µReus v1 Beta info:
µReus – hacked shu mod with the best plug-ins
This is a hacked version of Shu Mod (
This package includes the latest plugins and recommended plugins:
- 3D View
- Advanced Statistics
- Sudoku
- AutoCategory
- Peer Injector
- Chat
- Ratings
- Client Spoof
- Country Locator
- Monitoring Plugin
- Multi-Port
- Progress Bar
- RSS Feed
- Seeding Columns
- Speed Scheduler
(Note: To run µReus you need to install SUN JAVA RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT 1.6.x or higher)
Hacked Shu Mod Beta ( Changelog
build 194
fix: always enable update button
Fix: Show you as a seeder(100% done and no download report) first announce bug
fix: can’t use show as seeder with download reduction mix
fix: can’t use show as a seeder with start fake upload when x% done
build 193
fix: per torrent : show as a seed wasn’t saved correctly
build 192
removed fake seeding mode (up & dl)
removed fake upload multi mixed with seeding mode
added: show me as a seed for Fake Upload Speed Ratio ++
change: console log now show under the “plug” checkbox so you are no longer annoyed by the spam in the console log
fixed: completed flag was sent all the time when showing as a seed using no report
build 191
probably bugfix : fixed the real received value
µReus change log:
- Based on latest Hacked Shu Mod Beta (
- Made better installer with more options
- Fixed some bugs
- Many more improvements
Follow these steps:
1. Download Java runtime 1.6 or higher
2. Install Java
3. Download µReus
4. Install and run µReus
Download µReus:
µReus_v1_Beta.msi (14.26 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror) Folder: http://dump.no/files/327d79ae2489/
uTorrent 1.6.1 Clientspoof.rar (38.03 KB) - (Mirror)
Terms of Use:
Use this program at your own risk. Do not come whining if you get banned. Support the torrent community and upload. Otherwise it won't last long. And always remember, this product is private, you are one of not to many who are lucky enough to get it. Do NOT share this product with anyone you do not know. Doing so will get this product banned and you will not be able to use it anymore!
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