Neo-R V1.0 Public Beta 3 (eMule 0.49b)
+ Active Permission UpKick [-XdP-/umek ZZULti/ml]
+ Show IP in ClientList [kmod/khaos]
+ Startup Sound [MorphXT/Commander]
+ Some little fixes
- Removed Anonym Mod because was detected as Ghostmod /IsAno
ZZ-R V1.7 Public Beta 2 (eMule 0.49b)
+ New System Tray Icon [Neo/David Xanatos]
+ Funny Nick [Stulle/Aireoreion]
+ Active Permission UpKick [-XdP-/umek ZZULti/ml]
+ Some little fixes
- Removed Anonym Mod because was detected as Ghostmod
Neo-R/RS Beta 3
fresh from desktop
eMule.0.49b.Neo-RS.V1.0.Public.Beta3.rar 3.93 MB
eMule.0.49b.ZZ-RS.V1.7.Public.Beta2.rar 6.10 MB
eMule.0.49b.Neo-R.V1.0.Public.Beta3.rar 3.93 MB
eMule.0.49b.ZZ-R.V1.7.Public.Beta2.rar 6.10 MB
thanks, great mods, i would use neo-r but it uses far too much memory which i have not been able to change, so i can settle for a new zz-r beta for the moment.
On of the best mods out there!
Memory leak in this version?
Duno by me it works.
The autofriendslot I need and looking for solution like autoaddfriends based on how many mb setting for another user client was give me to give back with higher priority using Friendboost the upload to him.
You should really use Mediafire. Free and no need to create an account or have wait time. Can't seem to download from uploaded.to and the popups are annoyance. Just letting you know.
Did use Mediafire long before. Lost up to all files on it. Invalid passkey or they have removed it. See emule collection. Checked all files December last year, they was uploaded all on mediafire as the blog started. 10 - 11 months it did keep the files some lost earlier.
I use hostfile from any service always up to date kill all ads + main ads domains or known ads site source host ip's use router filter to block. No more one Ad arrive to the browser
I must add to it that I have in my aerial not a good internet connection. Upload ftp to Russia host in size of 5 mb can take 30 minutes sometimes comes timeout by a few percent. Same situation on my own payed webhosts in the Europe. upload speed 5 - 6 kb/s shows on uploaded.to. second internet line is down since 2 months i payed but no service, no repair come to make outside the line, signal death on line get no synch up.
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