+ Exploitfix (now Argos work right) [merged from X-Ray/JVA/WiZaRd]
+ readded versionscheck [morph4u]
+ Little fix in Stats [ TrOnYx]
eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition V1.0]
Based on eMule 0.49b
+ Argos [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModID [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ TreeControl [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ Winsock2 [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ SysInfo [merged from X-Ray/JVA changed morph4u]
+ IP2Country [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ IPFilter Update [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ ModLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
+ LeecherLog [merged from X-Ray/JVA]
- Help [morph4u]
- IRC [morph4u]
- MobileMule [morph4u]
- SendMail [morph4u]
- VerrsionsCheck [morph4u]
- TextToSpeech [morph4u]
eMule 0.49b [Argos Edition] is developed by morph4u
- Official Ratio
Download without Ratio
Bin: emule0.49b.argos.edition.v1.1_noratio.7z 3.09 MB - DDL
With Ratio
Bin: eMule0.49b.Argos.Edition.V1.1.rar 3.06 MB
SRC: eMule0.49b-Sources.Argos.Edition.V1.1.rar 5.53 MB
links fixed 20.12.2008
Aw great, weird soft leecher coders stealing my ideas...
Can you please do manual kick and ban code in this mods?
I took a look at this mod and it looks just like another emule client with a couple of minor modifications an anti-leech system, and a ratio remover. If this dull mod is a result of someone stealing your ideas then maybe its time you start innovating a little and it will be easier for people to see when someone has stolen one of your ideas: then maybe you can complain. no disrespect intended or anything, but the nature of the software is open source, people steal ideas, and emule mods evolve to get better features.
Ahh I have no idea who stealing what out there. Sure is Ads mod creator BigBang have Tuxman Beba features stolen. A little bit pirates we are all otherwise we wont be on filesharing to exchange or am wrong?
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