
Friday, June 13, 2008

µTorrent 1.8 beta 10843

µTorrent 1.8 beta 10843 Blue

2008-06-12: µTorrent Version 1.8 beta (build 10843)
- Change: remove extra debugging (exe size and CPU should be back to normal)
- Change: add ftp34.dll to malware DLLs list. Please scan your systems!
- Fix: Fatal Error: 3985
- Fix: Some tweaks to refix searchbox border issue
- Fix: a couple inverted Yes/No vs. Ok/Cancel checks

--- 2008-06-09: Version 1.8 beta (build 10770)
- Change: Display application name instead of executable name in Windows Vista message boxes
- Change: Make more message boxes that had OK and CANCEL options instead have YES and NO options
- Change: When deleting trackers, display the real number of trackers being deleted, not including PEX, DHT, or LPD
- Change: Changed confirmation text when deleting trackers and torrents
- Change: Change text of autoupdate confirmation dialog to clarify what the checkbox on it does; do not show the checkbox when updating manually
- Change: Display infinity symbol if the current font supports it in appropriate places
- Change: When bt.graceful_shutdown is enabled the autoupdate process will now wait indefinately for the original process to shut down
- Change: ETA times are now maxed out at 4 years
- Fix: Bug where searchbox border was drawn below toolbar when toolbar is hidden and then reshown
- Fix: Bug where part of the rebar (XP+) was drawn below toolbar when toolbar is hidden and then reshown
- Fix: Z/Tab order bug with searchbox in main window

+ Blue Changes:
- Green Icon Set replaced with Blue Icons
- replaced with
- update check disabled by default
- Connection OK Green Icon replaced with "High Voltage" Blue
- No complete flag changes here are crap. It should send complete after all Downloads are completed / may work with uT > v1.61, but feel free to expirimental change this flag by self, send start or stop inst. of completed flag to tracker snatchi. Other BT Clients have this as option to set.

utorrent-1.8-beta-10843.uncompressed.exe 516 KB (528.896 bytes) - DDL
utorrent-1.8-beta-10843.upx.exe 255 KB (261.120 bytes) - DDL

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