The Mods in are in bin in c++ coded (no src exist)
People want to share on ed2k with all Features enabled!
Not cracked = not good (just standard features)
same thing as before to hack:
- Server Auth check by login to enable releaser features need to crack (bypass auth check to allow everyone the use of releaser mod features) // it is also much safer to not use server and login because of server ip logs!
- Super Source Finder Timer (nag timer)
- If ads or strange url's inside to remove them (call homes)
- If possible the Ratio can get removed, see wyx crack for official bin // to allow PSTN line speed user to use emule too. Thats 33.6k, 44k, 56k Modems Dial up, GPRS,... in some countries its 64k - 128kb/s and below ISDN like speed with ADSL (cleaner lines) low upstream.
- eXe Protection: none, but Binary emule.exe files are hexedit protectet from changes on several parts.
- How difficult: highest difficult level
- Is it legit to crack emule: Yes 100%, this mods don't have source codes available GNU/GPL otherwise we dont need to hack it and compile it how everyone likes it.
old crack and auth bypass don't work anymore sometimes.
Download eMule hackme emule crackme for Cracker/Hacker:
1. HACKME 3.08 MB
2. Emule v0.49B Fireball v3.12 HACKME 3.18 MB
3. Emule v0.49B Rc-Atlantis v2.12 HACKME 3.11 MB
4. CRACKME 3.14 MB
5. Emule v0.49B Wikinger-Mod v3.12 HACKME 3.01 MB
6. Emule v0.49B Rockforce Mod v2.12 HACKME 3.01 MB
... The scheme / Features are always the same in the mods above ...
and WiZard's Ellas Flower Power Mod:

only Releaser features Auth. Check Login to hack + if possible upload/download slider [RATIO] - (no ads in there)
Download: eMule 0.47c - FlowerPower.v1.7.FiNAL.rar HACKME 2.76 MB
please submit hacked emule.exe cracked files or patchers/cracks,... here files.
Schade scheinbar, ist wohl keiner dabei der das machen kann, kein einziger kommentar dazu..
Vermute das es einige versucht haben doch niemand schaft das.
G36 wo bist du?
Thanks a lot !!!!!!!
wenn ich lugdunum 17.15 fuer windows drauf mache mit nem adsl modem wird das gehen als server von aussen?
wer kennt sich damit aus?
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