eMule SharkX 1.5 - 07/12/08
fix : Slot Control display options
fix : Regional connection wizard (when apply without selection) - 10'x erdem444
fix : free unused memory when a download is completed/cancelled (Enig123)
fix : make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
fix : minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change (WiZaRd)
remove : direct URL ipfilter from updates (can be done via security options)
update : optimize size of ClientCredits table (zz_fly)
change : SharkX desktop icon
MOD_FORUM_LINK_EU http://sharkx.emulefuture.de
MOD_FORUM_LINK_IL http://www.friends-il.co.il/modules.php?name=Forums&showforum=86
MOD_FORUM_LINK_DE http://sharkx.emulefuture.de
MOD_FORUM_LINK_IT http://www.darkforge.it/board/index.php?board=36.0
MOD_FORUM_LINK_FI http://pdehq.hyperphp.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewforum.php?7
לינקים להורדה :
BIN compiled with vs2005 and vs2008:
Thank you, please don't post among in leecher boards (forums)
Die beta funzt bei mir nicht! Ich starten den esel und wenn er hoch fährt hängt er sich auf....
auch wenn du den esel in einem neuen verzeichniss startest?
I did run the mod over night. In the morning emule was disconnect. I did set to max reconnect retries,...
No up or downloads anymore. It did not more reconnect after some DSL line downs in the nightly hours.
Wenn mein temp verzeichnis voll ist hängt er sich beim starten auf, wenn er leer ist läuft der Esel Komisch..
Yooda is here somewhere around.
Following bugs with SharkX 1.5 Beta are here reported.
Will appreciate if someone could forward it to Taz.
I write the bugs from user here together
- Temp folder (Partfiles)
If folder get full, SharkX hang/application don't responce
- If Internet disconnect several times, problems with automatically reconnect to any server and kad
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