
Sunday, April 6, 2008

eMule v0.48a zzUlti-R Basic-R-C V1.7 Releaser Edition

eMule v0.48a [zzUlti-R Basic-R-C V1.7]
Releaser Edition with Community options
eMule v0.48a zzUlti-R Basic-R-C V1.7



ZZULtimativ-R V1.7
+ Kickall from Queue (waiting for this file)
+ AddLeecher in KnownClientsList
+ New Options Window for Groups
+ Publish Files to Server
+ SearchCheck
+ Max Chunks fixed (now works also without slotfocus)
+ Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window (now fixed)
+ Fixed LogFilteredKADIPs (now saved)
+ BadGuy Icon in Lists
+ Changed LeecherClientList.dat !now -> LeecherStaticList.dat
+ Button in Cliendetails for add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Username to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Modstring to Leecher Filter-List
+ Kick Client & add Userhash to Leecher Static-List
+ Changed: Delete Leecher List Buttons !now -> in Tools menu
+ Fake Check
+ Non eMule Clients working with Leecher Protection prevention
+ No Boosts for BadGuys
+ Global Hardlimit
+ HL-Parts of Sivka File Settings
+ Show Global HL
+ Score Reduce Prevention in Leecher Protection
+ Powershare in Statistics
+ BadClientFlag & Fix in Baseclient.cpp
+ Credits Reset Exploit Prevention
+ SLS - Save only useful sources
+ SLS - changed LowID-saving
+ Do NOT alter DVD-Video files VOB,IFO,BUP, etc.
+ Fixed Drop Banned Client from Upload
+ Corruption Blackbox Fix
+ IntelliFlush
+ Spreadreask
+ All Mod settings now saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini
+ Some little fixes
+ German language file updated

- Removed Fakealyzer
- ConChecker
- Unused Codeparts

because Options now all saved in ZZULtimativ-R ini, some settings could have changed, so better control it

ZZULtimativ-R is developed by morph4u, 2bc, mL


ZZULtimativ-R V1.6 Hotfix

- Removed Show Icons for Permission in SharedFiles Window
+ Fixed Friend Colors

ZZULtimativ-R V1.6

!!! cleaninstall important !!!

+ Leecher Protection
+ Leecher in Statistics
+ Leecher in Detail Dialog
+ Releaser Group (switchable)
+ Releaser on Queue Window
+ Releaser Boost
+ Releaser Permission
+ ReleaserTags.ini in config folder
+ CommunityTags.ini in config folder
+ Random Modstring (switchable)
+ Shutdown eMule after download
+ Shutdown PC after download
+ NiceHash CPU Load
+ Remember unused AICH-hashes
+ Downloaded History
+ eD2K Friend Link
+ Smart Category Control (SCC)
+ Tray Password Protection
+ Automatic shared files updater
+ Corrupted Blocks Ban Threshold
+ .met File Control
+ client.met expiration
+ Spreadbar reset with automatic reload
+ Release Bonus
+ Open Incoming folder from systray
+ KAD Update nodes.dat from URL Window
+ KAD Auto-Update nodes.dat (Switchable)
+ KAD Optimized Search
+ Kick all (Upload)
+ Kick all (Queue)
+ Kick all (Queue-LowID)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Friend)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Releaser)
+ Kick all (Queue-Non Community)
+ German language file updated

- Removed Smart Upload Control
- Removed Applejuice Detection
- Removed AntiComm/Mod -> now in Leecher Protection
- Removed ZZULtimativprefs.ini -> now saved in ZZULtimativ-R.ini

!!! Delete the ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in config file before start, please !!!
!!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini und preferences.ini im config Ordner löschen !!!

ZZULtimativ-R V1.5

+ fixed updates on startup
+ fixed Reask
+ fixed menu colors
+ Manual Client Management
+ Push Files by Filetypes
+ Minimum Slots Option
+ Show Icon for Client share visibility
+ Vista fix for Sysinfo
+ Country and Software in Commentlist
+ Select all in Shared and Downloadlist
+ German language file updated
+ Some little Fixes

- Removed Auto Hardlimit
- Removed Auto Download Priority

ZZULtimativ-R V1.4

+ Web Interface
+ Scheduler
+ Auto Hardlimit
+ Auto Download Priority
+ Update Window in Options
+ Show MinQR Checkbox enable/disable
+ Whois IP-Lookup
+ Separated remaining time/size in Download
+ Emulate others in Options
+ Conection Check
+ Splashscreen
+ Startup Sound (put startup.wav in config!)
+ Sidebanner
+ Multi Credit System
+ Smart Upload Control
+ Dynamic Upload
+ Nick Addon Faker (Emulate Community Addons)
+ Send Random Userhash to Shareaza clients without SUI
+ ReAsk
+ Enhanced Client Recognization updated
+ More Log Colors
+ Some Fixes and Code Improvements
+ German language file updated

Homepage BBS: BASIC-R-C :::. .::: The Next Generation :::.

with Comm and Releaser Features:
without Releaser and Comm Features:

older Versions:

Links offside, Conntent for illustration and places can change. Please use
Google search twice a day to get updated locations.


Sites linking in:
...and so on...
... see Search Engine Catche


Anonymous said...

Welcher Penner hat das hier eingetragen und für die Öffentlich keit frei gegeben?

Dies ist ein privater Mod!

Ich bitte darum das der Eintrag entfernt wird, sonst werden wir rechtliche Schritte einleiten!


Anonymous said...

Which what? hase set this entry publica?

It is a private Mod? In the internet ( International distributet via emule net )
> How can be in the net something privat maybe you should not use phonelines to get online if it is your private things especially sharing stuff

what removing where?
what does it means yours will do the right steps incoming?
Maybe you mean you forgot GPL GNU to read onwards by coding and using in the private group. Or do you prove it is not using emule network?
I understand better to put this mod on 100 pages and not only on one. In that case I do not think you reach cause of a emule mod the airforce if am on a small island in the indian ocean or do you? In fact its freeware so the entry is right.

Anonymous said...

Mein Lieber Mr. Hyper

Es ist sicherlich nicht mehr Hyper wenn du mit Drohungen wegen eines Mods ankommst. Letzteres wollen wir doch alle nicht das Releaser geloggt werden insbesondere die Tele 2 Kunden wie auch die Kunden des Berliener Telefonanbieter im 77.xx Bereich oder steht es an das jene Comm mit dem Kontent in deren Forum komplett vom Hosting ausgeschlossen werden koenne und nicht nur die IPs? Glaube nicht das dies den Wert hat fals doch so beginnt das Schachspiel, nimmst du einen link kann eine IP drauf gehen.


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