FlashGet formerly known as FlashGet(JetCar) support downloading from BitTorrent and HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP at the same time. FlashGet is a multi-functional protocol downloader tool with enhanced multi-threaded features.

- 10 Downloads parallel each file can be downloaded in 10 pieces at once / setting enabled to unlimited
- Multi Downloading at the same time from BT, HTTP, HTTPS , FTP,...
- In Version 2 is no support for eMule
- Comes with VBScript BHO from Vladimir Romanov (Author of ReGet Pro), a Browser Helper Object as Link Catcher for IE. It can be installed and disabled from the the settings dialog. A Firefox Addon and other Browser Plugins can be installed from ComDlls subfolder. By Firefox open Extension Manager and drag 'n drop flashget.xpi into the addons, the Mozilla extension manager will install it automaticaly.
ComDlls.ini for Modules Flashget Frame FlashGet.exe port for BHO instruction not included! If you want to integrate the BHOCatch.dll as Browser Helper class read here
NOTE: The automatic Link catcher (takes links from IE over to Flashget by click) have been disabled in this build. A BHO will not be installed! Download link will be captured in the clipboard and can be taken on this way.
- Default Browser integration via Script and context menu can be set as Default Download Manager for Weblinks and BitTorrent using the Configuration/Settings Menu.
- FlashGet Portal Community Features for registered Members at the Downloader Community Kuaiche.com such as the Module "Garage" ( garage.dll ) are not included! Its known that some dislike it and misstaken it as Advertising.
- Online Preview Features Module "SnapShot" and Community Member Stats: Module "Downstat" ( Downstat.dll ) SoBar Search ( SoBar.dll ), SearchTop ( SearchTop.dll ) for FlashGet's Downloader Community Members are not included!!!
- This Mod have been done for NON FlashGet Kuaiche Members to enjoy FlashGet without the Community Features in the advantage and GUI ( Graphical User Interface ). It shows up as a nice clean and simply to operate Multi Download Manager.
- The Program and Installer is English. Info for advanced user: "Setup logging" is enabled by default that you can see in the temp folder the log file what have been installed placed in drive:\Documents and Settings\YOUR ACCOUNT\Local Settings\Temp\Setup Log Year-Month-Day #LogNumber.txt. The Bug Reporter have been removed.
- There are no 3th party addons. If in the Chinese Version are toolbars included, it have been removed to keep the size space as small as possible and wont install uneeded stuff more as the program needs by self to run.
- 2 Build Versions with and without Download Security Module ( Security.dll ) - A Module to scan downloaded files with your Antivirus.
- A great Web Site Explorer allow browsing websites and downloading whole websites and content with user filter settings.
- Default Skin is included - Screenshot without Skin
- Browser Intergration in Internet Explorer disabled by Default!
- Downloading Links: using Drag 'n drop link to FlashGet Icon or using watch clipboard and start FlashGet manually ( + NEW TASK ) in Menu Bar!
- All Weblinks to Help Sites links to English translated FlashGet Websites
As Version Changelog see here:
whatsnew.htm also future info here:
about.htm On another place is written that older English (international) official Version is with Ads and or not free but the Chinese Version is free therefore the Language Files have been removed and so its English without ads from the original installer.
read more Wikipedia

FlashGet *Fixed* NEW 28-June-2008
FlashGet EN NoAds *FIXED* - Click here
Outdated Version without BHO:
Without AV Download Security Module:

With AV Download Security Module:

FlashGet-EN-v2.11.0.1186AV.exe 2.15 MB | Mirror | Mirror
Virus Free Checked:
File FlashGet-EN-v2.11.0.1186.exe Result: 0/33 (0.00%)
File size: 2171498 bytes
MD5...: 140d8cc68a8b164f34b9cad9cfae9e97
SHA1..: 3356bb235750a673969c26d63f1383bf34007879
SHA256: dd519195ace1af1dcf59ef1380c9cf3cb9c7fc89d22ef3a1dfa5c0604d469171
SHA512: afe06a2aacd2770c3eb2e4a4d73f6f4914d348aa02d129dcb15e100a36eb32fa
Result site: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/26f4598d85a2d9ccb1819995bd917405
File: FlashGet-EN-v2.11.0.1186AV.exe Result: 0/33 (0.00%)
File size: 2258429 bytes
MD5...: 238ab91c758865105f72412344ee209c
SHA1..: 12bc67f5f4d4b834e28f197d9cf6ef8999701a1f
SHA256: 6163851ce3c9e82fe4b52b7d85f9c7ea7118bf5ba3eec76e89f1d3317dc2e261
SHA512: d549c6f24fed7fdf15ab2f95c339695c810719d5edb1aea69335ac4f0beff6ab
2c1c3237f78fa6925097c772a1c2b67fea6de463c1c9a31047d20a4e1a083009Result site: http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/675ecfb2ab7fd284382055c93e8f6fd9

Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".jcd"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Flashget"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "FlashGet.Document"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "FlashgetX"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\&Download All with FlashGet"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\&Download with FlashGet"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\UseFlashGet"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\UseFlashGetDownloadAllLink"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\JetCar"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Flashget Network"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Classes\.jcd"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Classes\Flashget"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Classes\FlashGet.Document"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Classes\FlashgetX"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Forced uninstaller to delete rest files (Config, ini's) in FlashGet Program Direcotory and finally the directory folder by self:
Name: {app}\fgoption.ini; Type: files
Name: {app}\P2PCfg.ini; Type: files
Name: {app}\ComDlls\Bhocfg.ini; Type: files
Name: {app}\profiles\tasks.dat; Type: files
Name: {app}\profiles\config.dat; Type: files
Name: {pf}\{#MyAppName}; Type: filesandordirs
It have been set now to delete by uninstall these registry keys and config files that FlashGet can be clean removed without left some unwanted entries in the Windows Registry and FlashGet Program files on harddisk.
If you did run ever before or install FlashGet, install this Version and uninstall it with the uninstaller to make a fresh install after the uninstaller have delete the registry keys!!!
Program must be closed during uninstall!
Please download it again. Links have been updated @GMT 10:10 AM on 23. June 2008

Screenshot FlashGet BitTorrent Module:

FlashGet is also very fast on BitTorrent during Downloading and Uploading!
Toolbar Button Menu Lang var file FGXL_ENG, New FlashGet v2 Skins: Modern, DeepBlue, Red Vista, SkyBlue, SpringGreen, SeeGreen, RoyalBlue, PowderBlue, Light...
follow soon!
Included skin is ShadowBlue
Flashget.exe Mutex switches are: /Crash /max /Debug /min /quit /uninstall /install
1 comment:
I was always afraid to use it ever again after I did install it once and got it hardly removed later but this Version works excellent. Keep up the good work on it!
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