based on
ZZUL BastarD 1.8.3
ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 3
* fixed some little bugs
+ added ClientIP to Cliendetails & KnownClientsList
+ readded Scheduler & Notifier
* fixed ReAsk after Ip change now saved correct
ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 2
+ ClientIcons from Xtreme
+ SlideBar[emule+/emulefuture]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Extended Credit-Table-Arrangement[XMan]
+ More Creditsystems
+ added Overlayicon for Community Clients[MightyKnife]
ZZULtimativ 1.4 alpha 1
- Dynamic Hide OS[XMan]
* Xmans Flushthread Optimation
+ Spreadbar,HideOS,SelectiveShare,ShareOnlyTheNeed[Morph/Stulle]
- ICS/AntiHideOS
ZZULtimativ 1.3
* more Creditsystems
* readded missing resource Strings
* fixed double Badguy icons
* added German Language DLL
* fixed a bug in transferwnd.cpp thx to MadDog ;)
* updated Clientanalyzer from emulefuture0.3[wizard]
* moved options from Security 1 to Security 2 Prefpage
* Fixed AntiCommunity now saved
- Friendnotes
+ Choose EF-Mod Antinickthief or CA Antinickthief
+ Choose Score Reduce /3 for Leechers detected by EF-Mod Antileech
+ MassRename & Simple Cleanup Dialogs[emulefan]
+ EF-Mod Antileech System[eMulefan]
+ Intelligent Chunk Selection ICS [wizard/netfinity]
+ AntiHideOS[Wizard/enkeyDEV]
ZZULtimativ 1.2.03
so letzte TestVersion hab nun alles drin, was ich erstmal drin haben wollte, und noch ein paar Sachen entfernt die ich für unnütz halte, als nächstes werd ich mir mal eure restlichen Wünsche anschauen ...
+ DownInBold[emulefuture]
+ Ip2Country File Origin[emulefuture]
+ Link for Server.met in serverwindow[emulefuture]
+ ModIconDll + Modicondll-Update[emulefuture]
+ Auto Hardlimit[emulefuture]
- Scheduler
- Help
- VersionCheck
- Mobile Mule
+ Official Ratio Code
+ Queuesize 1000 - 30000 oder Infinite Queue[slugfiller]
+ Neue Grafiken in den Optionen THX Son Riab
+ Winsock2[Spike2]
+ Mehr BadMods hinzugefügt und von einigen Boosts ausgeschlossen
+ Andere Creditsysteme hinzugefügt(Lovelace,Official,Pawcio,Eastshare)[NextEvolution]
+ ed2k-Link Forum[Hawkstar]
+ Clientbantime einstellbar[Spike2]
+ Analyzer schaltbar[Spike2]
+ geändert IP2Country[emulefuture]
+ AddOn Directory hinzugefügt[emulefuture]
+ Push & Ban in mehr listen
Hoffe hab niemand im Changelog vergessen, was durchaus sein kann, wenn ja ist das keine Absicht und der jenige wird schon nicht dadran umkommen ;P
ZZULtimativ 1.2.0
+ Readblockfromfilethread[sirob]
+ dynamic hideOS[xMan]
+ hideOS without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ add more illegal mods
+ remove BigBang from ServerFilter
+ manual Ban
+ some Code Optimations & Memleak fixes[XMan/Wizard]
ZZUltimativ 1.1.X
+ mehr Illegale Mods hinzugefügt
+ ModThief-Detection funktioniert jetzt mit dem Einstellbaren modname
ZZULtimativ 1.1
* manche Sachen erstmal wieder entfernt (HOS/ICS/SON)
ZZULtimativ 1.0.9
* changed HideOs-Code to code from Morph
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed [Morph]
+ Spreadbar[Morph]
+ Reduce Spreadbar CPU use[Morph]
+ WebServerBanFix[Wizard]
+ Memleakfixes in WebServer[Wizard]
+ AntiShape added to official creditsystem[Netfinity]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate faker[Morph]
+ XS-Workaround[Wizard]
+ make Clientanalyzer Switchable
+ Automatic Firewalled Retries[Wizard]
+ find best sources[XMan]
+ fix arg[Avi3k]
+ WINSOCK2[eWombat]
+ Mod Statistics[Slugfiller]
+ ServerMessageFilter[Wizard]
+ Optimations[WiZaRd/XMan]
+ Obfuscation FiX[Wizard]
+ Show Related Source Colored[WiZaRd]
+ selection fix[Avi3k]
+ Prefs Sidebanner
+ IntelliFlush[Wizard]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[Netfinity]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.8
+ Remove Unused AICH Hashes[XMan]
+ CClientUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CUDPSocket::SendTo() Optimize[BlueSonicBoy]
+ CPartFile::DrawStatusBar() Optimize[WiZaRd]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.7
+ Smart Upload Control v2 (SUC) [lovelace]
+ Reduced CPU Usage in Uint128.cpp[netfinity/xman]
+ Optimized Spreadbarshader[netfinity]
+ several Memleak-Fixes[Wizard]
+ WhoIs[KTS]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnight]
+ Manual Reask Server & XS[LSD]
+ Drop Single Source[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.6
+ Reask Source after ip Change
+ Enhanced Client Recognization, Recognize more Clients [Spike2]
+ Code improvement [Maella/Xman/Sivka/Sirob]
+ fakemanager[KTS]
+ FakeCheck[KTS]
+ LSD Buttons
+ Emulate Other[Spike2]
+ Ip2Country[EastShare]
+ SLS[enkeyDEV]
+ Drop Sources[LSD]
+ Update Ip-Filter,FakeCheck,Ip2Country.csv
+ MSS-Setting[KTS]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.5
* bugfix in options
+ ShowSharePermission[xmule-mod]
+ FunnyNick[KTS]
+ Decrease Source Exchange Speed[Spanish-Man]
+ permissions modifiziert
--> bei permission friends only kommen nur comm und friends in die queue
--> bei permission none niemand
ZZUltimativ 1.0.4
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Sirob]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ SpreadReask[slugfiller]
+ No Spread Reask for Xtreme[Spike2]
+ SafeDeleteMacros[eWombat]
+ Push Rare Files[KTS]
+ Push Part Files[KTS]
+ einstellbare Comm/AntiComm/Friend/Partfile boosts
+ Splash[SonRiab]
+ Exit Smoothly[TKB]
+ gesendeten Modstring selbst eingeben[Spe64]
+ Deutsche übersetzung des WS[engo3k]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.3
+ Use HideOs without PowerRelease[Spe64]
+ HideOS[Slugfiller]
+ Extented Splashscreen[KTS]
+ UPNP-Support[XMan]
+ see OnUploadqueue[XMan]
+ Show UploadQueue in Feedback
+ Changed Modname to ZZULt1m4t1v (because XMan`s UltiBan)
hatte noch was vergessen im Changelog
+ Optimizer[Xlillo]
+ SystemInfo in Transferwindow & Statistic[sicks]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.2
+ Clientanalyzer[Wizard]
+ QueueSize Fix[Wizard]
und noch nen Bug gefixt wenn Slotfocus deaktiviert war wurden die Clients nicht nach einen Chunk aus dem Upload gekickt
ZZUltimativ 1.0.1
Slotfocus abstellbar[kts]
Max Slots einstellbar[kts]
zusätzliche Pref Page
Up/Down Spalte in Uploadliste[kts]
ZZUltimativ 1.0.0
+ Mod Name geändert
+ Community/Friend Boost funktioniert jetzt
* Upload Only 2 eMule geändert
+ Copy feedback[Miles]
+ Community Visualization [Mighty Knife]
+ Community Boost (10x)
+ AntiCommunity Punish(100x)
+ Friend Boost(10x)
+ Friend & Community Boost (20x)
+ Anonym Mod[sicks]
+ Push & Kick[Telp]
+ Remove & add 2 ip-Filter[sicks]
+ CPU Optimization & Memleak Fixes[Wizard]
+ Optimizations[SpanishMan]
+ UpLoad only 2 eMule[sicks] -> changed that upload to Amule,too
+ AutoUnBan Friend[KTS]
+ Enhanced Client Recognation[Spike2]
+ Faster Reask for Ml-Donkey[Wizard/Spike2]
Download: ed2k link:emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.alpha3.rar
emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.alpha3.rar (2 MB) - (Mirror)
emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.alpha2.rar (1.98 MB) - (Mirror)
old: emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.alpha1.rar rarpass:
LimiTed EdiTion: emule.0.47c.ZZULtimativ.1.4.alpha3.BLUE.EdiTion.rar (2.33 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
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