eMule X Mod, based on eMule Xtreme
X Mod have removed code for Win9x compatibility. It will be only running on Windows 2000 or higher, and will as far as possible to support Wine.
X Mod is not a Mod with many unique features. The project is to improve all aspects of eMule's details and to enhance the user experience.
In addition to the possession of all the features of Xtreme 6.1, there are some features from other Mods.
X Mod has an sub-project eMule Lite. If you care about the memory usage, you can try it.
X Mod mainly enhanced the following features of eMule Xtreme:
download cache settings
file type recongition
text and type filter in download history
shared files control
speed up eMule's loading
More in Features and Changelog.
March 10, 2009
- add: skin - purple Xmas(toolbar only) (thanks Xtreme test team, Yangge)
- add: ipfilter.dat (thanks AUG)
0.49c X-Mod 1.5.0
issue in DoSwap
Statistics issues in old X-Mod
Often reload sharedfiles when file not found
Scroll bar context menu issues of mulelist
Wrong Folder Icon in directory tree ctrl
Improved ClientCreditsList and ACAT optimization
Improved CDownloadListCtrl::AddSource
skip downloading source when A4AF to other
Don't remember AICH when it is not referenced by knownfile
Improved Add and Remove UPNP
Don't force to share files in Incoming or Cat Incoming when it is not known
0.49b X-Mod 1.4.6
Localize "OK" "Temporary" "Countries" in chinese
check partfile status after createpartfile in PartFileConvert.cpp
get rid of display issues like X:\\001.part
urldecode Clients' Filename
Option menu in system menu
Banned column in queuelist
Index Temporary Filter and use binary search to insert and delete
DLP V36 Integerated
Don't Upload to Leecher and ban leecher menu in upload queue clientlist
Auto Save Nodes.dat
View emulecollection menu
Preview Links in Direct Download Dialog
support long country name like "Country[Location]" in IP2Country
country column in downloadlist and clientlist
don't load ipfilters' description, will save much memory
recover X version check
change modstring: X-Mod to make it same with Mod name
show Direct Download Dialog when there's ed2k file link in clipboard
show server's dyn ip and country flag
improve servers' ipfilter
change auto-complete button in cat dialog
change default cat 0's Title
show content after it loaded in Network dialog
improve the client part of the statistic tree and fix a bug
Import lots of code fixes found and proofed by Enig123
show upload speed in trayicon
improve old features
0.49b Mexter 1.4.5
Remove Useless Localize
X version check
Debug Log code
compatible code in preference.cpp
Lite [FV]
Ord option in Xtreme Page
Additional Localize
shared file extension filter(don't share them)
prompt before a file is gong to be hashed
Resume Download, TrustHash
Paste Links menu in cat menu
faster end game: drop stalled downloads (netfinity)
make client progress more accuracy
Speed Up Loading ipfilter,don't sort if it was sorted
Speed Up Loading ip2country,don't sort if it was sorted,use std::map
don't create skin folder if not need
create logs folder if need
no context menu for SDI_ALL and SDI_DIRECTORY
ip2country code from CN Mod Enig123::Reduce GDI handles
code from Xtreme 7.1
- fixed: official bug around userhash initialization (Enig123)
- improved: make source add action thread safe (Enig123)
- fixed: Special case when socket is closing but data still in buffer (netfinity)
- fixed: avoid userhash collision (DreaMule)
- add: Friend Links (MorphXT) and fixed a memleak
- improved: free unused memory when a download is completed/cancelled (Enig123)
- improved: optimized Upload Bandwidth Throttler
- improved: use a prime table to initiate ClientCreditsList
- change: let nick name and location controls resize together with the source detail dialog
- change: support 24k send buffer
0.49b Mexter 1.4.4
show ? after change one cat's filter setting
don't show server count after change language
disable preallocate while eMule allocating
Xtreme version check
Don't Draw Hidden Rect
file type filter for search list
X version check
64bit version compilation
use non Unicode way to read ip2country,speed up loading
improve effect when change list in Transfer dialog
try create cat incomming folder if not exist rather than use default incomming one after complete
prefer autocat's temp folder
change version number and modstring: Mexter
Speed Up Loading ipfilter
Show IP Filter Hits
Show More Splash Info
change DLP default preference to ban
Don't Draw Hidden Column
always show cachebar, don't show cachebar if show more controls not checked
html features in statistic dialog
code from Xtreme 7.0
- updated UPnP (thanks CN_Mod Team and ACAT)
- add: show UPnP status in network info dialog (idea from ScarAngel)
- add: rebind UPnP on IP-change (idea from X-RAY)
-- add: safehash: installation dir unsharing (MorphXT)
- change: UPnP Internal Search: send more request
- remove: Fix Connection Collision (no more needed in .49b codebase)
code from ScarAngel 3.1
TK4 CreditSystem
ZZUL CreditSystem
Threaded Known Files Saving
code from X-Ray 1.6
0.49a X 0.1.3
home page link
option ReadOnly(make Preference ReadOnly)
show supported language
show average download speed
code from ScarAngel 3.0
Recognize MlDonkey XS Answer
relax on startup
Source Counts Are Cached derivated from Khaos
code from X-Ray 1.5
IP2Country (for KAD)
code from Xtreme 7.0
- fixed: stop rehashing of files with foreign language name (Borschtsch)
- fixed: avoid deadlock when disable network adapter
- add: Fake Shareaza detection
0.49a X 0.1.2
- updated to 0.49a codebase
Memleak in Crypto++ typeid(T).name() may cause Memleak
massrename Modeless dialog may crash eMule
show LBM status
Temp folder settings for cat and CollectionView
chunck choose method menu
Flush Buffer menu
drop 0 KB client
file extension filter(upload without compress)
File Verify, Fileformat.csv
auto change Search wnd's cat tab(follow the transfer wnd's)
Paste Links will add file in current cat
show head compeletion percent
dynamic change file buffer size limitation
improve Order chunck choose method
recover tray menu(dialog)
TreeOptionCtrl display style
recognize ip:port when add server
code from 0.49b
code from Neo4.5
Multi Temp Directories in ppgDirectory
Modeless Dialogs
sharefileswnd toolbar
Stop after file completion
Quick Start
code from ScarAngel 3.0
Enhanced Client Recognition
Invisible Mode
0.48a Xtreme 6.1
Wrong cat tab position if last selected list is not download list
64bit compile compatibility(zlib from internet, md4 sha from Shareaza
show cache bar in progress
use 64bit time
Order chunck choose method
auto set high priority, clear slow client when near compeletion and even restart it if necessary
don't accept upload if download speed is higher than an exact value(only for auto priority file)
Time limitation option for flush buffer
historylist text filter
change CastItoXByte to show X.X KB
show KAD distance in hex
show file size in Byte in ArchivePreview dialog
show progress in X.XX%
lower default process priority to Normal
increase file buffer size limitation
aloow all file types to download preview part
Fileformat.csv format details
t stands for text file in serveral Encodings
limits:offset always equals to 0
Header format(real size=32)
1.ascii char, e.g. [PK]
2.hex value, e.g. 3031, equals to [01]
3.single hex value char with extension code
FF*F, e.g. 00*3, equals to 000000
FF/EE, e.g. 00/01, stands for 00 or 01
FF&EE, e.g. 07&0F, stands for value&0F equals to 07
4.spesial option %
%sFF, e.g. %s04, stands for compare value with file size - 4
5.helper code
~F, e.g. ~7, stands for skip next 7byte
based on emule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1
compiled with:
libpng 1.2.31
zlib 1.2.3
Crypto++ 5.5.2
CxImage version 6.00
0.49c Lite 1.5.0-test
- updated to 0.49b X-Mod 1.5.0 code
Show Shareable File
Slugfiller: modid
Show active downloads bold
0.49b Lite 1.4.6-test
- updated to 0.49b X-Mod 1.4.6 code
recover version check
0.49b Lite 1.4.4-test
- updated to 0.49b Mexter 1.4.4 code
filter button in Transfer wnd
recover historylist
Change modstring:Lite
don't show compeleted file in download list
hits and desc in ip filter
0.49b X-Lite 0.2.2-test
- updated to 0.49b X 0.2.2 code
text filter for download list
recover Add server
UI:Server, Transfer, PPgDirectories, splash
0.48a X-Lite
based on 0.48a Xtreme 6.1
UI:Server, always shiw Tray icon, Tray menu£¬system Menu
UI:About dialog, MiniMule, ipfilter dialog, First runtime wizard dialog
toolbar: connect, IRC, Messages
Preference: Web Interface, IRC
some of PPgGeneral, PPgDisplay, PPgServer, PPgNotify, PPgMessages, PPgSecurity, XtremeI, XtremeII
CTitleMenu, skin
CListViewSearchDlg, CREATECOLLECTION, WebServer, MMServer, IP2Country, WebService
sound Notification, version check, Auto update Server.met and ipfilter
Add server, mail Notification, preview, OnlineSig, auto compeletion, historylist
remove Lib dependency: id3lib, CxImage, libpng

Homepage: http://emulex.sourceforge.net/?p=dl
SF: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulex/
emule0.49c X-Mod 32位版可执行文件压缩包(2.25 MB) 32 Bit
emule0.49c X-Mod 64位版可执行文件压缩包(2.55 MB) 64 Bit
emule0.49b X-Mod 其他文件压缩包(ipfilter,ip2country,server.met...)(20090124)(3.95 MB)
All Builds: http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emulex/?C=M;O=D
emule0.49c X-Mod 源代码压缩包(2.61 MB) Source Code
eMule Lite
Released: March 21, 2009
src: eMule0.49c-Lite1.5.0.0-sources.7z
all files: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=248588
eMule Lite project purposes are not used to remove eMule function, so that the main program eMule smaller to reduce the memory occupancy, but to maintain the functional integrity eMule. To target the development of μTorrent.
Compiled with settings using smallest possible output size and upx'd
emule-upx.exe 950.50 KB = smallest eMule ever on the planet!
to decompress use upx.exe with parameter like as by uTorrent upx -d emule.exe
eMule 0.49c X-Mod is the better Xtreme mod and comes in a up to date Version of the base emule 0.49c!
Excellent Emule Mod!
Apace V1.2 Beta 1
+ Merged to eMule 0.49c
+ Spamming Server column in Searchlist
+ Color for client share visibility
+ Color for file ready to preview
+ FriendsNote
+ Changed Client Detail Window
+ Custom Prio
+ Shutdown after x complete sources
+ Some colors changed and added
+ Changed: seperate column for compressed
- Removed Blockratio Kick
- Removed LowID score reduce
- Removed FirstStartWizzard
Great mod
Thank you morph4u for the update!
IF X-Mod don't start try the following:
1. backup your preferences.ini from the /config folder
2. Delete preferences.ini
It can be reassion in rare cases if X-Mod don't start.
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