ExeInfo PE
ver. C - ( 248 sign )
ExEinfo PE Win32 bit identifier is a free and useful exe checker for packers, exeprotectors, packer detector with solve hint for unpack., internal zip ripper exe pe ripper.
Here are some key features of "ExEinfo PE":
- Save overlay as external file
- Generate file without overlay
- www side address searcher
- ExE PE Ripper (exe in exe )
- F3 - external view - Hiewdemo.exe
- F4 - run Hiew.exe
- F5 - run RDG Packer Detector
- Rename file
- Create backup copy *.bak
- Execute file ( errors info )
- Delete file
- Rolo Lamer Protector v0.1b ( for standalone small files <1,5>
- ZIP archives Ripper
- EP Corrector ( test version - for Delphi )
- XoR permutator ( xor data with 1..255 byte )
- Section splitter to disk
- String search ( enter 8bit , search 16 bit ascii )
History :
22.06.2007 - Big buffer added ( 123 MB / progress bar ) , new signatures , few modifycations , new hints
22.05.2007 sign added,one skin exchange, bugs removed,unpack hints updated
11.04.2007 added sign , F6 key - run Die.exe ,stripper corrected and bugs removed and added
17.03.2007 added sign , Gui for 120 DPI ,F7 key - 8/16 bit string finder , REG call search , bugs removed
14.02.2007 Exe ripper window procedure corrected , added new sign with password resolver ,
Overlay detector : RAR archives ( for all packed & modified SFX ) and 7zip archve ,digital certificate hint size added (dec/hex) , update unpacking hints infos ,- Digital Certificate size checking - few icon exchange ( pulldown menu )
New tools : - Xor xero byte Unwrapper - section stripper saver ( save exe sections to disk as files )
- Rolo Lamer Protector 1.0 b ( new icon , new pack , cosmetic changes )- pulldown icon changed (Hiew , F1 )
- 16 bit string finder - plugin menu bug removed , - new icons added, - long file name bug removed hiew,peid A
14.01.2007 add sign , non exe detect ( msi , 7zip ) , unpacking infos update , one new skin - G
01.11.2006 Plugins like Peid.exe ( compatible ) , F5 - run RDG Packer Detector ,rar detector,signs...bugs- D
07.10.2006 F1- key help , Transparent GUI , Windows Shell integration, ... - A
24.09.2006 Rebuilt main procedure, add sign ,change log file ( must delete old! ) , F4 key - peid.exe ... - F
07.09.2006 buffer resize up to 57 MB , bug fixed , EP Corrector buffer grow up, new win Header info - D
06.08.2006 added few sign , EP Corrector (test) for Delphi ,fix bugs - G
29.07.2006 added few sign , log file c:\ ,fix many bugs ,add 64bit exe , jpg ,zip file detector, many hints - C
22.07.2006 added few sign , fix many bugs ,fun close windows - D
11.07.2006 added few sign , expand buffer up to 25 MB - B
03.07.2006 added : Drag & Drop function and ... - A
25.06.2006 fix many bugs , added : new signatures and ZIP Ripper - A
12.06.2006 fix sun skin ,added new signatures - f
04.06.2006 added new skins , new signatures , new bugs - e
26.05.2006 added REAL EP window, few sign. - d
07.05.2006 added XML GUI ,fixed ovl error ,viewer change and few new bugs - B
28.04.2006 added Rolo Lamer Protector and few new bugs - B
19.04.2006 bug fixed , added few detection, change Button - B
09.04.2006 bug fixed , added few detection, change GUI - Beta
01.04.2006 bug fixed , added few detection,options and new bugs - Beta
26.03.2006 added few detection,options and bugs - Beta
15.03.2006 added few detection - Beta
09.03.2006 first primitive version - Beta
Homepage: http://www.exeinfo.go.pl/
Download + Mirrors: Server1 - Server2 - Server3
hot new Beta version only via email : please send bugs or new packers .... and suggestions too!!!
Thanks this Tool is genius. It helps to found the missery of included possible worms, spyware, adware, trojans, virus,... by unpacking fileshare client mods code and send in for analyse to: http://www.virustotal.com/
Not only that. KeyGens and patches for software can contains as well worms, spyware, trojans,.... Up to all antivirus programs won't be able to unpack a protected file and can't give a trustfull result back.
To the site admin. Please check all files before publishing anything here and in forums. User safety must be on first place before the storry and download advice! Unknown files please send to me via the given email. Nothing for bad but a fileshare mod with possible spyware or trojan will not be much usefull not by emule or by bittorrent. A deep analyse is recommended before using any mods. Same as using a patched modded Antivirus or Firewall software. It's insane to trust in a crack done for an antivirus or antispyware, firewall or any security software application out there.
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