Choose Your Platform
Windows (95, 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, Vista): LimeWireWin.exe 6.99 MB

Digital Signature: Friday, 6. Juni 2008 02:10:53
MD5: 9d25024f3fafa962649e86e135e57918
SHA-1: 0bdc24425f366f434b10ea22a056004695985749
Mac OS X (10.4 Tiger): LimeWireOSX.dmg 14.05 MB
Linux (Ubuntu, Debian): LimeWireLinux.deb 9.78 MB
Other Systems (OS/2, Solaris, Linux): LimeWireOther.zip 9.92 MB
older LimeWire PRO BETA Version 4.18.1
Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008 06:38:55
LimeWireWin.exe 6.99 MB
LimeWireOSX.dmg 14.05 MB
LimeWireLinux.deb 9.78 MB
LimeWireOther.zip 9.92 MB
System Requirements: 256 MB RAM and a live connection to the internet
This is a MULTILINGUAL edition
LimeWire in a single Language (only one Languge) can not be the "real deal". All known Limewire Pro are Multilanguage since ages. Maybe NON MULTILANGUAGE are fakes! someone may compiled it from cvs (src) and wrote PRO on it!!!
A valid signature must be in file info properties, if not it's a fake!!! There do not exist any cracks. The PRO have the search restrictions not inside and comes with another skin style. Alternative if you are unsure in case got it from strange places in the net, use Frostwire. Its the same source code with blue style theme and have no limitations at all, its freeware!
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