Some freeware programs :
MoveOut - Auto File Move - DonationCoder Utility
Make rules to move files automatically.
- Rightclick the tray icon to configure
- Choose Settings to change rules and options
- Choose Enable to Start or Stop all the rules
Use it to make a rule that moves files from the desktop to a subfolder, based on file type, part of a filename, or whatever. Have it ask to replace existing files, or rename them. It can also ignore files.
- 20061224 - v1.1: Added confirmation dialog before automatically running rules.
- 20070407 - v1.2: Added missing code to browse for folders.
- 20090413 - v1.3: Creates target folder before moving files.
* Moves Files from one folder to another
* Files can be specified using rules and filters with wildcards
* Can be set to run automatically at Startup
* Can be started or stopped from the system tray Icon
Homepage: http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/index.html#MoveOut
Download updated MoveOut v1.3: http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/MoveOut/MoveOut.exe
Commercial programs:

AutoMove # A7A1-120320 download: latest
AutoMove 1.9.4 - old Version 1.9.2
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/AutoMove.shtml - Mirror
or as batch
somehting to read if forgot dos:
How to Create And Remove directories
move c:\emule\incoming\*.* c:\finished
Move the files of c:\emule\incuming to the finished directory in root, this is of course assuming you have the emule\incoming directory in this path.
by emule will be for example to create a folder finished and move all files from incoming to finished folder:
MKDIR finished
move incoming\*.* finished\
save as move.bat and run in emule main dir where emule.exe is located
The same batch solution from old DOS times can be customized for every bittorrent client

or some scripts:
as VBScript
save as batchmove.vbs
Option Explicit
Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim FSO, oFolder, oFile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Replace c:\emule\incoming\ with the directory you want to search
Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder("c:\emule\incoming\")
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
'edit Size to some other factors for example by type to only move (unshare) movie or music files
If oFile.Size >= 1024 Then
'Replace c:\emule\completed\ with the directory you want
'to move bigger than 1024 files to
FSO.MoveFile oFile.Path, "c:\emule\completed\"
End If
End Sub
Call ProcessFiles()
sample for emule:
Option Explicit
Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim FSO, oFolder, oFile
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Replace c:\emule\incoming\ with the directory you want to search
Set oFolder = FSO.GetFolder("incoming\")
For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
If oFile.Size >= 1024 Then
'Replace c:\emule\completed\ with the directory you want
'to move bigger than 1024 files to
FSO.MoveFile oFile.Path, "completed\"
End If
End Sub
Call ProcessFiles()
moves all files *.* out of the \incoming folder to a emule subfolder \completed
save as move.vbs or anyname you like, unshare-incoming.vbs :) and put in emule.exe folder. create a subfolder completed. Click on move.vbs or create a desktop shortcut each time you want unshare and move content from incoming folder to completed folder.
All mods with AV Scanner port might be possible to use instead the antivirus .exe to call the movefile program exe or batch, vbs which cause that every finished downloaded file move (unshare) = no share completed. Scheduler service, updater services, many options possible by each start of emule to run it automtical
Batch/script .bat, .cmd and .vbs can be easy converted to an exe file
Bat To Exe Online Converter http://www.f2ko.de/ob2e/ob2e.html
Vbs/Js To Exe Online Converter http://www.f2ko.de/ov2e/ov2e.html
as an exe: unshare-completed.zip 28.75 KB
with icon: movefiles.exe
copy to same folder where emule.exe is located
program creates a subfolder 'finished' and move all files from 'incoming' folder to not shared finished folder (unshare all completed).
I was read this under Feature requests and did a search if not implement into clients by self 4 example modify auto reload folder watch feature or adding a second button by sharedfiles window next to reload, move/automove completed downloaded files (incoming folder files) to dir...
Doesn't matter which solution all works and Manual/Auto Unshare complete file in sharedlist in all File Share P2P Software Programs eMule, BT,...

MoveOut by http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Skrommel/ is the best, no installation required and application is capable to create rules for example don't share downloaded movie files only or ISO's, .... [Mirror] - [Mirror] - [Mirror] - [Mirror]
Skrommel makes exellent Software!
great work man. keep on working. i love this web
great work man. keep on working. i love this web
offtopic question: what file manager is in that picture?
offtopic question: what file manager is in that picture?
offtopic question: what file manager is in that picture?
offtopic question: what file manager is in that picture?
This filemanger have History with me as I changed to the first Beta of Windows 95 from windows 3.11 - 16 bit to 32 bit in year somewhere around 1994. It was the first 32 bit Filemanger as Windows 95 Final was came out. Updates only up to later windows XP then the developer stopped working on it. It was one of my first payed Shareware application and its worth up to now! The price was about 40 Deutsch Mark with lifetime updates.
Its available in English too.
Latest Version is The Next Tool for Windows 95 - V1.92 (SP3)
The hompage: www.ebdac.deWith it I never learned how to work using all shortcuts with windows explorer because its a perfect replacement with a lot extras.
The latest Version is on the right side to Download
Deutsch - German
Englisch - English
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