YTK Enhanced Version 2.6 Build 96 Beta Release Notes:
--> Replaced all of YTK Enhanced's [5] system tray icons (spiral images) with über high-quality perfect ones. ~Special thanks/props to Mikey (Venom) for remaking them!~
--> Made the secondary MUD webcam lookup server '' the current default (the most reliable at present) selection.
--> Updated the Copyright info for 2010.
--> Fixed a bug in the Webcam Lookup Server Selectors so they now save properly if changed to non-default selections.
--> Fixed an *annoyance* when YTK shows add requests being rejected in the alert bar. The status of the rejection being printed to the alert bar as successful/failure (user rejection confirmation) now only appears when the Deny-a-Buddy window is open.
--> Reworked Webcam Presence Verification Scanning (WPV/WPS) for fake cam [porn] bot detection in several areas. This is now finalized and will work better than ever due to some much-needed adjustments. Users being scanned are now tracked (kept state for), unnecessary scans have been eliminated, and the whole system is now much smoother than it was before. Full logging in the event logger is now done for each user scan operation as well.
--> Fixed a bug with rejected Webcam View Request Attempts not being printed to the event loggers. The alert bar and event loggers will now both display this information (specific rejection data for normal rejections and "timed out" rejections).
--> Fixed a bug in Webcam Presence Verification Scanning resulting in the scanner picking up your own name in the chat room and scanning it.
--> Fixed the avatar checksum packet zoning so it's no longer blocked when sent from buddies and safe list users (they're now blocked only if they're sent by chat users and unknown users).
--> Fixed the Yahoo! Messenger [YM] Update Server Selector so it now saves the server properly.
--> Fixed a bug in the handling of legacy add buddy request packets so both the sender and recipient names are parsed correctly and an automatic rejection is sent when necessary (based on your invitation zone settings for add buddy request filtering).

Full Changelog:

YTK Enhanced v2.6 [Build 96] by FLZ
Portable (no install): YTK_Enhanced_Beta_Build_2.6.0.96.rar 2.97 MB
Full patched setup: YTKEnhancedv2.6Build96BetaFull.exe 3.27 MB
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