This tool based on the technology of virtual machine, it could unpack various known & unknown shells. It is suitable for unpacking the shelled Trojan horse in virus analyses, and because all codes are run under the virtual machine, so they will not take any danger to your system.
VM Unpack Engine SDK
The commercial VM Unpack Engine SDK will be provided solemnly (VM Unpack Engine SDK).
Use VM Unpack Engine SDK, the developer does not need to care about the unpacked course and method, only needs to transmit the data to VMUE SDK, VMUE will finish analyzing and unpacking automatically. VMUE supports to send the result of unpacking to the file and memory at the same time, and returns OEP after unpacking directly, It help you unpack shells in your products and tools.
Rebuild PE file after unpacking, such as repair the import table, Overlay, etc. offer the essential condition that rebuilding can running EXE program.
VMUE SDK includes the following part mainly:
Relevant dynamic or static libraries
VMUE SDK technological white paper and the document about the interface of SDK
Codes of calling VMUE SDK
Shell's signature library in binary
Other auxiliary routines and codes
Supported Packers:
upx 0.5x-3.00 All Version
aspack 1.x - 2.x All Version
PEcompact 0.90--1.76 2.06--2.79 All Version
fsg v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 v1.31 v1.33 v2.0 All Version
vgcrypt v0.75
nspack 1.4 - 4.1 All Version
expressor v1.0 v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 v1.4 v1.501
npack v1.5 v2.5 v3.0
dxpack v0.86 v1.0
!epack v1.0 !epack v1.4
bjfnt v1.2 v1.3
mew5 mew v1.0 v1.1
packman v1.0
PEDiminisher v0.1
pex v0.99
petite v1.2 v1.3 v1.4 v2.2 v2.3 All Version
winkript v1.0
pepack v0.99 v1.0
pcshrinker v0.71
wwpack32 1.0 - 1.2
upack 0.1 - 0.32, 0.33- 0.399
rlpack 1.11 - 1.14, 1.15 - 1.18
exe32pack v1.42
kbys v0.22 v0.28
yoda's protector v1.02 v1.025 v1.03.2
yoda's crypt v1.1
yoda's crypt v1.2 v1.3 v1.xModify
exestealth 2.72--2.76
hidepe v1.0 v1.1
jdpack v1.01 v2.1 v2.13
jdprotect 0.9b
PEncrypt v3.0 v3.1 v4.0
Stone's PE Crypt v1.13
telock v0.42 v0.51 v0.60 v0.70 v0.71 v0.80 v0.85 v0.90 v0.92 v0.95 v0.96 v0.98 v0.99
hmimys_pack v1.0
lamecrypt v1.0
polyene v0.01
EP Protector v0.3
anti007 v2.5 v2.6
yzpack v1.1 v2.0
spack method1 spack method2
naked packer v1.0
upolyx v0.51
stealthPE v1.01 stealthPE v2.2
mslrh v0.31 v0.32
mslrh v0.2 == [G!X]'s Protect
morphine v1.3 morphine v1.6 morphine v2.7
rlpack full edition
VMunpacker.v1.6Fix..rar 979.17 KB
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