µtorrent 1.7.2 Leecher Pack with Emu 1.6
- All versions with Emu 1.6 and call home removed! -
- All versions with Emu 1.6 and call home removed! -

with this Features:
µtorrent 1.7.2_mult10_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
µtorrent 1.7.2_mult10_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 10
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
µtorrent 1.7.2_mult100_leecher.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100
µtorrent 1.7.2_mult100_seeder.exe
- upload reported to tracker with multiplicator 100
- download not reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
µtorrent 1.7.2_noreport.exe
- upload and download not reported to tracker
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- you will shown as 0 % finished
µtorrent 1.7.2_report.exe
- only upload reported to tracker
- you shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
µtorrent 1.7.2_stealth.exe
- you are not shown on tracker during filetransfer (no peerlist entry)
- Caution: works not on all tracker !!!
µtorrent 1.7.2_DHT.exe
- private flag will be ignored
- DHT always enabled
Made by seba14 !!
visit: www.seba14.org
Have Fun :-)
Homepage and Discussion: www.seba14.org
· seeding (Stealth)
Használatával nem leszel rajta a peer listán. Várakozási idő nélkül tölthetsz. Ezt csak kevés trackerrel lehet eljátszani.
· leeching (Stealth)
Ez kimondottan angol trackerekre van kihegyezve, mint pl. a Torrentbytes, mert ezek csak a Seeder IP-jét küldik a Leecher-é helyett.
· report FakeUP 1x/2x/3x
Az igazi ártó! A feltöltési sebességed elé rak 1-et, 2-őt, vagy 3-at, így ha pl feltöltesz 20 KB/s-al, és a 3-ast használod, a tracker azt az adatot fogja kapni, hogy te 320 KB/s-al töltesz fel, és emiatt ennek megfelelően számol el.
· leeching report FakeUP 1x/2x/3x
Ugyanaz, mint az előző, de itt Téged Leecher-ként jelez, és a letöltött mennyiséget is elküldi a trackernek.
source: http://www.utorrent.hu
Firefox WebUI extension 0.1.5
This extension makes the µTorrent Web UI easier to use in Firefox. It is compatible with Firefox 1.5.0.x and 2.0. Homepage: http://bin.thinkpond.org/site/utorrentext/ Download/Install: http://www.utorrent.hu/downloads/utorrentext-0.1.5.xpi - utorrentext-0.1.5.xpi
WebUI V 0.310 Béta 2: http://utorrent.hu/downloads/webui_v0.310_beta_2.zip
Flash UI V 0.7: http://utorrent.hu/downloads/webui.zip

utorrent 1.7.2 LP EMU 1.6.rar (708.75 KB) | Mirror1 | Mirror2
DDL1 | DDL2 | DDL3 | DDL4
FileShare Hoster Mirrors1 | Mirrors2
cFosSpeed ini:
If you want disable by uTorrent v1.7x and BitTorrent v6 Multicast and other in- outgoing connections, edit with notepad.exe file settings.ini :
The easiest way if you want disable multicast and other connections out and incomming, use cFosSpeed
edit with Notepad settings.ini
;; drop packets to or from reserved address?
;filter=-fw -wan -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop
;; drop packets to or from broadcast address
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -wan -d -c drop
;; drop packets to or from multicast addresses?
;filter=-fw -s -c drop
filter=-fw -d -c drop
; egress filtering
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, might break ip mobility support.
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx !-s-mynet -c drop
; don't check dest ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic to router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -tx -d-mynet -c drop
; ingress filtering, allow incoming multicast
filter=-fw !-bridged -rx !-d-mynet !-d -c drop
; don't check source ip on LAN ports, since DNS traffic from router would be blocked
filter=-fw -wan !-bridged -rx -s-mynet -c drop
There are binary coded picture files in uT, we all know a picture file can be added with a application and somthink others (hide information in a bmp, png, jpg...programs are available). Is it possible to extract the picture files from uT and check them or replace them?
"Animation in about" toolbar default bmp and other hardcoded png, gif, bmp...????
(tools pe-explorer and other decompiler maybe)
are you really sure this have any securety call home relevant changes?
I see no difference to original one besides the leecher options.
Is there any tutorial to install µtorrent 1.7.5 Leecher Pack & EMU 1.6?
I just see many exe's and dont know what to do or execute in first place...
What do you talking about?
The beginner bios setup guide???
try diskpart.exe after
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