
Thursday, July 26, 2007

EmuleBT V1.40 Beta + Source Code (eMule + BitTorrent)

METAMORPHOSIS donkey (EmuleBT) metamorphosis donkey software has the world's largest share of network resources. Here almost all the movies, music, novels, photographs can be found traces of resources. It has excellent characteristics, we can and netizens around the world to share resources and the full enjoyment of freedom of sharing the fun! METAMORPHOSIS donkey software to use the most advanced peer-to-peer technology development, backed by all the country's resources EMULE. Software compact lean, powerful, right EMULE kernel done a lot of optimization and improvement, Current consumption is at least computer resources, the most stable performance, one of the smallest capacity of P2P software.

EmuleBT P2P


Software size of the issue to be around 370 K and software are using the modular system structure, brought up eMuleBT extraction from the core is about 120 K. EMuleBT software for the independent research and development team, from the bottom to achieve code has been re-design and optimization, Therefore system can do short and multifunctional. However, the agreement on the analysis of the heights are based on the completion, grateful to the creation of Bram Cohen BitTorrent agreement Sam Yagan ED2K created by the agreement, Merkur modified eMule. We believe they are all gifted-class person. We introduced the right software is eMule BT = eMuleBT. software from the bottom right eMule and BT agreement for the analysis and optimization, is the first in the world to achieve the bottom of the integration software.


A eMuleBT VOD is based on P2P VOD kernel, multifunctional, and personalized media player. EMuleBT VOD integration of the new players engine not only supports our own research and development of video-on-demand technology; it is still free of BT-demand software, Users only need a few minutes through the buffer can be viewed after having received a wealth of BT Television programs. EMuleBT VOD is a low resource consumption, simple operation, high operating efficiency and expansion capability, features as currently the most popular peer-to-peer broadcasting software.

Instant communication

  1. Independence : users addresses, have their own business domain name suffix so, the formation of a unique enterprise brand effect. Username @ domain enterprises constitute the sole users kukuq addresses. As your Email address, the company can use the Email kukuq as the pass.
  2. Independent exchange : kukuq use of any enterprise can communicate with one another, interactive real-time information, documents of mutual transfer, conference participation, the electronic card check. To establish a center for their own corporate group distributed enterprise communications model.
  3. Interoperability: you can use kukuq world, and now any one of the popular IM software interoperability. Kukuq registered in the corresponding gateway, the desktop will not have to happen again in other instant communication tools, your clients and friends both in the use of OICQ or MSN, and they can be unimpeded exchange.
  4. Modes of communication : personalized font set, rich choice of emoticons, SMS interface, audio and video direct dialogue, SSL support. Provide a highly integrated, convenient, safe and humane environment for network communications, and the realization of friends, colleagues, partners, Customer fast in the economic exchanges and communication.

Software size of the program is around 370 K and software are using the modular system structure, brought up eMuleBT extraction from the core is about 120 K. EMuleBT software for the independent research and development team, from the bottom to achieve code has been re-design and optimization, Therefore system can do short and multifunctional. However, the agreement on the analysis of the heights are based on the completion, grateful to the creation of Bram Cohen BitTorrent agreement Sam Yagan ED2K created by the agreement, Merkur modified eMule. We believe they are all gifted-class person. We introduced the right software is eMule BT = eMuleBT. This software have eMule and BT in one and optimization. It is the first in the world which the integration software.

Source compiler:
  • VC++ 6.0 compiler. Install the MFC Unicode.
  • PlatformSDK installed, downloaded from the Microsoft web site this SDK. Setting limit SDK path to the most established before.
  • If Tip "atlthunk.lib" indication of the error messages, Lane atlbase.h were to include this comment out of his name.
  • If prompted **. lib words wrong message VC6 lib used under the same name. lib coverage under the SDK documentation.
Users can download the software and related code:
Download software installation package exe
Download software installation package in rar archive
Download the software source code

Download Site:


Mirrors @HTTP on Website: Downloads beginn by Mirror File No 3 downwards

FileShare Hosting: EmuleBT v1.40.rar (371.87 KB)

Program Language: English/Chinese
it can be translated in every Language editing the english lang file under \config\lang\en_us.lang and save the translation for example German de_de, Russian ru_ru,...
Classic GUI with Webbrowser
(Start Page/Favorites can be changed under Options)
Low Ressources
Support ipfilter.dat
(Place in Main Program folder)
ED2K Server List save as core.ed2k.svr and place under \config or give in manuell one server by add new server and it will self create a serverlist from emule network
- BT UA String seems to be unknow on many trackers (possible no conneection can be made, editing the source may help to spoof its own torrent string with a known one)
- It can connect to unlimited Ed2k Servers at in one seassion>View>Servers connect

eMuleBT.exe have a size of only: 1,05 MB
(without any exe packer/compressor)

eMuleBT.exe (packed with UPX /9 /LZMA) have a size of only: 338 KB and is the smalles P2P eMule + BitTorrent Client ever! (using UPX 3.00 exe packer)

EmuleBT v1.40 µ upx'ed
EmuleBT v1.40 µ LZMA.rar (329.82 KB) | Mirror

In default window url:
can be customized under Options > Appearance > Show Hot Page (with every website (your community homepage for example))

Source code: 2.44 MB - DDL eMuleBTV1.40_OpenSrc.rar | Mirror | Mirror |

Backup on Filesharhost eMuleBTV1.40_OpenSrc.rar

Please post solution how to convert source code to make it Visual Studio 2003 and/or Visual Studio 2008 ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent Program. Found a Few Bugs. Put the Hardcoded emule server Ip to the IPFilter and it works fine cause parts of the developer sites domains/url's seems to be inactive.
Isn't it very similar to Orbit Downloader Interface?
Is it possible to make combination of this two programs?

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