ZZULtimativ v1.5 Final
based on 0.48a
!! Vor dem Start bitte die ZZULtimativprefs.ini im config Ordner löschen um Probleme mit den geänderten Limits zu vermeiden !!
Before start please delete the file ZZULtimativprefs.ini in folder config cause of changes in "limits"!
!! Die Deutsche Sprachdatei mitnehmen damit es keine Anzeigefehler gibt ... !! Komplett Übersetzte Sprachdatei wird nachgeliefert!!
The German Language file is required to solve display errors. A complete translated Lang file follow soon.
+ Show Infos about AntiComm & AntiMod in Clientdialog
+ Show BadGuy Symbol for AntiComm & AntiMod, too
+ fixed some bugs
+ removed Text from Splash
+ AntiMod
+ Switch for Upload Ban AntiMod & AntiComm
+ Boost Limits:
Limit for : Min - Max
AntiCommPunish : 0.01 - 1
AntiModPunish : 0.01 - 1
CommBoost : 1 - 10
FriendBoost : 1 - 10
Finished Files : 1 - 5
Part Files : 1 - 5
Max Chunks : 1 - 10
Release Prio : 10 - 100
High Prio : 5 - 50
Normal Prio : 3 - 30
Low Prio : 2 - 20
Very Low : 1 - 10
Score Calculation Infos:
Punish = Normal Score * PunishFactor; (0.01 means the Client get only 1% of score)
Boost = Normal Score * BoostFactor; (10 means the Client get 10 times the score then normal ones)
Beta 8 (PreFinal)
+ higher BufferTimeLimit for larger buffer[pP]
* changed ip2country for work under windows higher then xp (thx 2 dlarge for hint in which file i must search)
+ ModIconMapper[WiZaRd/pP]
+ IpFilterUpdate[pP]
+ Client Percentage[XMan]
+ ClientBanTime[Spike2]
- AuthSystem
+ WinSock2[eWombat]
Beta 7
* AuthCode can be edited in Preferences Dialog
+ ed2k Forum link in sharedfileswindow[hawkstar]
+ Gandja-Feedback in Sharedfileswindow
+ save some cycles with an empty Queue[pP]
+ customable priority[Spe64]
+ set server.met url[pP]
+ Ip2Country[emf-Team/pP/mL]
* ModLog code updated to code from R-Mod[pP]
+ Some Icons from R-Mod for Preferences
Beta 6
* SlotFocus option shown correct in Preferences Dialog
* some missing code needed for Upload without SlotFocus changed a little bit to work with MaxChunks transfered[KTS/mL]
* optimized AuthSystem CPU Load - only check AuthCode one Time at startup and cache the UserRights
+ some Loglines for AuthSystem
+ Set Max Chunks to transfer[mL]
+ some optimations in AuthSystem
+ Higher value for Max Search Results (10000)
+ Queue Per File Push[Slugfiller]
+ No Score for non Mule[Dazzle]
+ SlotFocus/MaxSlots[kts]
+ Push Rare Files[kts]
+ Community/AntiCommunity Detection[MightyKnife]
+ Comm-/AntiComm-/Boost/Punish
+ Automatic Friendslot[kts]
+ Max Segment Size[kts]
+ FunnyNicks[kts]
+ Log Friend Activities[MightyKnife]
+ Friendfix[Wizard]
+ Fix Connection Collesion[sirob]
+ Find Best Sources[XMan]
+ Better Chunk Selection[XMan]
+ Dynamic Block Requests[netfinity]
+ Code Optimations/SaveCPU[XMan/Wizard]
+ Pref SideBanner[eMulefuture]
+ Slidebar[eMulePlus/Wizard]
+ Mod Log [ionix]
+ Own Preferences File[Wizard] and own file for AuthSystem
+ Uploading Chunk Display[ZZ]
+ ZZUL Uploadsystem[ZZ]
+ PowerShare[ZZ]
+ SelectiveChunkSharing[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ ShareOnlyTheNeed[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ HideOvershare[Slugfiller/Morph]
+ SafeHash fix[XMan]
+ Optimation don't Update to often[XMan]
+ Spreadbar[Slugfiller]
+ Flush Thread Optimation[XMan]
+ Flush Thread[Sirob]
+ ReadBlockFromFileThread[Slugfiller]
+ SafeHash[slugfiller]
+ Don't send MOD_VERSION to client that don't support it to reduce overhead[SiRoB]
+ Reduced CPU usage in UInt128.cpp[netfinity]
+ ownCredits[VQB]
+ Kick & Ban in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Enable/Disable Slot Focus in Uploadlist[kts]
+ Push Part & Finished Files[Spe64]
+ editable FriendBoost Factor
+ Code to Save Float[Spe64]
+ choose Modstring[Spe64]
+ Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55[Maella]
+ Avoid Credits Accumulate Fakers[Morph/WiZaRd]
+ CPU Calm Down[WiZaRd]
+ ClientAnalyzer[WiZaRd]
+ Simple AuthSystem (only can use Bad Options with right AuthCode)
+ Show Download in Bold (official) saveable (wird nach neustart übernommen)
+ Simple Upload Slot Focus[Spike]
+ make Ban Spammer switchable
+ Variable compression - Reduce CPU usage for high bandwidth connections[netfinity]
+ Better Dumping[WiZaRd]
+ Don't Ban Friends[kts]
+ CodeImprovement[Avi3k]
+ SAFE_DELETE-macros[eWombat/Spike]
Download: eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z (2.09 MB) - (Mirror) - (DDL)
ed2k link:
eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z - eMule0.48a_ZZULtimativ1.5_Final.7z
P.S.: An excellent eMule Mod !
this mod is really great!
Server Info - option to remove ads only let server status.
open: ZZULtimativprefs.ini
and set:
no changes, don't work by me! A bug?
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