Note to users: This is a LEGAL mod, therefore it is RATIOed and does not contain 'bad' codes.Note to modders: If you use the sources for your own mod, please change the modstring to avoid all of us from being banned for any reason. Also replace or remove the links pointing to my board. It all can be found and changed in version.h - Thank you!Homepage:
thank you very much.
Please if a source code is available always post the source code.
People like me likes to puzzle the good mods from src together.
pP mods normally have a source which also keeps the 'Bad mod" section hunter away who mistaken sometimes copy content wrong in them bbs
Thanks in advanced!
I like pP mods very much
MorphXT v.11.3 Privat Edition by morph4u
Update 06.05.09
+ fixed/changed modstring
eMule 0.49c [Al!as 1.1]
modded by pP for
[+] Dynamic Block Requests [Netfinity]
[+] Source Drops
[+] Timed updates for IPFilter
[+] ClientAnalyzer [Wizard]
[+] Mod Preferences
[+] Localized resource strings
[+] Preferences Sidebanner [emf]
[+] Preferences Slidebar [emf]
[~] Full Modstring in Downloadlistctrl
[+] New Modstring columns elsewhere
[+] FunnyNicks [xrmb]
[+] ModIconMapper [Wizard]
[+] IP2Country [EastShare]
[+] Flags on Files (Origin) [Wizard]
[+] ClientSoftIcons
[+] Colored Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] Bold Active Downloads (File-/Username only)
[+] DiffQR with Icons [based on JvA]
[+] Cached ScoreRatios [idea by Wizard]
[+] Own ScoreRatio [vqb]
[-] Official Ratio [please read the next line before banning!!]
[+] Active Ratio [Netfinity]
[+] Download Dutch dll on 1st start
[+] ModLog
[+] Ul/Dl Columns with ratio
[+] Startup flood preventions [Wizard]
[+] AutoHL
[+] SlotControl/SlotSpeedControl
[+] Auto download priorities
[+] Slotfocus in Uploadlist
[+] Friendcontrols in all Clientlists
[+] Winsock v2 Support [Ewombat]
[+] Connchecker [Ewombat/emf]
[+] RMod Connectionstate icons [funnypixel]
[+] SaveLoadSources [enkydev]
[^] Auto download priorities, Dynamic mode added.
[+] Filestats [Icecream/Morphxt]
[+] Powershare with statistics
[+] AutoHL with some adaptions
[+] CReport
[+] SUIBan against uncounted uploads
[+] Applejuice Detection [from xman1's DLP]
[+] Seperate LeechLog for AntiLeech outputs
[+] Detection and ModIcons for Al!as/R-Mods
[+] Reask Queue/srcs after IP change [Stulle]
[+] Modstats [TPT]
[+] SystemInfo Class for CReport [$icK$/Stulle]
[+] BadClientFlag [Wizard]
[+] Identify eMule plus [Spike2]
[+] Intelligent Chnk Selection ICS [EnkeyDev]
LoID ot HiID auto callback [L2HAC] ?
...and we're done.
[+] = Added
[-] = Removed
[~] = Changed
[^] = Updated
:dl: Binary: Alias1.1_bin.rar []
:dl: Source: Alias1.1_src.rar []
Note to users: This is a LEGAL mod, therefore it is RATIOed and does not contain 'bad' codes.Note to modders: If you use the sources for your own mod, please change the modstring to avoid all of us from being banned for any reason. Also replace or remove the links pointing to my board. It all can be found and changed in version.h - Thank you!Homepage:
Great thanks!
emule pro 1.1
Update: eMule PRO v1.1
community speed
antileech update
NEW!!! -> eMule PRO 0.49c v1.0
codebase 0.49c
Highspeed download
Dynamic Block Request
emulate other clients
UP/DOWN chunk display
Client percentage
CryptNet support
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