official changelog:
SkipScreen Version 0.1.09072009
compatible with: Firefox: 3.0 – 3.7a1pre
* Added storage.to (thanks to Ahmed)
* Added 4shared.com (thanks to Ahmed) - with audio-preview option (turn off via options, like zShare)
* Fixed: Rapidshare Needs JavaScript/Download-button-visible error
* Fixed: Rapidshare "no slots available" handler was added
* Fixed: Hotfile.com (website changed around Sept 5)
* link-protector fixed and upgraded (prefix-type links supported)
* better url-handling; removes errors on URLs without a TLD (eg "http://localhost/index.html") [if you don't have the 07282009_url_fix release)
* scroll-bars added to options-pane (when window is smaller than lists)
The next two items help support future development of SkipScreen //removed in lite - use public feedback on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/11243 instead
* Optional SurfCanyon search-refinements (disable / enable in options panel, works for Bing, Yahoo, Google)
* Optional Zugo "SkipSearch" start-page (opt-in at launch)
* better url-handling; removes errors on URLs without a TLD (eg "http://localhost/index.html")
* Added: Hotfile handler; the waits are automated!
* Added: SkipScreen entry on the tools menu for the Options and About panes
* Fixed: bug where SkipScreen banner was present for non-download Linkbucks pages
* Added: Linkbucks family sites: baberepublic.com blahetc.com linkgalleries.net linkseer.net picturesetc.net placepictures.com qvvo.com realfiles.net seriousfiles.com seriousurls.com thatsprime.com thesefiles.com thesegalleries.com thosegalleries.com tinybucks.net uberpicz.com ubervidz.com ubucks.net ugalleries.net urlpulse.net viraldatabase.com youfap.com zxxo.net
* Added: randomized retry delays for Hotfile, Uploaded, Depositfiles, and RapidShare (+-10 seconds added to the automated retry when simultaneous downloads are being automated)
* Changed: minor modification to some of the "waiting" messages during automation
Lite Version changes:
Made by AnotherJohn
Removed unneeded stuff:
- removed: SurfCanyon search-refinements;
- removed: Zugo "SkipSearch" start-page;
- removed: Post Download page and content;
refer to: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/versions/license/74818
+ Changed: set max version to latest Minefield
+ Changed Other: improvements to the code base
+ Added: German Local support
+ Changed: status nfo to blue design and make smaller
+ Changed: some {SS} status messages on browser title
optimize code to less than the half extension size (from 58 KB to 19 KB by removing obsolete js parts)

Latest Version:
Download/Install | Mirror
Older Version:
Megaupload auto-fill captcha
Auto-fills the megaupload captcha and auto-starts download
megaupload.com, megaporn.com
UserScript: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38736
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