Merhaba Arkadaşlar
New eMule Fincan mod Final Version 7.1 is out!

Fincan v7.1 (0.49b)
- xx. Aralik, 2008 -
Add: Arkadas listesi baslik sütuna siralama menüsü eklendi / Greetings list in Menu
Fix: Arkadas listesi siralama türleri düzeltildi
Mod: Arkadas'tan indirim icin gönderilen Dosyalari digerlerinden ayirabilme özelligi eklendi
Fix: Kullanici listelerinde "Istenen Dosyalar" 'i görüntülenme fixlendi (popup menu)
Fix: failed-download kullanici süzgeci eklendi (180 kb 'tan ufak sahte parca gönderenler süzgeci)
Fix: Yayim Grubu meetingfile cift yükleme düzeltildi
Fix: UrlClient Connection TimeOut
Add: Ftp multiple Client download
Add: Http multiple Client download
Fix: ZipFile bicimli "ipfilter.dat","guarding.p2p","guardian.p2p" uyumlu güncelleme
Fix: istatiklerde doldurulmus özel grafik cizgileri düzeltildi
Fix: Diger listelerdeki gibi, "Bekleyen Arkadaslar" listesinde birden cok slot acma imkani fixlendi
Add: Modeless Dialog Implementation (bagimsiz diyalog pencereleri)
Add: Chat listesine [Tümünü Kapat] dügmesi eklendi
Add: QueueListPerFile - Paylasilanlar sekmesine dosya basi sirada bekleyenler listesi eklendi
Add: Forum Feedback - indirilen/paylasilan dosyalarin zamanlari, olusturma bitirme ve süreleri eklendi
Mod: Dynamic UploadClient-RefreshTime - Cpu kullanimi azaltmak icin upload listesi Slot sayisina göre yenilenecek
Fix: indirilen dosyalari hatirlamak ve yeniden indirilmesi red etmek fixlendi
Fix: QuickInfo ul/dl Hiz göstergesi

xx. December 2008
Download Testversion:
eMule0.49b-Fincan-v7.1.rar 3.93 MB
DDL: emule0.49b_fincan_v7.1.rar
AntiLeech DLP:
Very good mod. Fincan Mods makes upload to other mods very well!
+ Release Features
+ Enhanced Israel AJ Leecher detection selectable
Sehr toller Mod mit vielen extras, leider hat er wie in anderen Foren zu lesen ist sehr viele Neider die den Mod nicht mögen!
older versions
Fincan is faster as AppleJuice
There is a new detection mode....so it will be detected!
Just use a clean mod!
Does the new detection work by all AJ mods too?
Don't use any clean mods if you can get a source code compile it by self to get the exe how you want it with your changes!
Hexedit the bin if it not more work like a good QQDownload is impossible to detect.Send original emule-no mod,nickname,usrhash change per session.If not more sure,low id via remote/proxy,only kad connect.
He did mean cause of the other Turkey Community posted this mod already months ago in a english forum to list e-sipa mod too, maybe it's the other comm who is in the dlp listed already.
Bad games. I delete this post now, They all a little bit crazy one list the other one community mods.
Let the other one speak first what he mean is a clean mod
If the community works with a big friendlist (all comm members adding as friends with a boost), how to detect a community mod if the mod send original emule no extra tag or comm nick addon or modstring over the net?
Mal angetestet..
Download kann man nix darüber sagen,wie bei anderen Mod's auch.
Kommt immer auf die User an,die vor
dem Clienten sitzen,und was geben
oder nicht.
Release Funktionen sind ok.Die Com
hatte ich ausgeschaltet.Die Files,die da Released werden,sind
eigentlich für mich nicht Interessant.Und was ich suche haben die sowieso nicht.
Ein Manko:
Nach kurzer Laufzeit war das Upload Fenster voll mit Titandonkeys,die mir nix zurückgaben.Wenn das nicht wäre,könnte man den Empfehlen.So
bleib ich lieber bei dem ZZ-R v1.7
Mit der comm kann ich auch nichts anfangen. Die Titanmules bekommste weg wenn du die antiLeech.dll von UltiMatic V4.0 nimmst.
very close but is not AJ
cut space R and it could detect Isreal AJ with random modstrings.
First letter is always capital fololow by small letters, then you have all israel AJ. Lengh 6 - 11
I use ano (modified anonym mod) with disabled extra tags in opcodes/baseclients if ano is enabled and is undetectable . no modname/string no empty extra tags
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