
Saturday, August 16, 2008

BitSpirit v3.3.2.287 Generic Ads Remover Patch - For all BitSpirit v3.x Multilanguage

BitSpirit v3.x Generic Ads Remover
BitSpirit v3.x Generic Ads Remover
effectively remove all the ads from BitSpirit

- Removes all embedded Server Ads and Traces (Banners, update special *.txt, *.bmp rotation)
- Send Stats and inventary will be not created or send (Torrent Market MyGoods collection and sending + stats.domain.tld are gone)
- Update URL corrected, Forum and Help URL's via Google Translate to English

Works with all BitSpirit versions 3.x up to latest bs v3.3.2.287 - All Languages

Patch based on search and replace offset byte string pattern and will work for upcoming versions as well for older versions of BitSpirit 3.

Made with this Freeware tools:
- diablo2oo2's Universal Patcher [dUP] Version: 2.18
- compressed with: MPRESS v1.27
- code changes done with: TNT v1.9 File Viewer and Hexeditor

Coded by:

Download: 17.00 KB - Mirror - DDL

Virus Alert possible if AV Scanner can not scan MPRESS compressed executables.
Kaspersky been reported of on of these AVScanner candidates.
Try by self:

Link fixed 20.12.2008


Garcia said...

BS have 4 or 5 DHT Mainline url's include bittorent's like in uT. You can block them if they belong to any comm. If needed can post the url's / ip's of the embedded DHT Net

Anonymous said...

my Isp sux too, called Brasiltelecom
1mb/500up real speed 889kbps/429kbps inside my contry brasil, outside Brazil on day, every link i try - 20KB/s download, youtube 5kb/s (impossible to watch a damn video), night i got 106KB/s my fastest dl rate!
this problem still fking me about 8 month's.
sry my english, i hope u got the msg, and i like alot you site :)

IlLusioN said...

How much do you pay for 1mb/500kb per month on Brasiltelecom?

I have this problem since i moved.
Makes angry that want to trash computers on the street down under.

Anonymous said...

79 Brazil reais = 48.229579 U.S. dollars
very abusive \o/
2mb = 99 Brazil reais = 60.439599 U.S. dollars
(google conversion XD)

IlLusioN said...

~ 37 USD with tax/vat + line here.
Speedtest results Brazil are faster on avarage as in Thailand.

IlLusioN said...

Israel run with 5 mb/s and more arround I seen on screenshots.

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