
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

eMule 0.49c RIP Beta

eMule Version 0.49c R.I.P.

Pros: makes no use of a modname protocol extension. You are shown using official emule 0.49c
It's a mod with no modname in the network.

Contra/temporary Limit in this beta: None so far.
Known Bugs: a small temporary bug have been found by sorting in lists up/down arrow the client software/modnames from connected clients.


Removed: settings limits, IRC, Scheduler,...
Features/Changes: up-to-date,
A decent antileech system added (ban to fast reasks and clients with protocol bug ...some fake VeryCD mods etc.,...)
Server Advertisment Messages removed
Ability to Remove/Stop single client //from Debugging coded taken
Ability to Manual Ban single clients added to the manual unban function. // I refuse to add automatical mass ban systems such as Antileech ban lists
default pre-settings adjusted
min. queue size range from 100 - 10.000
update url's if fields are empty added - server.met, nodes.dat, ipfilter
file buffern range from 16kb - 15mb (flash - keep in mem timer by higher values change later)
Nickname in svr window and about
see own user hash and connected server url in svr network window
miniupnp updated to latest version
show full client software with mod name and version (enhanced IDS_CD_CSOFT) in the lists and client detail dialog (you must scroll by select mouse cursor here to see full line until the client dialog menu is finished rearanged made in a later beta).// Get this info from debug full client Mod Version. Changed GetClientSoft() to DbgGetFullClientSoftVer()
... Bantime to 6h, max nickname lengh, some timings and smaller changes.

3th eDiT [March, 15. 2009]:
Now the filesize getting higher
features added:
Set Upload Priority in Frontsite Download Window, bellow Download Priority
Source controll icon added
Empty Queue [please use only for testing]
Remove all active uploads [please use only for testing]
Whois source lookup in all lists
Change official update check from 3 - 7 days (a little bit short for changed to 30 Days (1 Month) - 90 Days (3 Months)


fixed: client software sorting bug:
Download latest: emule.exe 4,52 MB (4.740.608 bytes)

2nd eDiT [March, 12. 2009]:
Lighter code: some code optimizations, update/changed libs to reduce size/weight, relocation issue in the layout -> pe - compiler templates fix/changed,
mem consume by version without full software client info reduced to peak 32 mb usage (23 - 28 MB on avarage)
mem consume by version with get/resolve all conected clients with full software client info 43 mb peak (38 - 40 Mb avarage) // need tweak for it.

Latest Nightly
eMule 0.49c R.I.P. v. 1d
Download (5.47 MB): eMule 0.49c RIP
upx compressed: emule.exe 1,56 MB (1.636.352 bytes)

Older Daily without resolve connected clients full client software/modnames:
eMule 0.49c R.I.P. v. 1c
Download (5.47 MB): eMule 0.49c RIP

Olderst 1st Nightly: Preview

emule.exe nfo latest:

size: 4,51 MB (4.732.416 bytes)

CRC32: ad3ea378
MD5: f1e30ffbf642dd620afd2a33552b1cb6
SHA-1: 99c2cfa0101db22cb58b1e13fb473111fd9a435c

...with the goal to be the smallest and lightest emule 0.49c ever compiled vc 9 without using exe packer/compressors like upx...

An upx compressed emule.exe is available here: emule.exe 1,53 MB (1.607.168 bytes) µMule
(use upx -d emule.exe to decompress)

eMule R.I.P contains 755 KB (773.224 bytes) size of graphics in the code: 524.06 KB

2nd eDiT [March, xx. 2009]:
with features added after image is in lightweight/mem opt. size ...will takes a while -|> no plan to add this all

Looking for a free public svn/cvs server hosting with revision diffs and bugtracking managmement to publish/host source code. I want to share the code and working on it in public group every c# programmers coders is welcome to join coding emule modding project without any restrictions.


tux. said...

Manual kick/ban... thus bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Automatic is the biggest bullshit. Its a small car Tux that can not use automatic gear shift to boost. Jumps out of range :)

Delta1 said...

By 3 or 4 feature I need you help Tuxman to merge it in 49c. Uploading the source tomorrow or so...

Condor said...

tux, this can not be right what you say. I coding on it. Look by self there is already in official emule manual unban IDS_UNBAN "Unban"
for what is this function if manual ban is missing?
On top of that I don't trust 100% in automaticaly ban systems as by antileech systems are in use.

Its pure Alpha as long the filesize is to high with this little features. I got it before somehow to 4,6 MB after riching this size basic again I lable it beta

Condor said...

kick to explain = remove client. It's from coding as debug taken into code as release. (Stop client in other words)

Anonymous said...


Condor said...

forgot relocations to change thats why the large file size!

Now it get closer to 'Light'

form whith wrong relocation in compiler settings
4,89 MB (5.137.920 bytes)

4,83 MB (5.074.432 bytes)

I wonder how it could be

Delta1 said...

Beta 1 finished to the base:

Size: 4,52 MB (4.743.168 bytes)
File: emule.exe
CRC-32: 9a12b4cf
MD4: 086c18b5a4245b2e8a94fa182b45904f
MD5: 1c8c91e9b809062a4304540486178b1a
SHA-1: 0bc9e31115583418913b19cbfb454519c13a1aca

Reloc in lkr fixed

Anonymous said...

// png_ptr = png_ptr; /* silence compiler warning about unused png_ptr */
// return ((png_charp) "\n libpng version 1.2.35 - February 14, 2009\n\
// Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Glenn Randers-Pehrson\n\
// Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Andreas Dilger\n\
// Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.\n"); embedded version + graphic program name in images binary view (size)

Condor said...


my client software sorting bug fix:

iResult = item1->GetClientSoft() - item2->GetClientSoft();
if(iResult == 0)
iResult = CompareLocaleStringNoCase(item1->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer(), item2->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer());
if(lParamSort > 99)
iResult = -1;


error was: iResult *= -1;

fixed in all lists krrrr

Condor said...

note to tux. -> you have the same bug in clientlist.cpp upto beba nightly from 16.03.2009 sort by client software

Anonymous said...

remark for my self:
The bug was spreading to Queuelist.cpp to

case 10:
iResult = item1->GetClientSoft() - item2->GetClientSoft();
if(iResult == 0)
iResult = CompareLocaleStringNoCase(item1->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer(), item2->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer());
if(lParamSort > 99)
iResult *= -1;


must be fix =

case 10:
iResult = item1->GetClientSoft() - item2->GetClientSoft();
if(iResult == 0)
iResult = CompareLocaleStringNoCase(item1->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer(), item2->DbgGetFullClientSoftVer());
if(lParamSort > 99)
iResult = -1;

Anonymous said...

thus bullshit but now fixed

sort by client soft in all list change

iResult *= -1;


iResult = -1;

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