µComet – BitComet 0.86 Leecher Pack + Greedytorrent
- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as leecher
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
REPORT Version
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
NO REPORT Version + Emu
- no upload and download report to tracker
- you will shown as leecher
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- emulates Bitcomet 0.57
REPORT Version + Emu
- only download will be not reported to tracker
- you will shown as seeder
- complete flag not send to tracker (no snatchlist entry)
- emulates Bitcomet 0.57
- no changes
-upload multiplier
How to use:
1. Save a .torrent file to your desktop
2. Open it with one of the µComet versions.
(Note the emu versions doesn’t work on all trackers)
(Only µComet REPORT version and µComet REPORT+emu works good with µGreedy.)
How to use report versions with µGreedy:
1. Save a .torrent file to your desktop
2. Run µGreedy
3. Set report my upload as a number in µGreedy
4. Open the .torrent file with one of theµComet report versions
Follow these steps:
1. Install µComet
2. Run one of the µComet versions
µComet_v1_Alpha.msi (18.57 MB) - (Mirror) - (Mirror)
Latest BitComet Beta: BitCometBeta_20070409_setup.exe - Beta Changelog
BitComet Tools - FLV Downloader- FLV Player 1.4 - FLV Converter1.0 - Tracker 0.5 - BitCometLite1.2
Terms of Use:
Use this program at your own risk. Do not come whining if you get banned. Support the torrent community and upload. Otherwise it won't last long. And always remember, this product is private, you are one of not to many who are lucky enough to get it. Do NOT share this product with anyone you do not know. Doing so will get this product banned and you will not be able to use it anymore!
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