2008-01-16: µTorrent Version 1.8 alpha build 7836 internal
2008-01-15: µTorrent Version 1.8 alpha build 7834
- Change: do not display remaining bytes if 0
- Fix: Pressing the associate buttons in the preferences window would get .torrent and .btsearch extensions mixed up in web browsers
- Fix: UPnP would unmap after 20 minutes instead of re-mapping
- Fix: Wrong path put in run in startup entry when installing
If you get the following error "This request operation could not be completed due to a system limitation." please try running this build, it creates a larger dump file for debugging.
µTorrent 1.8 alpha 7835
http://utorrent.com/utorrent.7836.exe - Mirror
http://utorrent.com/utorrent.7835.exe - Mirror
http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-alpha-7834.uncompressed.exe - Mirror
upx compressed:
http://download.utorrent.com/beta/utorrent-1.8-alpha-7834.upx.exe - Mirror
What about uTorrent (build 7859) stable??
stable, you know if think it's stable always found a bug lately, development never ending..:) testing testing alpha beta ... gamma delta gamma :))
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