X-Ray MOD 1.6 by JvA
Updated Crypto++ code to v5.5.2 (9/24/2007)/ NewCrypto++
Updated MiniUPnP code to v1.2 (07/10/2008)
Updated Argos code by adding some new detection methods for fake emules / Argos
Minor optimization in CPartFile::UpdatePartsInfo
Skip DupCheck if it is not necessary / Optimizations
Automatic Restart eMule Client if necessary / AutoRestartIfNecessary
Save Date of the last SharedFileRequest to avoid removing requested files / SaveLastRequest
Relative Chunk Display / RelativeChunkDisplay
Added H.264 and 3vid FourCC Codes to the MediaInfo Detection / MoreFourCCCodes
Added DownloadChunkDisplay also to the Downloading Clients List / DownloadChunkDisplay
Added some more information to the SharedParts Chunklist / SharedParts
Change Bad Sources (identified by Argos) won't be sent via SourceExchange / Argos
Fixed (hopefully) major source finding bug
Fixed minor official draw bug around SharedFiles Filter on Language change
Fixed minor draw bug around Toolbar on low resolutions (Hiding speedmeter now) / Speedgraph
Fixed minor crash bug around Collections (caused by Modeless Dialogs) / ModelessDialogs
Fixed minor crash bug around ReqFileCtrl (caused by my own stupidity) / MultiFileStatusbars
Xtra removed official Ratio 1:3 / RayLexed
Download: eMule_v0.49b_X-Ray_v1.6-bin.rar 3.53 MB
Source: eMule_v0.49b_X-Ray_v1.6-src.rar
It is quite useless to remove the ratio. The less you upload, the less you can download.
You should really consider mentioning this...
missing global drop.
Nothing special on this mod.
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