
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1

eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.1

+ Xtented Credit Table Arrangement [XMan] merged from NeoMule
+ Better Client Attaching [Xanatos] merged from NeoMule
+ added check to prevent "bad" username usage (DLP.dll needed) [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture <- VeryGood Idea!
+ SLS [enkeyDEV/JvA] merged from eMulefuture
+ SafeHash [Slugfiller/SiRoB] merged from Xray
+ Clipstat support [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
+ Feedback support [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
+ Compatible Client Statistics [Stulle/WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
+ Mod Statistics [TPT] merged from eMulefuture
+ only kill source if no Requested File [Xanatos] merged from Xray
+ LoopImprovements [Xanatos] merged from Xray
+ CriticalPacketFix [Xanatos] merged from Xray
+ Unknown Protocol Tags and Show in ClientDetails [Bluesonicboy/JvA/WiZaRd] merged from Xray
+ Show Hardlimit for Files constantly [Stulle] merged from StulleMule
+ Show Global Hardlimit [Stulle] merged from StulleMule
+ Global Hardlimit customized for Files [Stulle] merged from StulleMule
+ Global Hardlimit [Stulle] merged from StulleMule
+ Smaller Connected Display in StatusBar [SiRoB] merged from StulleMule
+ FairPlay [AndCycle] merged from Morph
* fix for StaticTrayIcon [morph4u]
+ Reduced CPU usage [netfinity] merged from Xtreme
+ Sourcecache [XMan] merged from Xtreme
+ better chunk selection [XMan] merged from Xtreme
+ Show (un-)loading status of IPFilter [Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
* changed Default Colors for PS/FS/Friend/Community [gomez82]
* changed Default Colors for Logs [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
* moved Options from PPgTweaks to PPgTweaks2
+ added IntelliFlush/LargerBuffer/BufferTime [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture
+ added Separate Options Page for Display Options[gomez82]
* changed now u can choose if you want Color BG, Text or Both for PS/FS/Friend/Community [gomez82]
* fixed some Bugs found by some Testers
+ added Powershare Color to shared files [gomez82]
+ fixed on queue sorting in Shared Files thx Eulero for Reporting [gomez82]
+ auto drop immunity [Stulle] merged from ScarAngel
+ Drop Sources [Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel <= Like X-Rays code more :) + Sivka File Settings [Sivka/Stulle] merged from ScarAngel + IP2Country and Updatepage [EastShare/WiZaRd/shadow2004] merged from eMulefuture + more logging if config dir is readonly (vista!) [MORPH] merged from Morph + Catch oversized public key in credit.met file [SiRob] merged from Morph + Anti Shape [netfinity] merged from netF WARP + Relax At Startup [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture + Friends / Community On Queue Window [2BC/gomez82] merged from ZZULtimativ + Restart if necessary [JvA/Xanatos/gomez82] from Official Board + Fix from Official Board [WiZaRd/taz] + lowered uploadtimer frequency to 10ms (was: 100ms) to improve upload/download performance - [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture + Automatic Firewalled retries [WiZaRd] merged from eMulefuture + some Code Optimations and Fixes [WiZaRd/XMan/Maella/Morph-Team] merged from eMulefuture, Morph and Xtrem + Manual Client Management [Xanatos/JvA] merged from Xray + modified calling CheckforHighPrioClient() to save some CPU [CB/gomez82] merged from ZZUL Bastard + Options to choose Background-/Text- Color for RollUpCtrl [gomez82] + RollUpCtrl, eMule Plus Style Transfer Window [eMulePlus/JvA] merged from Xray + missing Prefs thx to LorenzoC for reporting [gomez82] + save some CPU cycles with empty Queue [pP] merged from R-Mod + BlockRatio [XMan] merged from Xray + ClientAnalyzer-Log [Shadow2004] merged from eMulefuture <- Argos will be better!?! + corrupted barshaderinfo [fafner] merged from Morph + Show Downloading file in bold [SiRoB] merged from Morph For Private(Light) Version: + Preprocessors to enable IRC/Notifiers/TextToSpeech [CiccioBastardo] merged from ZZUL Bastard + Preprocessor to enable official UPNP [MorphXT] merged from Morph TODO: Bugfix SysInfo in StatisticsDlg cause crash with Mod Stats eMule 0.49b ZZUL Plus 1.0 based on eMule 0.49b AnalyZZUL v2.1 Good upcoming mod!


BIN: eMule0.49b_ZZUL_Plus_v1.1-betatest_26_10 2.10 MB
SRC: eMule0.49b_ZZUL_Plus_v1.1-betatest_src.r 4.25 MB


Anonymous said...

nice find, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good Mod ,using it since yesterday . Nice sharing

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