Changelog eMule 0.49a ZZULtimativ 1.8 Public Beta:
merge to final 0.49a
fixed uploadcollums
fixed double first time wizard
test 13
uploadbandwidththrottler is now original ZZUL again (Slotfocus only)
removed some tweaks from tk4 in Uploadbandwidththrottler
added UploadDiscReaderThread[ZZ]
removed minimum slots option
removed maximum slots option
removed slotspeed option
removed minimize slots option
removed ReadBlockFromFileThread
test 12
Added Xtended UDP Catch from Neo
Added Neo Plus Style[Xanatos]
Added Options for NeoMiniMule
Added Recoded Treeoptsctrl from NeoMule
Added Static Tray Icon from NeoMule
Added Plus Speed Meter from NeoMule
test 11
Added Shared Categories[Xanatos]
test 10
Added ModVersionCheck[SF-IOM]
Changed Colors in Uploadlist now instead of font the Background is colored
Added function for diff Colors on diff QR in uploadlist[Stulle/Magicangel]
Added Powershare for AntiCommunity on/off
Added Random Queue[slugfiller]
Added NeoMiniMule[Xanatos]
test 9
SharedView Ed2kType schaltbar (zum umschalten restart erforderlich)
icon for client share visibility[flo]
test 8
removed NiceMultiFriendslots
test 7
StartUpFloodPrevention switchable and time setable
Choose how often the queue is checked for high prio clients
test 6
Optimized Community/AntiCommunity/AntiMod Code and fixed Stats thx 2 Ekliptor for some Tips to save some Mem/CPU
Added the Options for some Features in Preferences
fixed some little Bugs
test 5
PayBack First[Morph] noch nicht im Optionen Menü(kommt noch) Einstellung nur über ini
Connection Control[Obelix]
Neue Deutsche DLL
friendlist breiter
paar zusätzliche schalter
hinmtergrundbild xp menüs vergrößert wegen deutscher sprache
fix SavedSearches now loaded
fix Xtra Punish now saved corectly
paar zusätzliche schalter
hinmtergrundbild xp menüs vergrößert wegen deutscher sprache
fix IP2Country Collumn in Downloadlist
fix USS Display
fix Upload Prio Display
change Check for High Prio Clients again every 3 sec. instead of 30 sec.
change Trickle Slotspeed from 0.1KB to 0.5KB (noch kein schalter eingebaut dafür nur in der ini abschaltbar)
add NeoTreeStyle[Xanatos]
add SharedParts[Xanatos]
add PartImportExport[Xanatos]
add Data without Client[WiZaRd]
add XPGroupBox[TPT/WiZaRd]
add SharedWnd Redesign[WiZaRd]
add Xtra Punish/Ban for Nick and Mod Thiefs
add Modeless Dialogs[slugfiller/jva]
add Filename Disparity Check[bluesonicboy]
add Virus Scan[bluesonicboy]
Homepage NEW!
Download: emule.0.49a.ZZULtimativ1.8PublicBeta.rar
Error Start Parameter Norman AV not in C:\ root, set Program Files before [ProgramDir] in Module
Virsuscan CPPgVS:
...Executables (*.exe;*.com;*.bin)|*.exe;*.com;*.bin|| Sorry, scanner not found in default path! Virus Scanner. c:\ Avast! 4 Pro Comodo Norman AVG6 AVG7 Norton Kaspersky Personal Avast! 4 Home ZoneAlarm
/cleanmode /delete /scanfile+ /arch+ /pack+ /sfx+ /scanmbr- /scanboot- /adware /unsafe /all /cleanmode /clean /delete
Norman AV can't found right Dir = C:\Program Files <*PROGRAMDIR> not C:\Norman\N..\bin -> SEE F-Port (Default folder is not ROOT c:\avscanner program name)
Wrong Link to Homepage!
This is the Link where you can get support (and the Home of MusicLover, wich is the coder of this fine Mod!)
ISP The whole IPv4 address space
Country European Union
Ich wollen eine Bieer bite
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