
Saturday, September 29, 2007

cFosSpeed v4.04 Build 1336 Final + LovePascal 4.x

Many functions with a modem and DSL router driver software, you can make full use of ISDN and DSL connections.

cFosSpeed 4.04 build 1336 -- 06-Sep-2007

+ You can now even set a more limited subnet mask override (see subnet_override). Thanks to Zyw for inspiration.
+ Added "spd cperf" command to switch on or off class traffic dumping. By setting "spd cperf on" cFosSpeed will dump about once per second how many bytes were sent in what priority class. This can help in testing filter rules or finding performance problems.
+ When cFosSpeed is sending slow because of tx congestion and that congestion goes away, cFosSpeed will now return to its old tx speed quicker.
+ Historical maximum speeds can now fall as well, if your line gets slower (because its bandwidth isn't fixed or because your speed was switched down).
x UDP program name detection was broken since build 4.01.1308. Fixed.
- The "no pings" balloon will now appear later, i.e. the number of pings that must be missing for this balloon to appear is higher now.
- FTPDATA protocol can now be set to high or higher priority, regardless of its packet sizes.
- Removed tracing of minimal RTT ping packets.

Program features:
-高级Traffic Shaping (通信量调整功能);
-用于DSL 调制解调器和路由器;
-与通用的 PPPoE 驱动器兼容;
-应答游戏以及例如 eMule,Kazaa 等的对等网络;

cFosSpeed, 使用Traffic Shaping (通信量调整功能)加快网速
* 宽带连接:DSL、有限电视等电缆连接
* 窄带连接:调制解调器、综合业务数字网 (ISDN)
* 移动设备:手机、掌上电脑等
* 网络文件分享 (P2P) 服务:BitTorrent、eMule、Share 等
* 游戏、娱乐
* 流媒体服务、VoIP 语音电话服务

* 低 Ping 值
* 程式优先顺序
* 流量塑型协定优先顺序
* 在线计数器
* 防火墙

1. Exit cFosSpeed.exe (*)
2. Press button PATCH, then select file cFosSpeed.exe in the directory setup (default: C:\Program Files\cFosSpeed).
(*) Exit cFosSpeed.exe:

- Style 1:
Press CTRL + ALT + DEL, then select cFosSpeed.exe in the tab "Process".

- Style 2 (use for win2000 or high):
Open Start\Run, enter text box RUN as foloows:
taskkill /f /im cfosspeed.exe /t
Then press button OK.
cFosSpeed v4.X.X.X.X.X.X
Download v4.04.1336 at:

Download site1
Download site2
Download site3

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