
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

eMule 0.48a ZZULtimativ-R

eMule v0.48a [ZZULtimativ-R V1.3]
eMule v0.48a ZZULtimativ-R
HighTime EdiTions:


ZZULtimativ-R V1.3 eMule v0.48a [ZZULtimativ-R V1.3]
NEW GENERATION ...without Clientanalyzer ! Please delete your old Config-Files !!!
+ Optimizer
+ Ignore Server Messages fixed
+ Unlimited Slot (green color in upload)
+ New German Language File de_DE.dll
+ New Sysinfo CPU/RAM for faster start
+ New Optionsmenu
+ Non eMule Clients
+ Anti Nick Thief
+ Restore last Main Window
+ Community on Queue button
+ Community enable/disable checkbox
+ Nick show on title
+ Messages Time readded
+ Fixed bug in kademlia
+ Fixed bug in Client Detail
+ Preview music files
+ Checkbox for disable Server deletion
+ DL Status in Uploadlist
+ DL Status in Queuelist
+ 0-Score for NickThief
+ 0-Score for Spammer
+ Applejuice Detection ban/0-Score
+ Clear Banlist Button in Transfer Window
+ Counter Color [NightSky10]
+ Friend/Commboost 1-10 changed to 1-200
+ Shows Clients in Downloadlist on Queue in green
+ MinQR in DownloadList
+ Some little other fixes
- Client Analyzer removed
- ModIcons removed
- Removed Blue Color in upload for (Download Data Rate > 0)
- P2PThreat removed
- Optionsmenu Slidebar removed
- Some unused Codeparts removed

ZZULtimativ-R V1.2
+ Server->Reconnect on LowID retries
+ Powershare Upload-Priority in Download
+ Show Permission Community only (Orange)
+ Show Permission Friends only (Green)
+ Quickstart readded and fixed bug
+ Push to Upload in Downloads readded
+ Mod-Menu sorted
- Drop Unknown removed
- FirstStart Wizard removed
- VersionCheck removed
- SplashScreen removed
- MobileMule removed
- SendMail removed

ZZULtimativ-R Hotfix V1.1
+ Prefer Share All (SlugFiller) [AndCycle]
+ Safe KAD [netfinity] - Stulle
+ KAD speed optimizations [netfinity] - Stulle
+ KAD Anti fragmenting [netfinity] - Stulle
+ fixed official kad bug under vista (leuk_he/godlaugh2007)
+ fixed little Bug in Statusbar
- Minimule removed
- Credits Thread (About Dialog) removed
- some unused Codeparts removed

ZZULtimativ-R V1.1
+ Language file adapted
+ Statusbar simplified
+ Upload-Priority in Downloadlistctrl
+ Show Permission
--> Community / Friends only (colored orange)
--> None (colored gray)
--> Is Part File (colored blue)
+ Only Up to Mule / Functioned now correctly
+ No Score for non eMule
+ Powershared Clients in Bold disconnectible
+ Powershared Files in Bold disconnectible
+ Force Power Slot in Bold disconnectible
+ Drop Client readded
+ Show requested Files readded
+ New Feedback Colors
+ New File-Rating Icons
- Proxy removed
- Applejuice Detection removed

ZZULtimativ-R V1.0 Hotfix
+ No Ratio
+ Changeable Modstring / Functioned now correctly
- Modstring preset up VipeR V7.0 removed

ZZULtimativ-R V1.0
+ New Toolbar Icons
+ Powershared Clients in Red + Bold
+ Powershared Files in Red + Bold
+ Force Power Slot in Orange + Bold
+ Status bar with CPU/RAM announcement
+ Apllejuice Detection v2.1.1
+ Drop-Buttons changed
+ Modstring preset up VipeR V7.0
+ Max Search Results unlimited
+ Kick Client + add IP to IpFilter.dat added
+ Vista Fix
+ Obfuskation Fix
+ ZZULtimativ 1.6beta Preferences Fix
+ Language file adapted
+ Optionsmenu adapted
+ Context Icons adapted
+ Emulate other Clients added
+ Colored Upload: Blue = Download Data Rate > 0
- Sidebanner removed
- Quickstart removed
- Funny Nicks removed
- Help removed
- IRC removed
- Whois removed
- TextToSpeech removed
- Scheduler removed
- Webinterface removed
+ ...and more smaller changes :)

(based on ZZULtimativ 1.6 Beta 2 by ml)

!!! Delete the ZZULtimativprefs.ini and preferences.ini in config file before start, please !!!


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