
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thunder Beta with eMule (2007.07.21) All In One Downloader

As "broadband download tool" Thunder 5 broadband use a special optimization to take full advantage of the characteristics of broadband Internet access, give users high-speed download of a new experience! Thunder 5 not only inherited the previous version features faster download, further optimization software itself framework to achieve the download of the "fast and stable". By downloading resources to achieve the optimal integration of the download "quick and full" more user file management to provide a relatively complete support, particularly for users of concern to the configuration, Proxy Server, file management category, batch downloading aspects of the expanded and improved, making Thunderbolt usefull. Advanced users download the most professional needs.

  • Up to 99 tasks
  • Original address to the largest number of 20 threads
  • Right-use Thunder can be downloaded without ejecting Thunderbolt main window
  • Thunder support web http and ftp downloads with integrated Flashget, the super cyclone exclusive chain
"Some people say I pegged trojan horse shell to cross virus software. Therefore, this version will no longer shell, please casually reported to the anti-virus software company, Let anti-virus software to prove these people's ignorance of it."

Changelog Thunder Beta 迅雷5.7.1.338 Beta - 2007.07.21 支持eMule:

* Support eMule Links to download
* Increased information friends list shown
* Information column mandate to increase community interaction labels
* BT security components support tasks killing virus

迅雷5.7.1.338 Beta (2007.07.19)
* 支持电驴链接的下载
* 雷友信息增加好友列表的显示
* 任务信息栏增加社区互动标签
* 安全组件支持BT任务的病毒查杀


This is the new version, the new functional are experience and stability below the official releases.

Home Page:
News Source : Thunder online
Size: 5,91 MB
Language: Simp. Chinese and Trad. Chinese

Download Site1
- Download Site 2 - Download Site 3 - Site 4 - Site 5

Download + Mirrors (5,91 MB): Thunder5.7.1.338beta.exe | File Mirrors
No-AD Edition ( (4,26 MB): Thunder.v5.7.1.338.beta.NoAD-Ayu.exe | File Mirrors

Other Downloads (13,6 MB):
In addition, the version 1.0 with KAV is not compatible with the other Download, a new installation is required.
ThunderKAV1.0.5.28.exe | File Mirrors

Older Version For Folder Thunder/Languages in extension to zh_cn and zh_tw English en_us is needed

English Language File on this site:

Thank you very much for the commend!


Anonymous said...

As Europe just began to create community portals and specific download network tools for it, have China in 3th to 5th Generation allready a few dozen of the biggest all in one torrent + emule + ftp portals with customized clients -:)

Anonymous said...

Compared to BitWonder, TuoTu and some other Download Portals, for English users, TuoTu seems to be the best. Login system by Thunder as community is great in the client. Who can develop such clients with Bittorrent and Emule, if found Webhost in East, ftp will be also needed to make some changes for our community as it is now only same as the oldest VeryCD based on emule limited.

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE FART is ENGLISH language support? It is chinese language only? Not clear!

Anonymous said...

open the few files under \Thunder\Languages\
zh_cn is simplified chinese
zh_tw is traditionell chinese

the *.ini files with notepad easy to use online translator from chinese to your language and replace the words.

I can't found the english lang files.
Operating System must have Eastern Language support to show the letters correct. On my OS (Unix) it's not easy to integrate it.
By windows follow the instruction from Tuotu 3.0.100 doing windows cd in the drive and set under Language support Chinese PRC as East Letters support.
Here just ini files to edit (no dll as by tuotu).
After all done put the rest files with your *.ini files in a new subfolder for example \Languages\fr_fr or overwrite the one in folder zh_cn or zh_tw if you can not found the var to definate a 3th Language in selection menu.

Please if someone have Chinese Letter Support in the Operating system submite your language files so we can share them.


JP said...

Thank you neighbor. Greetings to PJ

Can you help with the exe and dll files by the other Chinese BT and eDonkey clients using reshacker tool?

HeHeHunter said...

Thank you for promoting my English translation pack for Xunlei.

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