based on eMule Sivka 0.49b
...some features added from official emule 0.49c beta
-> max. comment lengh
-> upnp system and all related, webui
-> menu fixes (GUI)
-> mediainfo.dll lookup on several ways if present in windows registry take this path (codec packs almost include mediainfo.dll, you dont need to download and put it twice on system as before into emule dir)
-> use config dir for downloads.txt file inst. of emule dir and move file if present into config direcory
-> upnp remapping after a line drop and failed server disconnects
-> propper use config / sub dirs
-> taskbar tooltip line brakes by long tooltips
-> toolbar icon sets to original sivka mod (drop 4 bit colors as many other icon stuff dont have support for it in ressource)
-> call the app version code/mod improved, reduce some size
-> default settings
-> added: call tcpz.exe if in emule dir from tools menu
-> some optimizations around the code to get as small as possible filesize result without ripping/removing features and stuff > emule.exe 4,57 MB (4.794.368 bytes)
-> chunkdots + confirmed download (progress bar) added xrmb
-> reintegrate sivkas refresh single clients in download window
-> make missing translatable fields as much as possible translatable using official emule language files[/code]
thats all 4now
[b]Download:[/b] eMule 0.49b Athlazan v3.6 SE.zip 3.88 MB
Mirror RU: eMule 0.49b Athlazan v3.6 SE.zip
DDL: eMule-0.49b-Athlazan-v3.6-SE.zip by 403 hit refresh in webbrowser url address bar or right click -> save link as... (svr have ref check - hotlink off)
size below 4.5 mb compiler output emule.exe
smallest emule 0.49b with exe compressor like upx'ed version: eMule.exe only 1,56 MB (1.645.056 bytes)
DDL: eMule 0.49b Athlazan v3.6 SE.zip
File sharing & torrents by VIPeers
+ added colored download
+ Show paused files in gray
To enable (default) downloading files in color add to file preferences.ini line:
To disable downloading files in color add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Red add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Blue (default) add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Green add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Yellow add to file preferences.ini line:
To show downloading files in Grey add to file preferences.ini line:
+ removed restriction to share drive a and b (Great feature by mounted Pendrive-usb sticks by drive letter a or b in the upcoming official emule 0.49c)
+ added Startup sound -> preferences, general, program start selectable//commander
+ changed: using hires windows internet download avi animation

newer build 15-Feb-2009:
eMule 0.49b Athlazan v3.6 SE.zip 5.39 MB
emule_0.49b_athlazan_v3.6_se.zip 5.39 MB - DDL
The real original ed2k link is: ed2k://|file|Emule%200.49B%20Athlazan%20v3.6%20Se.zip|5651450|CC05221FA6695770AC75A4988CB53D9A|/
latest build 16-Feb-2009:
added: show client ip in client info dialog
Download: eMule 0.49b Athlazan v3.6 SE.zip 5.41 MB


Great Mod Thanks...
in most ip filters are this servers blocked why?
15.02.2009 15:39:02: Filtered server "Sharing Kingdom 2" (IP= - IP filter (Ecatel|Anti-p2p)
15.02.2009 15:39:02: Filtered server "Sharing Kingdom 4" (IP= - IP filter (Ecatel|Anti-p2p)
15.02.2009 15:39:02: Filtered server "Sharing Kingdom 1" (IP= - IP filter (Ecatel|Anti-p2p)
15.02.2009 15:39:02: Filtered server "Sharing Kingdom 3" (IP= - IP filter (Ecatel|Anti-p2p)
Ich hätte mal eine Frage zu diesen Mod und allgemein Sivka mod. Werden die Files Public veröffentlicht oder nicht. Public files to Network/Yes o No???? Sonst läuft super gut. Wer kann mir die frage beantworten???
You dont want to share incoming folder by default?
> remove auto share incoming dir restriction and do it to option user selected shared dir???
from baseclient.cpp of all Applejuice mods this part makes them unique (exclude non emule):
aJ gpl breaker evildoer:
exclude modstr:
they in default emule or it bans it everywhere
original emule compiled part gpl breaker: http://dump.no/files/f677340d9490/originalemule-nomod.txt
using the one matching modstr which is in all aj mods in them ban list will make that aj ban THIS instead of we ban AJ = the same.
Test this modstrings if AJ mods ban us in them up/down:
Titandonkey v3.0
Razorback3 v3.0
Titandonkey v5.1
Ja der mod tut selbstverständlich öffentlich tauschen wenn du das meinst sogar mit etwas Boost auf das was du gerade lädst oder unfertig hast.
Does this work if type such names as modnames in any mods with custom modname option in, that applejuice bans if can not ban applejuice or not?
gzip request by http update files?
http://ipfilter.tobby.eu/ozzy/ipfilter.dat is not gzipped
Actual Page Size: 17859 KB
Size if Gzipped: 4780 KB
Potential Savings: 73.23%
Link To These Results
Browser gzip Compatibility
Using mod_gzip compression, or one of the other methods of gzip, your server will only send out gzipped content if the browser requests it. Otherwise, the browser simply gets uncompressed content. I would speculate that 99% of browsers currently in use support gzip. This box will tell you if the one you are using right now requests gzip:
YES, your browser is requesting Gzip'ed content.
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