BleachBit is an open source System Cleaner for Windows and Linux OS with support for sqlite3 databases vacuum for Mozilla Firefox Profile folder. The application is capable to scan for sqlite databases.

Written in Python
BleachBit 0.6.4 adds a command line interface, displays a more detailed summary, fixes bugs, adds a Malay translation and updates 17 other translations.
The following changes are included since 0.6.3:
* Add command line interface. Often requested as a new feature, the command line interface lets you invoke BleachBit from scripts, cron, batch files, or the Windows Task Scheduler. For example, BleachBit can automatically vacuum Firefox each night or each time you login.
* At the end of the log, show how many files were deleted, how many special operations were performed, and how many errors occurred, if any. Before only the size was shown.
* When you close BleachBit while it is wiping free disk space, BleachBit will now quickly stop wiping free disk space.
* When manually shredding files (by clicking File - Shred Files), BleachBit now ignores the related preference regarding overwriting files.
* Make BleachBit easier to port to other POSIX systems such as NetBSD. (BleachBit is already available in NetBSD.)
* Fix two spelling typos.
* Fix small bugs.
* Improve unit tests.
* Specific to Linux
o Honor GNOME appearance settings for toolbars (text below icon, icon only, etc).
o Fix Yum error checking for non-English languages.
* Specific to Windows
o Shrink the installer by 6% by using a unique translation compression technique on the GTK+ localizations. If you notice any untranslated strings, please report them.
o Clean Opera 10.0 final.
o Delete one more Windows system log file.
o Offer an English-only download which is 11% smaller than downloading all the translations.
o Make the software update notification more obvious.
* Add Malay translation thanks to Ibrahim Elias
* Update Arabic thanks to Nizar Kerkeni
* Update Brazilian Portuguese thanks to André Gondim
* Update Croatian thanks to Miro Glavić
* Update Czech thanks to Roman Horník
* Update Dutch thanks to Rob
* Update French thanks to Steve Dodier
* Update German thanks to MixCool
* Update Hebrew thanks to Yaron
* Update Indonesian thanks to Ramdhani Fathurrohman
* Update Italian thanks to Luca Falavigna
* Update Polish thanks to Dariusz Jakoniuk
* Update Portuguese thanks to nglnx
* Update Russian thanks to Ilia Lilov aka lilovip
* Update Simplified Chinese thanks to rainofchaos
* Update Slovak thanks to Roman Horník
* Update Spanish thanks to Adrián García, Francisco Javier Pérez Davó, Andres E. Rodriguez Lazo, and Gonzalo Testa
* Update Thai thanks to shane.fox
* Update Ukrainian thanks to SkyManPHP
Homepage: http://bleachbit.blogspot.com/
News Source: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/news/bleachbit-064-released
online documentation: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/link.php?version=0.6.4&lang=de_DE&target=help
release notes: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/link.php?version=0.6.4&lang=de_DE&target=release_notes
About BleachBit

Windows: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bleachbit/files/bleachbit/BleachBit-0.6.4-Win32-install-full.exe/download | DDL
Linux: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/download/linux
Source Code: http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/download/source
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