayu.exe (4.63 MB)
Mirror: Thunder.v5.7.2.368.NoAD-Ayu.exe (4.63MB)
English Language Pack and Instructions: Xunlei Translation Pack 2.0A English
Xunlei’s FAQ
Text translation done with Google Translate
Thunder takes the Connection Proxy settings from Internet Explorer. If still Ads appears set any invalid Proxy (a proxy who reject the connection to get the urls listed) under Internet Explorer settings > Proxy,

Please watch the dialog for at least 10 minutes, you see Thunder call every x minutes a new ad url the proxy produce reject of webui connections and force Thunder to give out the Ads urls by Domain names. All these main domains put into Windows HOSTS file. After done, future Thunder will be ads free!!!
(Windows hostfile). All Ads should be gone after next reboot.
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