Password for eMule 0.46 Snake v1.8:
to use for all features: $NAK3 IT @LL
(preferences -> original settings ->Connection -> MOD password)
Password for eMule 0.47 Snake v2.5 is: Thi$ i$ $n@k3
works for:
eMule v0.47c SNAKE v2.5 RC3.rar - Mirror
eMule v0.47a SNAKE v2.5 RC2
eMule v0.47a SNAKE v2.5 Beta 7.3
eMule 0.46c - SNAKE v1.8 Final
Old Versions here
Download Folder:
Ratio Remover:
Download: eMule_v0.47c_SNAKE_v2.5_RC3_Ratio_Remover.rar (14.38 KB)
Download: eMule.0.47a.Generic.Ratio.Remover.rar (14.74 KB) - Mirror
what is "ratio remover" ???
search and replace patch in binaries (emule.exe) It removes the Ratio limit in generic mods. Like a crack by commercial apps. Another way doing the same thing will be open debugger/dissamble a binary and do the changes manually. Or the x way needs most long of time if you have the source code remove ratio and compile binary new together.
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