
Sunday, December 7, 2008

eMule 0.49b UltiMatic V4.0 by Engo3k

Changelog for eMule v.49b [UltiMatic v4.0] - Merged to eMule 0.49b [Magic Angel v3.5]
Changes 06.12.08 - [engo3k]
Changelog for eMule v.49b [UltiMatic v4.0] - Merged to eMule 0.49b Magic Angel v3.5
Changes 25.11.08 - [engo3k]
+ADDED: Share Permission - Hide/Community/Friend
+ADDED: Unlimited Slot *Adjust max client upload time
+ADDED: Adjust max client upload time (for blocked clients 5-300 Minutes Standard 60')
+ADDED: Clear Banlist [pP] - in UploadList/QueueList/DownloadClient
+ADDED: Don't Ban Friends [KTS]
+ADDED: Max Chunks Transfer Limiter [KTS] -> remove client from upload if complete chunk transfered (9.28MB)
+ADDED: Manual Ask SRV & XS for new Sources [LSD]
+ADDED: Maximum Segment Size (MSS 1300-1480) [KTS]
+ADDED: Multiple Chunks Transfer (1-10) [mL]
+CHANGE: AntiCommunityName from [256] to [512]
+CHANGE: Color lightgrey for Anticommunity User & Diesable PS for Anticomm, Leecher Users darkgrey
+ADDED: Auto Unban when Friend to add is a banned client
+ADDED: Show IP (ClientDetailDialog) [kts]
+CHANGE: Slotfocus in UploadList
+ADDED: Limit PowerShare by amount of data uploaded - per File/Global [Stulle]
+ADDED: Private Anti-Mod Detection
+ADDED: AntiPunish for QueueFull/NNS Clients (faktor 1=aus, 2=50%, 3 1/3-->reduze score, 100=0 Score)
+ADDED: Anti Community Punish
+ADDED: 0 Score for Anti-Community User = Angel Argos Upload Bann
+ADDED: Diesable PowerShare for Anti-Community User
+CHANGE: Client Ban-Time [0-24H]
+ADDED: Colored Clients LowID=yellow, Community=Green, Anticommunity=grey ,Friend=Blue, Leecher=grey, QueueFull=lightgrey
+CHANGE: New eMule icons
+ADDED: Sivka File Settings - Source limit/drop adjustable per File [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Customized source dropping with auto drop immunity [Sivka/Stulle]
+ADDED: Show # of dropped sources per file in DownloadList [Stulle]
+ADDED: Automatic shared files updater (ASFU v3.2) - [MoNKi]
+UPDATED:German language file
+ADDED: TBH Mini-Mule with SendModname on Title
+CHANGE: PowerShare restrictions for partfile or finished files to 800 src.
+ADDED: More Infos in Copy stats (Avarage Cpu Usage/Compression/OS-Vista recognition...)
+ADDED: Copy Stats - extended
+ADDED: PowerRelease + Switchable Releaseboost ->(2-40)
+CHANGE: Push Rare Files ->(4-40)
+CHANGE: Push by Radio Files ->(2-40)
+ADDED: Push part files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Push finished files [Spe64]
+ADDED: Switchable Friendboost ->(1-200)
+ADDED: Switchable Community-boost ->(1-200)
+CHANGE: Reask Time ->(20-57)
+ADDED: Show CUR-AVG CPU/MEM usage in Stats
+ADDED: Switchable CPU/Ram Infos (eMule/Global) [Stulle/Sicks]
+ADDED: Choosable modstring with ModaddOnNick [Spe64] + feedback with SendModname
+ADDED: Send modname on Title/Systray&prefs/MyniMule&prefs/WebServer
+ADDED: Upload priority from Transfer Wimdows
+ADDED: Upload only to eMule Clients
+ADDED: Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+ADDED: Whois-Client Provider Info
+ADDED: GeoIP-IP Location Finder
+ADDED: Push to Upload from QueueList// & Transfer Windows
+ADDED: Kick All Upload Slots
+ADDED: Kick from Upload
+ADDED: Kick from Upload and add to IP-Filter.dat
+ADDED: Cleint-BAN from Upload - Transfer & Queue List
+CHANGE: Slot Limiter ->(1-255)
+ADDED: See onuploadqueue & feedback
+ADDED: English feedback format adapted to German
+ADDED: New Feedback format (DE)
+CHANGE: Remove PoweShare restrictions
+CHANGE: Remove Friends restrictions
+CHANGE: New Leecher icon
+ADDED: RatDvd = Video
+ADDED: Old AppleJuice Community Detection [Xman]
+CHANGE: Xman & MA DLPs added more Applejuice Based Mods, removed some Release/Bad Mods



build 08.12.2008 eMule_0.49b_UltiMatic_V4.0new.rar 2.92 MB

build 03.12.2008 UltiMatic_V4.0.rar 2.91 MB

Direct Links:

one of the best mods out there, fastest uploadspeed and downloadspeed!

Herzlichen Dank!


Anonymous said...

Perfect !

IlLusioN said...

UltiMatic Mod shares the files much better as some official mods

Anonymous said...





ZZ-RS V1.7 (eMule 0.49b)

+ Prevent Crash on Shutdown [MorphXT/leuk_he]
+ Update NodesDat Frequently [X-Ray/Avi3k]
+ TBH-AutoBackup [EastShare/Pretender]
+ Extended Credit Table Arragement [X-Ray/XMan]
+ Colored Category Column in SharedFilesWindow [morph4u]
+ Argos banncount in TranferWindow [morph4u]
+ Colored Clientstate [X-Ray/Morph/JvA]
+ Cache UDP Search Results [X-Ray/itsonlyme/Neo]
+ AICH Security [X-Ray/WiZaRd/eMulefuture]
+ UDP Reask security check [X-Ray/Spike2/netfinity]
+ Changed: Copy ZZ-R Stats to Clipstat [X-Ray/eMulefuture/WiZaRd]
+ Changed: QRdiff /Added Icons [X-Ray/Peace/JvA]
+ Tweak UploadQueue [NeoMule/David Xanatos]
+ Avoid Userhash collision [DreaMule/?]
+ Higher bantime limits (960min) [morph4u]

Anonymous said...

Man wie das hasse, hier wird was gepostet, und jedesmal fehlt was, entweder das paswort oder was anderes. Wen man eh nicht dran kommt dann last doch das gepostet von was man nicht dran kommt. Man so ein mist

on Air said...

Geduld ist eine Tugend

Anonymous said...

funktioniert AUCH NICHT!!!
Dem Hinweis um 03.32h v. 08Dez. kann nur gänzlich zugestimmt werden. Soweit etwas gemacht werden soll, dann bitte auch nur vollständig und nicht (nicht einmal) halb-fertige Sachen aufbringen, was dann allenfalls der Befriedigung des Egos des jeweiligen zu dienen vermag und sonst nichts! Vielleicht besser keine lange -unnütze- Auflistungen, von denen ohnehin nicht jeder etwas versteht/verstehen kann. Danke für das Verständnis.

IlLusioN said...

Man könnte aber auch sich im Forum anmelden und nen Dank an den Coder direkt senden. Der link ist ja in der Post verwiesen

Anonymous said...

Danke, geht doch mit den Paswort Thx

Anonymous said...

ddl's added to front, sharkx 1.5 beta
is this link:


Anonymous said...

Puh, da gibs so vieles zum einstellen, kann nicht jemand eine preferences.ini hoch laden, mdas man wenigstens die einstellungen hat. Wäre super danke...

Anonymous said...

Beim Modstring wurde ik so wat wie MorphXT 11.1
oder nen andern Original Modstrings nehmen.
Push je nach belieben.
partfile is dat wat de nich komplett hasst, wat halt jerade laden tust. bringt mehr quellen bei den gerade ladenden dateien (incomplete push).

Anonymous said...

ik mach hier mal en paar modstrings rin die nich uffalllen. Such dir enen raus:

MorphXT 11.1
Xtreme 7.0
X-Ray 1.5
StulleMule 6.1
ScarAngel 3.1

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