
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

eMule sivka v19b1 Mod based on eMule 0.49b *FIXED and enhanced* [SE edition alpha]

Changes 29.01.2008 today comp. builds #7 & #8

Bugfix: by ilmira updownclient UserHash
Bugfix: by Xman - Fix Filtered Block Request
HotFix: to avoid crash at shutdown by SiRoB
Bugfixes: related to emule 0.49b + mods from Xman
removed: make source action thread safe (Enig123) ---> see verbose logs

File Info:

File: eMule normal.exe
CRC-32: 076074ce
MD4: e3224390b3b830607b76efb6859bc545
MD5: a542597580bea528c7d8fc69aef34b29
SHA-1: d68fa836a9035ee1878c2888caf896d0c3d3e189

File: eMule sse2.exe
CRC-32: 1354dea7
MD4: 9ed1328178f4986136f62f10e4c999ab
MD5: 029e0d829a59cee59ed896ae76dde85c
SHA-1: d2caab45d2f60def7fe3ec0e45d228cc2b3608fa

Changes from 29. Januar 2009

Fixed: removed hover tracking [SLUGFILLER] transferwindow
Fixed: official bug around userhash initialization (Enig123)
improved: make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
Fixed: avoid userhash collision (DreaMule)
Fixed: minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change (X-Ray)
add: H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection (X-Ray)

File info:

File: eMule-cpu-sse2.exe
CRC-32: 1c1f79c5
MD4: 2a3a376348195a7126d4eb444f580a90
MD5: 2a73b2c06a39cff5b2f7facd0087ffdd
SHA-1: a0aebfe3b7ff1742ad5ca4e6abf81902567d728d

File: eMule-all-cpu.exe
CRC-32: 11b66e71
MD4: c40e463ad29c3af4c9269f7ac54b7fc9
MD5: 3dd1c998da5e4d2af01103995095afd0
SHA-1: df5b605a179b2fcd3ac2eb6eefbbe582b7cc695b


SRC: [sorting compiler unessesary [obsolete] files, rar compress and uploading...]

About credits!
You moders and coders tag with different names one and the same code changes in your official mods and you just change in the public official changelogs the description to one and the same changes!!!

unless prove who really wrote the codesnip (not who merged it in his official mods), no credits!

fix : mess on transfer window splitter (moloko+)
in beba its taged as TuxMan and in changelog too
Fix: repaint splitter [moloko+] svrlist
true is moloko+ author of this codesnip (all others just merged)

another sample Downloadqueue.cpp which I have just yesterday edited shown up in another mod under 2 different coder names as changes/improvements in 4 known different official emule mods:

 // in beba mod: Tux: Improvement: Ban check [start]  // in X-Rax Mod  X-Ray :: Optimizations = one and the same thing 2 different names say they did it as coders!!!
if (theApp.clientlist->IsBannedClient(ED2Kip))
if (thePrefs.GetLogFilteredIPs() && thePrefs.GetLogBannedClients())
AddDebugLogLine(false, _T("Banned source IP=%s (%s) received from Kademlia"), ipstr(ED2Kip), theApp.ipfilter->GetLastHit());
// Tux: Improvement: Ban check [end] X-Ray :: Optimizations

Tux call its his improvment, X-Ray call its his optimization, some are tagged as wizzard


eMule sivka v19b1 based on eMule 0.49b codename  Duisburg

Changes from 28. Jan. 2009 today compiled build #8 & #9

2 compiled binaries with changes/fixes from today:

Normal [all cpu's]
SSE2 [enhanced instruction set sse2, modern cpu's] Build Time 2:14

compiled with VS 2008 SP1
File info:

File: eMule-sse2.exe
Size: 4,82 MB (5.060.608 bytes)
CRC-32: 18b2f08f
MD4: 450cedec55efdcc284891840d5d1d599
MD5: fcc8342d5a83261f827073ef6e99e07b
SHA-1: 83393caedd8587a09ef1c9cd9dbb10fcab528239

File: eMule.exe
Size: 4,82 MB (5.058.560 bytes)
CRC-32: a5548280
MD4: b8d21cf4ab448af57b7b8fb30173c267
MD5: 491eef6c870f33c3d834516859f634d5
SHA-1: f3bbeede89b225295a3ea28eb388382ca831e388

This builds: without the missing ini.write in advanced prefs (not fully sorted) // preferences.cpp [hidden prefs by Tuxman] main by morphxt team


Quick Fix: advanced hidden prefs from official emule missing ini.write 'flash systray icon by new chat message' in preferences.ini an entry :

File: eMule.exe
CRC-32: 398fd01f
MD4: b7a92366305162201fb807692a286780
MD5: 08bd357caee11f36576d802cdcead705
SHA-1: de42a5b013746d4682292ddc5c1bc8eb40982c7f

Download most up to date build: eMule.exe 4.82 MB

based on sivka emule 0.48 plain merge to emule 0.49b by stulle

Updated: miniUPnP to version miniUPnP 1.3 from date 2008/10/11 [Thomas Bernard]

Improvement: DownloadList file/client menu better localized 'source control' + added some icons [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: added some sub icons in searchlist and searchresults window [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Preview music files [IceCream]
Improvement: removed max server search results count [DaZZle]
Improvement: Save some overhead [Tuxman]
Improvement: improved MediaInfo.dll support [Tuxman]
Improvement: added even more file types [Tuxman]
Improvement: Ban check downloadqueue, partfile [Tuxman][X-Rax] whoever

Fix: Stop Rehashing Of Files With Foreign-Language Name. We always use Unicode [Borschtsch]
Fix: inverse sorting [moloko+] Queuelist
Fix: Use a pointer list when setting priority [moloko+] svrlist
Fix: repaint splitter [moloko+] svrlist
Fix: Collection double extension [moloko+]
Fix: check if the file is known [Avi3k]
Fix: titlemenu by Avi3k
Fix: Null pointer exception [fox88] svrlist
Fix: Total Completed Size stats [fox88] partfile
Fix: "Completed" display precision [fox88/taz] downloadlist
Fix: "Sort by speed" [WiZaRd] downloadlist
Fix: Disappearing number in server list [WiZaRd]
Fix: memleak in websvr [WiZaRd]
Fix: Check diskspace left tempdir before downloading [SLUGFILLER] downloadqueue
Fix: uint64 fix [Tuxman] partfile
Fix: context menu downloadlist, downloadclients, clientlist, queuelist, uploadlist [CB] (It may happen that the client is removed from the queue when a selection has been done)

older changes: emule-049b27-sivka-mod-v19b1 - emule-version-049b-sivka-v19b1.html
Added: Hidden enhanced ini.tweaks // main from MorphXT Team, particle based on Tuxman + some localizations and missing ini.write
Fixes: Enhanced Prefs some missing ini.Write //eg.: ini.WriteBool(L"IconflashOnNewMessage",m_bIconflashOnNewMessage);,...
Added: Show IP in Client list
Added: Show Full eMule and Mod Version in all Lists //Xman ??
Added: Show RQR/Speed column in uploadlist //iOniX Mod
Added: Show total up/down in upload/queue list //LSD later in iOniX Mod and Xtreme Mod Xman

Added: missing icons in Download Window File menu [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Added: Show nickname on title [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Allow to send FunnyNick [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Sivka MaxQueue Range Drop: from 2000 to 1000 [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: File buffer size up to 15 MB / HDD PRotection Skynetman., MorphXT+ by FrankyFive, MagicAngel Mod,...
Improvement: Min Queue from 1000 to 100 [I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: WHOIS from everylist +GeoIP info extended [KTS]
Added: Connect only to servers support obfuscated connection (to prevent connect to Fake-servers) MORPH
Improvement: remove server Ads and too many \n new line brakes in svr window // ;
Removed: session ratio //saves a lot of code pP
added: default server.met update url //[I never tag/comment in src myself]
added: default nodes.dat //[I never tag/comment in src myself]
added: manual unban to manual ban
added: a default ip filter update url//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement others: some compiler changes and others around comp SDK to reduce output file size weight//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Improvement: Enabled and propper integr.: defeat 0-filled part sender [anti-corrupt] and HashThief Protection //Sivka
Improvement: Make Client Info Dialog Fields selectable to copy to clipboard // BCNL
Improvement: Show a Welcome Message with emule - mod version and Nickname in svr window and About//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Fixed: CPU Info GetExtendedProcessorName // Optimizer [shadow2004], Camel - CPU Identifying Tool
Fixed: eMule search Icon sorting/missing icon in emule.rc for emule version 0.49b code base//[I never tag/comment in src myself]
Fixed: added missing icon for 'List requested Files'//[I never tag/comment in src myself]

open bug: Fix Obfuscation svrlist (if we REQUIRE a crypted connection but a selected server does not support obfuscation then we won't be able to connect!) iCanConnect // [WiZaRd]
open bug: propper client icon sorting ClientCompatible , ClientDefault > eMule Compat // Xman's fix from Xtreme mod will fix it
open feature: add Enhanced Client Recognition SO_OLD_MLDONKEY // [Tuxman] / [spike2]
open feature: add Friendslot + remove friendslots and friend feature from friendlist menu to all client dialog menus //KTS
open feature: add CA Client Analyzer or customizable Argos AntiLeech

Download svn nightly builds from 28. Jan. 2009:

for alpha enhanced sivka build src please visit our svn/cvs host which is should be online after Fri, 30. January 09 or in a hurry request here

older beta src as rar file from 27. January 2009 eMule0.49b27.Sivka.MOD.v19b1-src-vs2008-c++9.rar

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