
Monday, August 11, 2008

eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1

eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1 - Miles Better as eXcalibur «CN-7 Build 191 Beta1»
eMule 0.49b CN-7 Build 191 Beta1

Based on eMule 0.49b Final Codebase
«CN-7 Build 191 Beta1» eMule v0.49b
Internal : No Changelog
«CN-7 Build 191 Alpha» eMule v0.49b [CHN 7.191]
Internal : No Changelog

- Dynamic Anti-Leecher Protection v 31 antiLeech Dynamic Link Library (DLL) from
Comms CHN: [ICN][niuguo][CHN]R^homebay^R[eDtoon]@TLF-ED [$5Ad]


Bin package: emule_0.49b_cn_7_build_191_beta1.7z 5.08 MB - DDL
Emule exe only (use as update to a present CN-6 Build (TE or UE) installation: 2.19 MB - ed2k:

No Ratio Hacked
Bin Package: emule 0.49b cn 7 build 191 beta1 noratio 5.09 MB - DDL

Older Versions

since 18. Aug. 2008 public:

0.49 to the official series of new integration
Update upload algorithm, so that the re-allocation of more randCS Fine
In view of Xtreme stop updating, CN simplified version of the anti-leech system, rewrite and enhance the function of the
Join the UDP FileReask ban
Join Fake Client ban (from Argos)
Rewriting the limits of 64 random number generation, to 64 in no less than the ceiling limit
ACAT UPnP updated the code, while retaining the original call interface
Optimization part.met file backup and restoration of the power outage protection, so that under normal circumstances the download file loading speed will not be affected
Algorithm that when customers upload to LowID identity was checked, after HighID not become directly upload bug
That GetPayloadInBuffer ( ) in an overflow error
ACAT's accession to optimize the code to upload partstatus
ModVer way to achieve change
Unknown Protocol Tags feature accession
Ip2c that when the database may not be able to load the collapse of the bug
Optimization clients.met backup and recovery, it is also a power outage protection
Join CTag and TitleMenu optimization (from Avi-3k)


src is here:


Anonymous said...

Who can help me fucking hacked this mod. I want to their sourcecode.

Anonymous said...

Hey man be happy that we found the binary. What do yah wanna hack there? Cant find any limitations in the mod. There is nothing to hack. Or have i missed something?

Hell wat wanna do with source code, no have c++ shit installed at all. If you have so go a head and do the right changes in all mods "official" where source is available. There can be done a lot with vc++.

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